
Personal Questions Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Ask yourself, what is my 'why'? What motivates me, drives me, and is it worth getting over the excuses that I have?"
"You have to ask yourself why am I doing this? Is it because you are afraid to feel your feelings?"
"It's like when you ask a guy his range of like how many girls he's hooked up with, he's like, 'Over five, under three hundred.'"
"This is every man's fear. This is the reason why on every first date, the guy goes, 'So how many guys have you been with?'"
"It's understood, like, I understand the frustrations and the question is what do you do with those frustrations?"
"How hot does Jamie Rednap think he is? How hot do you think you are? How hot do you know you are? How hot are you in your opinion? Thank you, what do you say to that mate?"
"She was happy not to be alone. 'Do you have a mother?' she asked."
"Transform relationships if you ask that one question every day: 'How can I be a better partner today?'"
"It's time for you to look inward and begin asking yourself the big questions: who and what do you want?"
"Stop any invasive questions about people's bodies."
"If you had six months left to live what would you do."
"Why did you adopt me for a little extra publicity?"
"Before you even think about other people, ask yourself, where are you?"
"I think I'd ask myself, 'Was it all worth it?'"
"Finding who you are only starts by asking the right questions."
"It's quite amusing to see this hulking bombshell get all twisted up with these personal questions. Kudos to you, Patrick."
"How would it change your life or business in a really meaningful way?"
"Why are you scared of making a long-term commitment?"
"People always ask me for advice... No one ever asks me, 'What book are you reading?'"
"Men asking about body count may be insecure about pleasing you."
"I feel like the question we're all dying to ask here: what do you do when you meet a girl you fancy?"
"Would you date a girl, be honest. Would you prefer a girl? What's your ideal height?"
"My sincere advice to you is ask yourself, are you happy? Ask yourself what are you doing in life?"
"You have to test for it. The easy way is to ask someone what color their childhood home was and the direction they look in is typically going to be their memory."
"If I walked up to you and asked if you were Filipino, would it bother you?"
"What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?"
"He doesn't like being asked if he has used steroids. This is a crazy question and it's something that, um, it's tough to answer just because of the way society is now."
"What do I need to feel really confident and peaceful with myself?"
"Can I ask you this question? It's kind of a serious one."
"Deep down, I feel this is about asking where you feel like you belong."
"I love leaving myself alone now I love it yeah because what I do is I say I ask myself a question why does this thing have to be that way mm-hmm."
"Why are you single? Get married! You know I mean."
"Are you monogamous or in an open relationship?" That's like the first question people dart to.
"Does God see me? Is he gonna fulfill the deepest desires of my heart?"
"Let's stop asking about people's body counts and ask them how many long-term relationships they've been in instead."
"If you're asking your brain a lot of shitty questions, well, it's gonna give you a lot of shitty answers."
"The most important thing you can do is look in the mirror... to answer these questions honestly."
"You need to start asking yourself, what would a person that had unconditional love for themselves do?"
"Honestly, I'm just tired of it. Like, I'm just tired of it when people have kids that I see, the first thing I ask them is not, 'Are you breastfeeding or bottle-feeding?'"
"Best way to avoid personal questions while dating: lie sprinkle sprinkle."
"Ultimately, it comes down to the questions we ask ourselves."
"I love this, this is fun because I feel like those kinds of questions tell more about your relationship."
"Ask FORWARD questions: Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Dreams."
"You really got to ask yourself if you're happy."
"It gives me goosebumps every time I'm asked that question. It's an amazing feeling."
"I need to meet myself. Who am I? What do I think?"
"Nobody can answer those questions for you. You have to answer those questions for yourself."
"...you don't have to answer everyone else's questions. I think you do need to answer some of your own."
"If you're not familiar with the hot seat challenge, then I'm basically gonna be asking Robert a bunch of juicy questions."
"I learned to look at other questions like what's your dream vacation, what's your favorite show."
"What makes you cry? What bothers you? What makes you laugh? What gets you excited?"
"That was a journey of answering some big personal questions like 'Who are we? What are we doing here?'"