
Personal Reality Quotes

There are 334 quotes

"Your emotions are directly correlated to the type of life and reality that you have and what you begin to manifest in your life."
"How you attend to the world depends on that depends what world you find. The qualities of the world that comes to your attention is determined by the quality of the attention you bring to it."
"My outer experiences are a reflection of my internal condition."
"Your thoughts are creative, and your relationship to fear and love is how you create your world."
"You are what you are and you are where you are because of the thought life that you have embraced in your life."
"Your personality creates your personal reality and your personality is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel."
"If your personality creates your personal reality, and you want to change your personal reality, then you have to change your personality."
"Our inner conversations are the causes of the circumstances of our life."
"Our personality creates our personal reality, and if we change how we think, feel, and act, we then change our personality which in turn changes our personal reality."
"If you look at your life, it's often a mirror of what's going on in your head."
"Your reality is a reflection of your inner world."
"Life is your reality in terms of you create the reality that you want through the actions that you take."
"Once you realize that you are the architect of your own reality, it liberates you."
"We are responsible not only for creating our own reality but actually feeding the collective."
"You have the power to change and create your own reality."
"The individual and the nature of mass events are deeply connected, suggesting that personal reality and collective reality are mirrors of each other."
"Do I want to do a mundane job, or do I want to define myself and be the master of my reality and create my reality?"
"We never attract what we want, we always attract what we are."
"Your experience of life is all down to your own mental perception."
"Your personality is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel. And your personality is intimately connected to your personal reality, your life."
"Every work leaves our hands at some point. Ego wants to control everything, but it cannot control other people and their actions."
"I support my friend. That's just the type of guy I am."
"You are the master of your universe; you can manifest your own reality."
"Your life is your projection and it's your movie."
"Every single thought you have creates your reality."
"Stop handing your reality over to the narcissist and own that it is blue, your reality is safe, don't pawn it off on a narcissist."
"The game is over. I'm creating my reality, I'm choosing what I'm going to be experiencing. I am. I am. You start becoming the master in the game. The game's over. I got it. I'm good."
"You can create your own reality with your thoughts."
"When I found out that the universe doesn't care about me, and to the best of my knowledge, there are no gods who care about me, the number of people who actually cared about me didn't change. I just got a more accurate view of reality."
"Eventually the lesson that's going to be learned through all this is how you are the creator of your reality."
"It's very real for the person that believes it, more real than any form of real is for somebody that doesn't believe anything."
"To say: 'I create my own reality.' is true in terms of subjective reality. It's not as true when it comes to objective reality."
"Just remember it's your real time and your real life."
"Wherever your attention goes, your energy flows... reality is created based on your attention."
"You create your own reality... you are the only author of your life and you only get one chance to author this life."
"Your legacy is about more than tradition; it's about creating your own reality."
"You can create your reality within your mind, you can live in a way that brings yourself to a place of having growth and joy no matter whether everyone likes you or not."
"We will never have more or less than what we believe in."
"If you're constantly buying into somebody else's reality then you're going to be living that reality."
"You are the creator of your reality, whether or not you believe this."
"You are in control of your reality in every now moment."
"It's isolating because you're in your own little bubble."
"What you focus on and what you believe to be true about your life is going to be true."
"Embody the interpretations and express accordingly to reflect my world from the premise of the person that I want to."
"Our individual world is a reflection of our thought life."
"Create your own reality manifest your own destiny now."
"Nothing is more needful than continuous expectation. Each person makes his own world."
"You create your own reality according to the nature of your beliefs."
"People need to understand that this is real for us."
"Authenticity always wins. Everything she's ever put out is rooted in her authentic reality."
"You're in complete control over the reality and the future that is unfolding for you right now."
"Do not limit your potential. You are creating your reality. You are manifesting your reality."
"Your thoughts and feelings create your life, so ensure they align with your desires."
"We are co-creators of our own reality... once we see that we have a choice, we liberate ourselves from that routine which is no longer serving us."
"You're on your own, let's face it. And that's okay."
"Reality is your masterpiece, frame by frame."
"You can only see what you are. If you're seeing darkness, if you're seeing sadness, if you're seeing poverty, it's because you have accepted that and you're co-creating that in your environment."
"I always wanted to create a reality which I was happy to live within."
"Some friends you can't trust, understand that you're the master of your own reality."
"The worlds that you create with your words determines the environment that you are content to live in."
"Creating from a high frequency, creating our future, our experiences, our reality."
"Your energy creates the reality; what you focused on is what you will manifest."
"What you believe becomes your own reality, no matter how ridiculous it is."
"Making the best out of whatever your reality is."
"Each one of us is constructing our own reality... and there's no right or perfect one, there's just different ones."
"Leo energy is about being a master of your creation and your reality."
"You're finally saying goodbye to hypocrisy, your old self, and taking charge of your own reality."
"You can't hide from yourself. Everywhere you go, there you are."
"Learn to act as if the life you visualize is already here in the physical world you create your thoughts your thoughts create your intentions your intentions create your reality."
"Your inner world creates your outer reality."
"Whatever you keep repeatedly thinking about and kind of conjuring up in your mind's eyes is actually what's coming to fruition in some way."
"You have absolute power and control over your entire reality."
"You are a god in the way that you create your own reality and if your reality is challenging you."
"Reality is just a reflection of your subconscious beliefs... that's the law of attraction."
"Naming and defining your reality, because so many people name and define us for us."
"You always knew you're the creator of your own reality."
"You take yourself wherever you go, so what are those mirrors showing you about you?"
"You have to be in charge of your emotions and know that you are in control of your own reality."
"Self-perception creates circumstances and conditions that confirm one's own self-image."
"do some candle magic around what you're asking about if you're having doubts if you're having lack of faith do some ritual work all right we manifest our own realities over here"
"Your world is just what you believe it to be."
"Power is the ability to define your reality, have other people accept your definition of yourself as if it were their own."
"You are lying on me, this is not my reality."
"To me, the magician says you will be using your talents, gifts, skills, and abilities to create your own reality."
"God created the world with his words and we create our world with our words."
"You are in your experience what you are conscious of being."
"You have to reconcile yourself to the fact that not everyone in life is going to like you."
"You're starting on a blank slate as the creator of your reality."
"You are a powerful co-creator of your reality."
"You create magic and your own reality every time you express yourself."
"You are the creator of the reality in which you live."
"You create your own reality, and your feelings indicate how you're doing."
"The moon represents your subjective sense of reality, your inner world, and experience."
"Assume your desire is now a fact, feel its substance and reality."
"Decide to dominate your reality with the frequency you choose."
"Create your reality with the thoughts you think."
"You can have any opinion of me that you want. I am responsible for my reality."
"Your life is nothing more than the out picturing of your imaginal activity."
"Until you become the author of your reality, you're going to be a worker and a participant in somebody else's."
"You are the conductor of your life and your reality."
"Each of us is the only infinite awareness there is."
"Don't come to me and be like nah man bro I see this in my own [__] personal existence."
"Create your own reality, live your life to the fullest."
"If you truly wanted to change and you understood that your personality creates your personal reality and your personality is made up of how you think, how you act, and how you feel..."
"Just because something happened somewhere at some point in time or is happening now, it doesn't have to determine my reality."
"My best friend Kristina... she is not imaginary to me."
"You're making it real, it's like, yeah, okay, I'm here, I'm motivated, my emotions are strong."
"We create our own reality with the thoughts we think and the words we speak."
"Mastering the art of creating your reality is really about learning how to discipline your awareness in a new direction and relax."
"For me to come to a place where I could deny the existence of [God] would be about the same as denying the existence of my parents."
"This is our reality, this is real life, this is our truth and this is our experience."
"Life is not something that happens to us; it's a reflection of our innermost beliefs, choices, and allowances."
"When we change our minds we literally begin to see the world with new eyes."
"You're literally creating your own Garden of Eden, bringing heaven onto earth. You're bringing it right down from the heavens into your own physical reality."
"What you believe in your heart, you think in your mind eventually will become your words and become your reality."
"Don't live your life and then watch the news and let someone tell you that your life is actually not your life."
"It's the same you, the difference is that in this reality we remember doing the things."
"The more we can master our thinking and our frequency, the more we can just control our own reality to a large extent I believe but the more we are also helping the collective."
"Our frequency of vibration actually creates our reality."
"Use the power of your intentions to create the reality that you truly want."
"Your thoughts become things and you create your own reality."
"We are always creating our reality with our thoughts, our words, and actions."
"Right in theirs but if you think you are then you create a universe where you are competing with them."
"He used this power to craft his own reality."
"Accept full responsibility for your reality."
"True guilt goes to the reality of the circumstance."
"You create your reality; if you don't like it, you can change it."
"Literally anything that you can imagine in this world you can create it and like you are in charge of your own reality."
"If you want to create your reality, do it outside of your own selfish desires... when you think unselfishly, that is when you're in the flow."
"Our only purpose is to be here on earth to create our own reality."
"Remember, you are the source of your reality."
"What you accept to be true becomes true for you."
"You are the operant power of your reality; you choose what is right for you and your life."
"History and facts were fundamentally unknowable... concentrate on making your own reality as you wanted it."
"You're creating the world that you really are experiencing within you."
"Your perception of the world is your reality."
"As you go there, you are. As you feel in a great state of being, so will everything around you be a mere reflection of that."
"You are enough and you have control over what happens in your reality."
"Life conforms to your ideas about the way it is for you."
"You can code your brain to produce the reality you want."
"It's time to manifest your own reality, Leo."
"I remember telling someone about it and they were like totally tripped out like that's not right."
"Your thoughts are creating your reality, so what are you saying about your life?"
"My imagination became much further and more realer than my reality."
"You are a creator of your own reality; what you believe is what you are."
"This reality is a reflection of the vibration you are emitting."
"Until somebody shows me a better world, a realer world, and some way to access it, I gotta keep dealing with the reality I experience."
"You don't have to experience the experience that you want to experience in the 3D world, you just have to feel equal to that experience."
"Buy it today. 5 years from now you may be looking at the current processors going what do I need upgrade for this does everything."
"The key to successful manifestation lies in the alignment of your thoughts, emotions, and actions, coupled with trust in the natural flow of the universe."
"You are the dreamer of the world of dreams, no other cause does it have."
"Write your reality story, you create the life you want to create."
"Appearances can deceive—while you seem fine outside, inside may be a different story."
"You want your reality to change to what you want it to be."
"You create your own reality, use your power as a manifestation to make something happen."
"Representation is a huge deal, seeing your reality represented and the perspectives of people you already know and love in the real world on screen is a big deal for yourself and helping others to understand the life that you live."
"We all have our own realities and our realities matter."
"For you to have these personal dreams be your new reality, you have to believe in a new reality itself."
"Stop letting other people edit your reality."
"No matter how big you are, you're going to have some haters no matter who you are."
"Are you prepared to live in the reality that you desire?"
"You are the true creator of your own reality... You are the imagination of yourself imagine something beautiful."
"Remember, you create your reality always, but this month more than ever."
"Whatever is placed in the subconscious mind is gonna dictate your world."
"Everything in our reality is 100% dependent on the meaning we give it."
"It's up to each individual to create the most magnificent reality."
"We live in two different realities, and it's a struggle every day to stay in your own."
"What you believe about yourself shapes your reality."
"The mirror of reality is like a loyal friend who always validates your beliefs."
"The current reality is a manifestation of your thoughts, actions, and behaviors."
"You create your reality and we do so as a collective."
"You have the power to create your reality in the way that you want."
"My intention is to give you something to think about, to inspire a thought that will lead to a different conclusion, allowing you to shift your reality."
"The emotions you want to experience, you can condition right now. As you begin to realize that what you want to experience exists right now..."
"You form that attitude, reality will reflect this."
"Creating your own reality is finding alignment."
"every thought you have contributes to the collective and your individual reality so wake up and think about what reality you want to create for yourself and for the planet."
"What you choose to believe becomes real. Choose to believe in what you want to become real."
"You actually have to take the steps to create your own reality."
"Your emotions are going to create your reality."
"Your dreams are always going to validate what's happening to you physically."
"You are an alchemist, what you think, say, do, and feel determines your reality."
"I lost them all, that's exactly what took place."
"My perception shapes the boundaries of my world."
"You have now moved yourself into a singular world where you are both creating a reality and reacting to the reality that you've created."
"At the end of the day, I'm a human, I'm a real person so are you."
"Original Emily decides that this is a reality for her."
"If City apply themselves correctly, I cannot really see there being anything in them for Palace."
"Perception is everything, Gil, a person's reality."
"Even if I was in a simulation, to me, it's real."
"Don't ever let someone else's opinion of you count your reality."
"Your thoughts and opinions are not facts and they're not defining my reality."
"Your thoughts matter. They form into words, they get spoken, in words framed your world. Do you like it?"
"Life and the world that you live in is literally only created by you."
"Your belief system is what governs your reality, it is what governs your world."
"Realizing that you are creating your own reality based on what you think, feel, and believe."
"Thoughts create our reality, and I can't emphasize that enough."
"As an individual, you do create your reality based on how you respond to what you're manifesting."
"It's not just a passive reality for them, no, it has nothing to do."
"State isn't even being up here, state is when reality matches what you want it to be."