
Amends Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"When you pay that debt, it increases your chance of sobriety."
"Being the dad to my two boys now, that I wish my dad was for me, was sort of like the ultimate amends to eight-year-old Josh."
"When the whole point of a quest is to hear the stories of people who you slowly learn you've hurt and damaged in the past, then figure out how to make amends to them, then this is something more immediately relatable and vivid."
"I really messed up, but this drove me to want to try everything I could to make amends for what I had done."
"Amends are not supposed to make you feel better, Bucky."
"Your apology needs to be as loud as your disrespect. Your rectification needs to be as loud as your disrespect."
"This person wants to make amends, they want to put things right."
"Instead of just lamenting it, make those reparations. Reach out, say hey look I want things to be better."
"They want that reconciliation, they want to make amends."
"At the end of the day, when you make amends with someone, that does not mean you have to be chummy with them."
"To me, this was a bit of making amends with my followers."
"If she was out here saying... making amends and every way I can."
"It's all love, man, no hard feelings and I'm sorry."
"Acknowledge it, ask for forgiveness, and do something to make amends."
"How is she supposed to move on from something that she did over a decade ago, like she has literally made amends and has taken accountability and has been sober for 9 years?"
"Someone is still needing to make something right."
"If these spirits have offended, think but this and all is mended."
"I have no expectations. I don't think I have a right to. I only hope that we can build a relationship and I can make amends."
"I am no longer the Winter Soldier. I'm James Bucky Barnes and you're part of my efforts to make amends."
"Making amends is done without an agenda. This isn't about them accepting your apology. This is about you rolling up and saying I'm aware that some of these decisions hurt you. I was part of that and I'm genuinely sorry for the pain you experienced."
"They want to make amends... they want to rebuild, they want to try again."
"Starting by writing a really good amends letter where you take responsibility and you're not defensive... That's really the core of my therapeutic approach around these problems."
"He already made amends to the man affected that was Unreal that was really unreal."
"They're getting ready to reach out to you, to make amends."
"Give me a chance to make it right."
"The making of amends. So in some cases, that might just mean an apology. But regardless of all of that, you have to make a living amends. And what that means is this: you have to change."
"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
"If you've done something wrong towards someone close to you, you want to put that right before it's too late."
"If we have unearned luck now to escape the serpent's tongue, we make amends ere long; else the Puck a liar call. So good night until you all give me your hands. If we be friends, and Robin shall restore amends in the morning."
"When a man has saddened a woman, it is his complete responsibility to make it up to her."
"I will work the rest of my life to make amends for what I have done."
"You'll never regret making amends."
"If anyone's listening that I hurt you, I don't expect anyone to believe me or be like 'all is forgiven' just because I said this, but like, it is a lifelong thing that I am, and some amends I will make for the rest of my life."
"You're never going to be really done with making amends."
"I'm going to make things right again."
"Maybe I'll never make it up to you or the others, but if I can make a right someday, I will."
"I'm glad we could finally make amends for all this time."
"I have to do my very best to make amends whenever and wherever possible."
"I think you can always make up for what you've done. You might not ever be able to take away the pain of the people that you've hurt, but you put out that positive energy in a different way."
"I'm gonna make this right for you."
"I hope you start making real amends with the people that you have hurt with the lies that you have told."
"I will do everything within my means to make amends."
"I felt an intense urge to make amends and cherish the precious relationships in my life."
"Being able to make amends to her even after she had passed, and being able to make amends to myself, was very freeing."
"I learned about the joy of making amends."
"If we shadows have offended, think but this, and all is mended."
"Amends must be made, this is our covenant, my son, my only son whom I have never known but to whom I have brought such sorrow; abide by it, honor it, for it is an honorable thing I ask you to do."
"I need to become willing to make amends to the people and institutions that I've harmed during my alcoholism."
"It's like you're making amends with somebody, repairing a relationship."
"We have to face honestly how we make amends and repair the damage."
"I really want to change. I know I've done horrible things, and it may take me a while to make amends for all of them, but I hope that someday you can accept me back as part of your family," said Azula.
"Find a way to make amends for what you did in any which way that you can."
"I made it my priority when I come home, I was gonna make it a minute to get back to my neighborhood that I destroyed."
"I will try to make amends for making you the means to an end."
"I'm here to try and make things right."
"I'm sorry for doing wrong and trying to make right."
"It's the only thing I care about, making things right."
"I am sorry about the car, I will pay for it."
"People wronged you earlier in life will always want to come back and make amends for it."
"I'm in love with Alcoholics Anonymous, and how could you not be if you are involved and you're making amends and you're repairing the damage."
"Restorative justice focuses on criminals directly making amends for their crimes."
"It's never too late to make amends without disrupting people's having moved on."
"I don't want to be forgiven. I want to make amends to your family for the things I've done."
"To fix your mess, do more than confess, use all your might to make it right."
"It's a good human being to recognize when you've made a mistake and try to make amends."
"All truly repentant people make right whatever wrongs can be righted."
"If you make an apology, you try to make amends for it as well."
"The key is that we do not avoid making amends in order to spare ourselves discomfort; that will only increase our guilt and prevent our healing."
"The magic words for amends are: I was wrong. What can I do?"
"Accountability is... apologizing, making amends, and changing your behavior so the harm doesn't happen again."
"The biggest job for me at this point will be to make amends."
"I wish you help, I wish you healing, but in order for me to really fully wish that to you, you need to make amends properly with those you've hurt."
"We have a responsibility to make amends."
"There is a tremendous lift in our very beings, our spirits, as a result of making these amends."
"The best amend you can ever make to anybody you ever harmed is to stay clean."
"Making amends is about righting the wrong."
"He gave me a process by which I could become willing to make amends to them all eventually."
"The purpose of making the amends is not to get you to like me... but to get rid of my fear, my guilt, and my remorse."
"I walk the walk and it's the amends that I've made to my family."
"I should be the one apologizing; I'm not sure how to make amends."
"If you've caused harm somewhat to society, the way you do makeup for that is by doing good."
"I did everything I could to make things right immediately."
"Let me write my wrongs, I swear this time I'll be a better mother you deserve."
"You're able to forgive the people that hurt you, you're able to make amends."
"If you can say, 'Hey, I think this inadvertently caused some problems for me,' then yes, I will own that, and I will try to make amends to you as best as I possibly can."
"I believe one of the best climates or spiritual atmospheres we can be in for the removal of our Character defects is to become willing to make amends where those defects of character have caused harm."
"Put that away mate, this one's on the house, it's the least I can do after what I did to you."
"The guilt I felt for what I did to her haunted me, and that's why I wrote the letter to give her closure."
"We have the capacity to repair that and make amends for that."
"Make amends, repair that relationship with your Lord."
"None of us is essentially bad; we've done wrong things, we've hurt other people, we've paid a price for it, and we can make amends and continue our voyage."
"I'll make amends in different ways, helping other people."
"Recompense means to make amends to someone for loss or harm suffered, to compensate."
"It's my fault that I was late, and I want to put things right."
"It makes you think about the past, and it makes you think you've got to put things right while you have time."
"It's always better in the end to either do the right thing the first time or make amends and move on."
"I felt I owed it to you to put things right."
"It's never too late to realise your mistake and make amends."
"I have grown and learned so much from my ignorant mistakes as a teenager and I've done everything I can to right my wrongs."
"Evaluate all my relationships. Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me and make amends for harm I've done to others, except when to do so would harm them or others."
"Why don't you sit next to me later and make up for the owed wine?"
"I know I've done wrong and I'd like to do what I can to make it right."
"I can't make up for the damage that was caused, but I hope symbolically this means something to you."
"They won't let you escape," Stump said. "None of us will escape, not unless we make amends."
"I want to take more responsibility for things, fixing things I've damaged in the past."
"I think it's important to make amends when you can and to let people know that you are genuinely sorry for your actions."
"She realized what she wanted was to make amends and make her friend."
"Let's make it better today, I'll make it right today."
"How can I make it right? Because that's the important thing, isn't it?"
"The real amends I made were not that hard; it took discipline."
"We cannot change the past but we can act to make amends."
"Criminals make amends with the victims and take responsibility for their actions."
"I feel obligated to make amends for my lack of action previously."
"One of the hardest amends I've ever had to make was to an employer I worked for in my second year of sobriety."
"When a person is truly remorseful for what she has done to others, they reach out and try to make amends."
"I am so, so, so, so sorry, what can I do?"
"They have regrets; they want to make amends here with you."
"She's trying to make amends for the wrongs that she's done in life."
"Make a list of all the people you've harmed in your life and be willing to make amends."
"Take responsibility for your actions and make it right."
"Our Duan family is to blame, so I want to make it up to her."
"Evaluate all of my relationships. Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me and make amends for harm I've done to others, except when to do so would harm them or others."
"The way I can correct this, the way I could try to make amends, is to tell my story in hopes that someone else will say, 'Well, you know what? That's not me. I get it.'"
"Reconciliation... making friends again, repairing a relationship."
"You don't make amends to someone if it's only gonna make you feel better, make their life worse."
"I'm going to do whatever it takes to make amends."
"I can think of no better way to make amends to myself than to have that kind of life as a result of making amends to other people."
"I thought it was a good time to try to make amends and ease a burden for some people."
"I have worked hard to make amends in all the areas of my life that I need to make amends."
"He wants to make amends for the harm he has caused by doing good things for other people."
"I'm trying to reverse damage I did."
"I am committed to listening to the voices of those affected and will work toward making amends."
"I'm going to go above and beyond to make this right."
"We ask God at once to remove it, we call somebody immediately, we make amends if we stepped on their toes, and we turn our thoughts to someone that we could help."
"He expressed deep remorse for his childish behavior and often sought to make amends."
"It's your responsibility to go and make this right."
"If I have wronged my brother, if I have wounded a friend, give me courage, dear Lord, to make amends."
"I hope that you will give me the opportunity to make amends."
"The sooner people can get out and acknowledge the bad stuff that they've done and accept it, try to make amends and move forward, the better this world will be."
"We made this mess, now we gotta clean it up and make it right."
"Surrender to what opportunities have come their way to make amends and to make things right."
"They want to reconcile, they want to make amends."
"Somebody wants to make amends with you."
"By making amends, you free yourself."
"They want to extend an olive branch, they want to make amends."
"This person wants to make amends, who wants to fix things."
"Somebody has made the decision to make amends or apologize."
"It's like I feel this is someone here who wants to make amends."
"They do want to make things right with you."
"They want to make amends, this is an apology card, they want to make it right."
"They're thinking about how to make things right with you."
"Forgive yourself for what you wish you'd done differently, make amends with anyone you've hurt, and start living today unburdened, unfiltered, unedited, and unscripted."
"This person feels like they need to come and make things right."
"We're making amends and we're starting fresh."
"I want to know if I still have a chance to make this right, to turn this around, I want to make amends."
"This person wants to make it up to you."
"They're planning to come towards you to make things right."
"I want to do more, I want to make it up, I want to right my wrongs."
"They do want to make amends with you."
"He's friends with Yuri, the old man, trying to make amends for what he did as best as he can."