
Dependability Quotes

There are 314 quotes

"Be stoic when everybody else would naturally crumble... you want to be like a pillar or a rock or somebody who is stable that other people can depend on."
"In any job, being dependable is not just about showing up; it's about being there when you're really needed."
"It's dependability and I've been blown away by how good of a job Jason Kidd has done with this group."
"He was someone that people could depend on, he was someone that loved others."
"When you're willing to expose your weaknesses, or at least be honest about them, it helps people know that you're dependable."
"Someone who is dependable, someone who respects you, something that you can grow something special with."
"He's like Mr. Stable and Mr. Reliable, which is, you highlighted, is great."
"In life, you're going to find that the only people you can lean on the most are each other."
"Know that you deserve the best and that you deserve someone who's going to truly be dependable."
"Solid commitment... a union rooted in dependability."
"She's so funny, this is so interesting that you bring her up in that movie because she, I think, is one of the only female dependable stars in Hollywood left."
"It's nice to have someone who can wake you when you sleep through your alarm."
"JD Power just announced Genesis as the number one vehicle for dependability."
"A lot of people in your life really look up to you because of how reliable you are, how sweet you are, how giving you are, and how wise you are."
"He's the answer to whatever question that comes up."
"Do you know why they go to bed every night? Because we keep the heat on."
"Family is the only thing you can really depend on. It's the only place where you can get safety, security, unconditional love."
"I love him he's my children's dad and a very good supporter and i don't think i could do this anymore without him in my life."
"Every single time I assume he's there, every road trip, I back that up."
"In the world of changes, all I'm ever looking for is someone to count on."
"They feel safe and at ease with you, like you can take care of them."
"They think you are an awesome friend, always there for them, so supportive."
"Video games are like women. Fortnite might not be the hottest chick, but you know what? She's always there when you need her."
"She'll be A-Okay because he'll always be there for her no matter what may come."
"She quickly became the one person I counted on during my shift."
"I know that I can always count on you to go and just spread the support and love."
"Rose is one of the best; she's always going to be there."
"Being reliable, having them know they can rely on you."
"Charity never faileth, it's the one attribute that can always be depended upon."
"Thanks for being those dependable and committed people, even if you're rigid. Bye-bye and take care!"
"It's a perfect love that you can always trust and depend on."
"The greats, they keep going because they understand that people depend on them." - Michelle Taylor Willis
"They love you so much because they absolutely feel that dependability with you."
"You were born to lead because you are so dependable, you're grounded, you're passionate, you're loyal."
"Someone who's dependable can be relied on to do what is expected or what they promised."
"They want to be someone that you can trust with your heart."
"He's that guy that you could go to and always rely on to deliver."
"No matter how late in the night or how rainy the weather, I'll always be a shoulder you can lean on, Drake."
"Something new is starting to blossom, warmth and dependability."
"Our talents, they don't let us down and they never did."
"You are manifesting loyalty and dependability."
"I can depend on his toughness, you know what I mean?"
"They need reliability, they need consistency from their drivers, they need insight as well to help develop the car."
"No matter how dire things may get, you can always count on Rah'oxah."
"When everything is falling apart, I can turn to you and depend on you."
"Be trustworthy, be dependable, sun is absolutely dependable, rising and setting every day, regulating our lives."
"Dependability and reliability... one of the most dependable and reliable cars I've ever owned."
"You can be this successful, dependable person."
"The more that things change, the more we must depend on those things that never change."
"I want to be someone people can rely on."
"The epitome of durability, functionality, and dependability."
"At least I know Ry goes in the clutch category with them, man."
"I want to be someone that others can depend on."
"He's been the one they call on when they absolutely need him."
"My darling of course I'll help. I love you Caroline. I won't let you down, you can depend on me."
"Your future spouse sees you as someone who is very stable, somebody who's very normal, somebody who's very dependable."
"When their number is called, they come through."
"You are the rock and your hard work and perseverance make you a dependable friend, partner, and colleague."
"They dream about someone stable, grounded, and dependable... Someone who's going to feel like home."
"The underpant size hasn't gone up since I was 14. But that's, I can rely on her for that."
"This person's offer is one you can depend on. It's fulfilling and surprising, fulfilling all that you've ever wanted or asked for."
"You got admirers, people trust you, people see you as someone who is dependable."
"They see you as solid, stable, dependable. You make them feel good."
"Even though very few people were there for her when things got tough she was always ready to step up when she was needed."
"It wasn't about the coverage. It was principally about dependability, and more so, it was about the latency."
"His effectiveness, dependability, and longevity were unrivaled in his era."
"It sure enough came through in the clutch."
"You may fade, my dog will always come through."
"He was stable, he was dependable, and you know he would do anything they put him in."
"They are just known for their long-term reliability and dependability."
"Hard-working people are often quite reliable. No matter what happens, you can always rely on someone who is reliable, you can count on them, you can depend on them."
"You're very dependable, you're very grounded, you're very dependable."
"They see you as someone they can count on."
"I trust these guys with my livelihood."
"If you're looking for dependability, this is time well spent."
"I want to be that reliable guy, like that go-to when you need a bucket."
"How many of you believe you can teach dependability?"
"The most dependable type, the unchangingness which handicaps the osseous in so many ways is responsible for one very admirable trait, that trait is dependability."
"That's why Tyson gets up. That's why he gets up for all those people who's looking at him and depending on him."
"You can depend on him. You can trust him. You can believe him in the things his word has said."
"You're very stable, you have a lot of stability."
"this is so good and I love the way it makes my skin look I love how healthy my skin looks it's a very dependable foundation."
"Perhaps the greatest gift that Mike Evans has given to the Tampa Bay Community is his dependability on and off the field."
"It's like, oh, you know what? You really could have leaned on me."
"I always wanted to be the person that you could count on."
"He's like really holding it down dude."
"I love this concealer, and I've really really come to depend on it, and I feel like whenever anyone asked me for a concealer recommendation now, I don't hesitate in naming this one."
"He made this real. What you need, where you need me to be."
"You want transactions to always, you know, you want all, you would ideally like to have all your transactions to finish and always finish the same way and being able to count on them that you always finish in a certain amount of time. That's reliability."
"I want to be someone who's dependable enough to lean on in any situation."
"Atticus Finch is just this flawless paragon of complete and utter dependability."
"We want something that's reliable, good quality, that we can depend on."
"There's nothing better than an engine you can rely on."
"You want people that you can rely on."
"Sometimes you can't beat the old reliable."
"He has been anything and everything to us on board of this ship."
"Live your life in such a way that the people who know and love you can depend on you."
"You can trust whoever's standing there right in the middle."
"If everybody was as dependable as you, this country would be on its feet again in a fortnight."
"These are very, very high-performance like the definition of high-performance makeup. They're just incredibly dependable."
"I'm a big proponent of quality gear, definitely trying to save up and spend a little bit more on something that'll last a little bit longer or have the right features because it'll be dependable and you can count on it."
"When she says she's going to do something she will, you know you could absolutely rely on it that she will do it."
"Having that reliability is often nice."
"I want this to be Incredibly reliable."
"He was somebody that I could depend on for anything, anything and everything, any conversation."
"These vehicles are known for their reliability and their long-term longevity."
"We want people who are dependable. Everybody who showed up this morning here at First Form to do the combat standards test, they showed up on time, dependent, on target, ready to train."
"I'm a professional dependable and customer focused employee."
"...we all need a community we all need something dependable and we all need something to look forward to."
"You guys make an incredible product and one that the consumer can really depend on."
"The best ability is availability. You know, these guys who look like a million bucks but are injured or they're late or they're undependable, it doesn't help you if they're not there."
"God can be depended upon. God is reliable. God can be trusted."
"I truly appreciate loyalty, his dependability, and his commitment within our relationship."
"She's been asked a lot but she's always come through."
"You worry about you, Mom, Dad, Nana, Papa, because your children and your grandbabies, they're depending on you."
"Reliability is more important than speed."
"The music was always in the background, like music at a church service; it was something to depend upon."
"Having somebody that you could really depend on, that you could call and know that they're gonna listen and sincerely give you advice that comes from the heart."
"When the Holy Spirit really gets ahold of you, he'll make you dependable, he'll make you trustworthy, he'll make you faithful."
"Just be there when I need you the most."
"Everybody needs at least one relationship where we feel like that person will be there when we need them."
"I have relationships with y'all [__], like I said, if I'm in LA and I needed something, I could call y'all."
"It's going to really depend on your personal integrity."
"People are counting on you; you got to do your job."
"The Falcon 9 rocket, the workhorse of the SpaceX fleet."
"God is absolutely solidly dependable, unchangeable, reliable."
"Roy will be there for you when we need him; he's always around to keep us smart, safe, and sound."
"She was really always there for all of us."
"You can rely on your own word and that's a place to close."
"It's just an awesome fact for longevity but more importantly repeatability and dependability."
"The progressives that actually go out and volunteer are actually really dependable people."
"Hard work is the only thing that you can rely on."
"Reliability and security are two sides of the same coin."
"She's always been strong, she's the rock; she's my rock."
"What I admire most about my community is its consistency, its dependability."
"Timeliness, predictability of performance are so very essential in medical and telecom and aerospace and automotive."
"High dependability is a crucial thing for many of these systems."
"They're very reliable, they're very dependable."
"If you imagine something, if you want something, if you are attempting to create a reality, you must be able to depend upon that."
"I have these boys, they depend on me."
"You can't beat the reliability of wood heat."
"I'm always here for you, I don't know what I would do without you."
"You can rely on them to give their best every day."
"If you prioritize things like stability and dependability, this is the place to invest your money."
"You're very dependable and would make for a great partner."
"Professionals and enthusiasts depend on Kinetic. Kinetic gaskets sealing championships since 1989."
"You don't give up on me. No, that's the thing, isn't it? You can rely on me."
"Reliability is the one thing you should expect."
"Reliability is what you get when you get a little bit of everything, but most of all you get reliability."
"Dependability, the ability to do the job, reliable—there's no comparison."
"No matter how far, how rocky, or how bad, I can always depend on my little girl."
"I'm a very responsible person, kind of in every aspect."
"Out here, reliability is everything."
"Now you've got somebody else that's counting on your good decisions. Do not let him down."
"He was the guy that if you were in an emergency... you knew that he would be there to help you without even asking."
"It's tough, it's rugged, it's dependable."
"It's incredibly fun, incredibly reliable."
"Waterworks engines were designed to be incredibly reliable."
"100% reliable which is truly amazing."
"Unlike a Range Rover, this is a very dependable and reliable vehicle."
"You need to keep calm for him because he's relying on you."
"He's just dependable and consistent. You know where he's going to be."
"He's the go-to package, you can call the roughneck the go-to guy."
"But the most important ability that I always required, and that I require today in any of my horses, is dependability."
"You can't be the most experienced, you can't always be the most skilled, but you can be the most dependable."
"My big goal this year for me is just being able to be one of the teammates that's dependable."
"It's just the camera that you can rely on to do everything you want to do photographically, day in, day out."
"People who like gardenia are the rock, they are the people you can rely on to be there."
"Half of the battle in hearing what's on your kid's heart is one, asking questions, and two, being like clockwork showing up so they know they can depend on you."
"The thing I like about the Percherons is they're very dependable; they're pretty stout horses, they're always willing to go."
"This King of Pentacles is very admirable, grounded, dependable, nurturing, supportive, a leader."
"I try to do the best job that I can, I try to be dependable, responsible."
"The children have come to rely on Miss Yanovich for the stability and consistency that they've been receiving."
"His love for you drives him to want to be the man you can depend on."
"Reliable, good with business, managing money, down to earth, rock solid."
"I am dependable and hard-working with attention to detail."
"Arch isn't that hard to maintain; it's solid as a rock and it's dependable, really."
"Conscientiousness is highly correlated with grit, so people who are passionate and persevering over the very long term tend also to be self-controlled and dependable."
"...I want a partner who will listen to me when I speak and will be dependable."
"She is always there for him when needed."
"Knowing that this thing is going to get me through whatever is why I will not leave home without it."
"Dependability is at the absolute top of the list of keeping everything functioning and just knowing that everything is going to work right whenever we need it."
"Stellar reliability as we have all come to know."
"When you think Toyota Camry, you probably think dependability, reliability, one of the most popular vehicles in the world."
"A reputation built on a decade of championship performance on uncompromised dependability."
"Being there for people when they need me, being reliable, trustworthy, someone people can depend on."
"You have to, there are people who are counting on you."
"You finish the race, you persevere because they can't make it without you."
"Reliability for me is one of the most important things I look for in a tool."
"You need a guy that can lead, be smart, tough, and dependable, and make good decisions."
"When you need them, you know they're going to show up for you."
"My word for Addison is dependable."
"Dependability, these are the things that actually matter."
"This is a total testament to the dependability of this stuff created in this era."
"It's likely going to be very reliable and dependable."
"He's a tactical player that Pep relies on for specific roles."
"When you think about your rock stars, you're going to want to think about the Rock of Gibraltar, not Ozzy Osbourne."
"Reliability refers to how far we can depend on the scores from the test."
"Put yourself in a position where other people can depend on you, then don't let them down. Over deliver."
"Queen of Pentacles in the near future: a feminine energy who is nurturing, grounded, practical, dependable."