
Science And Religion Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Philosophy is that in-between substance, that thing that can actually connect both science and religion."
"Our goal is to see if by walking this one trajectory of science, we can gain some illumination into the other side. Into the side of religion, the side of faith."
"Science and religion will meet and shake hands as friends; poetry and philosophy will become friends."
"God will use science, technology, politicians, people, preachers; He'll use it all. But what we need is divine intervention right now."
"The best argument they ever get is, 'Science can't explain it, therefore God.'"
"We're fine with [science continuing], we're not self-conscious about that one bit. Christianity is perfectly happy to be in the marketplace of ideas."
"40 religious leaders and 10 scientists coming together at the Vatican on October 4."
"The reason people reject God is not because of science, and to reject the Bible, it's not because of science, it's because of sin. Every single time."
"Personally I think that science will one day give us not just a very satisfactory description of our physical world but even of how it is that our brains give us this need for religious belief."
"The Bible has never been wrong. It's provable through science, through biblical archaeology, through manuscript evidence."
"Can a scientist be religious? On the face of it, it seems absurd."
"Science and faith do not contradict, they're like two lungs that breathe together."
"When we put science and the Bible together, we can come with a very understandable view."
"Maybe even if something has a scientific explanation maybe you can still have a kind of religious faith and belief in it."
"So all I'm trying to contend for is that on the one hand look, it's obvious that science and religion are in no an essential conflict because between 1900 and 2000, is it, 65% of Nobel Prize winners were believers in God."
"Religious science is a correlation of laws of science, opinions of philosophy, and revelations of religion applied to human needs and the aspirations of man."
"I don't think theology demands you turn your back on science."
"The conclusion of sound scientific methods with regard to God is something we cannot investigate, demonstrate, or disprove."
"The evidence from science for a fine-tuned universe, that everything is calibrated so perfectly that it doesn't make sense that it just happened, that is the killer. It's killer evidence."
"If you think that evolution has to be wrong in order for your God to be right... you have to buy into a fallacy first of all."
"Not only did I get better, I found God. Imagine that, a scientist finding God. But I did. That's why I brought you here, Gerald."
"It's just another amazing example of God's design and beauty... real science will confirm the Bible again and again."
"Science and the biblical worldview sit very comfortably together."
"Believing in observable data does not automatically disprove God, and the two need not always be in conflict."
"It's not about religion, it's actually science... but common sense would admit that there was a purpose under the construction of the DNA information."
"We need a church that's informed by science and then informs science with moral reason and revealed wisdom."
"We need a church that's informed by science and then inform science with moral reason."
"Science is great and it's compatible with religion."
"I think some are still here... we do have friends in high places, so to speak."
"This is essentially a religious movement that is taking over science."
"Your body, your eye is more complex than a camera."
"There was no differentiation between science and religion."
"Science and Christianity, far from being at odds, are actually marching in lockstep... You can almost say that science is describing the how and religion is explaining the who and the why."
"Science is independently confirming in exhilarating ways the claims made long ago by a group of Hebrew prophets and church fathers who never did any scientific experiments but they merely said God told us and it turns out they were right."
"It's true that there are still some gaps but surely cardinal you're not going to fall for the god of the gaps trap saying that religion is going to fill in those gaps which science has so far not yet answered?" - Richard Dawkins
"It's not just that the Quran is wrong about practically everything it says about science, it's so wrong that it would still be morally wrong even if it was factually accurate."
"Science and real faith are friends not enemies."
"The more we know scientifically, the more plausible... the concept of a creator... becomes."
"Science and real faith are friends not enemies; they ought to be."
"Not only is there no problem between faith and science but that science points to faith. That's crazy stuff."
"The idea that God created the universe is a more respectable hypothesis today."
"When you use observational science, it actually confirms biblical history."
"Science and faith aren't mutually exclusive."
"The valid interpretation is not at odds with the scientific understanding."
"The more I study science, the more I believe in God."
"Either science would uncover proof of Genesis or God is false."
"The Bible authoritative, the Bible clear, direct, the Bible you don't have to worry about believing in God and science. Don't ever think you have to decide between the two."
"Isaac Newton studied the Bible every day. He once said, 'Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done.'"
"Science is the practical pursuit of God. The two are not exclusive, they dance together."
"I've never seen a contradiction between Darwin and being someone of religious faith."
"The danger of such attempts to modern science with the Quran is that it makes a linkage between the perennial wisdom, the timeless wisdom and truth of the Quran and with the transient time-bound ideas of modern science."
"I don't want the religious person in the lab telling me that God is responsible for what it is they cannot discover."
"The scientific evidence actually supports theism if God created the universe then the universe had a beginning."
"Much of the fear in our world is rooted in modern science and the three abrahamic religions insisting the game must be played in only one small lifetime."
"You are among a minority of Christians who are really responding to what the Bible says you're supposed to do. You are supposed to be theologians and you were supposed to be scientists so that you can always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that is within you."
"I believe in both science and religion."
"Science and religion actually worked very well together."
"They showed us that by combining science with religion, the existence of God and immortality of man's spirit may be demonstrated."
"...true science upholds true religion, upholds Jesus Christ as creator and Redeemer."
"It's amazing that we've come so far only for the formerly you have to choose one, science or religion, to finally be joined as one."
"The revealed documents of religion are the books of science for the spiritual evolution of mankind."
"It is almost like, what a connection to all of a sudden connect our calendar with the Bible with science."
"Return of the God hypothesis and it discusses how, you know, a great many super famous scientists, maybe the most famous is Isaac Newton, absolutely believed 100% in God."
"Will science ever find God's fingerprints?"
"God and science are no more opposed as explanations than Henry Ford is opposed to the law of internal combustion as an explanation for the motor car."
"The human genome... teaches us that the real problem doesn't lie between science and God."
"It's funny how science has a way of backing into the same things that scripture has been saying for like 4,000 years now."
"The scriptures and science are speaking the same language."
"Where they overlap, they concur; there's total concurrence where they overlap."
"We don't want to reject science because it's the way to explain the way the world works... and we certainly don't want to reject religion because if we do that we will lose our sense of values."
"Being religious does not stop you from being a good scientist."