
Nepotism Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"The arts industry is so dominated by people who have entered via nepotism that it's just wildly unfair, it's very elitist, it's very classist."
"The only black people that they gave to were themselves and their family."
"Why did he hire his kids? Could be narcissism-- 'They love me for me!'"
"Jared Kushner conned his way to a cushy White House job with no clear job description."
"It doesn't make any sense for the King to nepotistically enrich himself and his family... at the terrible expense of the state and the people."
"Nepotism being the only Force more powerful than the force."
"The difference is Daddy can still get you a job afterwards."
"The world of political journalism is stuffed to the gills with people who are there by virtue of their connections and their class and not their talent."
"The woke social justice warriors can try to get you fired from your job but if you have an uncle who owns his own company and he has a job for you then their tactics don't work."
"What exactly are his qualifications to be chosen by the communist Chinese regime to manage 1.5 billion dollars other than the fact that he is a blood relative of the Vice President of the United States?"
"Age should not constrain one's capacity, even if the doorway is via nepotism."
"Nepotism has resulted in bias in decision making, unfair treatment, and losses to companies' performance in the long term."
"Nepotism is the lower and least creative form of corruption."
"One thing about nepotism babies that I find to be quite annoying, though, is the fact that a lot of them are really in denial and believe it was genuinely down to hard work, luck, you know, the hard work really just paid off."
"They're going after his wife and his kids and if... you know the Ivanka Jared stuff is legit since he literally hired them."
"Cronyism is the practice of giving out contracts to people."
"If you want a favor from Joe, you gotta go through Hunter."
"This tier is for the nepotism babies that I'm rooting for. Okay, if you're in this tier, you're the mac and cheese and I'm the frying pan trying to make this work because despite your nepotism, I believe in you."
"He's got his Department of Justice working to jail his opposition... and get out of jail free card for himself and his son."
"The only thing that Hunter Biden brings to the world is that he has proximity to his father."
"Life is finite and we're stuck, and I think it scared me personally."
"Russia is the world's biggest energy exporter and they're willing to sell oil to China in Chinese currency."
"Not everyone's cut out to be a thoracic surgeon, but maybe things would have turned out differently for me if I had a famous dad like if my dad was the president of the United States."
"I mean if you don't want nepotism babies or the children of wealthy and Powerful politicians to get wealthy and Powerful jobs then like we need to change the way that we do things overall."
"It's a disgusting trade right to just use your father's name to make money off of that."
"This is not some random guy on Twitter... it is the son of the president of the United States."
"A president or vice president making political moves around the world that coincide with their families making millions in the same places—it is not normal at all."
"The reality is Ollie got the job because of his connections to Manchester United. He didn't get it because he was the best coach available."
"I believe it is overt corruption even if she's legally paying this guy it's still overt nepotism."
"I love nepotism but don't worry I know I said white boys a few times."
"Olivia Olsen got Marceline role through her father's connection."
"This is what we're talking about with Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden didn't do anything illegal, but he is there because of a relationship he has."
"The problem is when there are no controls that keep those relationships from overriding the responsibility that these people have to the members of their party to the general citizenry."
"Most people are only getting a chance because they knew or blew someone."
"Nepotism, which has really flared up in the past year or so, is unfortunate."
"The guy in charge of oversight is staffed by family members of mini Madoff."
"And it's hard. So I used to see people talk about the nepotism and all these things. And I would think, oh, whatever, they just have to be so good and then it doesn't matter."
"I don't mind nepotism children as long as you are good at what you do and you own up to the fact that you had a leg up."
"Name recognition is name recognition. You can get Prime Ministers, Presidents, and of course, we'll find that there will be a future king that is only there because of what family he was born into."
"Hunter Biden gets a gig for $83,000 a month at barisma energy no qualifications for the job his dad does happen to be the vice president of the United States of America."
"You can't get the homeboy Network to run your company."
"I can't decide if we're looking at an extreme case of nepotism or we're just looking at like nepotism and we don't have too many [ __ ] who can exercise NE nepotism in the black media light."
"The court clerk got it so good from his uncle Allen that she broke the law and gave him all the forms he wanted. Wow!"
"The old nepotism summoning spell always does the trick. A-O neppo baby."
"They say nepotism is okay as long as you keep it in the family, no pun intended."
"The Donald J. Trump award for shoehorning their family into the business goes to Cody, Brandy, and Baby Roads."
"Alexander used his position as Pope to further his and his family's personal Fortune he gave his children titles land and vast amounts of wealth the majority of which went to Giovanni."
"The conversation of nepotism and nepotism babies in the entertainment industry is very very interesting."
"He wouldn't do that for nepotism's sake, he wouldn't do that for name recognition sake, yeah, he would only do that if he truly believed in the skills of the rider, yeah, you know what I mean."
"Nepotism breeds success. Like, I almost don't care who you are, especially if you are considered a nepotism baby, nine times out of ten you are pretty much on the fast track to success."
"...you're not successful in some sort of way, then it's almost like you have wasted the opportunity of nepotism, especially if your parents or the lineage or generations that you come from have made a very good and solid name for themselves."
"Nepotism is a byproduct of classism and a particular power structure that continues to feed itself."
"Prepare to suffer, you know type of thing like I think some people you know can get like nepotism to end or grandfathered in and they're like born to be in this like sick musician family."
"...the only reason she got that job is because her mother was the star of the show, and they would be correct. Well, they were correct."
"The dictionary defines nepotism as the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends especially by giving them jobs."
"If it seems like there's more and more nepotism babies every year that's because there are."
"Talent means nothing. You need a rich hookup. Nepotism, yeah, that's what'll get you far."
"There will always be nepotism... the fact of corruption being present in hierarchy is not necessarily condemnation of the entire hierarchy or the process by which it ideally aspires to achieve things."
"TL;DR: DM seems a little too invested in our son's player character, leading to repeated uncomfortable flirting and wild nepotism."
"You're the. You have a successful child who is upset about blatant nepotism and you decided to use this opportunity as a reason to criticize her for being lazy and not diligent enough."
"It's amazing that your parents are the company's president. After all, the company's president is the best."
"If you know somebody, if your uncle is the CEO of a company, they may be more willing to give you a try."
"Nepotism is only horrible if it's bad."
"If you had the power to help your sibling, your child, your best friend get a really good job, wouldn't you?"
"It's because nepotism isn't only unethical, but it creates a stagnant Hollywood full of terrible ideas."
"I wonder if this opportunity would have been extended to me if I were not related to Madonna."
"...there is nothing either right or wrong or good or bad about being a nepo baby, the nepo baby simply is."
"I'm a proponent of nepotism if I'm ever in the position to give to my family."
"Here's how you make it in this business: have a famous dad."
"Having a famous parent cannot be the reason for you to get a job, but neither can it be a reason for you not to get a job if you deserve it."
"You're a product of nepotism. It's like, yes, I am. I recognize it, and I talk about it regularly."
"In Pakistan, getting a job is like impossible unless you have connections."
"I want her to get the job because she's the best for it, not because she's my daughter."
"Privilege is not a new concept, and nepotism is just another form of privilege."
"There was a significant culture of being rewarded in accordance to who you know rather than what your work affects."