
Inhumanity Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"One day, I hope that we will look back at this and shudder, and we will have a hard time comprehending the inhumanity of the statements."
"That's so like inhumane to do, like hurt innocent people because you're hurt from somebody else."
"We have now reached the most inhumane of all of Donald Trump's policies."
"I said that the Holocaust wasn't about race, and it was instead about man's inhumanity to man, but it is indeed about race because Hitler and the Nazis considered Jews to be an inferior race."
"The way that we treat people experiencing homelessness is inhumane, and I think one day we will look back on their treatment aghast at how society could ever be so cruel and draconian."
"All that is left of our life stories are the deeply personal horrors of humankind's inhumanity toward other humans."
"It's a horrible thing, man's inhumanity to man."
"Humanity is never far from inflicting upon itself its own inhumanity."
"It's not about race it's not about what is it because it's about man's inhumanity to man."
"What a way to end it all, isn't it? The Berlin bloodier blockade and yeah, the airlift."
"People will use labels as a justification for treating people in very inhumane ways."
"The policies being put forward by this administration are in fact inhumane."
"People who behave like her, I cannot even call them human because where is the humanity?"
"To be humanitarian in the face of widespread inhumanity, to respect a man that wanted to blow you up, isn’t easy."
"It's just inhuman; it brings out the inhuman side, which is why cults are so scary."
"For sheer cruelty, for a complete disregard for humanity... is without parallel in my experience."
"Of all his atrocities, the worst occurred when he had a pit dug and had 300 children, all under the age of 5, thrown into the flames."
"Their cold attitudes after the crime demonstrates their complete lack of inhumanity."
"It's generally regarded, I think, as one of the most horrendous battles in the history of the world, both for its ferocity, also for its inhumanity, and also for these conditions which were quite unbelievably nightmarish."
"Man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn."
"What happened was barbaric, what happened was savagery, what happened was beyond any imagination."
"They mutilate and then they kill the baby boys because the boys won't produce milk."
"Just dark shadowy voids, everything good has been drained from them. They've come to a point where they are willing to kidnap and enslave children. Such people can scarcely be called human anymore."
"Is it inhuman, my darling? Is it torture? She's just chilling."
"The scene was a disgraceful and inhuman exhibition."
"His head snapped left, right, up, and down. What was inhuman was how fast he made them."
"...it's the inhumanity over it that's just a bit bewildering that that people can do that to each other."
"Onion isn't human, partly because he's so damn weird."
"They no longer seemed men, they were devils of this black jungle, as inhuman as the creatures to which the fiend and the nodding plumes screamed through the darkness."
"He is a Monster who will never live as humans do."
"...there was nothing within him, neither conscience nor reason, that wasn't even remotely human."
"I think I have to quit. It's inhumane."
"The treatment there was subhumane."
"They buried them while they were still breathing."
"That thing wasn't human, it wasn't even an animal."
"Can you live in a bathroom for ten years? It's, I guess you could say, inhumane."
"He wasn't human. He was like some horrible automaton. She may well call him a dead man."
"They tied others naked to cacti and left them to die."
"Nuclear weapons are totally irrational, totally inhumane, good for nothing but killing."
"The entire prison was so inhumane that it was truly hell on earth."
"As far as serial killers go, he may scare me the most. Some serial killers seemed to still possess some kind of portion of humanity within them... Richard Ramirez, they're just, there appeared to be no good in him."
"If ever there was a shred of humanity in you, it's dead now."
"Why can we be that inhuman towards other people? Why do they do that? Why can’t they let other people live the life they want to live?"
"People were brought here in chains, treated worse than animals."
"...there's just something horrible about the idea of effortlessly blinding people on mass as a way of winning a war."
"...these weapons are inherently inhumane in just about every circumstance you can imagine them being used."
"In recognizing his deeply flawed Humanity capacity for great inhumanity to overlook the suffering we may cause in the Quest for Glory or power."
"Wow op, that is just absolutely insane. I can't believe that there are people out there who would treat another human being like that, let alone someone who is in a wheelchair."
"To put 39 people into a locked metal container shows a contempt for human life that is evil."
"How can people do that to one another? Not people, Edward. Monsters."
"To find its humanity when it's inhuman, that's a challenge."
"If you kill a person because he's inhuman, do you not become inhuman in the act of killing?"
"Our economy has become punishing and increasingly inhuman for people at every juncture, in my opinion."
"Our comrades had been slaughtered in a most inhumane and brutal manner."
"The Red Devil continued to say that he was saying serious things; this gang would kill without blinking an eye and they were truly behaving inhumanely."
"The entire prison was in fact so inhumane that it was hell on Earth."
"I had never seen among any people such instances of brutal cruelty."
"I couldn't imagine doing this to my own family member; it was inhuman."
"The Monster who is more human than the man who creates him is a powerful reflection on our own inhumanity and the human capacity for cruelty."
"The Prime Minister said she was stunned at the depth of callousness and inhumanity."
"Until you're in a wartime experience, you can't understand the depths of man's inhumanity to man."
"He was forced to work, ultimately treated like an animal for 13 years."
"Solitary confinement is one of the most inhumane things we can do to anybody in prison."
"What kind of a person kills a dog for no reason?"
"...and many a time in his life, he shuddered to see how much inhumanity there is in a man, how much savage coarseness is concealed in refined, cultivated manners, and God even in a man the world regards as noble and honorable."
"Rape is, I think, the greatest evidence of man's inhumanity to man."
"These were victims not of any catastrophe of the natural world, but of man's inhumanity to man."
"Oh, how inhumanly cruel it is," she began again.
"It sounds inhumane," Antoine says quietly.
"In an environment of profound enlightenment, we find ourselves in the most astounding primitivity of man's inhumanity to man."
"The monsters that we live alongside now are deeply inhuman."
"A cynical anti-humanist recourse to history as justification for modern-day inhumanity."
"No human should do this to her own child; no parent should have to bury their child."
"All of the Hulks agreed to this except for Bruce's most angriest, most merciless, most inhuman Hulk."
"How could one human being do something like this to another?"
"One of the signs of the soon coming of Christ will be the increased inhumanity of man toward man."
"The Holocaust was not about race, it was about man's inhumanity to man."