
Intoxication Quotes

There are 271 quotes

"The aesthetic of reality is intoxicating, far more than if the show had been explicitly advertised as fiction."
"You can't be lit like that where you're stuttering and slurring your words."
"It's not illegal to make a mistake while you're driving it is though if you're driving while intoxicated."
"You cannot consent if you're intoxicated, you cannot consent if you're drunk."
"The poppy war: you get high and you get powers."
"The bride got black out drunk and asked me to kill her husband, who was busy fighting one of his groomsmen in the other room."
"I once not sober admittedly throwing up in a toilet had convinced myself I could speak Mandarin Chinese."
"It is a sin to get drunk according to the Bible."
"I took two painkillers and three shots of Patron and that's why my socks don't match."
"I mean I was already hit earlier with a lot, go you add the aiow tricked and you don't know how much liquor pouring in here."
"I'm so high I can feel my ass being like 'what are we doing here?'"
"Everybody had been out earlier in the evening. To a certain degree, I feel that she might have been semi-intoxicated under the influence of something." - Mike
"He drank three bottles of soju, he was smashed."
"This maid of honor drank so much, she was rambling and talking about stuff that is just so off the wall."
"The problem with doing a live show drunk... when the show is over I need to drive home."
"It was like having a full [expletive] pass because everything was funny because you're wasted."
"The goddess is the intoxicator. The sexual Revolution explodes at the same time as an explosion of drugs and drug culture."
"I'm drunk I'm seeing double which is weird because I don't drink."
"Their past behavior is the best indication of the future."
"I saw that story, just a picture of a guy drunk, 90% chance drunk."
"When these altered gases are inhaled they can have unusual sort of intoxicating effects on the body... it's a step you need to be aware of and prepared for."
"Authorities in the Japanese city of Sapporo say that they have arrested a 21-year-old man this week after he was found drunk and naked inside of a local laundromat."
"Beautiful girls can make you dizzy like you've been drinking Jack and cokes. Oh morning, they'll make you feel high."
"Are you motherfucker some whiskey it? Okay, yeah, that could be the possibility of why he's driving the way he is."
"No, go home mate, you're just too drunk, you know."
"You can't give consent when you're intoxicated, period."
"Once you've determined... gentleman... is intoxicated, you are required to take action."
"This law is insane if you are drunk when you do something."
"He attempted to explain his actions by stating that he was intoxicated and that he 'does stupid things when he's drunk'."
"I didn't have to share it with anybody I could just kind of stumble into the bathroom stumble into my bed I loved that feeling of stumbling around until you just kind of passed out it was euphoria to me I absolutely loved it."
"I've tasted little parts of what success is, it's good, it's deliciously, you get drunk off of it."
"Everyone's drunk on something, and at this moment in time, Flock is drunk on power."
"Sometimes you just can't avoid it, especially when you're around intoxicated people."
"Just being near you is intoxicating."
"You know those moments you have when something so astronomically bad happens while intoxicated that you instantly become sober? This was one of them."
"It was not a publicity stunt. I was just out of my [bleep] face on drugs and alcohol, you know."
"I'm so happy, full of gin and merry."
"...it was intoxicating, full of a richness unlike any I had ever smelled before."
"So the standard we need is that you're so intoxicated that you can't understand the nature and consequences of your actions."
"If you have a sense that you're capable of making a contract, and that's what Lucy thought, it would suggest that there still can be a contract, even though both parties are drunk."
"Because after a couple of shots of this, all y'all going to start looking like Beyonce."
"If I'm going to be drunk, I might as well be drunk in love."
"If I'm going to be drunk, I might as well be in love."
"I knew that Dimitri was high from the second I stood next to him. The smell was, I believe the term is dank."
"The feeling of being high comes from the main active component in marijuana: THC."
"The best Christmas is the one you're most drunk on."
"Ready to go play again, and we were drunk as a [ __ ]."
"The most thrilling feeling in the world. It's the most powerful feeling that you can possibly have, and it's heady stuff. It's quite intoxicating."
"Intoxicated? Yes, oh okay, yeah. Johnny, it's great to have you."
"We're supposed to go Christmas shopping but I'm drunk at dinner."
"Geez, hey, did I have too much mezcal? Does anyone else see those Indians in the sky over there?"
"Someone needs to be alert tonight. This snakejuice is basically rat poison. Everybody's wasted."
"I didn't expect it to happen so fast, but after just a few minutes in a darkened room, I was drunk in my ass."
"Allah says, 'And so, finally, in truth, comes death. The intoxications of death have truly come to you.'"
"I thought it was from like drugs or getting too high or something."
"You don't know what you do when you're drunk."
"Damn, bro, I'm way too baked right now."
"He didn't take anything. He had only punch with something a little stronger in it."
"I'm pretty buzzed I am done with my cocktail."
"I just thought it was because he was drunk, sure."
"I'm nearly four beers down, I'm actually starting to see spots."
"Alcohol is like love... the first kiss is magic."
"Being high is great, being drunk is great, being high and drunk at the same time? Awesome."
"My goal is to get so high I don't want to go anymore."
"If I'm going to be drunk, might as well be drunk in love."
"It is so intoxicating you guys, like truly intoxicating."
"He's so drunk he doesn't even need to drink the liquor anymore, wow he absorbs it through his skin."
"Sympathy, understanding, such things act like drugs. We become intoxicated, we see visions, we dream."
"For people like us, you know, sympathy, understanding, such things act like drugs. We become intoxicated, we see visions, we dream."
"They're pissed, you know they're all pissed."
"Your love is my finest wine, intoxicating and thrilling."
"You guys raise each other's vibe like I feel like there's a lot of sparks that fly between you guys so it's kind of an intoxicating relationship as well as how it feels."
"That's alcohol, is it? That's not him talking, that's the alcohol talking."
"I'm absolutely blasted right now on BlackBerry Brandy and mo shy what the mother heck is going on I'm in a helicopter I think I just hijacked this."
"I am quite drunk I'm not going to lie to you."
"Let us love for a while, for a year or so. That's a form of divine drunkenness that we can all try."
"Intoxication is just a fancy word for its own heart."
"I don't need drugs for some freak [__] I'm just high all the time."
"I can handle my [ __ ] when I'm high."
"Your person feels intoxicated with this love."
"You're still technically intoxicated."
"The madness that crept into my mind and the intoxication made me dream up a horrid display of terrible visions, and I was thrown into an abyss of nightmares."
"I don't care if she's got problems, I don't care if she's intoxicated. She needs to have consequences for her actions."
"That's why you found me so funny is that you were just stoned out of your ass."
"For six months it was like I was completely intoxicated by him."
"This is the drugs talking but ever since then life just feels like a dream. Like it doesn't feel real to me anymore."
"The Rococo age knew this, recognized love for what it really was, a powerful intoxicant."
"She's basically passed out on my car."
"I had been high before, but I had never been 'don't squish tiny horses' high."
"Everything about this woman was intoxicating."
"I get [ __ ] up, we land, I'm [ __ ] lit."
"You're intoxicating, lost. Yeah, that back and forth just lulls you, man."
"I had a joint birthday party with someone with less friends than me. I've never felt so high in my life."
"Mind blurry, need to lay off the drugs."
"...Some of the brightest things ever said, are said when you're drunk, because the devil is with you then."
"We were already drunk, we did not need any more liquor, okay?"
"She's drunk but acting way drunker than she actually is and saying [ __ ] like 'oh my god you guys.'"
"if you can't laugh at a movie when you're drunk then it's not a funny movie"
"It's intoxicating. There's nothing like it in the world. It's just the best."
"These drinks are beginning to have effect."
"You drunken yet inebriated? I can't even remember all of your descriptions. I'm half loaded right now, so."
"She is so intoxicated with the sweet Mexican human kindness that her deed has generated within her large bosom that she is beside herself with generosity. Beside herself, do you hear?"
"We got very, very drunk of course."
"So this person like feels love drunk when they think of you."
"She became increasingly intoxicated throughout the night with glassy eyes, slurred speech, stumbling and loss of balance."
"You can get to a certain level of drunkness where you can't even see the road."
"Be drunk with the spirit. Alcoholics see after drinking a lot of alcohol. But when you're drunk, you can never be like this."
"I was so high, like, my ears were ringing."
"When I tell y'all I was drunk as hell, I ain't even know what the [expletive] we was at."
"Is it like alcohol where the whole lot of Truth is said when drunk sedated or is it just fantasy bullcrap nonsense?"
"...this is like top three most addictive fragrances in this list I don't know what it is about Poets of Berlin but this in the warmer weather just screams intoxication this scent oh my God."
"I was so high and I and I did not smoke, I didn't smoke at all I was high for the rest of the day."
"I feel like if this video stopped right now and we were outside and I was like I feel like I've been drunked you're like you have been drunked."
"A level of 0.15 and 0.2 are definitely levels that we would consider someone to be intoxicated or likely drunk."
"Have you been drinking a lot? You've been acting really loopy."
"I was drunk, I was in my feelings."
"So if you're just intoxicated then that's not a defense, if you're just a bit high, but you have to be delusional and you have to be reacting directly to that delusion."
"I get the high, I think you're very, very sweet."
"I'm in love. This thing is utterly and totally intoxicating."
"It's amazing how when people are drunk in love they ignore all of the red flags."
"I'm drunk guys. They had great drinks."
"Every time I'm stoned and I want to eat food, I'm making like the most intense eye contact with it."
"In the end, both will get you drunk on awesomeness."
"She's blackout drunk, kind of lolling all over the place, and she waits until the moment when the man takes advantage of that, and then she immediately snaps out of it and reveals that she's sober and teaches them a lesson."
"I actually really want to get messed up."
"I love this hammer, right? I mean, I'm absolutely donkeyed off the fumes, but it's such good paint."
"Just one hit and I felt pleasantly lightheaded with little colored dots surrounding my field of vision, much like how I felt while drunk."
"The whole documentary is like intoxicated white men."
"Be always drunken. Drunken with what?"
"I love our conversations, like I'm intoxicated by our conversations."
"What's wrong with being a little drunk? There's nothing wrong with a little drunk."
"You make me feel like I'm on drugs."
"Intoxicated by the thought of you, the energy of you."
"I was drunken on coke, okay? I was talking about lion fights."
"I've been drunk before, but I'm not sure I've been 'taste poison' drunk."
"We tapped the keg, started the barbecue, burgers, dogs, steaks, zucchini, and other [ __ ] veggies with a salad. I ate like five of everything else. Then I got so high after dinner that I passed out."
"You know it's weird like sometimes genuinely like you can't tell whether someone's either just you or on drugs."
"Guys, I'm so lit right now. Life feels like a [ __ ] video game. What's going on? Why is everybody here turning up for me?"
"I always feel a little drunk here in a pleasant way without having had anything to drink."
"I was way too hyped up on the sauce."
"You're drunk with the new wine of the spirit."
"...your kiss got me faded, I'm drunk off your baby."
"One night, we just got... We was doing shots, and we got so messed up that I blacked out."
"His whole face was still terrifying yeah see huffing paint."
"That's good year and a half and smoke cigarettes or weed gummies [__] I got I kind of got like spiked in Ecuador it was an accident though like I you know I ate all these big-ass octagons and there were John Aldens and he smuggled them into Ecuador and he's like yeah"
"So, he was saying he doesn't feel jealousy and I want to return to him my initial hypothesis about him intellectualizing a lot or subduing his emotions and then when he got intoxicated that's when all of his emotion came out."
"He's a few Budweiser short of completely taking his brain out."
"Well at this point we didn't know what the [__] to do so we stayed sat down Rob's there huddled over it's kind of come out of it yes by this point I was still chonged af but I was no longer in the whitey stage I was like in a more I was just in a [__] up stage now."
"You know you're too high when you're eating cereal naked."
"Just constantly drunk, constantly shit-faced."
"You put whiskey in a glass with ice and you're like, 'Oh, I got tipsy.' Why is that the case, right? This is just a very common way of deconfounding variables."
"He just told you that just like that, and you know, being geeked up the way he was and stoned, I don't think he was lying."
"I'm not that drunk. Boom Zam array! I'm sorry haha."
"...we're like if you guys are high we're gonna get high too I literally don't know what was in it but immediately I'm like the most giggly happy version of myself..."
"The dominant note that you're going to get in this one is the vanilla bourbon. So intoxicating."
"I was too fucked up to get in the fucking bicycle, getting an Uber. And I'm drunk to the point where I'm mad. Like that's like that's like that's how I know I'm too drunk, yeah. I feel anger."
"...you ever been drunk and like everything feels like you're floating you feel like you feel like you're wind you are wind I'm wind you know I am air I'm fire I'm a water I'm all the elements."
"When the Remy's in the system, the same thing."
"It was laced, man! Cuz I got messed up. Nothing's [__] laced, nobody's lacing you up."
"Hey, are you way higher than I am?"
"The boyfriend, she's super drunk still."
"How drunk do you need to get before you snog someone?"
"I don't know why I'm falling when I'm lit."
"...a bit like having a martini or two. People tend to do stupid things."
"Maybe the alcohol from last night is still very, very much in the system."
"I've never been more drunk in my entire life."
"It is impossible to pursue a life of holiness and virtue if you're limited by intoxication. Impossible."
"That's the other reason that this blows my mind is like I have been blacked out or close to like blacked out on planes before and I don't ever I've never like I if anything it makes me almost sleepy."
"You're about six times over the legal limit for a CMV driver, sir."
"Every single woman that's pregnant and you will find the people running around as if they are intoxicated, but they are not drunk."
"Have you lost your... Are you drunk?" I asked as I snatched her off her feet.
"It's like a psychological thing, um right because it's like the, the I don't know it just makes me feel drunk um."
"It turned out the man's blood alcohol content was three times the legal limit. It was more than enough to dull his pain, but you can bet he'll be feeling it tomorrow."
"drunken behavior at work I love this story this week in American Airlines pilot was accused of trying to board the cockpit of a passenger jet while he was six times over the limits"
"Every time I left the room, he was getting [ __ ] like just so messed up."
"When I'm drunk, I get pretty silly."
"I didn't forget that but do you want to know why I was able to get so tipsy so fast? Because I'm a total lightweight these days."
"That is the definition of ultimate power and that is more intoxicating than money."
"It was intoxicating; Andrew was drunk with possibilities."
"The case can be summed up in this way: A betrothed couple boarded a boat for their blissful honeymoon and began a bewildering bout of bad behavior involving a barrage of busy beverages."
"Leave a light on good lady, for though we may return with a twinkle in our eyes, we will in truth be blind drunk."
"It's so fresh that it's intoxicating."
"The pretty little thing event was like really, really fun, I got woozy."
"The smell of the sea pleased him so much that he wanted one day to take it in pure and unadulterated in such quantities that he could get drunk on it."
"I was so drunk I held on to the wall because I thought we were on a boat."
"Your love is my finest wine, intoxicating and heady."
"Brown sugar babe, I get high off your love, I don't know how to behave."
"I want to get drunk on bluebells, overdose on bluebells."
"I'm sorry about that, y'all. I think he's just had a little bit too much to drink down at the old saloon."
"The cultists believed that the intoxication felt from consuming these mind-altering substances was caused by Dionysus's spirit."
"Fame can be so intoxicating, no matter how you get it."
"You're as warm as a glass of brandy, and honey, I stay stoned on your love all the time."
"Being high and being drunk impedes one's ability to accurately observe what's going on around you."
"I taste the liquor never brewed, from tankards scooped in pearl; not all the vats upon the Rhine yield such an alcohol!"
"And honey, I stay stoned on your love all the time."
"All men live their lives drunk on something."
"I am quite drunk with the beauty of it all."
"I was completely intoxicated with love."
"It always hits when you're drunk."
"Her touch was intoxicating, just like the rest of her."