
Elitism Quotes

There are 392 quotes

"The arts industry is so dominated by people who have entered via nepotism that it's just wildly unfair, it's very elitist, it's very classist."
"What better way to stick it to all those coastal elites than by taking over the office they cared so much about?"
"The rich, the powerful, and the politically connected would be the ones guaranteed underground hideaways when fire starts falling from the sky."
"Vital to the dark academia aesthetic is critique of elitist academia."
"There's nothing wrong with elitism. What is wrong is when we use elitism as arrogance."
"The talented 10th, a nebulous group that I technically probably belong to, have collectively done exactly what Du Bois feared: over the last 30-40 years, we've abandoned the duty to uplift all black people and became complacent with our own success."
"Well, it seems that there is this great vast gap that has now emerged between the so-called elites in our society and everybody else."
"Elite can be defined in many ways; it can be defined economically, it can be defined intellectually, it can be defined educationally. But being an elitist is a mentality that says the rules simply don't apply to you because you are of the special ilk."
"I think that we should be careful of labeling people elite versus elitist because there is a difference, and there are a lot of people who are elite who are not elitists, and there are a lot of people who are not particularly elite who are elitists."
"The great dangers of the elitists...is they always make it seem...that because they are high IQ they have all the solutions."
"From its very beginnings, civilization has been incredibly elitist."
"It's amazing, and this is the type of authoritarian elitist gatekeepers that exist in some of the communities."
"The elites, the economic elites who are represented by these two parties, do not wish to share the well-being and opportunity that they are hoarding."
"The elites think that they're better than everybody, and everybody realizes that now and we don't like them, we don't trust them at all."
"None of us can truly be free as long as we live within entrenched systems that benefit elites."
"This culture of exclusivity and elitism surrounding theatre isn’t a problem with one specific show, and it’s not something that would completely go away if Hamilton decided tomorrow to give away all their tickets for free."
"It's a film that exposes the elite for who they are and their insatiable need to have absolute control over everything."
"The logic of decadence is the gradual removal of every element of society that would try to make trouble or make life more complicated for the urban dwelling elite living inside their ideological cages."
"The revolution we need is the revolution against the elite, against the super rich, against the big man syndrome."
"Wars are designed specifically to benefit a tiny group of the most privileged. They don't care about the damage they cause to the rest of humanity."
"This is a fundamentally anti-democracy... That leads to you saying we really know what's best for you."
"If you don't like Game of Thrones I'm just gonna assume you're not smart enough to understand it."
"The elites, they're all, 'There's nothing we can do.' Of course, it does. It's not really affecting your life."
"At its worst, real geek culture results in a dangerous elitism."
"These people are all in a club, and you ain't in it."
"The biden white house is already making it clear that this government is of the elites by the elites and for the elites."
"Something was happening, yeah, the thing that was happening is that elites like you have been pushing the lie."
"We need our lives ruled by credentialed experts... the best and brightest of society."
"It's beyond foolish and indicative of a serious delusion amongst the elite."
"The left always operated on the premise that they were the critical intellectual elite."
"One of my favorite things about our Elite Class is again they're so damned weird but we're supposed to pretend that they are not in fact weird."
"Exploitation by the elites: they don't care about you, they don't care about us."
"The people have had enough of being led to failure by a bunch of elites."
"It's tragic, it's unnatural, it's elitist, it's horrible."
"There's a different set of law and justice for elites."
"It's really an elite class protecting itself."
"People should be insulted because this is a direct insult... they believe we're peasants... they believe we're [__] stupid."
"I'm a populist. I'm not elitist. That's the antonym of that."
"The world is run by a very small group of elite people who are immensely wealthy and who want to stay that way."
"The ruling Elites are woefully out of touch with reality crippled by self-delusion and unable to adapt to a changing World unless they are wrenched from Power."
"They're very much like airborne forces around the world. They believe, and probably they're justified to believe, that they're the meanest sons of bitches on the whole planet."
"Well, their hatred is nothing new; the elites have always despised Christianity."
"Most of the content you watch will be made by the top 1% of creators."
"This is our warning. In 10, 15 years time they're going to try to do something that resembles some elitist league."
"It's truly a message that the elitism that governs our national conversation is simply a means to acquire more wealth for the few, not making life better for the many."
"The entire university system was designed to pick out natural aristocrats, but now it punishes them."
"There are eight million people in this city, and those teeming masses exist for the sole purpose of lifting the few exceptional people onto their shoulders." - Green Goblin
"It's a nation of snooty overachieving animals who are the best and know it."
"The elitism, the classism, I just don't like it."
"The problem is people in Hollywood have always thought of themselves as America's moral betters and they just are not."
"libs were the party of the 99 now they're run by the one percent"
"It sucks to admit but there are actually people out there who didn't grow up with this look and therefore aren't cultured enough to know it's objectively the best."
"Tom Newton Dunn went to Marlborough, his parents paid about 35,000 a year to educate him, and he's just become this horrible sort of establishment creepy stooge."
"Every ruling ideology creates an ideology to justify their own privilege, elitism, and right to hoard wealth."
"They're more interested in catering to their inner circle of elitists than the people who actually go and see their movies."
"Karen was a snob, she thought she was better than everybody else because her husband was a CEO."
"Camp is a rebuke to the cultural Mandarin, some people who are trying to spread culture."
"What you don't need is technocracy and aristocracy, an institutionalized elite class that's saying we're the only people that are allowed to discuss this."
"The Western Elites brazenly divide the world into 'civilized countries' and all the rest."
"Deep down, the Western Elites have remained the same colonizers."
"Too many PC elitists and their cronies fail to understand many gamers don't give a flying [ __ ] about PC gaming."
"Bethel is nothing more than... a really, really fancy boys club."
"You want your art to reach everybody. You don't want your art to just reach the elite people."
"The world economic forum is a sorority of the rich and powerful, the one-tenth of one percent, and they want to control the 99 percent."
"I'm seeing a lot of movement on this idea that the elites want to make us all eat bugs."
"It's a game of life... it's only like 10 people that the rest of the world really cares what they accomplished."
"They're not gaffs these are direct insights into the world views of the richest people in the world who are writing the rules for all of us."
"It's great for TV networks, it's great for elites because it distracts the country from actual systemic problems."
"That's the NFL team, that's the top 1% right there."
"Owning a private jet puts you among the elite in the world of the billionaires."
"Tucker was doing something was doing that but then I do think something much more dangerous on top of it he did have this philosophy around elitism that I think really resonated"
"Tories are the party of the one percent and they will always do the bidding of the one percent."
"Literally anybody who's ever used a keyboard before knows that you're not special."
"Interesting time to watch the elites try to cover for the mistakes they've been making."
"The fake populism of a well-connected billionaire courting ivy league lawyer who claims to stand for you because he stands against the elites of Davos."
"She's about as tone deaf as one of our political elites could possibly be."
"Better to do very small series... a very exclusive club."
"The smugness of the elites... they wanted their own wrecking ball."
"Treating the anger of everyday people like it's fake is elitism. Working-class is diverse and we're angry for a reason."
"A lot of Americans feel the way I feel, which is there's nothing we hate more than some elite person telling you that they know for sure something is good for you or works when they don't know it for sure."
"Opposing the big Banks and the establishment in the elites."
"Why? Status, bragging rights, so they could tell their friends that their privileged children got into the Ivies even though in reality their children weren't good enough academically or athletically."
"I'd rather be governed by the first 100 names in the Cambridge phone book than be governed by the faculty of Harvard University."
"Neoliberalism has created a world that is defined exclusively by the naked self-interest of the elites, and a growing number of its victims now openly reject."
"America now has an aristocracy and you and I are not part of it."
"Racist language has been used to turn Americans against Americans to benefit the wealthy elite."
"They focus on elites, corrupt businessmen, weak-willed politicians."
"Luxury beliefs denote status and membership in the Elite Ivy League circles."
"In short, this entire thing was a shameless infomercial for the global elite."
"When he says 'the majority,' here's what's scary: he's not even talking about your will, he's talking about the majority of elite politicians and unelected bureaucrats."
"The worst possible thing for any of us is going to be not resolving these issues and having establishment elites poopoo the people."
"The political system seems to be only working for the insiders with money and power."
"The elites have no regard for what their audience or their fans or supporters feel and believe."
"I don't think anything is overrated if you go to the right spot. Don't go to the spot where common people are peasants."
"We holders are the new wealthy elite."
"Reform of the labor market and the land markets seem to be elite projects, but they're the source of sustainable growth."
"The biggest problem we have is we have an elite class that believes that they know better than you or I, an average citizen, when the truth is, it's the exact opposite."
"There is an elite select group of people out there... misheard or unheard or not appreciated."
"The ultra wealthy, okay, no I know I get it, I'm rich but I'm not like a billionaire or anything like that right, certainly the powerful elites know something we all don't."
"Smoothness is like the real elite thing in my opinion, like it makes sense to me."
"The elites have gotten a lot of things wrong and yet they want to keep all the power to themselves."
"I think that we've got a problem with powerful establishment elites from the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, but mostly the Democrats who are trying to lie, cheat, and steal, manipulate and put a boot on your neck."
"The ruling elite don't want us to know there's a much better, more sustainable, more cooperative way of behaving and living." - Lee Camp
"Our government is set up first and foremost to cater to financial elites."
"You're not the Archie Bunker vote, you are an elite even though you rally against them."
"The elitists in our society have cut themselves off from the rest of America and now are attempting to dictate policy to everyone else at the cost of human decency."
"You have two elite groups who are saying the same thing seeking to integrate into the social system at the expense of the masses of the people."
"Art is messy, and being elitist about writing process is the stupidest thing ever."
"They don't mind the division when it's on their side, and they have this arrogance thinking that we are the educated people who've risen to high rank, therefore, we know better than everybody else."
"The elite, the wealthiest people on the planet, they have private doctors they fly to in other countries who have treatments that we don't even know about."
"The majority, the destiny of America is always safer in the hands of the people than in the conference rooms of any elite."
"Shed yourself of your elitism, realize we are our own worst critics."
"The only thing that this kind of printing is good for is for a very tiny Elite to run a system and rig it in their favor."
"Have a plan because the elites certainly do."
"The biggest problem in the world right there is elites think that they know better than the parent knows."
"Our ruling class have robbed the public to enrich Elites."
"There was a reset after the pandemic, it was a reset with these folks in society, elites, it's also been a reset even spiritually with people."
"The elites in our country who are in media, who are the pundits and the columnists, they are gaslighting the private sector."
"Humanity has to choose between synchronizing and becoming a global unity or letting the rich elite billionaires rule the world."
"The hierarchical system that people like JD Vance are trying to maintain - a Harvard degree, Yale degree doesn't mean anything if everybody can go."
"Progressivism is the religion of white North American elites. It's very white, it's very suburban, it's very upper class."
"If you've got your credit score set up and you've got just a little bit of money, you're the elite."
"Even though we may be seeing the mainstream news lose their power and influence, it's just being transferred to another group of ultra-wealthy elites."
"The elites don't play by the same rules that we do."
"Students at IV leagues are told they are special, destined for greatness, the best and the brightest."
"Upholding principles isn't just a boutique taste for an elite few."
"I think the ruling Elite now have put they don't care if you're black white green gray or Grizzly the ruling elit see the working class as fuel to be burned for their system however they need to burn it."
"Slavery for the elite is not essential like it was back in the days."
"The only humans worthy of becoming hope possess amazing talents and a strong will, and the moment you're born into this world, you either have that or you don't. There's no mistake, it has nothing to do with effort, you must be chosen."
"Listen carefully: the only humans worthy of becoming hope possess amazing talents and a strong will. And the moment you're born into this world, you either have that or you don't. There's no mistake."
"The scientific rationale for tyranny has always been attractive to elites."
"The elite who occupy the commanding heights of digital reality are suicidal nihilists."
"A partying PM and a law-breaking ritualist chancellor have lined the pockets of their wealthy pals."
"They want a federalist society goon who's never had a real job."
"Those who are not worthy, who don't meet the high bar of sorcery, just simply aren't worth it at all."
"Once you get rich and powerful, you upgrade into a different kind of human."
"Isn't it more satisfying to the ego to know that you are a member of a chosen few?"
"Essentially the government is run by a bunch of Oxford educated individuals that control the government through WhatsApp messages."
"Elitism is the ultimate dividing line in society, it is the decision matrix for most individuals, it's most people's north star."
"Almost all of elitism is about personal insecurity and almost all of elitism is fraudulent."
"You know, you can't have it both ways... our elites used to sort of be Stone Cold psychos."
"If somebody is currently acting as though they are Elite, then there's no real differentiation between the person who is portraying somebody to be elite and the person who is actually Elite."
"Shut the hell up, little people. Let us do what we want."
"I mean the guy really takes care of the elite of the elite."
"Relational harm: their priority is to not make enemies out of the elite."
"We have a lot of corrupt incompetent elites."
"Betty mean was glad to be done with the aura because he saw it as a holdover from when art wasn't available to the Mass but was instead Hidden Away by the rich and Powerful."
"It's delusional to think that there isn't a ruling elite. There has to be one."
"It's as if the wealthy families have got together and said, 'How can we thin out the population?'"
"I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the Faculty of Harvard University."
"To reduce obesity to a choice we make to reduce the spread of a virus is elitist reductionist and stigmatizing."
"And after years of thinking they're better than you Along Came Donald Trump."
"Nancy Pelosi is the distillation of the political and establishment elite."
"The elite are important and special and should be protected, and that you, the individual, mean absolutely nothing."
"The intelligentsia... know so much more than you do and they have the new system that is ready to be implemented."
"This is why these websites are slowly dying one by one because they have this sense of elitism and they have the sense of whatever the case may be and they just feel like belittling the gaming community which may actually keep them afloat."
"Trump is part of a group of people who think they're special, above the law."
"These corporations are psychotic moronic and elitist scumbags."
"The intelligent minority are the only people who know what's good for the country it's Madison you know the educated minority we're the Roman the noble Roman senators we know it's good for the country."
"Any regime can fall backwards and decay, either due to intellectual rigidity or insider capture by elites."
"This entire scenario of us against them, of the elite and the rest of humanity, this is a Shakespearean play."
"Donald Trump is actually among the elites, so the elites get extra privileges, extra protections."
"Trumpism is not an ideology... it is about making people believe that a set of elites look down on them, it's very populist."
"But when he talks about the limousine liberal issue he's actually getting it."
"Wokism is a new class system for all these privileged, educated, mainly white people."
"You can't talk about taxing the rich if you go to a party where literally everyone is rich."
"Not everyone has a backyard... That's the most elitist thing I've ever heard someone say."
"The ruling class realized they didn't have many intelligent people."
"He's a multi-billionaire but not an elitist."
"There is a condition among the elites that really thinks they're better than you. Deep down inside them, that you don't deserve the freedoms you have. They don't."
"The elite send their kids there and these people do very well."
"The best schools in the public educational system or the private educational system are full of rich kids and they all have bad values frankly."
"Owning an Audemars Piguet is a conspicuous indicator of elite status."
"Are the members of the global elite who want New World Order tend to have a political affiliation?"
"They think all the same things the difference is whether they can put like a veneer of ivy league [__] on it but what they all think."
"I'm not elite, no Ivy League school, no prestigious academic institution had an ounce of interest in me."
"Watching the classics... on the same level of pretentiousness that most abstract paintings lack."
"Our country is just awful right now, not you and me, but the people who actually get to go around pretending like they are important."
"Let's just face it, it's the wealthy, it's the elites, it's the people in the ivory towers."
"Religion is for the rabble only; the few who understand me understand that only me and the premature births of an unproven future."
"The elite operate on a sharing the blame principle, using deception to induce trust and then guilt for not participating."
"It's high time that these people get off their damn high horses."
"There's a necessary separation that has to come among some of us because everybody, I promise, not everybody is going to make it to our promised land."
"With legacy admissions and with these donations and close ties with investors, really what elite universities end up being is gated communities for the education of elite kids."
"The news media sucks because they do not write for the public but instead for their sources, industries they cover, and of course for the wealthy."
"A bit of elitism is good; it's the upward force."
"Meritocratic hubris has been a tremendous source of the grievance against Elites."
"And so, for the first time in history, it became possible to sound too posh for your own good."
"This is the old boys club and the right school or regiment means more sometimes than service and price."
"Imperialism benefits really a very small portion of the population."
"gatekeepers that want to make art something that's not accessible you know that wants to keep art as something that's kind of mysterious and and only for the elite you know who know the right way to do it and I just don't subscribe to that at all"
"I'm not the type of elitist that only buys high brand named items."
"I'm more educated. I think I'm better than you. Educated people do think they're better than everybody else."
"We were being betrayed by the elitist class and we stopped it. We stopped the great betrayal."
"Elite elements have always regarded democracy as a threat which has to be contained and controlled."
"It's unfair to let ordinary people make decisions, it's like letting a three-year-old cross the street."
"You just stare down at the peasants while you tailgate out the back of your bougie ambulance."
"I know it's easy to feel like the high price point especially is just the brand communicating to you like, hey [ __ ] you peasant."
"Don't let elitist Facebook groups put you off the whole thing."
"We are living through the greatest radicalization of the Elite Class since the 1960s."