
Cost Management Quotes

There are 321 quotes

"Seniors' out-of-pocket drug costs will be capped at $2,000 starting next year."
"During bad times, getting rid of contractors doesn't count as layoffs, so companies can easily cut expenses without technically laying off any staff."
"You can save money, but also, if you don't have the right infrastructure, moving to the cloud can cost you a ton of money."
"Every single thing in my home either benefits me, or it doesn't. And if it doesn't benefit me, then it ends up costing me something, either time devoted to managing it or the space to store it."
"The asset of the company is the people... when people are thinking, they're driving costs down and quality up."
"The physical exam has many advantages over routine echocardiograms for every patient with the most mild of cardiopulmonary symptoms, which seems to have become relatively routine in the current era of diminished physician-patient contact and skyrocketing healthcare costs."
"We ditched the hourly electric plan... This program became too expensive for us."
"We use innovation at an intense level to drive costs down."
"The next thing I hope you stop doing is overpaying for Disney."
"Profit maximization occurs where marginal revenue equals marginal cost."
"Shu Yoshida's plan included fostering inter-team collaboration to increase the quality of titles and reduce development costs."
"Starship good, SLS also good though I wish it was less expensive and less late."
"You save time and money, especially as you're starting out."
"Self-publishing was so convenient because if I got a show in London, I could just go on Amazon, order the books, and my cost was about $4.50 a copy."
"Moving could be a really good way of controlling costs."
"Understanding your costs, understanding your 3PL costs or your delivery cost, and then holding your providers accountable for those costs."
"Cost cutting was a big part of that decision making at Tesla."
"People wanted to dress cheaply, but they also didn't wanna look cheap."
"It's not just about dropping costs... it's about enabling new things."
"We're trying to as much as possible to remove any extra cost or any extra time."
"This is when you make something what it needs to be or what it could be. Don't worry about the cost of what it, and then you figure out what it costs after the fact."
"You cannot have high input costs and high earnings."
"If you're a restaurant and you're not negotiating your terms with your landlord, you're crazy right now." - Derek Falcon
"All of that treatment that we had with the overnight stays with all the tests they run with the medication zero dollar zero euro it was completely free."
"You have complete control over what components go into your build and you can make it as inexpensive or expensive as you want."
"Efficiency is the key driver to drive down costs."
"Start something which is not going to cost you a lot of money, start something and just get some experience under your belt."
"The higher that click-through rate percentage is the cheaper your cost per click and the cheaper your cost per click the cheaper your cost per acquisition or cost per purchase."
"Ponds cost more to build than you get out of removing them."
"Eating healthy meal prepping getting into the best shape of your life does not have to be expensive."
"If you feel like this is a job that's too big, stop, call a professional now. You're informed. You should be able to estimate how much this job should cost so you wouldn't be taking advantage of."
"Marginal cost means the next to make the next thing is very cheap."
"You have to know your production costs so that you have a floor that you know you're not gonna go below your production cost ever."
"The whole point of importing and doing all this stuff is to not only cut costs but also to give you some quality that rivals higher price quality."
"You always want your a cost to be lower than your profit margin."
"You don't have to spend a ton of money doing it."
"There's no one thing that determined it. I think a lot of it just came down to where they could cut costs the most."
"If grocery prices go up fifty percent but you can grow twenty percent of the food on your own, then you've only seen an increase of thirty percent your costs."
"Making it cost competitive... there are things that the government could do to make it as quick as possible really expedite that."
"It's probably also really expensive to make 40 songs for every project."
"2022 is kind of this first year where we're even able to contemplate taking some of these cost-saving initiatives."
"Just lower the costs of ammonia, feed for the cattle, energy costs of heating and lighting a studio."
"You won't hear 'free' in Disney World often - take advantage when you can."
"Good things cost money and you have to be able to just learn to budget the whole this whole video is just learning how to budget your money."
"Getting it done is the thing. It don't matter. Sometimes they don't care about the cost. Just do what you say you're going to do."
"Tesla's secret to cost controls: common parts, streamlined production, die casting, and fewer but larger factories."
"Hey guys it's Rachel Cruz here to tell you about a faith-based alternative to health insurance that can make health care more affordable."
"Take something that already exists, cut the price in half, make our own version."
"The car was built to a standard, not to a cost."
"Finishing late has damages which will cost you more than trying to save a penny at the beginning."
"Who benefits most? Larger enterprises and the potential for cost-saving."
"To get this thing off the ground was right away I set it at a lower price point."
"We need reform in the system so that we can get the cost of college under control." - Senator Warnock
"As long as they're super cheap to make and you don't need to make much in order to turn a profit, they're always gonna be around."
"You can see our average cost per click is 33 cents."
"No overhead or low overhead, you only spend for advertising costs."
"You'll be so excited at how much you save for that one thing."
"Tesla's cost control is really, really great right now."
"It's about producing better products and services faster and at lower costs."
"Everything we do must be of high quality. We must constantly strive to provide value, reduce our costs, and maintain reasonable prices."
"We had to do something to get the cost of these airplanes back down to a reasonable level."
"When you're setting a cost... you're taking all those things into account."
"Underneath the hood... they're cutting expenses and they're cutting people."
"A deep-seated policy...was to ensure that his cars were the cheapest in their class no matter what the profit implications."
"Zoos are slaughtering their own perfectly healthy animals to save money."
"Enjoying your life doesn't have to cost money."
"Patients for rare diseases never bear the brunt of the cost."
"You want to maximize performance while minimizing costs, but that's easier said than done."
"You can still have a wonderful vacation on a budget."
"SMRs: Start small, keep costs low, add more as needed."
"For every degree that you raise that thermostat, you save between one and three percent on your utility bill."
"We may have gone too far in cost cutting, Elon. That makes me so happy if that's actually what the policy is."
"Competition drives prices down, keeps cost of games low, drives people to make better games."
"And any given technology is only relevant to the degree that it produces cost per ton to orbit."
"How can I increase the value versus the cost of what it is that I'm delivering?"
"We have to control supply, quality, cost. So that's why we are spending what we're spending to build our own pack facility."
"It's not the result Alex was hoping for, but with Lanterna in desperate need of a revamp, I want to show him it's possible to change the look of the restaurant without spending lots of money."
"Hopelessly went all out for Vlahovic when all we had to do was get Camara and Kulusevski for the same price."
"I feel like there's got to be a better way to make more money right it's just this stuff is so expensive."
"After we sell everything off that white car, we're gonna be in this motor for two grand."
"The biggest mistake new business owners make in product pricing is not considering and covering all of their costs."
"As your user base grows you can add more and as it shrinks you can pair those down and no longer pay for them"
"That's what you would need to spend to get this much light out on one trip."
"I was all by myself in that decision. People like, 'No, let's just cut back salaries a little bit.' It'll keep everybody. I'm like, 'No, we're gonna eliminate that department.'"
"While it’s a little pricey up front, you’ve locked in your costs and will benefit from that over time."
"He gets the best out of any player who's right for the football club, whatever the cost."
"The game console business works on selling hardware cheap and generating revenue and game sales. It's paramount to minimize production cost to generate meaningful profit margins."
"It's a whole lot cheaper to be a little bit behind, and that's a valid strategy in business."
"You don't want to dig yourself into a financial hole having to pay every single month for a website host when you're not even making money yet."
"Our goal is to continuously decrease production costs and increase the affordability of our vehicles."
"It'd be nice if they could bring that cost down a little bit, that would certainly be better."
"That's simply clever strategy, clever cost-effective strategy and nothing else."
"Continued volume growth and cost control are an important combination for achieving sustained industry-leading profitability."
"If you're looking for the most efficient or just the least expensive to own and operate, look no further than the hybrid trims of the Avalon."
"The way to get a lot of innovation in a company is to work very, very hard to reduce the cost of doing experiments."
"He understood it was going to be costly and he chose to do it a different way."
"If you get carried away with options, the Volvo is going to be less expensive."
"This is why Elon Musk is basically begging these companies: figure out how to control your costs otherwise you're going to go bankrupt."
"Saving $20,000 on vehicle expenses over a three-year span turned into almost $50,000."
"Depreciation is such an insidious covert car ownership cost and here's how you can cut it in half."
"Yes, depreciation therefore truly is the sandpaper dildo of car ownership costs."
"Keeping a business lean without a lot of overhead... is so important to making a profit."
"Operating losses at the direct to Consumer businesses saw a meaningful trimming."
"Having a fixed cost is such a benefit. It is stable, predictable."
"Every cent counts for increasing your profit."
"Time is money. The more time you spend doing something, the more money it costs you to do it."
"Dollar cost averaging with equal amounts of money brings down your average buying price."
"Don’t think you can save money by simply changing materials at this stage, the bulk of your costs are tied up in square footage."
"We capped the cost of insulin at 35 a month for seniors."
"If your current system is breaking you, is wearing you out, and costing you too much money, you are probably using the wrong system."
"Brush up on your virtual queue how to's or be prepared to shell out some extra cash if you want to ride Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind once it opens on May 27th."
"New Year's Eve is anyone here a bit tipsy already? Hey, preloading and free tickets, you are nailing this cost of living crisis."
"This helps to keep the repair costs down and the resale value up."
"That increased the cost, but also had a lot of advantageous side effects."
"Stone is keeping their customer acquisition costs under control; they're up just 1% year over year for small and medium-sized businesses and down by 17% for micro-merchants."
"It's the simultaneous pursuit of high value and low-cost which has blue ocean strategy."
"The lower you can lower the cost and the best that you can build up the infrastructure the more effective that you can be in attracting other businesses."
"It's not going to cost you thousands of pounds."
"Cybernetic implant... ripper dock... 200 armor... pricey... cheaper method... buying outfits... coolest clothes... stress about mod slots..."
"Jobs were lost, pay was cut, and every hour aircraft spent on the ground was seen as waste."
"Most people when they're trying to become wealthy get stuck on number one—they get stuck on how do I spend less money, how do I cut back on my expenses, how can I find an extra penny by not spending a penny."
"Our goal is to reduce the amount of healing done throughout the round, disincentivize Sage from self-healing, and make it more expensive to do so."
"Sheep have been the most profitable for us among all the areas because we basically cut out all of our input cost and then produce a high-quality product."
"Tesla, we think, can drive prices down because its costs are moving down."
"You guys need to realize the benefits that you get with it cancel out that annual fee or reduce it significantly."
"The only cost in this video will be for the domain name and the website hosting."
"Total money out of pocket for you was 144,400."
"It's all about getting the scale and covering those fixed costs."
"As far as cost, I didn't keep accurate records but overall I'm guessing that it came in under thirty thousand because I did so much reclaimed wood and all the labor myself."
"I can't emphasize enough how much of a factor cost is for most people when you look at the cost reductions we've made in Model Y versus how much people's monthly cost to finance a car has gone up."
"If Walmart is paying a lot in diesel for example to transport all of these goods there is a limit where they can pass that extra cost all the way down to us at some point they have to eat the loss."
"Building it the right way the first time is going to be way cheaper."
"Like any fool can reduce the cost of a car by making it worse."
"Tesla offers a lower price in most cases which allows the cost of ownership to be lower."
"Ultimately, if you play your cards right what you pay doesn't have to be hugely noticeable in the pie chart of everything that goes into this design."
"Prioritize eating healthy over reducing cost."
"Why not do it right? It costs us nothing extra to do it."
"If it doesn't contribute to performance—Why would I spend any money on it?"
"They reduced SG&A. What company sells more vehicles yet reduces its cost for SG&A? This is so good, this is such a phenomenal report."
"You could tell where they cut corners to lower the price and keep the price in check on this Explorer ST Line."
"The cost of cutting corners is very expensive."
"Project cost management includes the processes involved in estimating, budgeting, and controlling costs so that the project can be completed within the approved budget."
"The triple constraint refers to the three competing project constraints of scope, cost, and time."
"The AWS Cost and Usage Report is a service which will generate a detailed spreadsheet enabling you to better analyze and manage your AWS costs and usage."
"Cloud Storage offers the object lifecycle management feature to help manage costs."
"Tires are expensive, and if you're looking at a bus in the three to four thousand dollar range, keep in mind that a new set of tires is going to cost you as much as that bus is worth."
"So focusing on our cost structure also on our capital expense really being focused in the areas where we can create impact, including in the energy transition."
"By knowing these costs the more you know the more you can dictate the more you can control and the better plan you can put in play."
"when you start thinking about it as cost per mile it's energy cost it's maintenance cost it's insurance cost it's parking costs depreciation obviously and finance Cost Plus your time cost"
"...this has really happened but I I like the approach that you guys took because you had figured out your Breakeven point and then you had sort of asked or had people sign up for pre-orders to ensure that you so that was so smart so smart to cover your costs"
"Costs matter and the king of low costs are passively managed index funds."
"When you plan and you build things and you prepare in advance, you're able to keep your costs down much lower."
"You become more profitable in ranching usually not by increasing individual animal performance but by lowering cost per acre."
"You have to have a high win percent because you're generating a lot of cost."
"Make sure you set this to dev/test or else if you leave it on default it's going to add a bunch of things that you have to pay for which we don't want in this case."
"If you're not worried about the cost of that at all, that's great, congratulations."
"If you don't know your costs, then you have no idea what either of those things are going to be."
"You have much lower cost of goods which means lower risk and faster return, and you are also able to find inventory easier."
"You can either increase your price, sell more aggressively, or get these costs down as much as you can without sacrificing product quality."
"Don't rush to optimize every penny of profit in the early days, focus on minimizing your upfront cost."
"The key to business is to lower costs and increase profits. So every time you increase your profits, you want to look at how you can lower costs."
"It's just like, insane and that's why they're like, damn it. Like, what the f? Like, there's got to be a better solution, yeah. There's gotta be. I'm spending all of this money on on damages like, damn."
"And that ladies and gentlemen is how you very simply create ads that get a really good cost per call and how you just duplicate and duplicate and duplicate."
"You only shut down if your price is less than your average variable costs."
"You first pay off your fixed costs, so your average costs are falling."
"It is better to keep the execution time as small as possible because AWS will charge you using this as a parameter."
"Let me tell you that if you don't delete this entire setup or if you don't delete the EBS snapshots or volumes that you are creating as part of this project, it will incur cost."
"The cost of the product was minimal, and I felt it would be wise for us to give the customer the refund."
"The efficient point is where the marginal product of labor over the wage equals the marginal product of capital over the rental rate."
"Keeping your cost down is going to allow you to be profitable much faster."
"How do we provide the most care to the most people of sufficient quality and constrain cost?"
"Correctly account for trade costs and restrictions."
"For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?"
"You have to keep making the car better, improving the price, but improving the cost of production."
"There's always compromises in engineering, and when you get down to this level, every nickel and every dime and every dollar counts."
"Our annual expenses average a mere $25,000 to $27,000."
"Every company is constantly looking to reduce the cost of goods sold to increase their gross profits."
"One aspect of serverless is cost management; I only want to pay for this thing while it's doing something useful."
"You really have to be able to balance that cost of production versus cost of retail."
"Cost-volume-profit analysis is a model that enables managers to see how changes in cost, volume, and prices affect net income or operating income."
"A business model is supposed to answer who your customer is, what value you can create or add for the customer, and how you can do it at reasonable costs."
"I like my customer acquisition cost to be under 100 if at all possible."
"The dual benefit of having additional income and lowering your breakeven."
"The large enterprises, they even have people entirely dedicated to cost management."
"Wrapping cars is all about time and money."
"Subway did this sort of analysis back in '08 and they realized they had an advantage in their margin due to their low food costs."
"It doesn't cost us anything to go ahead and list it, just make sure that you are profitable."
"The structure of the system radically affects the cost of changes to the behavior of the system."
"You can't sacrifice quality for the purpose of cutting costs."
"Your nitrogen bill should not be your highest input cost if your soil is healthy without disease or impairment."
"Get exactly what you want when you plan. Don't think afterwards, 'Oh, I want a window there,' or 'I want to do this,' but that's going to affect not only your planning application but also how much you pay your architect."
"If you're going to win in a price competitive environment, you have to keep your prices down and your costs down."
"It only costs on average up to a hundred and twenty-five dollars per month to keep the virtual law firm up and running."
"You want to spend about a third of your sales price on the product itself."
"The number of headaches per dollar tend to decrease to some extent as the jobs get bigger."
"Match supply and demand to deliver the lowest costs for a system."
"ERP does a lot more than just help you keep records of everything you do; ERP actively helps you manage your two biggest costs: purchasing and production."
"Most Wall Street analysts still think that Tesla's profit margins have to eventually come down... but what they're still failing to realize is that Tesla is always aggressively driving down costs."
"Cost-volume-profit analysis is looking at how the costs and the profits will change with the change in the volume of sales or the level of activity."
"Focus on your costs, don't focus on the rate that you're getting; get into the market sooner than later."