
Pity Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Men would be monsters were it not for the natural feeling of pity. It's pity that humanizes people."
"I feel sorry for you people that don't drink."
"I don't hate my enemies, I pity them because what they have done is so fundamentally evil."
"I have pity for them because they do believe that they're possessed by an idea."
"I feel bad for you, Tom. I really do. Because at the end of the day, I get to go home and you get to go to whatever hole you came out of."
"Everything I do is dope, and if you're not on board, I feel sorry for you."
"Nobody plays with Ken; he's an accessory and not even one of the good ones."
"Never excuse yourself, never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself, and be lenient to everyone else."
"The only reason I didn't kill your stupid ass is because you look so goddamn stupid and I felt sorry for you."
"I just felt sorry for him pitiful human being."
"If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied."
"I pity the people out there at the moment. I think Kim would be standing here next."
"Pity is inherently universalist, it doesn't allow us to comprehend the total suffering of the world."
"Zarathustra paradoxically finds that he himself has pity for the higher man, pity for the victims of pity as a moral ideology."
"But on you only had I any claim for pity and redress, and from you I determined to seek that justice which I vainly attempted to gain from any other being that wore the human form."
"You understand this person, you actually pity them."
"I kind of feel sorry for them too because they don't even want to be what they are."
"Your love has changed to pity. You kind of just feel sorry for him now."
"Nature is not immoral when it has no pity for the degenerate."
"I almost felt bad for how her extremism had ruined things, but I decided not to waste any pity on someone so committed to making others miserable."
"In the tolkenian sense, pity filled his heart and great wonder, and suddenly the slow-kindled courage of his race awoke."
"Empathy vs. pity: 'That's not feeling sorry though, that's just empathy. I think.'"
"That's all the power of a God of destruction. What a pity you are."
"Pity those who don't feel anything at all."
"I don't like fighting, Vegeta. I only did it because it was literally do or die. Frankly, at this point, I'd be fighting you out of pity."
"I felt sorry for that toothless old swine."
"I pity the fool who don't barbecue."
"Where there is beauty, there is pity, for the simple reason that beauty must die."
"He came embodied with all the knowledge, with pity."
"Even becomes more pitiable with their abuse at human hands."
"It's just sad. Pathetic probably would be more accurate."
"The God Who reincarnated Suzuki felt pity for him."
"People automatically victimize you, feel sorry for you, like, 'Oh, you need my help?'"
"Sometimes a weak expression of pity is the deepest act of cruelty."
"You sound so desperate, Cell. Kind of sad to see you in this state."
"If I wanted pity, I'd wear a sign asking for pity. We all make choices. Not all of them are good."
"There's a part of me that just feels bad for him at this point."
"Pity is for the living; envy is for the dead. So, we need not pity the dead; rather, they may be pitying us."
"More than anything I pity you, how sad you must be to derive your only joy from making an already broken man even more miserable. Have you had your fun? Are you happy with what you've done?"
"Most of the people you're arresting are pitiful."
"If we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most to be pitied."
"It was pitiful in a way, and yet cheering, even exhilarating."
"Those who have power do not need pity from those weaker, only to take everything from them." - Mr. Obsidian, 2022
"It's a pity. I like you better when you don't talk."
"You're wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked."
"I know none so pitiable as the sight of a man ruining his own soul."
"I had no feeling of pity for the man appeared happy in both manner and words as he died nobly and without fear of equities."
"I wish you had a thousandth part of the pity for me that I have for you."
"Pity is the opposite of subjectivizing someone, to pity someone is to absolutely dehumanize them."
"Beware of pity, which may appear to you as a form of charity, is in fact achieving the exact opposite, it dehumanizes completely."
"Anyone that is a hater, is a troll or whatever, I genuinely do feel sorry for them."
"How can I not have pity for people like that who have never had the opportunity to truly feel what love feels like to truly feel what it's like to be validated and to be cared for and to experience the love of God?"
"Pity is feeling sorry for others or feeling sorry for ourselves; compassion just says this is the way things are for all humans."
"Poor Viseris, man. His life is so depressing."
"Poor little Mickey would get kicked out of the friendship group."
"You have the power to become something great, but you're mediocre. What a pity."
"We are of all men most to be pitied if the dead are not raised."
"The real difference between them is one lives in guilt and another in pity."
"I feel sorry for all these people, it's really going to suck to go through life being that stupid."
"Let us only say that such people are so lacking in compassion and intelligence that we must pity them rather than expect better."
"Sympathy: feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune."
"Even though sinful deserve some compassion, it's those who do no harm to others in their inequity they pity most."
"The Lord pities us as a father pities his children."
"It truly is a pity that we must say goodbye to you like this."
"You are a strange, sad little man, and you have my pity. Farewell."
"The Lord will be zealous for His land and will have pity upon His people."
"Pity, Jane, is an insult from some people, but from you, I accept it as the mother of love."
"Goku remarks on Frieza's pathetic end, telling him that even he deserves better than what he's become."
"It's a great pity Venezuela, before. The richest country in all of Latin America."
"You and your husband sitting up here... it's pathetic."
"This boy is their savior, I actually feel pity, this is the first human I full pity for."
"We are all pitiful people of the palace. Who can laugh at whose what?"
"I'm not even mad at you anymore; if anything, I pity you because you missed out on getting to know a great person."
"The most pitiful individual in the room is a man or woman with sight but no vision."
"Pity can be with a sense of grace."
"Do not think this a kindness. I spare you today not out of fear of what your family will do, but out of pity."
"It's really nice having people look after you, but when they start to feel sorry for you, that's when it gets seriously cringe-making."
"That's a real pity, it's a beautiful, beautiful snake."
"Batman literally views Jonathan Crane, out of his rogues gallery, as the most pitiable among Gotham's violent criminals."
"To the cynics, the skeptics, I feel sorry for you. I'm sorry you can't dream big."
"I pity people like that; I really do. I feel bad for them because their life must be... I just don't know, that's all I can come up with."