
Laziness Quotes

There are 458 quotes

"No one has more pain than the lazy. We think we avoid pain by being lazy, but we create pain because we feel unfulfilled. We don't have what we want; things are hard. We don't have the skills or the muscles to do things that should come easy to us."
"Judgmental people are lazy and have no imagination."
"Laziness is not a problem; it's an umbrella term that covers a lot of emotional things."
"People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day."
"Laziness is a silent killer. It consumes ambition, kills progress, and chokes potential."
"Success breeds entitlement, entitlement breeds laziness, and then victimhood fits laziness like a glove."
"The human mind is lazy; it searches for simple stories."
"Lazy thinking is one of the problems we have these days, isn't it? A massive issue."
"Laziness is a virtue in a society where people constantly want you to be productive 24/7."
"People like being lazy for sure, but ultimately, people like going out and being in groups."
"Laziness is the engine of progress, which means that lazy people are the most progressive people in the world."
"Women are still accepted by society for being lazy, whereas a lazy man... ain't gonna get nothing."
"For centuries, people have claimed that lazy people are bad, lazy people ruin society, lazy people are useless. But what if laziness isn't even a real thing?"
"One thing about computer programmers is that we are the laziest people on the face of the earth."
"Human beings are not only ambitious, but sometimes they're ambitiously lazy."
"Humans are lazy by nature... But if you are going to rely on other people's guesswork to be the solution to your financial future it's a very dangerous thing to do."
"If you're too lazy to come up with a joke but then point out that you're lazy, that means you're not lazy anymore."
"How can you complain about something that promises to give you free housing, free college, free health care, and a livable income even if you don't feel like working?"
"Apathy and laziness are not only appealing but virtuous."
"I'm just profoundly lazy... and I'm building that."
"Laziness and entitlement can cost you millions."
"Do not let laziness stop you from getting where you want to be."
"It's not political partisanship nor stupidity but rather probably laziness."
"What is it about laziness that feels morally wrong?"
"If everybody were a critical thinker we'd be in a better place and it's everything that we all say we want to be anyway we just don't do it because we're lazy we're conditioned."
"Just accept the fact that you're lazy just say you're lazy and just own it you know."
"Sloth is defined as apathy, laziness, and a habitual disinclination to exertion."
"Nobody strictly chooses to be lazy, they just kind of are, or maybe they kind of choose to be lazy in that they act in particular ways that bring about that character."
"Reaction content is the laziest content that exists."
"Lazy person fact: You were too lazy to read that number."
"Laziness has prevented more crimes than the police ever will."
"Busyness is a form of laziness. You're keeping yourself busy so that you don't have to think."
"There's a million different way that's just somebody who's being lazy and not trying."
"The present self is a petulant child. It's lazy and wants the path of least resistance."
"You know when you are guilty of wasting time and being lazy."
"Fudging dice during an encounter is the lazy Dungeon Master's way of adjusting."
"It's for lazy people that want to act... that just don't want to do the [ __ ]"
"Are we so lazy now that we're like 'oh I want to order someone to bring me food but the app is all the way on the other side of the phone and my thumb is so tired'?"
"She was just being lazy for so many years because she got too comfortable, and now since there's some a lot of girls coming out she's like I need to get back in the ring you know I'm saying?"
"If you don't look for a reason for the distinction, you're being lazy."
"Goblin mode: a type of behavior which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy."
"If you don't return your cart when you're done you're a lazy slug."
"Allowing your life to unfold or better yet allowing God to reveal your path to you, how is that not being lazy?"
"Ambitious, lazy people are the most unhappy."
"Lazy? Blazed? I'm not being lazy, I'm being prudent and smart."
"We'd be looking at Sky High inflation just raging Weimar Republic kind of inflation."
"Laziness is sometimes the mother of innovation."
"Lazy people are soon poor, hard workers become prosperous."
"Hard work pays off in the future but laziness pays off now."
"Productivity is a choice and so is laziness."
"My CSing, my actual CSing is really poor. I'm missing a lot of CS just due to laziness really."
"A path of enlightened laziness: identify the quickest and most efficient method of doing a job right the first time."
"Patrick is sloth. Sloth can be defined as physical laziness or spiritual laziness...Patrick Starr is both."
"People who are slothful... very quickly end up falling into mortal sin."
"If you want to get something done, find the laziest person you know because they will find shortcuts in order to achieve it."
"Wanting to just tear everything down because you don't want to do the work... is essentially what a lot of the politicians and companies want."
"Lazy people, just lazy people categorically."
"Decorate my festival, dammit, because I'm too lazy too."
"Once you really start to get complacent is when you start to get lazy."
"Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something."
"We can all get very lazy when it comes to self-care and self-love."
"People are stuck because they are lazy, they are scared, or they don't know who they are."
"They're admitting their laziness, guys. They're admitting their laziness. This is what they do."
"That's so true, minor. And the truth is what happens is that we're lazy, and I think as human beings we're inherently lazy, we are."
"The top guys got so lazy and stopped innovating that somebody else is able to come in and disrupt."
"Ah yes, the way of the lazy man once again. He's so real for this."
"It's the pinnacle of procrastination and laziness and arrogance to hope for an afterlife that will fix the [ __ ] you're not fixing now."
"Lazy ideologues often resort to deceptive tactics."
"It's just lazy. You're letting technology do your thinking for you."
"The narrative... always painted me and Lo as lazy people."
"It's easy, lazy, but not the state pumping this out."
"Lazy person fact: Seven million eight hundred and forty-nine thousand three hundred and sixty-seven. You were too lazy to read that number. No, I wasn't. Shut up."
"Procrastination and laziness are the thieves of time, the enemies of progress."
"I'm definitely supposed to be getting up, but this one has decided it's cuddle time."
"You're gonna be lazy by creating a house that you can be lazy in."
"I'm lazy so what I'm left with is I start the week like this."
"If you want to find the most efficient way to get something done in your company, give it to the lazy person."
"I want a job where you don't have to be qualified or know anything at all, and you get paid for sitting around being useless and never have to lift a finger."
"The key to overcoming laziness lies in finding a purpose that resonates deeply with your inner self."
"Overcoming the inertia of laziness and living a life brimming with purpose and fulfillment is within reach."
"Welcome to the world of Ikigai, a path to finding your unique purpose and overcoming the chains of laziness."
"G-Unit was supposed to be the new N.W.A., but laziness killed it as a whole."
"Me after doing nothing all day: 'I'm tired.'"
"I didn't become successful by being lazy."
"Some of them are lazy and don't do that but the ones that are trying to make the most use of maximizing the calories."
"I'm not lazy, dude. All I need to do is press some buttons on my phone and food arrives. So that's like the opposite of lazy."
"...if you're a [ __ ] who's talented you could be a [ __ ] that's lazy, lazy don't do [ __ ] right."
"If you're feeling lazy just know that my brother just asked to vacuum his room but he YouTubed a vacuum sound and laid in bed instead. Yeah, this is Big Brain time."
"For me as a lazy gardener, this is the secret to me never having to do anything in my garden."
"Sometimes you just don't want to get out of your PJs, you know?"
"Selfie, the self-making bed - because even beds are getting lazy."
"I think my biggest problem with this movie is that it swings for these Deadpool-like meta jokes but in just the laziest way possible and without a single care for how much it breaks the movie itself."
"That seems great, but it does seem a little sketchy or something, it wasn't like that, it was like literally oh I'm just lazy and rather sit here and drink and eat pizza than do anything to help you out or help Hunter's girlfriend out or whatever."
"My leg it looks airbrushed wow I can't be bother to do my other leg though so I'm going to have one really nice leg and one not so nice leg because who can be bother to shave two legs at once no thank you love it."
"This film just abandons all of that and the problem is as well by abandoning all of that by abandoning the rudimentary tech it also allows for a number of plot contrivances which just removed the peril of the original film."
"There's so much you can play with and they don't do any of that either. It's just it's incredibly incredibly lazy."
"The defining feeling one gets from this film is that they didn't give a [ __ ]."
"I'm just too lazy to be so satisfying."
"Or I'm just lazy. I mean maybe it's a bit of both."
"Lazy Girl skincare is my favorite."
"Sometimes being lazy is not necessarily a bad thing if it saves you time in the long run."
"Affiliate marketing is, in fact, the laziest way of earning on the internet."
"Comfort often is is sort of hijacked as a word and it makes it feel like we're being lazy and sitting down is nice but I'm comfortable to perform as best as I can do that makes sense."
"You can throw this on on a lazy day and you can still be cute."
"...if you quit not because of injury not because of being sick but just because of laziness or because I just gave up right like that was something that I just beaten in my head that I couldn't tolerate..."
"Blackbeard always takes the path of least resistance."
"You [__] greedy [__], using nostalgia to avoid actually having to do any work."
"There are times you are lazy and you almost don't want to smell water but you know that you need it for your health."
"The only thing that can misfire for you guys is that laziness."
"Just go ahead and confirm the terms and conditions. Read them if you want to but I'm just going to be lazy as always and just blindly accept."
"For the most part, this being just a repaint, I really do believe this to be incredibly lazy by Hasbro."
"users are just lazy about stuff and like don't care about anything other than it making their life better"
"Negligence and unreliability are inherent in laziness."
"Lazy people are dangerous because they're willing to let others suffer rather than lift a finger."
"Lazy people become entitled and expect others to fulfill their needs without merit."
"Laziness leads to squalor and resentment."
"Procrastination has nothing to do with being lazy."
"Some men, if they were paid to sleep, they would wake up and quit."
"This should have been got told but you guys know I procrastinate everything. I'm low-key kind of lazy these days but it's okay."
"If he won't work, don't feed him. There you go, that'll preach. If he don't work, you don't worry. That'll break down, that's all I got to say about the matter. Pilgrims did it too."
"It's lazy, it's reductive, and it's straight up garbage."
"That's what I was trying to remember, I was like, oh, he probably needed extra, nope, just got lazy."
"I never like wearing sweats or any form of sweatpants because I think it's so lazy to wear it outside of your house."
"A lazy player leaves behind a tainted legacy."
"The thing that will damage you more than anything is your own ambition or your own laziness."
"In Haskell, you never have to explicitly say that something is lazy. It's automatic."
"The language is lazy by default, always."
"I haven't seen him hold a job or do anything useful and productive since they've been together."
"I'm glad that he said that he was under the influence he wrote this because if he wasn't it would just be a completely lazy ass book."
"Nothing is impossible. Me, who does nothing every day."
"I did not have a lemon stand growing up... I was forced to get a paper route but I was so lazy that I didn't collect the money."
"Laziness in doing certain things can be a great virtue."
"Every lazy girl's dream because I hate mincing garlic myself."
"Ain't nowhere in the Holy Bible say you could be complacent ain't nowhere in the Holy Bible say you could be lazy ain't nowhere do God say he going to meet you in your complacency meet you in your laziness."
"I think it's a weird situation where you get, and I hate to say it, but you get some lazy mountain bikers that buy a full-power ebike and go mountain biking."
"No, Joe's dumb. This is entirely on Joe. He sounds like he's just deflecting blame because he was being lazy."
"A lazy person is not going to look for answers through AI."
"yeah I don't want to trash the guy too hard but he totally phoned it in"
"Ignore the messy hair. It's a lazy Saturday."
"Everyone wants to be a leader, just people are lazy"
"Lack of self discipline and laziness is a result of the idolization of comfort."
"The cost of procrastination, the cost of laziness, is missing out on God's purpose for your life."
"I was too lazy to go home and change into more casual clothes and then drive to the movies."
"I don't need to wear designer clothes and get dressed up every day because I'm lazy."
"We don't do better because we're lazy."
"Lazy youngsters is out of bed, it's PR near daylight."
"I once fed someone ordinary sausages, sort of vegetarian, once because I was too lazy to check the packaging."
"There's so many things that are just lazy."
"The only way this doesn't work is if you're too lazy to return the remote to its pocket home."
"I know that's like kind of a lazy move to not even try to change my sweatpants, but I really just don't feel like changing out of them because I love them so much."
"People are just going to watch the TV and not read the books, you know, way too lazy for that."
"I feel like I just need to get out. I'm so lazy right now."
"Now the true laziest way of making money online right now is by using artificial intelligence or Ai."
"The true laziest way of making money online right now is by using artificial intelligence or AI."
"It's okay to be lazy, but set up positive things in your life that are very convenient."
"I was like a professional couch potato. It was the best job ever."
"Microwave Christianity: laziness to read it for yourself."
"Lazy Christians, lazy Christians: it's a disease."
"You've got into a habit, which is a lazy habit."
"If you're saying that we ate too much and we did too little, you're basically saying we're greedy and lazy, and that's not very nice and it's also not accurate."
"Laziness is the mother of all invention."
"Some of you guys are just simply lazy. I can't teach you how to not be lazy; that's something you have to have inherently."
"Being lazy is fine. You know what's great about lazy people? They don't make themselves wrong."
"...you get this power lift gate yes I'm lazy but I like it..."
"One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys."
"Slothfulness is when you become complacent and lazy, neglecting your responsibilities and potential for growth."
"People are lazy. I think people are scared of rejection."
"The activity is your decision and laziness is your decision."
"I want to do stuff on my days off but I usually end up being lazy."
"Shock value has always been the lowest and laziest form of art. Shocking people is easy."
"Effort is for losers. Being smart is for losers. Working hard, losers. Trying hard? Me? I would never try hard."
"...that's just lazy people trying to validate their own laziness. They don't want to do the hard thing because it is hard. It's hard. Everything is hard."
"Complacency is really just a mindset and a laziness."
"I've gotten to the point where I'm basically too lazy to do anything except just park my car and roll down the windows."
"I'm not gonna measure any of it cuz that just sounds like a lot of work."
"I think people just genuinely don't know. They're lazy. They don't look it up."
"Why put yourself through all the hard work to save people with your superpower when you can just chill?"
"I just want to make it look like I put in the very least amount of effort as possible because, well, that's what I do."
"Hard work works. And you know what's great about our culture? Y'all, the world's lazy."
"He's the laziest monster in the world."
"Only smart people could find a way to get paid without doing nothing. Okay, that's genius."
"I feel so lazy... I'm off to go and pick up some dinner for me and Zoe in the car."
"I'm gonna be totally honest with you. I'm gonna stay in my pajamas because I don't want to change."
"It's so crazy because you do all of that for other people, and then you kind of be lazy with yourself."
"I really don't eat cereal that much but it's nice just when you're like I don't want to dirty any dishes like I don't want to cook but I still I don't know I just feel like it is convenient."
"Guys like use the pandemic as an excuse to just like sit on their couch."
"The cure for spiritual laziness is spiritual discipline."
"The cure for personal laziness is to grow in discipline."
"That's called preparing and most of us don't think that way because we're complacent. I mean we're just lazy complacent people."
"Just because you're busy doesn't mean you're not lazy."
"The cause of laziness is a craving for comfort."
"The cost of laziness is not carrying your cross the cost of laziness is a wasted life."
"The cause of laziness is a craving for comfort. The cost of laziness is a wasted life. And the cure for laziness is discipline."
"I'm like the lazy Girl's Guide to makeup."
"Man, how great would it be to be canceled? I'd never have to work again."
"I view laziness as not that you don't do anything, it's that you don't do things you don't want to do."
"...this is actually the laziest way in my opinion."
"I'm too lazy to go out, maybe I should just start a family."
"Dry shampoo - the lazy version of shampoo."
"Ain't nothing funny about a lazy man."