
Whistleblowing Quotes

There are 370 quotes

"She went viral for exposing a famous professional soccer player in Brazil. She told reporters verbatim, 'If something happens to me, it was him. He did it.'"
"Judge McAfee might have just opened the flood of whistleblowers."
"The whistleblower... opened up the discussion to people like senators who were very supportive of providing weapons to the Ukrainians."
"Whistleblowers are entitled to anonymity under the law."
"My whistleblower case for Brooke Jackson is having more ramifications than even I was optimistic that it would have."
"Boeing whistleblower John Barnett found dead days after testifying against the company."
"Diana became a whistleblower and had gone public with her account of life within the House of Windsor."
"Whistleblowers are patriotic individuals who often sacrifice their own career as well as their livelihood to root out waste, fraud, and abuse."
"Julian Assange did incredible work in revealing to us the nature of hypocrisy and corruption."
"Julian Assange will be punished not for a crime but for exposing crime, and that is what's truly criminal."
"Many [whistleblowers] are willing to come in and use their names, have their identities known, and aren't afraid to do it. They're incredibly courageous for doing that."
"People who come forward, it takes great courage. We've got to protect identities, as the law requires us to do."
"It takes great courage to come in as a whistleblower."
"I came forward because I felt that my colleagues did not have a way to mitigate the safety threat, and I wanted to help them."
"What Chelsea Manning did was brave and in the public interest, and I'm grateful for it."
"Whistleblowing is... to try and provide the public information that it is in the public interest to know."
"Chelsea Manning has served a tough prison sentence. The notion that the average person who was thinking about disclosing vital classified information would think that it goes unpunished, I don't think would get that impression from the sentence that Chelsea Manning has served."
"Whistleblowing is ultimately the last failsafe, the safety valve through which any organization or institution can repair itself organically through its own personnel before it becomes a failed institution."
"The Espionage Act, which is intended for the prosecution of spies, is being increasingly leveraged to be used as a bludgeon against public interest journalistic sources and whistleblowers."
"Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler... came forward at great risk to their careers and reputations to bring to light evidence of corruption and misconduct within our federal government."
"This is why I say pardon all of these previous whistleblowers. These people deserve recognition as the patriots who stood up and took a risk for the rest of us."
"Australians deserve a political party that doesn't weaponize laws designed to protect victims of domestic violence in order to silence whistleblowers and those who expose their wrongdoings."
"Assange and Snowden were right. The most corrupt actions and the most corrupt actors will disguise what they're doing as national security."
"The Whistleblower Protection Act was signed into law to strengthen the protections for federal employees who disclose evidence of waste, fraud, and abuse."
"I elected to go to the media, which resulted in the entire weight of the US government falling on my head. But that's okay; it was an experience that in the end was worth it."
"He did the right thing the wrong way...You don't end up a Russian citizen by doing the right thing the right way."
"Journalism and whistleblowing is one of the few, if not the only means we have to find out what they're doing and to guard against their abuses."
"I don't like the term whistleblower. I think you were telling the truth and doing what was right."
"Who doesn't love a whistleblower blowing their whistles, pointing out corruption, letting us know the truth behind the mask?"
"I couldn't knowingly continue on this path silently without speaking out against the weaponization I witnessed, even if it meant losing my job, my career, my livelihood, my family's home, and now my anonymity."
"I sacrificed my dream job to share this information with the American people. I humbly ask all the members to do your jobs and consider the merit of what I have presented."
"When I discuss this with the journalists, I told them that my plan was not to decide for myself what should happen, but to ask the world for justice."
"Whistleblowers are everywhere, and whether we think they're traitors or heroes, their impact is undeniable. They are the voices of our conscience."
"Behind every major fraud, if you look hard enough, you will find a whistleblower."
"Once you place a price on whistleblowing, it sort of corrupts the act of whistleblowing itself."
"Whistleblowers like Ted are at the forefront of detecting fraud and corruption."
"The main reason people blow the whistle is a sense of justice and the greater good, not out of self-interest."
"There are a million ways to make a million but probably a few as gratifying as blowing the whistle on corporate corruption."
"Adam Schiff has been an incredible member of Congress; he exposed Trump's lies and corruption."
"I certainly was conscious of the fact that if I were going to be found out, and I did think I would be found out eventually, that there would be serious ramifications. But I just thought it was important."
"It's actually the underlying machine that was the source of the corruption itself."
"They don't just stop at well, you know, we need to facilitate some wrongdoings... We need to go after the people who are trying to expose us."
"Every attack now made on Julian Assange and WikiLeaks was made against me and the release of Pentagon Papers." - Daniel Ellsberg
"Assange is not a criminal under the U.S law and Manning is a hero." - Daniel Ellsberg
"Maybe we should believe women as whistleblowers."
"It often emboldens more people to come forward with the truth, there's safety in numbers."
"Often when one person comes forward and breaks from the pack and begins telling the truth about what was going on inside a criminal conspiracy, it does often embolden others to want to do the same thing."
"Brave medical whistleblowers have decided to come forward so that the public can know the truth."
"One random whistleblower was able to take out Hillary Clinton."
"Whistleblowers are intelligence. A single whistleblower can literally influence the entire course of an election."
"These people that are coming forward are so extremely brave."
"Their reputation, career, assets, sleep, family, friends, everything hangs in the balance."
"Karen Silkwood saved countless lives... a simple accident doesn't cover the full truth."
"Project Veritas actually put out legitimate information, information that was threatening to the powers that be."
"This committee would not be here without the brave whistleblower who stepped forward."
"Whistleblowers who came forward said they were reviewing signatures, the math doesn't add up with their experience."
"I've been keeping up on this Snowden thing, trying to see where this guy's gonna land. I'm rooting for, I don't know about you guys, and I'm sick of people talking about him like he's a [expletive] rat. I think the guy's a hero."
"In my eyes, the Twitter files are a once in a lifetime window into the dark soul of a corporate tech-centered Nation."
"Dave Grush will be remembered as a great American, a patriot who played a huge role in bringing to light an absolute criminal scandal. This is a genie that cannot be put back in the bottle."
"For a while you couldn't open a newspaper without a story about Charles and Alex blowing the whistle on this whole thing."
"I saw criminal activity. I needed to get this to the proper authorities."
"It's going to bring attention to the misdeeds that have occurred."
"The big wave here is transparency, the big wave is blowing the lid off this [__] and showing people what's really sitting underneath it."
"I've talked about Harvey Weinstein ten years before anybody else did."
"I just want to remind people that WikiLeaks published the first documents leaked by Chelsea Manning on February 18th, 2010."
"A whistleblower with receipts... which could be valuable and important."
"I think leaking this was more right than wrong."
"I could have kept it to myself and I still do not regret it."
"If the only result of doing that is a life sentence in prison, the next person who sees something criminal happening in the United States government will be discouraged from coming forward."
"I saw Julian Assange as a whistleblower exposing important truths." - Marianne Williamson
"Anonymous sourcing... a whistleblower complaint by a CIA officer alleges the president solicited foreign interference in the 2020 elections."
"If all software was open we wouldn't need Edward Snowden running away from unjust punishment for disclosing government surveillance."
"Is this a big psychological operation, this big bombshell UFO whistleblower Pentagon story?"
"To some, he’s a fearless whistleblower who sacrificed everything to do what was right."
"I think it's crazy how the government was spying on the whole world without permission. I think Edward Snowden did the right thing in reporting what the government was doing."
"The entire public across the globe is pro Assange because he wasn't leaking state secrets, he was leaking state crimes."
"Whistleblowers... very credible witnesses... rock solid proof."
"I rank the whistleblowers as the most reliable... credible."
"I made the decision based on the data I collected to report this information to my superiors and multiple inspectors general and in effect becoming a whistleblower."
"Julian Assange is the most significant whistleblower in American history, publisher of whistleblower information in world history."
"Edward Snowden? He's a hero, a patriot, risked his own freedom."
"We have had him on for two previous conversations and he is the man that blew open the lid on the guardians of the looking glass."
"A burden borne by those who dare to confront the entrenched machinery of concealment."
"How many lives were saved as a direct result of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning?"
"You remember Dr. Li, rest in peace, was basically raising the alarm."
"Julian Assange's case gives a window into the criminal and corrupt activities of intelligence agencies."
"Julian's facing 175 years in the US for publishing."
"Julian Assange's unwavering pursuit of uncovering the truth and confronting the most oppressive elements of our society are qualities that anyone at any age can respect."
"Julian Assange's case reveals the true game was always about persecuting him for his publishing, as admitted by the US government under Donald Trump."
"Whistleblowers like Mr. Snowden made decisions of conscience to disclose in the public interest."
"Edward Snowden is celebrated as a hero for bringing proof of NSA's mass spying and bulk collection to the world."
"This is not okay, like we gotta report this."
"That's why some don't come forward. I mean just look at Scientology and what they do to the victims."
"Anti-trust investigations were launched... within 30 to 60 days of me disclosing all this."
"Ed Snowden is one of the greatest whistleblowers in our history."
"Daniel Ellsberg himself says Julian has done even more, he's more of a hero than what he did."
"It's one of the reasons why I actually will just say it this way: it's not always the public whistleblower who is the hero."
"Congress owes it to the American people and the brave and heroic whistleblowers to continue to fight for transparency in this matter."
"Lou Elizondo is a whistleblower as well, one that has taken action based on what he's seen and learned."
"He genuinely is releasing this information because he hopes that it'll further humanity."
"What kind of person would I be if I saw a medical atrocity unfolding in front of me and I didn't say so at a medical conference?"
"Speak out, don't be scared. It's now time. Contact Dr. Sela if you have been in the military and you've been off-world and involved in programs. Do not be scared to talk, it's now. Things are being lifted, disclosure is here."
"They wanted maybe to let people in on the human trafficking... that's something they really want to come out."
"Diana had become a whistleblower and had gone public with her account of life within the House of Windsor."
"The anger at Julian Assange is so misplaced... he's exposed a lot of very ugly things that the United States has done."
"You can't win with this. New ruling changes the game. Veritas open the doors."
"The Kennedys have always been the whistleblowers of politics."
"This effectively kind of a whistleblower here is a Republican who just doesn't want to throw away legal ballots."
"What after all was the Pentagon papers if not a Monumental leak by an angry and disillusioned Pentagon official Daniel Ellsberg."
"He's risking everything to expose the elite and just how corrupt and illegal it is."
"That's what Julian Assange showed, that's what Ed Snowden showed."
"He's always just been leaking, making public, and private information that should be public, yes, in the public interest. That's it. He's just exposing corruption. That's all he's been doing the whole time."
"Individuals such as Julian Assange and Edward Snowden seek to use that information to make a name for themselves, as long as they make a splash. They care nothing about the lives they put at risk or the damage they cause to national security."
"WikiLeaks made a name for itself as a group that whistleblowers and hackers could safely provide incriminating document leaks to."
"WikiLeaks has done more to expose the abuses of power and crimes of the American Empire than any other news organization."
"Even if he did hack and steal it, thank God somebody did that, thank God that he was willing to be the martyr."
"This whistleblower program has been very, very effective."
"Democracy requires whistleblowers like Snowden."
"Snowden deserves cheers for telling us what the state is doing."
"Architect and manager of Florida's COVID-19 dashboard says her removal was not voluntary."
"So to hell with your job man if you blew the whistle on something that massive and proved it worked you would never have to work again."
"It's not as bad, the fallout is not as bad as you think it is, and there are so many other support structures there, there are other whistleblowers and other insiders that are there to support you and give you the advice that you need."
"I decided that I needed to tell people what happened to hopefully try to cause enough pain to Cumulus that they think twice before they do this to any other members of their team."
"The only reason we know any of this is because of a whistleblower."
"This is a criminal coverup. Records do in fact exist." - Former Boeing engineer
"The media is biased. It took somebody on the inside to come out and say yes, you're right, you're not imagining things."
"I had a source... who had just done this incredibly courageous act he unraveled his whole life to show the world the truth."
"It's necessary to protect Snowden... but also it was necessary to protect the story."
"The unexpected happens and where whistleblowers can emerge out of the crowd with truly important information."
"Most media outlets are telling you to focus on the leaker, not what he leaked."
"God is raising up whistleblowers in this hour. These are people in these camps that are going to begin to speak loudly about what is going on without fear of anything."
"There's one someone's telling on you oh definitely they're going to tell on you sooner or later."
"I'm risking my life giving you all this information, but somebody's gotta say it."
"Chelsea Manning's only crime was showing the world the hideous realities of the war in Iraq."
"Little did I know that I would be contacted by a very covert secretive individual who would blow the lid off what many of us believe to be the truth about our world."
"I am freaking sick and disgusted to hear of what transpires behind the scenes."
"We had a lot of really courageous Republican insiders who came forward... and put principle over party."
"The CCP virus whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang was punished by Wuhan police because he posted several warnings on a WeChat group."
"By filing this lawsuit, Mr. Vyas becomes the first person to finally expose Wells Fargo's fraud victim account closure scandal to the public."
"Marie Yovanovitch had an entire campaign waged against her because she stood in the way, she says because of this corrupt abuse of power coming into light."
"I published a new article on my blog exposing the unethical wrongdoings of Mr Mandel and his publishing company. By the next day, my blog had become viral."
"The real threat to press freedom is this attempt to prosecute WikiLeaks and Julian Assange."
"What he did is literally what every journalist is supposed to do."
"Bustani reveals new details of how he was targeted when he stood in the way of the Iraq war."
"Somebody should go to jail for it... 40 whistleblowers all the robots in the wings ready to go."
"We came forward because we felt it was necessary to protect the American people from the direction that the US government had evolved toward."
"Shoemate wasn't the only one blowing the whistle on Reyes at this time."
"Officer Shumate is by every definition of the word a whistleblower."
"I was very conflicted about it um maybe quite you know quite a sad person really um split me down the middle and um in the end it's sort of those feelings what led me to to blowing the whistle some years later."
"It takes somebody who's really brave... to come forward and say something's wrong when nobody else wants to."
"They sent three security guards to my desk the day the story released."
"Julian Assange does not work for the establishment, he exposes the establishment."
"We don't know what he was asked and what he revealed about the whistleblower."
"He spoke out because he realized more and more people are going to die unless somebody did and so that's not a breach of military discipline that's a recognition of military discipline."
"I think Edward Snowden is a great person. He's in a difficult situation in Moscow and I think we are in his debt."
"He is defiantly saying you can't touch me... it's his own employees that are whistleblowing on his abuse of power."
"If this gets out, the government is betraying the American people."
"Only one out of a thousand persons ever gets close to leaking the story."
"Let's talk about the obsessive focus on the individual who leaks these documents rather than the content of the leaks."
"More and more whistleblowers and revelations of the lies we've been told in 2023."
"You are my only hope and your actions send a message to all those out there that see wrongdoing but are terrified to bring it to light."
"Let's hope Durham stands up, let's hope Ms. Dennehy speaks out, let's hope there are some good people who just are not going to continue to keep Bill Barr's corruption secret."
"Julian Assange is perceived as a hero... for me, he's a hero who stood up and showed the truth."
"Within these agencies within the agency you are a part of the EPA blind unquestioning honorless obedience was rewarded and any other sort of showing of some attempt to actually disclose dangers to the public was penalized."
"The whistleblowers are good examples of that."
"Whoever releases this information will be considered a pioneer, a hero."
"Welcoming and protecting whistleblowers is not a hostile act. It is the act of a friend, an extended hand to a stumbling partner."
"Hold on tight, another Edward Snowden will shock the entire globe."
"The greater good was bringing it to the attention of the American public."
"You have to thank him for shining light on this, he just messed up by pointing the finger."
"Quit my job at an upscale steakhouse, but not before making sure all the customers knew what a prick the owner was."
"Last week a whistleblower produced WhatsApp messages from Hunter Biden proving that at the very least his father knew about his influence peddling businesses abroad and probably participated in them."
"The attempts to silence Assange is part of a larger War to silence those who expose the crimes of Empire militarism and the U.S national security State." - Chip Gibbons
"I owe a big deal to whistleblowers. Whistleblowers are essential to good journalism. They reveal abuses and wrongdoing within governments, companies, the military, intelligence agencies. These whistleblowers should be rewarded for their courage."
"So I reported his company to the appropriate regulatory committees knowing perfectly well that when stuff hit the fan they would look to him for answers."
"What is happening to Edward Snowden is also a crime... He should be considered a true hero."
"We can't do that without the help of whistleblowers who do have intimate knowledge."
"The real question here I think is what they did will it deter others from coming forward in the future."
"The government lying... is worse than us exposing the lies of the government."
"I'm blowing the whistle because people need to know about this."
"Snowden and Assange are the biggest Freedom Fighters that have ever lived in the last hundred years because they had the courage to show the truth."
"I'm here tonight to blow the lid off it, to be The Whistleblower, I'm sick and tired of the secrets and the lies."
"Edward Snowden is not in Russia for lying. Julian Assange is not being tortured to death for lying. Those people are in trouble because they told the truth."
"What I object to is being asked to gather intelligence to help fix a vote at the UN and deceive the world into going to war."
"My name goes in the report. Second big mistake, he prints the report off and takes it out of the police building."
"Most of the stuff I talk about today wouldn't be believed if not for Snowden."
"The death of a whistleblower doctor in Wuhan shows the world China's cover-up of the corona virus outbreak."
"You cannot tell me that the things he helped to expose wasn't positive for free thinking Americans."
"A group of Brave Americans have blown the whistle on this program."
"Snowden provided documents that showed that the NSA and GCHQ had hacked into a Dutch company responsible for manufacturing SIM cards."
"These whistleblowers from the FBI are superheroes."
"Edward Snowden is telling you guys to be wary of the government and what the government is doing. If there's anyone that knows about this, it is Edward Snowden, come on people!"
"People always ask me what can I do you can follow the lead of Eric Cochrane and the Google insider."
"If you believe that there's malfeasance inside of your agency, say something about it, root it out. We have on tape people that work for you saying the n-word."
"You're allowed to blow the whistle on corruption when you see it."
"Someone was interested in making sure that that came forward."
"Working as an FBI special agent was my dream job. My whistleblowing was apolitical and in the spirit of upholding my oath."
"We need one person, one person to be a whistleblower."