
Cultural Preservation Quotes

There are 671 quotes

"One of the ways you keep it going is by passing these traditions down."
"We'll do things of that nature to keep the Cajun culture alive."
"To the degree that we want to preserve the understructure of our culture...the stories have to be brought alive again."
"By inviting the world in to share these special places, it creates a global awareness and shared love for those places, which imbues them with a sort of protective bubble."
"It's our responsibility to honor our ancestors and honor our elders by carrying on that struggle."
"This is why it's important for us to ground and institutionalize our history on our own terms."
"Can we preserve the Viking age, or will we have no choice but to bow and accept Christianity?"
"The fact that it gets preserved in this particular format and takes on a religious connotation is not in the least bit surprising."
"The whole point of this sequel is to show the audience that even with change and introduction of new things, the essence of old, in this case, the way of shinobi, will always remain the same."
"Don't try to make it like where you came from. If you're fleeing Chicago, LA, San Fran, or Miami, make sure you don't turn it into what you fled."
"We are not talking about manuscript preservation. We are talking about the preservation of a spoken recitation."
"Despite these challenges, the Surma have continued to maintain their unique culture and traditions."
"The preservation of Tibetan knowledge and tradition is not just a matter of cultural heritage but also a valuable resource for the global community."
"These epics are so good, people have bothered to keep them alive for thousands of years."
"Braided cornrows were a way for African slaves to hide rice seeds and other grains on their heads as a way to bring parts of their homeland to wherever they were forced to go. It was a simple but powerful way of remembering where they came from in the face of cultural erasure."
"I want to extend my best wishes to all the Afghan people and encourage them to preserve their people, their traditions, their culture, and their homeland through good thoughts, words, and deeds."
"Present-day conveniences are few, but this means that local ethnic traditions have withstood the test of time."
"Museums are an integral part of any country's history, and they keep history alive."
"There is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it."
"Celtic nations still holding on to their Celtic roots today."
"There is a war going on and no great society can survive the destruction of its own culture."
"Trump stands up for us and for our churches and for our statues."
"Let us use this new technology to celebrate ancient traditions, to build profound bridges of communication, and share the stories of cultures living on the edge."
"It's kind of sad to think that something that's been going on for thousands of years could come to an end soon due to corporate greed."
"Russia decided to side with people fighting for their culture, traditions, language, and future."
"Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking around."
"The delicate balance of cultural heritage diversity and rapid technological development must be balanced to ensure equitable growth and economic stability for all residents."
"Although they live in modern times, they still keep their ancestral beliefs and traditions alive."
"Sent them in many directions that from the womb of time, wisdom might rise again in her children."
"Keeping the wisdom, preserving the records, great grew the sons of Kim, conquering the people around them, growing slowly upwards in soul force."
"We are letting all of these left policies destroy our unique cultural points."
"A revelation of god in an incontrovertible form does not in any way negate our free choice."
"A warning with chilling precision against the loss of history."
"Our history needs to be respected, I don't want it swept under the rug anymore."
"We can't let them tear down our way of life."
"We need to preserve a culture that promotes freedom... something people grow up in and live in."
"If Ukraine will fall I'll have no history to tell to my kids."
"Preserving cultural heritage online is core to our mission."
"What is racist about wanting to preserve your culture? Nothing."
"It's gonna take people like what you're doing and what I'm doing to keep the culture alive."
"There's more Sanskrit departments in the West than in India. We need universities rooted in Indian traditions."
"Boredom. It isn't commonly known, but last week the tapes of all the Lucy television shows were submitted to the Library of Congress, and after they were viewed, I am happy to say President Ford granted Lucy a full pardon."
"I hate these Flats where people destroy every old thing because they want to have a modern thing."
"Old skills are being relearned, ancient villages and historic cities restored."
"Once you start taking out the comics, it is a seriously dangerous situation."
"We will preserve our heritage, we will defend our liberty, we will reclaim our destiny."
"I think there does need to be some pushback against those kinds of this is basically you are you're crapping on our traditions you're using our traditions for your own politics not acceptable I think that kind of pushback does need to happen."
"You need those statues, you need that history, you need that facility to keep reminding people."
"The island's protected status is meant to protect the lives and culture of the North Sentinelese."
"The Sarajevo Hagada, a precious artifact, escaped destruction during World War II and the Yugoslavian Civil War."
"Fairy tales commit the aforementioned sin of being very old and that's no good."
"The left doesn't destroy our common cultural space."
"These are traditions that are beautiful, practical, efficacious, and easy to follow, and that we should just bring back."
"If you discuss guarding your culture, there's a reason why you must guard it so vociferously."
"You can't just take our community and make it what you wanted to be regardless of who you are."
"Indigenous people have the right to maintain, strengthen their distinctive spiritual, cultural, and material relationship with their lands, territories, and resources."
"These are also works of art, these are priceless works of art that someone spent years making and that have stood there proudly for decades or centuries in some cases, and we're tearing all this stuff down like it's nothing."
"Older classics have been redubbed to better honor the spirit of the original property, and some Japanese companies like Aniplex have even started supervising the dubbing of their own shows."
"But as you know, Tariq, our history shows that we didn't write on pieces of paper, we inscribed on walls."
"It's unbelievable that these puppets have made their way from a hot attic where they likely would have been forgotten into a museum where they can be preserved and viewed by everyone."
"After that last video debacle, I had the people from Wagner moisture meters reach out, and they said, 'Hey, what about this upcoming Redemption video?' Can we be a part of that one?"
"This guy's important. He was making a stand. He was saying, 'This is America, fellas. Don't lose it.'"
"Any movement that seeks to dismantle these treasured American legacies can't really love America."
"Attempts to rewrite history and cancel out aspects of our culture and our values may be our downfall."
"India is the leading country for the preservation of our ancient human heritage."
"I'm sick of modern-day book burning, I'm sick of taking statues down the people don't like."
"The preservation of iconic sounds is just as important as preserving visual landmarks."
"What these companies are doing is the equivalent of trying to burn down the modern-day digital equivalent to the library of Alexandria."
"Thanks to humility, respect, curiosity, and frequently the wisdom of these restoration professionals, every day the world can continue to enjoy the beauty that emanates from inside the Vatican Museums."
"Material wealth is less important than maintaining the country's environment and culture."
"The warrior monks have now requested a government service role of protecting and enforcing the new constitution."
"It was just really cool to hear, especially some of the older languages or dead languages."
"Preserving the cultural heritage that these indigenous healers have has become something that we're very very concerned with doing."
"Japan firm develops AI system to capture shrine box donation thieves."
"We need to take out some time to make sure that this way of thinking does not enter our society."
"We must put pressure on our billionaires to stop funding things that go against our culture."
"I've been here for eight months nobody I've worked with cops I work with everybody do you sell cars with window tint nah i sell i sell cars at an interesting crisis so window tint well that's what's up so you sell cars that have window"
"So you're subverting 70 years of communist cultural destruction."
"These images have the power to make society and the government reflect on the importance of protecting these groups."
"Lascaux Cave: prehistoric art, forbidden entry, and ongoing preservation."
"We've dedicated ourselves to the preservation of that which would otherwise be destroyed."
"The river itself was sacred and that to dam it in this way was a violation of Lenca tradition."
"People love going to movie theaters... People didn't want to see AMC disappear."
"It's our opportunity to preserve what America is to the rest of the world."
"By metaphorically saving Sharon Tate, Tarantino also saves this era of America and asks what might have happened if the party had never stopped."
"We cannot allow the temples of modern India to be destroyed."
"What if he removed the entire comic book? What would they have done to him? Shoot him. But he's about to save the Vatican from anti-matter annihilation. I don't care, shoot him. He took a comic book out, the Pope didn't give him permission."
"America wasn't built by cancel culture, speech codes, and soul-crushing conformity."
"We risk losing everything that has ever been great about American culture."
"We will never allow others to erase their legacy, demolish our Liberty, and destroy our proud American heritage."
"Help us keep the music alive. That's what it's all about."
"It's time we celebrate history not cancel it."
"The Museum of Civilizations of Burkina Faso, a visionary project under President Ibrahim Tror's leadership, is a significant initiative to enhance the country's historical and artistic heritage."
"Not be able to engage with history and ideas without having to remove yourself."
"If nothing is done to aid them, we could be watching a mass genocide of an entire people and culture happen before our very eyes."
"The artist is showing us the value of maintaining our culture and respecting our culture."
"Tell them sacred stories. Don't read books to them. Tell them sacred stories."
"Imagine if after a decade or two, paintings were permanently taken down and you were simply not allowed to see them anymore. Game preservation should be taken more seriously."
"The purpose of a library is to preserve these works of art literature and history, keep them in a nice special place where you can go and access that knowledge even without money."
"That's what keeps the culture strong, that's what keeps the culture rich, that's what keeps it rejuvenating."
"Reservations play an essential role in preserving Native American culture."
"Let's uphold our history, educate our children."
"Forget KFC, forget all this junk food that they're going to build around here in the future as long as these places are round this is part of the street culture as part of the city and this is what makes Bangkok so great."
"Maramures is fiercely traditional. Its centuries-old ways endure."
"My culture is not handing all of my resources over to the very same people who've been stealing from my people for 400 years."
"We need the truth-tellers in our community that are going to make sure our legacy is respected the way it should be."
"The Japanese bow takes its shape from a very early period."
"The Yumi is closely linked with many aspects of Japanese history and great care is taken to preserve its traditions."
"One of the saddest things I think could happen to classics is for them to be forgotten."
"It's really a quest for magic... bring this beautiful culture, their beautiful world back to what it once was."
"Video stores do still continue to this day only through the heart and souls of those who love them."
"Over the centuries, conservatives have resisted anything that threatened the sacred space."
"We have to have respect enough for our ancestors to protect and respect the lineage."
"Machu Picchu is at constant risk of collapse."
"Keru should be celebrated and preserved because of the unique role it has played in American history."
"I think we have a duty to keep his music and art out there because I think it's important work."
"Before the past is lost, before their world vanishes, I can learn their ways."
"We are battling to preserve a legacy of truth, freedom, and the American Spirit."
"Entertainment always has to be there. That's the culture that I think we should protect."
"Thank you to the Library of Congress for preserving our history and making history freaking cool. History is freaking cool, you guys."
"I think the two worlds are going to exist, I hope one doesn't eclipse the other, I really do."
"I think that myself and many others should improve and defend our old traditions and take care of each other through generations."
"Conservatism has been cancelled by people who want to make it basically the same thing as liberalism."
"If we're going to be conservatives in the future, we're going to have to conserve the traditions and the way of life that we've long cherished."
"Let's look at whatever little artifacts and sites in the region have escaped the controlled demolition and theft of our historic heritage carried out by the archaeologists."
"Foreign invaders mobilize divisions and send them to destroy this temple but the stone is so hard that they could only inflict minor damages over a long period of time eventually the destroyers just gave up."
"You gotta teach while it's happening otherwise the comedy game itself dies."
"The only thing immune to any shifts that might be taking place is the preservation of culture."
"If you wish to continue existing culture, you cannot let it be swamped by another."
"If you truly love the United States, we have every right to fight to preserve our nation and our heritage."
"It was only through the sustainment of that traditional culture and the teaching of those morals."
"The battle now is here saving Western civilization."
"Let's celebrate history in defiance of those who wish to cancel it."
"We need to save HBCUs from gentrification and closure."
"You don't reconcile yourself to history by erasing it, by eradicating it, by whitewashing it."
"A war is not the best time for literature but it is very important for literature to keep going for new works to be written, for new songs to be written because it's one of the ways to describe and to bear witness to our time, to what is happening."
"Nobody damn it is going to change the name of Jerusalem."
"Shen Yun aims to portray those ancient values on stage through classical Chinese dance."
"First Enoch only remained popular in Ethiopia, which still remains true to this day."
"A vault is a storage place for beautiful things that apparently have nothing to do with us but actually this is not true because these pieces are a true source of life."
"The culture goes everywhere, it's not gonna ever get lost."
"If we alienate the people that got the culture here what's going to be left?"
"This is a fragile cultural heritage that really demands a significant degree of preservation."
"It'd be easy to stand up and shout ripoff due to themes in the story it's trying to tell about the last days of a native people."
"Greenland's environment is changing, but its culture has been preserved for a long time."
"If you want to save America you must save Christianity."
"We did gain the level of fame; we're now the living legend."
"I'm not trying to romanticize the past. All I'm trying to do is rescue useful knowledge from our ancestors."
"Stand up for your nation's history. It really is time to make hidden history great again."
"If this were happening in another country, the United Nations would call it a cultural genocide."
"Oppression has shaped our cultures but that doesn't mean we let our oppressors take what we've made and use it as their own."
"Monogamy and marriage and nuclear families are a part of preserving what has helped society thrive in the past and might help society thrive in the future."
"What does it mean to be a conservative, what should conservatives be conserving?"
"I believe God allows you to go through something to help somebody else."
"In 2002, the Library of Congress selected Beauty and the Beast for preservation in the National Film Registry."
"The Indian government has used scaffolding to hide the Taj Mahal when airstrikes are predicted."
"The fight for the salvation of Western civilization is the fight that is going on right now in the Catholic Church." - Michael Voris
"Through the steps we will deliver an immigration system that respects and even strengthens our culture, our traditions, and our values."
"I hate revolutions cuz they never improve anyone's life and Hungary again is a model for how you can preserve your dignity you can have a pro-human society without anybody without screaming and without blowing up what you already have it's awesome."
"If we lose the city of Pompeii... what we lose is the greatest single place to walk into the past."
"We are destroying ancestral lands owned by indigenous people. Ancient cultures have been there for thousands of years."
"Preserving the legacy of Bionicle for future generations."
"archaeologists discovered a collection of 120 large ceramic jars all lined up in turkey's van province"
"It encapsulates what the whole world lost and showed how civilization can both collapse and yet still be retained."
"Don't be the generation that stops telling stories."
"The best way to keep Hateno village vibrant is to work together to combine traditional culture with new ideas."
"NFTs booming so much and combining this with oracles is huge."
"Preserving the culture... things like that can die very easily."
"Resistance is about language, culture, and your capacity to remember who you are."
"Controversy or no controversy I just love what this Resort has accomplished they help keep Filipino Heritage alive teach people about the country's history promote culture and also boost local economy thumbs up for me double thumbs up yeah."
"They were the guardians of the sacred and eternal fire, which remains lit inside their temple 24 hours a day for millennia."
"What they really want is to take Christ from us."
"America is a good country... do not let people change it." - Mike
"Ephesus today is one of the best preserved Greco-Roman classical cities in the world."
"Witches were willing to risk getting hanged to keep their forbidden traditions alive."
"But no place is more vulnerable than water-ringed, low-lying Venice - and time is running out to save the city’s rich cultural heritage."
"General Dietrich von Choltitz refused Hitler's order, saving the Eiffel Tower from destruction."
"Sovereignty and homogeneity are vital to Dunmeri culture; imperial occupation was a constant source of vexation to the natives who do not abide Outlanders."
"Once at war with each other cowboys and Indians are now allies in the effort to preserve their ranching Heritage."
"It's important with heritage crafts and skills to keep that going."
"Stand up to the paper genocide of American Indians and the racist US census from the 1700s 1800s and 1900s that labeled Indians as black mulatto or African American..."
"These Tales could at last be written down and preserved, this is the origin of the great stories of Irish Legend."
"We are a continent of common values. Values that we fought for and continue to fight for."
"Preserving our cultural heritage for generations to come."
"You cannot have longevity if you do not know or respect the history from which you come."
"This to me is just such a great reminder of the importance of food in preserving culture identity."
"It's an obligation to pass it down to future generations."
"We have evidence the tradition was protected and preserved by designated authoritative eyewitnesses."
"My Channel's purpose is to Archive important moments and cultures in the industry."
"My swat carving is an ancient art that goes back 2,000 years in modern-day Pakistan."
"If we as a society care about our values and our way of life, then having kids is paramount to preserving that."
"A beacon of innovation, cultural preservation, and community service."
"Schoolhouse Rock is officially a piece of cherished American art history to be preserved for generations to come."
"It's just a wonderful way to get people into more traditional watches."
"It's this Market that keeps Traditions alive keeps smalltime farmers in business and keeps rare ingredients from functional Extinction"
"Preservation is practically meaningless if it doesn't also come with accessibility."
"Quite unacceptable, a glorious day. The Prophets will be pleased that we have rescued an Oracle from the humans' violation of the holy temple."
"It's so important right now that people come out... to support Chinatown so it can exist even like 10 years from now."