
Healing Process Quotes

There are 378 quotes

"Success in the ring, like in life, comes from picking yourself up more times than you've been knocked down."
"Your trauma won't affect you forever and it's a constant reminder to yourself that you will heal and it's a process."
"The goal for me is the fact that something that used to hurt me... now if I think about it, it's two seconds. I felt it, I accept that, and I release it, and I move into the next moment."
"I wrote that piece because I needed a bit of it was during a, you know, intensely sort of healing process. I was really using the tool of writing to help kind of explore my own heart and my feelings."
"It's the healing crisis. It always hurts; it feels like you're getting worse. But actually, this is your healing period."
"Forgiveness is a process, and no one should be rushed into forgiving anyone until they feel that they're ready."
"Nothing gets healed until it's seen; you don't spiritual bypass, you don't pretend it's not there."
"Healing can occur rapidly if we manage to create a powerful enough internal experience."
"Healing is a lot of work, it sucks, it just bends you and twists you into different uncomfortable shapes, but it is incredibly worth it."
"Forgiveness is one of the principal ways that we begin the healing process. You have to forgive these other people."
"Your healing doesn't always depend on talking, confronting, analyzing. Sometimes it's about naming, releasing, and then moving on."
"Grieving, the hurting, and the healing; there's no telling how long that will last, but that community is a family and they are strong."
"A survivor who is willing and able to tell their story can take as many days, weeks, years, decades, as they need."
"What you are meant to do is to employ your free will to change those detrimental patterns so that the only next step there is on the road to healed, the healing step, is to experience that thing that you are genuinely wanting."
"Although it can be uncomfortable, inflammation is the cornerstone of the body's healing response."
"There is no quick fix to healing. There is a process that we have to go through."
"Healing is not linear; you're not just gonna wake up one day, and everything is gonna go away."
"It's painful in the moment, but overall it's very healing."
"Inflammation is the body's healing process; it's the body trying to heal."
"Peaceful protesting is a critical part of the healing process and it's an essential part of the democratic process."
"The first step in healing from verbal abuse is acknowledging that you have been verbally abused."
"Sleep is very important, you cannot repair them until you've got tissue touching each other."
"You really need to love yourself through that process."
"In order for us to heal, we had to have the exposure."
"The healing process takes time, you've got to give yourself that time."
"Realistically, you're not damaging yourself, you're actually healing yourself."
"Healing to me is taking time out, focusing on your health, mental well-being."
"I don't think people really get that it's not just about the crime that was right, it's continuing, it's emotionally scarring, and those scars do not heal, at least they don't heal for a long, long time."
"Believe me, you will get better. It just takes time."
"Healing is a journey, not a destination. You're never going to stop healing like never, you know?"
"If it's not healing at the speed you want it to heal, then let's dive into how do we go about that and it might be you need more nutrients."
"I think releasing it is a huge healing um a healing process for me and it's me letting go of that version of myself."
"Apologies are crucial for the healing process."
"One of the things I find most fascinating about microneedling: you are simply using a device to trigger your body's own healing process."
"The wound has been activated because it is time for the healing."
"Once you free yourself from this extra narrative of humiliation you can start to heal."
"Healing is the easy road. It sounds scary and hard, but the hardest road of all is when you don't heal your past."
"Although they say time heals all wounds, it will take a long time to heal the traumas of the people who survived one of the most devastating accidents in the recent history of the Netherlands."
"Inflammation is the way that your body deals with trauma. It's the way that it deals with Invaders, it's the way that it repairs itself, it's part of the process."
"Healing isn't just about this breakup, it's about everything you've been hurt from."
"Your partner's healing is likely to be triggering for you."
"Forgiveness is both a decision and a process, and healing is a long journey."
"The first step towards real healing is acknowledging where you were culpable."
"This is you healing just as much as it is you healing others."
"You don't begin to heal until you start speaking your story."
"You can't heal something if you don't acknowledge that it's there."
"This album is the results of that healing process, and it's like... like I'm not telling you not to interpret the album in whatever way works best for you, but I don't think you can talk about this album in its true form if you are not a black man."
"The final stage in the healing process is gratitude."
"Embrace transformation. Embrace the healing process."
"Take time to allow things to move slowly while you heal."
"Appreciate, reflect, accept, forgive... you begin healing."
"You don't notice the process of healing, one day you just realize you haven't cried in a while, you feel whole again."
"Time doesn't heal everything, but things do ease with time."
"Just show yourself compassion as you go through this process."
"You heal at your own time, at your own pace."
"Without you, you can't love anything else or you love yourself, that's part of the recovery, that's part of the healing process."
"It all gets better when you're healing... you can hold your head up even though you make mistakes."
"Truth and acknowledgment are the foundation to healing and transformation."
"Slow down a bit, take time to heal, heal yourself, rest, recharge your batteries but keep the business moving."
"Authentic forgiveness doesn't mean you just forgive. It means you engage in a process that is not mandated or scheduled. It means that you put your healing first and work on feeling whole and safe again."
"In authentic forgiveness, you may never actually forgive, but you're simply going to allow yourself to let the process unwind and see how you feel as time goes on."
"Time alone doesn't heal a damn thing. Healing is not a time thing, it's a work thing."
"I did not feel healed from that for a very long time."
"Any period of time away from addiction is a period of healing and is good."
"My legs were good it allowed me to start standing - walking and getting moving which I think drastically expedited my upper body healing."
"I'm in the process of healing and I'm going to prove a lot of people wrong, I'm going to prove myself right."
"I do think healing can happen instantly...but the part of healing that's not discussed enough is obedience."
"It changes the way and I think it gives the invitation for genuine healing."
"You don't have to wait to be perfectly healed to start. You heal in the process, you evolve in the process."
"I persisted. I did it every single day, and I knew that... it might take me long to heal, so I was gonna have to be patient."
"The wounds inflicted by trauma and injustice are either slow to heal or they never heal entirely."
"Show yourself Grace as you're learning, healing is not always a destination sometimes it's a process and it could be lifelong..."
"In every aspect of healing, you must participate wholeheartedly."
"Taking responsibility for your healing is crucial."
"Many people miss healing because they don't listen to their spirits."
"Healing isn't linear, it's like beating a level in a game."
"We can't properly heal until the wrong has been severe."
"Surrender to your own healing, surrender to the healing process."
"For most people, the only way you can get past this stuff is to bring it out, let it have its voice."
"Push that reset button. It's a day of restoration, forgiveness, healing."
"You're at the beginning stages of healing, paving the way for wish fulfillment and achieving your highest goals."
"Don't forget your healing; it's a big part of your life."
"Truth cannot be done without a focus on accountability and justice and only through that can substantive healing actually take place."
"Give yourself a chance to heal from those events. Don't rush into plastic surgery thinking that it will fix your insides."
"Healing flows through you; it is a process, not something you do."
"You are not broken, trust the process. It's safe to soften. Oh my god."
"Closure is not a one-time thing; it's a process that happens at periodic intervals."
"Your symptoms are not your fault. Knowing this is the first crucial phase of healing."
"Be courageous about moving your healing forward one step at a time. That's the way it's done and you can do it too."
"Healing is not a destination, it is a constant journey."
"He almost healed from all this trauma, not even healed yet."
"Trauma needs to be healed... before true healing and true help can occur."
"Be real for a minute, open up your broken heart, your hurting heart, your disappointed heart."
"Our healing journey is non-linear; triggers will change over time."
"The more we do now, the less we will have to do later."
"Feel your feelings, fill them. That's the only way to be present, it's the only way to heal, and it's the only way to deal with what's happened."
"The quicker you move on from this, the quicker the process of healing is actually going to come forward after this moment in time."
"You intuitively know that you can kick ass and you know you're going through the healing process."
"You just do you boo, just keep wanting to transform, keep wanting to go deep, keep going to heal."
"Violence is permanent and leaves marks. And sometimes, the only way to close up a wound is to stitch it."
"Positive mental assertions have to be a part of your healing process."
"Until I said it out loud and lived to like tell the tale I'm still here... I couldn't fully start to put the pieces back together and I would have been shattered forever if this #MeToo moment hadn't happened."
"Strength card, a beautiful healing taking place."
"Sometimes cutting off a dead limb helps healing and growth."
"Maybe this is just one more layer of healing for me."
"You'll always have to go back to the beginning of your wounds in order to heal them all."
"Recognize that healing isn't a straight line."
"Forgiveness itself is healing not just for but also for yourself."
"This is you healing; this isn't you being broken or being ruined."
"Healing isn't always hearts rainbows and double-bass however it's super nice when it is."
"Your life path is unfolding. Stay true to your entire healing journey because it is working."
"Just remember that there's always something to be grateful for."
"We are all connected and if we treat everyone as if they are part of us, then that respect, that mutual respect can really start the healing process."
"You have to allow the healing process to happen."
"It's not a warning of negative circumstances to come instead it is the opportunity to let go, to heal, and to forgive."
"The cool thing about forgiveness... the healing's already started."
"It's starting our healing process." - Mary Lean
"We need to educate people, we need to appreciate the complexity of this, we need time to heal, we need a longer conversation."
"Recovery means that one day you will hear their name and not feel a damn thing."
"Recovery from narcissistic abuse is imperative to put yourself and your life back together."
"You've received an instant healing. Your body knows how to retain this healing."
"Happy tears: the exercising of Darkness, the purging of pain."
"Acceptance leads to transformation, giving a chance to heal."
"Healing doesn't happen in a straight line. It's not linear."
"It's like you're starting over again healing you know past um healing from what you thought needed to be or what was always going to be but wasn't meant to be."
"The compulsion to dry out wounds is counterproductive; keeping them hydrated is crucial for better healing."
"You are currently on a journey from wounded-ness and victimhood to healing and empowerment."
"It can take years to heal after a relationship with a narcissist."
"Healing is an intentional process, something you have to pursue."
"There's definitely like a healing or a renewal."
"You can get better and you will get better...there is always something that can work."
"When you need to be fixed, you must be broken."
"The final stage of healing is when you use what happened to you to help other people."
"Putting in the work is what will get you the healing."
"Healing is coming, a lot of healing to your throat chakra and your heart chakra."
"I genuinely feel like healing is only possible through honesty and openness."
"Each person must be accountable for his or her own healing."
"You can't heal if you don't acknowledge that you're wounded."
"This is your sign of healing... trusting that you are being guided to the right direction."
"Healing is possible. You can always come up with a negative scenario, but we are living proof that the symptoms of trauma, especially starting with neurological dysregulation, can be calmed."
"You know you're healing when you begin to feel worse, you feel more alive."
"As long as they step up to the plate, right, as long as you can heal this, but it looks like they want to find a solution because that, uh, justice card is in that position."
"Healing is technical, it's not just whoo-hoo waving a magic wand and burning some sage, you know, and saying a couple of prayers and boom I'm healed, hell no."
"People's healing times are not valid. You take whatever time or less time you need to heal."
"The biggest factor in healing physical illness: connection with your authentic self."
"He's in the middle of the healing process, give him another three years I promise you he gonna be what he's meant to be."
"Everybody heals differently, everybody takes time to heal."
"The best revenge is the opportunity to heal."
"Healing does not feel good. It's irritating. It itches, you know, you have to take care of the wound, you have to tend to the wound and then before you know it, it may be, it becomes a scar but it doesn't hurt anymore."
"It's not about walking away from them, it's about recognizing that their healing journey and their problems aren't yours to carry."
"Time heals all wounds, and if you make small little positive steps every day, man, it really adds up."
"The only thing that can heal you is time, and one day, trust me, one day, you will look back and be so happy that you are single. It's the best feeling ever."
"Healing requires three components: truth, time, and grace."
"There is going to be a healing that's gonna be taking place because you did get the star card."
"Abortion is a necessary safe healing process... abortion as a necessary healing process... abortion is a natural necessary healing process."
"As we heal we can help more others heal, and we can start to experience better in our relationships and in dating."
"They feel more powerful. They feel like they're full. They feel like they're heal. That's why they can go and talk to people about it without shedding a tear."
"Release guilt about receiving; know that you're in a learning cycle, and healing is occurring."
"The process of healing will reveal if your purpose will simply deepen as a result of this process."
"Heal Your Mental Energy, Give it Time. Great Things Await."
"You cannot heal until there's accountability. So we're still suffering. I'm still suffering."
"Give yourself the time and the space to heal, you don't have to expect yourself to heal overnight."
"There's a lot of healing that's going to take place within this relationship."
"You really feel understood it's going to help you heal those wounds and true love."
"Heartbreak brings wisdom; healing may take years, but it's part of the journey."
"Let's bring the ones that need the healing and the forgiveness. Let's bring them in here because we can only get to a place of healing and forgiveness for the collective if we heal our self."
"The healing is real. The healing is necessary."
"Repair means engaging, processing, grieving, and then letting go."
"Remember guys, there is absolutely no time stamp on healing."
"Something changed, causing disappointment. Allow yourself as much time as you need."
"The hardest part of my healing journey was learning to be by myself again."
"You need to heal, like yeah, that is so important."
"Setting boundaries is the beginning of healing."
"I'll give my face some breathing room, let it try to heal a little bit, and then put on gobs of makeup the NEXT morning."
"I feel like Time Heals all like when you just kind of I feel like time went by we allowed ourselves to like feel what we want to feel."
"Lift it all up and out of you, decide to no longer be the bearer of pain and separation."
"You're healing, baby. You're getting exactly what you need when you need it."
"Time heals as Saturn turns direct, bringing relief and resolution."
"Cut all communication, move on, and heal for your own sanity."
"Triggers are a natural part of our process, no matter how healed or ascended we are. It doesn't mean you're failing."
"Healing is ugly, boring, and not fun, but you're gonna get through it."
"You gotta tour it, heal it, throw it, heal it, junk it to give yourself a nice little picture here."
"Asking questions is the beginning of healing."
"If the work hasn't been done, if you haven't been healed, then the external expectation of others becomes primary."
"Forgiveness is at the beginning of the journey of healing, it's not at the end."
"We need to come together as a nation and heal."
"Anything can happen if you make it to the healing."
"It takes a lot to heal this kind of stuff, it's gonna take time."
"Allow yourself to heal but don't ignore the pain."
"I think that the most amazing thing... is that healing is so fulfilling."
"Remember four things when you have a bit of a tower situation: release, adjustments, healing, and stepping out of your comfort zone."
"You cannot find healing in the same place you got hurt."
"There's something about to start speeding up and it has to do with healing."
"You're ready to release something and go through a healing."
"That's when the healing starts, that's when you wipe away all of the things that would get in the way of your healing."
"Healing is essential, inner rest for rejuvenation, leading to wholeness and recovery. They're moving towards vitality and confidence."
"You need to do whatever energy transmutation process that it takes for you to not only heal from this past situation but be thankful for it."
"It's time to prioritize yourself and your healing."
"Healing isn't linear. You're not falling back down the ladder. You're literally walking a winding road."