
Housing Affordability Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Prices are greatly exceeding wages, at some point...you're pricing out regular people, couples, families from being able to afford a home."
"We're going to need every tool that we have in the toolbox to address rent affordability."
"If we want to drive down the cost of housing, we need to build a lot more housing. The primary reason why we're not building a lot more housing is regulation."
"Rents are so high that one out of every three New Yorkers spends half their income on rent."
"It is ridiculous how unaffordable housing is throughout the country."
"The fact that in about a year from now, a house is going to cost a half a million dollars for the middle American to afford is astronomically scary, but there are solutions."
"To understand housing affordability, you have to look at home prices and the mortgage rate."
"Home buyer affordability has plummeted to those that we have not seen in over 40 years."
"Housing affordability has become one of the central issues of the campaign."
"Dear Joe Biden, how about some affordable housing? These rich landlords are screwing us."
"If home prices are growing like this while wages are only growing like this, eventually you're going to hit a tipping point where buyers can no longer afford homes."
"The truth is that in ninety-five percent of U.S. counties, those who work a full-time minimum wage job cannot afford even a one-bedroom apartment."
"Put yourself in this position: You've graduated from college, you have $32,000 with student loan debt, you are eventually able to land a job at $65,000 but over the next few years, the reality sets in — you'll never be able to afford a house."
"The real solution to the housing problem is to let real estate prices come down so that homes are affordable."
"Just on the mathematical relationship, a 30 to 40 percent decline in home prices would be expected to bring back affordability into the housing market given the big increase in mortgage rates."
"The affordability metrics just make it not feasible for the vast majority of people to purchase a home."
"A lot of jobs, they pay well, but the way the rent is setup, I still don't believe that you can make enough to live comfortably."
"We shouldn't really have anyone that's paying more than 30 percent of their income towards housing."
"Renters are paying 40% of their income to pay someone else's mortgage."
"We need to get the income up, find a cheaper place to rent, and get rid of this debt."
"Rising mortgage rates will mean higher payments in the short term."
"We are at levels not seen since 1991 when it comes to home affordability."
"Overall, 69 percent of respondents considered themselves house poor."
"Insurance and property tax increases are pricing people out of their homes."
"High inflation is on the verge of bankrupting American families, our economy is breaking in half, a typical American Family can't afford to buy a house in 99% of US counties."
"I want to win based on my policies... we're going to cut taxes, we're going to get interest rates down, you're going to be able to buy homes again."
"People are not truly free when they cannot afford a decent place in which to live."
"That same person that could afford the $2,000 a month mortgage payment can only afford a $275,000 home instead of a $400,000 home - that is a massive decrease in their purchasing power."
"Growing out instead of up is the cheaper, faster, more realistic path to housing affordability."
"No one should have to pay more than 30% of their income to be able to live and have housing."
"Every economy in the world is still for better or worse focused around large centers of economic activity... if the real estate in these cities becomes too expensive then it becomes infeasible for workers to hold down jobs there."
"The biggest financial mistake you will ever make was being born after 1980. Homes are unaffordable."
"You don't have the house that you want because you're maxed out in the apartment that you have."
"Interest rates have to come down, like if interest rates keep Rising you just fundamentally reduce affordability."
"But if you're not in that situation it's expensive and impractical and as you say government's that the ball gets kind of finding creating the conditions that would able people have space for a family."
"People should start asking their elected representatives, 'Hey, this is driving up costs. Where do you stand on this issue?'"
"You don't get to decide whether the rest of us can't afford to buy a home."
"There's not a single place in America where someone working a minimum wage can afford a one-bedroom apartment."
"Isn't this just gonna make the home affordability problem worse?"
"Housing is becoming extremely expensive, which is making it very difficult for all people."
"Affording a home has become a major challenge for most workers in the USA."
"We need to be building the kind of housing that people can really afford."
"Home affordability has dropped to its lowest levels ever."
"How is Gen Z going to buy houses? I don't know. Physically, Gen Z will not be able to afford houses."
"I'm endlessly grateful that I have this. It's the hugest blessing of my life because I would not be able to afford an apartment of this size on my teacher's salary."
"$1,000 a month is even enough money for most people to pay for their rent."
"The Boxabls are still gonna be $50,000... because good real estate information matters."
"What do you need to do first as you're building affordable housing? You need to bring the price down, you need to include the community."
"Unfortunately, if this line is going up and this line is staying flat, if not going down, the outcome is going to become more and more people that can't afford to put a roof over their head."
"This program's specific purpose is to stop people from becoming homeless or getting evicted because they can't afford a place to live."
"Make sure you can afford the home that you're going to buy."
"Just because you can qualify for a million dollar home doesn't mean that you can afford it and it doesn't mean that you should buy it."
"Median household income right at the US average of $74, $75,000 but median rent in October of this year was $12.95."
"I think it's okay for people to say I don't want to have to move to Cincinnati to be able to afford a home. I think that's okay."
"We need to dramatically expand affordable housing and regulate or ban permanent capital from entering the housing market."
"The rent is just too damn high for most people in England and especially if you live in a big city."
"People are not going to be able to afford the down payments that are necessary to get the cheap money moving forward."
"Supporters of this asset sharing model argued that platforms like Airbnb, Uber, and TaskRabbit empower individuals to monetize their underutilized assets, time, and skills."
"Airbnb has been found to contribute to gentrification of neighborhoods and making long-term housing unaffordable for locals."
"More and more people are saying, 'Hey, I don't need to live in my dream home. I just don't want to be house poor.'"
"In Germany, there's no way you would have your own house. But here, it's to a lot of people it's cheaper to have their own house."
"The key to affordable housing is education and doing things yourself."
"We're making it easier to save up for a down payment, helping end chronic homelessness, and making homes more affordable."
"An entire generation of youth now say they will never be able to afford a home. This is not normal for Canada."
"Who on Earth thought it was a good idea to just build all these brand new rentals that nobody can afford?"
"People can't afford to live in our cities anymore."
"We want to make that a little bit more palatable and easier, so we're making some really significant reductions to housing taxes."
"President Biden announces plan to lower housing costs for working families, not the 1%."
"It's unaffordable for the vast majority of people to buy the average house."
"The best way to deal with housing affordability is to increase housing supply and to do it faster."
"There's still so much housing that's out of reach for Americans that we'll see the price declines, but I think the income gains that we're seeing lately still aren't keeping up with the prices that we're seeing in the market in most markets."
"Housing is more unaffordable than ever, and we need to shift the leverage back to our side."
"The Great Australian dream has to be amended. Our mindset about what is The Great Australian dream is gone. Kids, our kids will not be able to afford to buy where they went to school and where we live now."
"The bank says I can't afford a $1,200 mortgage, so I pay $2,000 in rent instead."
"The only hope that a lot of Americans have is a market correction that will bring prices back down."
"Millions of people, particularly young people not being able to afford a home, is one of the biggest problems in America right now."
"Only 21% of the homes that were available for sale last year were at an affordable price point for most U.S households."
"Housing should ideally be no more than 28% of your gross income."
"A full-time worker cannot afford rent anywhere in the United States."
"The average US home now requires a six-figure salary to afford."
"In New York, landlords are going to want the tenant themselves to make 40 times the rent."
"As housing costs continue to increase, housing will likely become an ever larger share of household budgets."
"How do people afford a house now?"
"Slugs are just snails that can't afford housing."
"This affordability crisis that we're experiencing, this is a mess, this is going to play out over the next several years."
"It would be much more egalitarian to enable people to actually buy a house rather than being priced out."
"Housing is still more affordable now than it was before the financial crisis."
"The importance of affordable housing in Lagos State real estate market cannot be overemphasized."
"One of my great fears for young people is how are they going to be able to afford a house into the future."
"It's just affordability; you have a good battle between good demographics and affordability right now."