
Fandom Culture Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"It appears that Russian air defense was caught lacking, and the Ukrainians pulled off the most successful attack within the Moscow area seen to this date."
"It's just for fun, and in general, I think we need to take that aspect of fandom culture a little less seriously."
"The core of what fandom is, what it represents, is the antithesis of AI generation."
"I think it's bad, right? I mean, it's... kind of a joke. They are doing it like sports fandom."
"I think it is really important to hang tight to and lean into the transformative aspect of fandoms."
"It's kind of representative of what the anime fandom can basically be: people take a lot of defense and they take it personal when you don't like something that they like."
"Just because we love a piece of media doesn't mean we can't critique its faults."
"Here we are like five suggestive ring touches later, the fandom in shambles and myself completely convinced that this theory has now all but been confirmed at this point."
"Somebody compared it to the rose's pink diamond theory and honestly I would say that's probably the most accurate comparison that you could ever have."
"WWE brain is now affecting people's perception of WWE."
"There's a lot of joy out there man, just remember where you were the day the snyder cut dropped."
"The fandom is very helpful and welcoming to everybody."
"Humans in general have this contradictory need to both belong and stand out. In fan terms, you want to be with other fans and find a place where you can all geek out and love this thing you're a fan of."
"Men who have not just a wife but a good solid woman that they're meant to be with, I feel like you can go further, you can work harder."
"Tokyo Ghoul: not just a story, but a cultural phenomenon with cafes, exhibitions, and more."
"I hate hearing all this craziness all over social media: people bullying other people, ships hating other ships. Let's promote the show."
"Anime and manga for life, please have an awesome day!"
"The saying we have is 'Die for the Hive,' 'cause the name of the fan base is the Bodega Hive, and sometimes it feels like if we asked them to kill themselves they would."
"Gatekeeping is a good thing; fake fans dilute hardcore series with accessibility options and casual modes."
"We stand with Moses, we love Moses, and if you're sending her bullying messages, you're no Star Wars fan."
"You cannot deny the ship exists whether you're onboard or not it deserves at least a passing salute."
"You won't be a true Jedi if you don't build your own lightsaber."
"People talking about fandom racism are not trying to start drama or cause problems, they're talking about something that needs to be spoken about because it needs to go and it shouldn't be here."
"There's no purity tests in Comicsgate. If we have people saying you have to be this or that to be accepted here, get out of here." - Ethan
"The 'Hermitcraft' fandom: just generally the most supportive and uplifting fandom."
"The 'Slime Rancher' fandom: genuinely can't think of a reason why anyone would be toxic."
"The 'Umbrella Academy' fandom: it is the sweetest fandom I've been in."
"Sega's Mega Modem was not a success, but it was ahead of its time."
"Despite constant pushback from the music industry, the media, and other fandoms, often being discredited, bullied, and stereotyped, BTS and Army continue to lift each other up."
"Furries have become an all-encompassing fandom that welcomes people from almost every walk of life, as long as they're not hateful."
"There's such a passionate beating heart here."
"He started it. You're a pretty crazy fan [ __ ] whole fanbase. Once you get entered into that Ice Poseidon world, the audience could very quickly decide that they want to go [ __ ] with someone else."
"People can be fans and not love everything that's been done."
"My point here is that this game started me and my brother down a path... of being a Godzilla fan of being a Kaiju fan in general."
"One of the things that should be said about something like Dragon Ball Z is while it is nowhere near at the level of say, a Star Wars, like a Star Wars, it's true. But like Star Wars, it has cultivated fans that be fans for like 20 years."
"A true fan is someone who is able to recognize both the greatness of a series, but also take into account and to be able to truly discuss its shortcomings because they do exist in every series."
"Critical Role attracted the Tumblr crowd, which led to where we're at right now."
"What Critical Role has is so special. Even I sometimes am envious about it."
"There's nothing wrong with that. We're fans at the end of the day."
"Who would win in a fight, all out war, Swifties, Swifties on one side. It's like one of those like simulations."
"Loneliness is a key factor in the TXT universe, just in general but especially in regards to Yonjun."
"Real fandom is not sticking your head in the sand and pretending everything is perfect."
"Most of the arguments people have over the series can be addressed with a single panel rebuttal or a quote from Araki."
"One thing about Broski Nation that we don't talk about enough: I've got some alt baddies, I've got some goth girls who would literally kill for me, and that means more to me than I could ever tell you."
"Heroes in the MCU are part of a massive fandom."
"It is everything holy the Lord of the Rings and Tolkien are everything Hollywood hates just like real fandom."
"It's been said before but 'Good Omens' and 'What We Do in the Shadows' is pretty much the new Superwholock of Tumblr."
"The idea of toxic fandom is paradoxical. Fandoms are supposed to be places of inclusion."
"Galaxy Quest is the ultimate movie for lovers of science fiction fandoms."
"Perhaps it would be better if fandom faded back into the background."
"The brony fandom promotes the show's message of love and tolerance."
"My man Jack finally knows why we all sim for the hunk of a man Yami."
"Thank you so much for joining me in a discussion of everything nerdy. Be nice to each other because this is all we have."
"The best, like faith, like the ones who wash face and like we're fans and followed it and then they work their way into it and became kind of like Lucas."
"Undertale fans: 'Long elevator. Guys, everybody's always like, 'Mettaton is the best theme, no, Megalovania, no, no guys, it's long elevator.'"
"Let's just make this sort of toxic fandom terminally uncool."
"I hope she's right. Let's all be a little nicer, guys." - Hope for positivity in fandoms.
"Wow, they made a Rainbow Friends flashlight! That is awesome!"
"Just because you like something doesn't mean that it's flawless. You should be able to recognize everything about it openly."
"Awesome, Wednesday and Enid have a crazy fan."
"The word non-canon is a dangerous one in the FNAF franchise. It can lead the fandom down rabbit holes of theories..."
"Every community has some toxicity in it, and trust me, the majority of this fandom is incredibly awesome."
"I'm just really grateful for having the series and for having met all of you through it all."
"A fandom that for the most part was perfectly peaceful."
"Ignore the haters those who only use Star Wars as a weapon."
"That's the best part of fandom is you are a hopeful optimistic lot and uh that's my favorite part so stay that way don't you go changing."
"Every Harry Potter fan understands and knows this: Always."
"Geekerella is a cinderella retelling with a geeky twist."
"Stans aren't just super fans, they're a community of like-minded souls."
"Express your opinion, but petitioning for a season not to exist is a slap in the face." - Advocating for respectful criticism.
"A toxic fandom is a fandom that has been overrun with negativity to the point where the public perception of it as a whole is negative."
"You know, like, wouldn't it be cute if this character got together with this character?"
"Football fandom isn't logical, it's romantic and excitable."
"Fandom is supposed to be a collection of people who celebrate what they love. That's what fandom is."
"Fan films are I think the purest form of love for Star Trek."
"Sometimes somebody can grow an unhealthy obsession over a cartoon character which is called a parasocial relationship."
"The vast majority of Sherlock fans on Tumblr were pretty young teenagers who, regardless of whether they knew the term queerbaiting or not, had probably never actually experienced a TV show doing that before."
"The Spider-Man fandom is so massive that if even 15% of it is toxic or rude or just douchey, it comes off like it is a huge portion of the fan base."
"I've been in K-pop for a minute, you know six, seven years and I have never seen this much of a quote following for a K-pop group not from a big company ever."
"Why would people do human knuckles? Never mind. I know enough about the Sonic fan base to understand that question."
"Fandom culture appeals to individuals marginalized in some way, whether by race, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or socioeconomic class."
"Fandom is a culture of high performativity and productivity, rooted in deep emotional connection."
"Passion is both necessary to and created by the fandom... stems from that single point, that causal Nexus of capital P passion, capital A affect, of emotional response and admiration of the text."
"One Piece fans be like bro trust me this is Peak fiction."
"I highly recommend reading Nerd by Maya Phillips which is a collection of essays that I really really enjoyed exploring different fandoms and fandom culture."
"A diverse, creative, very dedicated fandom that's on the rise and only getting bigger."
"It was like Mr. Smith goes to Washington but for Avatar nerds."
"Making fursuits out of paper is stupid cool for the furry fandom; it's artistic, it's what this fandom is kind of built off of, is creativity."
"You very rarely see people screaming at each other about Rick and Morty."
"This thing is amazing, I think this is just going to be an awesome toy to get new Godzilla fans to collect Godzilla toys and just to watch Godzilla movies."
"We have to normalize being fans of other people."
"It's one of the things that I am most happy to be part of the Supernatural fandom, is that there's an actual culture of kindness that has developed within it."
"I think it's so interesting how the BTS fan base is like, 'Let's all respect each other's space but still communicate with each other.'"
"ARMYs, known for their intense loyalty and protectiveness, have made other celebrities cautious around BTS members."
"It's moments like this that made them the most iconic fandom."
"One of the key aims of fandom should be to have fun."
"Fandoms can exist in harmony with each other."
"The idea of fandoms is fascinating."