
Disobedience Quotes

There are 220 quotes

"Pandora's fatal flaw is curiosity. Her curiosity made her open Pandora's box even though she was ordered not to do so by the gods."
"Plasticity involves adaptation and is an agency of disobedience to every constituted form, a refusal to submit to a model."
"Anarchist calisthenics means you should exercise your ability to break rules to disobey rules."
"Your freedom is being criminalized; your liberty is a cause for their concern. We have to learn to be disobedient, we have to learn to not comply, we have to learn to form new alliances with one another that transcend their tendency to separate us and turn us against one another."
"I'm sorry, I cannot just follow orders when I know they're wrong, especially when lives are at stake."
"If the Spirit prompts you and you ignore it, what would you call that? Disobedience."
"We children don't usually do what you adults tell us to do. We do as you do. And since you don't give a damn about my future, then I won't either. So I'm school striking for the climate."
"People are always called to be different by God. It was God's standard for Israel to be different from the nations around them, but they had not obeyed."
"God's wrath is coming on those who take on the mark of disobedience."
"Because the fact is that increasingly we live in a country where only those who disobey disobey Will Survive."
"There comes a time when men of good conscience must disobey orders that are unjust."
"Disobedience is what makes hackers who we are."
"You can't cover up disobedience to God no matter what you have or who you have or whatever it might be."
"I told you not to morally revere anything over me, but you didn't obey my voice."
"Primape is Ash's real first test with disobedience and how to control the temperament."
"A judge in New York found Donald Trump liable for fraud granting New York attorney general Leticia James motion for summary judgment."
"I only fear God, as I said, and I'm not always obedient. You know, it's a lot going on out here."
"When Cunningham released his findings, it was revealed that more than 61 percent of the marines who took the survey responded that they wouldn't carry out such an order under any circumstances."
"There's no simple way to cross it so big Joel decides that despite the clear warnings not to he'll jump into the water."
"When you get into disobedience, the music stops."
"She got arrested because she refused to stop twerking on her car."
"Psychologists generally regard disobedience and resisting pressures to conform and join others in cruelty as two of the most important findings in heroism."
"Even if we disobey this little one, God will forgive me. God gives us all the teachings and lessons for our future and for our happiness."
"Because that's what heroes do, they disobey their superiors to save the day."
"The highest principle is not the chain of command... one is obligated to refuse immoral orders."
"Every act is disobedience to God, whether consciously done or not. Every act leads us further away from God and disconnects us from intimate fellowship with him."
"Disobedience has landed many of us in hot water."
"What if you were to say, 'No, I'm going to retell this story where Abraham refuses God's command?'"
"What if we saw parts of our military break up and defend what they thought was right instead of following orders?"
"Nature is not an orchard and it will not obey, no matter how hard you try to force nature to be an orchard."
"Donald Peterson didn't follow protocol this is America."
"So we're gonna go into the building and ignore these caution signs telling us not to."
"I am the punishment of your god against you because you have disobeyed your own god."
"Living in a way that is not of God's design."
"He has disobeyed his father and he has hurt his father's feelings for so long."
"If the pope by his acts destroys the church, we cannot obey him."
"Every sin is disobedience, a revolt against God."
"You are not supposed to obey corrupt rulers."
"When Eve started talking to a snake she decided to disobey."
"If you're sitting there in Disobedience wondering why nothing's working for you because Dad said go and you didn't listen, that's why."
"If the law is unfair, then it is right to break it. It is better not to obey a bad law than to obey it."
"You can't set it like this, this is against the rule."
"You wouldn't listen to me if I told you to stay put, would you?" "Not a chance."
"If you disobey those commands, they have you in a social credit system."
"Mom: Don't touch the cooker, it's still hot. Five-year-old me."
"When you choose to deliberately walk away from God and disobey Him and live in sin, you can remember this: there will be a famine in your path sooner or later."
"I have used a remote control to put you guys to sleep whenever you guys disobey me."
"He fights back, he disobeys unfair stuff."
"...the minute we try to go there our programs say that you're being bad you shouldn't do that."
"Sin is when we ignore God and choose our own way, just like Adam and Eve did."
"We resist evil, even if it comes from the highest office. The only thing to do is to disobey."
"Like the other kids before her Violet doesn’t listen to Willy Wonka and turns into a giant blueberry because of her actions."
"'You listen to your wife and ate the fruit I told you not to eat...'"
"You are breaking the law right now by trespassing and refusing to leave when instructed."
"So you're refusing to listen to what you're told to do by your Superior?"
"If you are willfully just disobeying God...you have just opened up your arms and invited the devil to come in, steal, kill, and destroy."
"Three words beginning with D. First of all, he wants us to doubt; secondly to disbelieve; and thirdly, what’s the third word beginning with D? Disobey, that’s right."
"99% obedience is 100% disobedience."
"Sin is the exercise of your will against the will of God."
"The worst thing that could happen right now if you're an access proponent is a bunch of people throw their middle finger up in the air and start willy-nilly jumping over fences."
"If it feels wrong, the rules don't apply."
"Why, of all the fruit in all the trees in all of paradise, why do we eat from the one tree we've been told we must not eat from?"
"Busted. In my household, one of the worst crimes a child could commit was disobedience, and for that, you could get the capital punishment."
"Yeah, you may come to a point where you have to disobey the government when the government tells you to do what God forbids you to do, or mandates that you stop doing what God commands you to do."
"And such were the people of Aad. They denied the revelation of their lord and disobeyed his messenger."
"'Because you have eaten from the Tree of which I commanded you saying you shall not eat of it, cursed is the ground for your sake. In toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life.'"
"That feels good. Oh, you know what? I'm with the Darren on this one. I think I would do that until they said not to. Then I wouldn't."
"Well, like the Greek myth of Icarus, in which the titular young man disobeyed his father and attempted to fly higher and higher using a pair of wax wings, only to have them melt from the heat of the sun, they would suffer a terrible fall back to Earth."
"The Miracles you want to see are not because God is not able, it's because you are disobedient."
"I mean it's not allowed in the park but she can run around the outside."
"The second freedom is the freedom to disobey arbitrary commands, knowing that you will not be ostracized but attended to, listened to, debated."
"Forgetting is expressed in disobedience. It's not about your memory. It's when we choose not to honor the Lord with the obedience of our lives, then we've forgotten who it is that has established us."
"The individual who does not break the rules will not suffer as the one must suffer who does break the rules."
"He moves his family from Bethlehem to Moab, to a place that God had forbidden them to go."
"It is an immoral order, and by articles of War I am not bound to obey it."
"When humans are told not to do something, they do it anyway."
"We chose to be like God but without God. Therein lies the pride and the disobedience."
"God repeatedly demonstrated his power and mercy to Ahab in subsequent incidents but the king refused to submit and obey him."
"Rebellion is simply doing it a way other than God's way."
"He would go out without weapons, without orders, sometimes even against orders, and tend to the wounded."
"But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the male children alive."
"The right context for civil disobedience is civil obedience."
"Cain brought a bloodless sacrifice that was of self-will, and God rejected it."
"Peter, who was very naughty, ran straight away to Mr. McGregor's garden and squeezed under the gate."
"Tell them to sod off. That's criminal."
"The law is for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners."
"We cannot in all good conscience obey your unjust laws because non-cooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good."
"When you are disobeying a moral directive from God, you're actually going against the grain of your own nature."
"Eddie says to stop but as he doesn't listen it results in a bullet to his head."
"Every sin, every act of disobedience decreases his iman."
"Every horror movie, it's the same thing: You tell them not to do something, and they do it."
"Y'all broke every single rule. Literally, I didn't think it was possible for them to break every single rule."
"It's incorrect to think you're being respectful by disobeying."
"In each case, they murmured and disobeyed and never really gave God the glory he was due."
"It's just weird, man. Okay, kids shouldn't obey their parents."
"Usually everybody just runs across, they're all going to misbehave."
"Despite Humanity's Disobedience and the resulting curses God's plan for Redemption remains steadfast and sure."
"Billy, what are you doing? You know you're not allowed to drive that in the house."
"There were three means by which we fell into temptation: doubt, disobedience, dismissal from the presence of God."
"Disobedience is not worth it. The pleasure of the moment is not worth the consequences of the future."
"Those who do resist will be punished."
"No one ever does what I say. That's the opposite of a role model."
"He showed no respect for the rules that applied to someone of his ranking and was known to swear, spit, and purposely disobey policies."
"Transgression means you go too far, you break the law. It is an intentional, deliberate disobedience."
"Great is the Wrath of the Lord that is aroused against us because our fathers have not obeyed the words of this book."
"The people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the Lord."
"The thing about a kid: they never listen, they always explore."
"Disobedience makes you spiritually naked."
"Disobedience is essentially a pride power struggle against someone in authority over us. It can be a parent, a priesthood leader, a teacher, or ultimately God."
"Do not obey them even in good things."
"If there is no place for disobeying a human government, that government has been made a false god."
"They would not worship anything except the Living God... they were rebels, they were civil disobedience."
"And the stars that roll over the fire are they who have transgressed the command of God before their rising, because they did not come forth in their time."
"She might not always follow the rules, but she hasn't done anything worthy of a petrification."
"There is perhaps no clearer illustration of what it is to break the fundamental Contin commandment."
"Upon finding his objective lightly defended, Sergeant Pavlov ignored his orders and used his initiative to take the house by surprise."
"Goose and Mav go to see Baldo, who's really mad at them for disobeying direct orders and not landing when they should have and going to help Cougar"
"Nevertheless, they were not obedient unto him, but spake against him and imagined vain things. Things that they felt like they were comfortable doing that brought them to nothing. It was of no benefit to them, it was counterproductive to their success."
"Sin came when a person wanted to go higher than God had already placed him."
"Everything was going smoothly until one of Tuco's underlings spoke out of turn."
"They have decided that they are going to be selfish, rebellious, and lawless."
"When you tell a kid not to do something, they do it because they weren't thinking about doing it prior, but when you said not to do it, now they're thinking about it, 'Oh, they ain't going to know, how your parents going to find out, right?'"
"Allah has warned us through the heat of summer, but instead of heeding the warning, we walk face-first into disobedience, further away from paradise and into the scolding fire."
"Every single disobedience is an act of ingratitude."
"God has consigned all to disobedience, that he may have mercy on all."
"Stating that any attempts by those governments to do so is illicit, it's unjust, those laws are unjust and therefore do not have to be followed."
"Every disobedience is an act of ingratitude."
"The modern man has lost the capacity of being disobedient because he has lost the capacity of even recognizing authority."
"Human history begins...with an act of disobedience."
"Disobedience was a beginning of human freedom."
"Disobedience begins with really small things."
"Nothing good ever comes from disobeying God."
"The serpent's lies led to disobedience. Knowledge became a temptation."
"Ninety-nine obedience is a hundred disobedience."
"Sin is utter and total disobedience and rebellion against God. It's saying, 'I don't care what the Bible says, I'm going to do what I want to do.'"
"Sin is called transgression in the Bible. To transgress something is to disobey, which is rebellion or sin."
"You are outside of the direction God wants you to go."
"...for we have rebelled against him and have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God by walking in his laws which he set before us by his servants the prophets."
"All of us therefore Jew who believes, unbelieving Jew and Gentile, all of us together, God plans to show His mercy to all. For God has imprisoned all of us in disobedience so that He can be merciful to all."
"Excuses are like a skin of reason stuffed with a lie. Saul's failure to fully obey God's command to destroy the Amalekites led to ongoing conflicts and threats against the Jewish people."
"He wanted obedience in the land, not disobedience."
"If the authority was just and infallible as he believed it to be, how came it that he felt compelled to disobey it?"
"The German submarine captain, either ignorant of a stand-down order from his superiors or ignoring the command, remained on the hunt for prey."
"Partial obedience is total disobedience"
"Sin is what put Jesus on the cross, our disobedience nailed the Son of God on that hill."
"Even though the Israelites were disobedient... nevertheless, that's verse 16, the Lord raised up judges who delivered them out of the hand of those who plundered them."
"All because he could never obey orders."
"Contempt is defined as a lack of respect or reverence for something, a willful disobedience or open disrespect for a court, judge, and legislative body,"
"What's the one thing I asked you not to do tonight? Raise the dead. And what did you do? Raise the dead. Sorry, what?"
"Sin means I don't measure up to God's perfect goal for me, I miss the mark."
"Transgression means you go too far, you break the law, it's an intentional, deliberate disobedience."
"Just because I disobeyed you, you didn't have to cut off all your hands."
"Fear becomes a strong motivation for many people to disobey God."
"All disobedience is rooted in distrust."
"The worst injury I saw was some guy got his head kicked in because he didn't listen."
"We have people saying, 'Here's the law, don't do it.' There's a lot of people who are not bothered about the law."
"The spirit now works in the children of disobedience."
"Civil disobedience is wrong. If we only choose to obey laws when they're in our favor, then the fabric of society is going to be in trouble."
"Sin is when you've convinced yourself that you know better than God."
"Pharaoh's heart was hardened and he didn't listen."
"Wherever there is Disobedience, it means that we have broken relationship with energy."
"Humans didn't obey God's command."
"The people sacrificed at the high places because there was no house built for the name of the Lord until those days. Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the statutes of his father David, except that he sacrificed and burned incense in the high places."
"Not all of the Republic Commandos chose to obey Order 66."
"We're willing to stand up for what's right and the people that don't, they're saying we're willing to sit down and obey what is wrong."
"Ferrets are very smart, they are intelligent, they do understand what 'no' means, they just don't care."
"Thrawn did not follow orders blindly, even refusing a direct order on several occasions, when he felt the mission was doomed for failure and would waste resources."
"Him who disobeys, me disobeys, breaks union, and that day cast out from God and blessed vision falls into utter darkness deep engulfed."
"By faith Rahab the harlot did not perish along with those who were disobedient."
"It is through disobedience and through rebellion that progress has been made."
"Disobedience has often led to great social progress."
"We drift towards disobedience and call it freedom."
"There is no greater sin after association of partners to Allah Almighty than disobeying and being disrespectful to your mother and father."
"It's hard being a parent. Like, you told her no and she still did."
"A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient."
"If we disobey God's order, we will have disorder."
"When you want to disobey your lord, at least find a corner on the planet where he can't see you and disobey him there."
"When Adam listened to Eve, that brought death."
"What do we do when we get exact and specific orders from Captain Binghampton? We ignore them, that's what we do."
"And the curse if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord your God."
"I guess he had a feeling; he went with his gut against orders. It's a really hard thing to do, but it's what keeps us human."
"If you are ever given an immoral order or an illegal order, it is your duty as a soldier to disobey that order."
"It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion."
"He disobeys orders, but this is an example of how disobeying orders can be the right thing."
"Moreover, they did not practice my Commandments, making themselves examples of wickedness in that Nation."
"Jonah's disobedience didn't disqualify him."
"This marked the beginning of a period of civil disobedience throughout the South."
"Why do people always break the law? Because it's easier to break the law than it is to follow the law."
"The purpose of the Book of Judges is to show how God remained faithful to his covenant with his chosen people, the people of Israel, despite their constant disobedience."
"I'm very happy. There's Jimmy calling for me to come canoeing. Goodbye, sorry to have disobeyed."
"Man tempted by the devil let his trust in his creator die in his heart and, abusing his freedom, disobeyed God's command."
"How quickly did Adam and Eve turn away from Elohim's simple instruction?"
"All that disobedience, and now where God has me, I'm so grateful."
"For as the loincloth clings to the waist of a man, so I made the whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah cling to me, declares the Lord, that they might be for me a people, a name, a praise, and a glory, but they would not listen."
"Don't look at how small the sin is, look at who you are disobeying."
"On the day you eat of this fruit, there will be a separation that will occur, and you will die."
"Ash decides to battle it with Swampert and despite it not listening to Ash, they defeat the prankster Stunky."
"Throwing your morality out the window and just following an order is wrong."
"Pride facilitates disobedience, and that leads to death."
"I cannot just follow orders when I know they're wrong, especially when lives are at stake."