
Overconfidence Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"Everyone is a financial genius in a bull market because all they've seen is stocks go up."
"This ghost is so stupid; it's never going to catch me."
"Overconfidence is a true issue you need to be careful of. Buy into the market, buy into the innovation of the future. You do not have to recreate the wheel."
"There's nothing you could teach me that I don't already know." - A diver's overconfident remark, highlighting the dangers of complacency.
"Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer."
"Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer."
"Overconfidence leads to accidents, okay? Simple."
"They had too much faith in humanity's abilities."
"Overconfidence, a slow and insidious killer."
"If you get overconfident you're setting yourself up for failure especially right now as you know potentially emotions could really come into play and strongly soon."
"We all get burned by our overconfidence at one point in our lives, trust me, I've been there."
"Overconfidence is a slope and also insatiable."
"Russia's propaganda plays very well with people's overconfidence as to how they view their media literacy."
"When you have success, sometimes you're so confident, and you believe in yourself, and then all of a sudden you're Mike Tyson facing Buster Douglass, and oh my gosh, I just got knocked out."
"He just seemed so confident that he let his guard down a little bit and must have five caught him by surprise."
"You don't want to get overconfident and just assume that you have more troops... you gotta be cautious."
"In the Heat of Victory arrogance and overconfidence can push you past the goal you had aimed for and by going too far you make more."
"Overconfidence, a slow and insidious killer. Now, it paid off big time."
"That's why you never assume you've got this battle in the bag."
"He thinks he's the smartest person in the room, despite the one in 85 record in the courthouses of America."
"Overconfidence in myself leaves me disappointed."
"Sometimes you're counting your eggs before they hatch."
"This is what happens when you get too cocky."
"Are you becoming self-satisfied and overconfident?" - Samuel Hurd
"Confirmation bias: Overconfidence can result in a false sense that nothing is likely to go wrong, increasing the risk of being blindsided."
"He thought he had it all in the bag getting all close to Lisa."
"There is a danger in being lulled into the false belief that Victory will always come easily to Ukraine."
"It's important to remember that the business world, especially the tech sector, is full of similar but unique examples of companies & executives having way too much confidence in themselves and their products."
"When you're a great player, sometimes you overestimate your ability and underestimate someone else."
"Businesses love to convince themselves that they'll always be this good forever and then they go, 'Oh what the [__].'"
"So better safe than sorry... It's reckless to be overconfident on this."
"The less somebody knows about a subject, the higher they think they are."
"Believing in the overconfidence that nothing will ever happen here... is a dangerous concept."
"Everything's perfect. Your claws are perfect, but you just seemed too overconfident for me."
"You're just putting a target on your back if you start getting cocky like that."
"Guess he wasn't as fly as he thought he was."
"Everyone's cocky until they get punched in the mouth."
"Overconfidence might make you a dumbass, but it still gives you an unfair advantage." - "Evolutionary psychology of why that happens."
"They really, I think, oversold how confident they were about Hillary Clinton winning the election in 2016."
"Irrational confidence, I think the world was sort of introduced to that during that Davidson run."
"So what I'm trying to achieve here is to point out the overconfidence... and try to elicit from people just the smallest amount of humility."
"Eight percent of Americans say they think they could beat a lion in a fist fight."
"Zeke this chapter was clearly mister overconfident."
"Knowing Dex is probably better than ever and feasting on overconfidence."
"You're fighting one of the best fighters in the world and your attitude is, 'Yeah, but I'm just so good I don't really need to think about what you do well.'"
"This overconfidence, which is in my view negligent or worse, it's going to put us in a situation that would be very difficult to handle."
"One of the biggest responsibilities of a leader is to be alert to people who are really good but who are starting to drift into this overconfidence place."
"What does everybody want? They want Watson to be fun to play, right?"
"There's this insane level of overconfidence."
"Literally unless I don't know, maybe some of some I don't know what it is but it just feels like there's this insane level of overconfidence."
"Human beings are born thinking that they're bulletproof and indestructible."
"You know his overconfidence is what he's famous for, that's why he chose to give up the Time Stone, he was overconfident, yep."
"Making mistakes is not enough to keep you from being overconfident. What helps is making mistakes and learning that you made them."
"He admits he felt invincible and got a little too fancy."
"Most of you think you're a better driver than most people."
"Our overconfidence in ourselves is one of the reasons that we're making such a mess of the world today."
"Such overconfidence in their own capabilities, coupled with the false belief that Washington will allow them to deal with Taiwan without US opposition, could in turn lead China to believe an invasion could be successful."
"The story of Icarus... a cautionary tale warning against the dangers of overconfidence and recklessness."
"The Swift victory over the vandals spread overconfidence."
"He was heavily involved in the Battle of Britain with his luftwaffa pitted against the RAF but he was incredibly confident some would say overconfident about their chances of winning but the RAF managed to see off-going's forces."
"In the end, Palpatine's overconfidence was his undoing."
"I rather be overconfident than less confident."
"Your overconfidence is your greatest weakness."
"But any level of overconfidence or lack of caution and you could end up dead or worse."
"Overconfidence in organizations looks like arrogance, hubris, and grandiosity."
"No, they don't like me. It's the overconfidence that will turn people off a little bit and I like it."
"I became overconfident and that is the most dangerous state of mind."
"Overconfidence will work against people."
"People are overconfident when we don't understand, we tend to think we understand anyway."
"Overconfidence is always going to be a weakness."
"It's just a big reason also is just because I think that the Onion Alliance, they kind of thought they had it made a little bit too early."
"You'll worry about us now. Confidence will be your downfall, kid."
"Overconfident foolishness is a key part of doing anything ambitious in life."
"This was a doomed mission from the start but because Joe was so confident in himself and his ability to do the stunt no one stopped him."
"The devil has overestimated his power."
"Overestimate your own abilities... we tend to underestimate what's required."
"Remember not to get in over your head. If you get too confident and cocky, then it may lead to your downfall."
"You were so sure of your own power that you never imagined anyone in the universe could bring you down, especially a saiyan."
"He used up all his power too soon, going to 100%. He let his own cockiness get the better of him."
"We're ripe for a licking with everybody telling us how good we are."
"The spirit of believing he would win no matter the circumstances would become his undoing."
"The dumb Lich thinks he has the upper hand."
"The early coaching career regret is one of overconfidence."
"People who demonstrate that overconfidence actually do a worse job of making predictions."
"I got too confident and one afternoon I tried to step from a branch before I had firmly grasped the next one."
"Confidence is great, overconfidence is very dangerous in the kitchen."
"This malady of overconfidence has been aptly called Victory disease."
"Overconfidence is really just a problem of flexibility. Presumption creates predictability."
"These are all mistakes made out of overconfidence."
"Overconfidence is simply when we perceive our own abilities or our own intelligence to be greater than they actually are."
"Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation."
"What you failed to realize is Kripke suffers from a fatal flaw: overconfidence from his robot's massive size and his overwhelming power."
"People that think they don't need lifeguards – they're probably overestimating their abilities."
"...our overconfidence in our abilities to manhandle this drive was waning; we were delirious, cackling madly over changing song lyrics..."
"Pride will make you overestimate your own abilities and put you on an island."
"You underestimate your enemy at your peril, and when you get cocky, when you get overconfident, that's when you lose."
"Lord have mercy, talk about being overconfident about a disastrous dish."
"When you think you win, that's when you lose."
"At your level, I won't even need five percent. One percent will be plenty."
"The Titanic and the Titan incident share a striking similarity, which is the overconfidence of the captains who ignored warnings from others."
"An enemy that asserted their victory is bound to make a mistake."
"It's one of the great lessons of overconfidence."
"There is just something so entertaining about watching someone be so confident about something they are so wrong about."
"Overconfidence is thinking you can succeed where everybody else has failed before."
"They thought they had everything under control; they thought they were sort of like invincible."
"It's dangerous to be this confident when you're an idiot."
"I was so convinced that it was a chameleon, you see, I get overconfident sometimes with my chameleon spotting skills."
"The race began with Billy jumping ahead, reveling in his complacency."
"It's when you think you've got it, it's when you're most likely to fail."
"Overconfidence dictates who gets top jobs."
"It will bite you if you get too confident."
"Overconfidence sometimes is your worst enemy."