
Project Completion Quotes

There are 882 quotes

"We're almost done. We're just gonna add the crisscross portion of them, and we are basically done. I am extremely proud and so happy with the way it turned out."
"It's a little bit sad to finish that project... The main question is, what's the next project?"
"This took 6 years to complete with no outside funding."
"And yeah, I really hope you enjoyed this project. If you've watched this far, thank you so much for following along."
"All in all, project successful, very happy with this little radio."
"At the end of other projects, I'm usually more neutral about them when they go out the door, with an acute awareness of everything you'd like to have added. I didn't feel like that with Half-Life."
"The final step of this project was to crack open a couple of cold ones and celebrate a job well done."
"Getting some mates involved helps keep you motivated to get to those special moments that make it worth it like tightening the final bolt, the first start, or the first drive."
"That is an example of how you could use a more of a functional style of coding."
"His goal has always been to get back to a quiet life in Siwa with his wife."
"We've completed this entire part of the set!"
"I'm so thrilled that it's finally done and I get to share it because I think this came out so cool."
"Nothing could stop the building train, and I finished the building by the end of day 13."
"Congratulations, everyone! We did it, it's done, it looks fantastic."
"There's nothing in Islam that says you can't."
"Signed, sealed, and delivered by Andrew economu Benjamin sisney Garrett Taylor."
"There is no way the developers honestly finish this up and said to themselves job well done."
"Something's probably wrong with it, done is better than perfect."
"When it all comes together, it actually comes together nicely."
"The games are actually finished like say a month beforehand and then we can actually get about our work... without having to worry about whether our work is going to be nullified."
"Once we've built it it was a dream compared to cute widgets."
"Regale in the rubber nose disco glory of projects that sled with the subframe and most of the body panels installed."
"I just feel this is such a beautiful finish, I'm so happy with the way this came out."
"We're really close, we're not picking a specific day but we're talking about a few months."
"The final product is really something I'm proud of."
"Once it's done, I always know that a project is as good as it can be because that's as good as I could do."
"This is a lot of work but I tell you what fellas, we're getting it done."
"Maybe they were very close to actually getting those done before the eventual layoffs."
"The full moon in Cancer allows completion of communication projects or business activities."
"You might receive rewards or bonuses, completing a project or gaining from a humanitarian effort."
"We have big plans... we're gonna cross the finish line and I know it's gonna be awesome."
"We've literally been able to create all this in such a short amount of time."
"Our website is done setting up our homepage."
"Now that I've got the overall figure pretty much where I want it..."
"So I think we have done a thing, it has been a process."
"One after another we are checking the last few things off of our punch list."
"Pretty simple, right? It's pretty rewarding once you kind of get all the way there and you're finished."
"I am so proud of the efforts of the entire team in putting that together."
"No more abandoning projects, no more giving up. I really wanted to finish something, so I did."
"That's Singapore, we saw KGE last time. Me and KGE, it's all about guest supreme."
"What have we learned today in this marathon? I mean, we just birthed an amazing video game."
"Alright, so that's a pretty good stopping place for the cookie trees. Everything's drying, and then it should all come together when it's dry."
"There were six endings to the process... every step of finishing, there was this kind of saying goodbye."
"Last Epoch has successfully finished its Kickstarter."
"I'm happy that we were able to do more songs on this new EP."
"Great project overall, I really hope that you enjoyed this video."
"I'm so grateful we finally got to this project because now I'll be able to be a better steward of the food storage."
"Everything is coming together. This must be what God felt like."
"Thank you all for hanging out with me as we got this huge project done."
"The griebling was easily one of the most time intensive parts of making this Tower, but I'm really happy with it."
"I'm very proud of that Tower I'm very happy happened how it came out."
"At this point, the shape of the table is pretty much locked in and we could get to the most important step: finishing."
"I'm really happy with this, I think this looks really nice now."
"Built by Simon Dale and his father-in-law, the project took only four months to complete."
"I'm very glad that we've managed to get this done."
"It's good enough to ship it. Do the best you can with the time that you have and ship it."
"All I can say is wow, look how nice it's come up. I'm really happy with that."
"This is the perfect way to end on this beautiful rebuild."
"I've really been burning the midnight oil, trying to get 'Convoluted Three' to the printer."
"Massive thank you to the entire team that put this together. It was an absolute pleasure to be a part of this, an absolute honor."
"Take time to finish the projects you've already started."
"You have to go all in... with guns blazing. There's really no good ideas that aren't ideas that someone saw through to the end of being like... nothing just is so good that it kind of moves itself."
"We want to make something that was really good and fun and then find a nice way to end it."
"Just a reminder, this is what the mansion looked like at the beginning of the video and this is what it looks like now. Yeah, it looks pretty awesome."
"Perfectionism isn't the path to finishing a project; it's in the way of the path to finishing the project."
"Just seeing the small section that's finished, I know it's going to be worth it."
"Congratulations team, on making it this far and completing all 19 steps and sending your store live."
"Basically, it's done. Yeah, there might be a slim chance for it to not go through or like be altered from this point forward, but really like this was kind of the final nail in the coffin."
"He covered the board. We were all very critical about these seven-song projects, but I feel like you did it."
"We built it, we did everything we could to make it work and as it turned out everything worked."
"From the project finished in 2010, $480 million later Orlando had a technologically advanced masterpiece."
"Completing a project is a rewarding feeling unlike any other feeling out there."
"I'm super proud that we finally sorted out the site."
"It all worked out brilliantly for longer than anyone expected, and now it's over."
"Done with Avion already like that was so smooth tic-tac wait a way to make it look clean absolutely thank you so much amazing job."
"I'm happy that this game is finally coming out, that it's not vaporware, it wasn't cancelled, it was remade into 15, and that it's a real product that I can give money to Square Enix and then I can play it."
"I'm very, very happy with it. I thought it turned out really great."
"I am extremely motivated to now finish off this entire castle."
"So, whatever idea that you have it's important to value that idea and move forward in that idea and either see it all the way to a completion."
"Completing the process and releasing the project is the therapy for me."
"System Shock is going to be completed and all our promises fulfilled."
"I'm very proud with how it turned out and grateful for how you guys tuned in along the way."
"Don't give up on something before it's finished."
"What next? Okay, yeah so, I gotta finish the rocket landing stuff."
"The most appealing thing about Ashes is that it's already completely funded to completion."
"You want to know the best thing about building this whole thing...?! It means I don't need to build it again...!"
"Development on Pokémon Red and Green was finally completed after six years, with the games releasing in Japan on February 27, 1996."
"I found out what really happened to her, and I got to finish her work."
"It's a game changer in that sense where now you suddenly have this super smooth performance." - Unknown speaker
"Thank you so much for watching my retrospective this was such a huge project for me so I really hope you enjoyed it."
"Let's bring this thing back to base, and I think we did a pretty frickin' good job."
"This campaign took a long time, it took six weeks, but I bet it was worth it."
"Enjoy the rest of the journey. Yes, thank you so much for accompanying us for it, uh, yeah, and enjoy Iliac Bay. See you everyone, see everyone later."
"That wraps up our app, guys. I hope you enjoyed this."
"80 percent done now is better than 100 percent never."
"My attitude is: Get it done, and get it done properly."
"We're getting closer and closer... sneaking up on that final 10 percent of the job."
"I am pretty happy with how this draft played out."
"That is everything that is how to create the entire application."
"That was so satisfying...having a clear end date."
"So, I think that we have now made minesweeper in about 52... Strictly about 50 minutes."
"But there it is, minesweeper in under an hour."
"We just got word that Call of Duty has achieved gold status."
"That's just dawned on me. This thing's now done. My base is completed."
"We still have steps to go and we have to finish that job. I'll be back soon."
"The completion of the motorway project promises to stimulate economic growth and prosperity."
"We promise you we would see this through to the end."
"Honestly, I've waited for this day for over 10 years and hearing that this project is actually going to happen has already made the year for me."
"Towards the end of day 23, the roof was completed but I needed one more day of construction."
"Thank you so much for helping us make this thing happen."
"Thank you for everyone involved in this video and uh goodbye."
"It's really boring when you're building it but once you get it all done it's pretty amazing."
"In terms of solving problems, the minute you complete a project, you're capable of doing something twice as good."
"We shot a season in like two weeks, just knocked it out."
"I never dreamed we'd get it done, and it took this long."
"It was a tougher fix than I thought, but I'm very happy with the end result."
"Clean up time, big thanks to our amazing team."
"He told me he was thrilled with how it looked as well."
"I feel like it turned out pretty well considering."
"We have to finish with a mind control project, it's the only way."
"I have a breakthrough on days 49 and 50 that fully explain all of this."
"We realized through the fact of us making this and being able to get this far that we're really grateful."
"We leave SIPP City in perfect working order, which is fantastic."
"I hope this ended up looking something like what you wanted it to look like... I'm pretty happy with this so far."
"I'm actually really happy with the HQ that we built here today."
"Yes, we did it. Now, I mean, I feel like a lot, but if you followed along with this, that's intense."
"Thank you to you - you made this video come out way faster and I couldn't have done without you."
"The closer you get to the end, the deeper you'll cut, the harder you'll work, your work more hours because it's worth it now because you know it will win."
"Let's make it bigger anyways, we're gonna try to finish out a wild today."
"I'm really happy with how that turned out. Thanks."
"Aren't y'all excited that we're getting down to the last little grind here?"
"As you can see, we now have the ball rolling out of our sand. The last bit of animation to make it a complete loop is to have the iron go back to its normal position."
"This is gonna take forever to do, but I really like how it turned out."
"It took some time to get the look I had set out to accomplish but was very worth it and it became one of my favorite effects in the finale."
"Honestly, we're at the finish line, but it's literally like a soap opera." - Jimmy
"I just want to kind of end the video by saying a huge shout out to everyone who's helped build this world."
"Hopefully, this is going to make you a lot more confident."
"You're going to have a good project that you can show after this video."
"Despite the treason and cowardice from my fellow beverage ears, I have finally completed a stable weaponization of quantum."
"Seeing all their work come together and it being palatable for people, especially family members that don't follow The Try Guys, was really cool."
"I designed to build this coop about two years ago now, and it's been in use ever since then."
"Pretty happy with how it looks after all that struggle and frustration. Pretty happy with how it's coming together."
"You have the capacity to create and finish and nurture anything that you want to put your time and energy behind."
"We're gonna lovingly place all the pieces in here so it's going to look absolutely fantastic at the end."
"We got to build the table, and that was the thing."
"Thank you all so much for all of the support over the Sims 2 LP. This is the first LP I've completed in like a long, long, long, long time."
"I'm just very impressed with how this turned out."
"Completing a project on your own is proving something."
"Well, after 421 days and 40 hours of footage, we are finally completed with the zoo."
"Despite guaranteed completion of three phases, the vast majority of Plaintiffs to this action never got beyond the first."
"The essence of Siege: Bringing back the joy."
"After years of making things right, the team gave the Belle a little time in the sun."
"Thank you guys for your patience, had a lot of fun making this one."
"Well we did what we set out to do we went from Flappy paddles to a Shifty boy on a B8 S4."
"Finally at long last, we have put up the shelves that I have been talking about, threatening about for I don't even know months now."
"Great work guys our mad libs application is pretty much done."
"This took me a total of three days to complete and I'm just so proud of it."
"I just want to say thank you so much for watching this entire series. It was a blast to work on."
"I think that was four years of work, it just happened last night, right, we built that from the ground up."
"With that all said and done, you're ready to render out a final animation."
"The most important thing with doing a boat is the stick-to-itiveness."
"Finish every project you start, that's been my mantra all month. Finish what you start."
"The grunt work of the project is basically done at this point, so the trans in drive shafts and trans mount all that stuff, that's basically the car."
"As we send this city off and start work on the next one, I think that is going to be all for now."
"Closing things out here, I'm really happy with how the system turned out."
"Day number one in the books, rainbow trout is done and in the books."
"Good morning everyone, today we finished the bathroom, look how cool these turned out."
"Okay, that was all worth it. The headache was all worth it."
"To come out with something like this, totally worth it."
"It's all coming together, ladies and gentlemen."
"It's definitely been a long one but we finally wrapped up what makes this game tick at a high level."
"This was so rewarding to start doing because everything just sort of came together."
"Welding done, now onto mounting brackets and reinforcement plates."
"There was a lot of hard work that went into this."
"We actually did it, man. We actually did it."
"We have worked so hard, it's time to reveal."
"So there you go that is the grand tour of the electrical system we've been working so hard to build it's kind of hard to believe that like it's finally up and running and it really is just such a life-changing event that happened yesterday."
"I'd love to get this complete in the first year. It would be a nice personal challenge."
"I gotta give a big shout out to our engineering team for making this happen."
"I'm excited to see what you guys do with it."
"That was enough time on this one, really nice, solid, beautiful, super well executed."
"The majority of the harness is done, this is insane."
"I'm really proud of the work that we did on the van."
"I did this entire challenge over on Twitch so it did take me weeks... I mean months because there was a four-month hiatus but either way it still definitely paid off in the end since this one was really fun."
"Absolutely, you deserve a lot of credit for making this a reality."
"I have a special message to listeners who want to work on exciting challenging and important problems: we're hiring."
"At the end of this series, you will have a complete finished game that you will be able to show off."
"This is gonna be really really fun to finally finish."
"You did a good job, you completed the piece, you got to the very end, that's impressive."
"Now it's time to add the finishing touches. The decorations, the paintings, the room number signs."
"Building a content placeholder: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript."
"Now we are at that point where it's time to separate the men from the boys... the finishing touches."
"Sho the floor is done, ladies and gentlemen."
"Everything is in place now, it's so close to being what we want it to be."
"It's done after 13 hours of straight work on it. I'm very happy with the way it turned out."
"Finish those old projects because new ones are kind and they're powerful."
"Oh my gosh you guys, I am so unbelievably happy with the end results."
"Here it is John, okay I hope our viewers indulge us on that part, this is a tremendous amount of work."
"This is absolutely by far my favorite flip to date."
"Here is the final result. This is absolutely by far my favorite flip to date."