
Pretense Quotes

There are 397 quotes

"Everything depends on sleight of hand, everything depends on pretending, on colluding in the narcissist's delusional fantasy."
"No one knows what they're doing at first; we all just pretend that we do."
"We went from pretending to know things we don't know, to pretending not to know things that everybody knows."
"Depression is when we smile but want to cry, it's when we talk but want to be quiet, it's when we pretend like we're happy but we're not."
"My attempts to impress you and keep you with me got out of hand; I dug myself into a hole I couldn't get myself out of."
"There is no one so difficult to wake up as someone who is pretending to be asleep."
"He deceived these women into believing he descended from an affluent family, bilking several women out of a combined 10 million dollars."
"There is a saying, 'You cannot wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.'"
"You know these types of fellows who pretend to be cool and don't hang with losers, but in reality, they're even bigger losers."
"There's something very important that I've learned how to do over time. Do you know what that is? How to pretend."
"The pretending that we all go through, I think that's what creates anxiety, is feeling like you got to be somebody that you're not in order to fit in and be accepted."
"Be careful what you pretend to be because you don't become that thing."
"Homer pretends to be his sister-in-law Selma's husband to help her adopt a child in China."
"It's like everyone's only pretending to be my ally because they know otherwise I'd beat them up."
"You are what you pretend to be, so be careful what you pretend to be."
"He acted like he was one of them, allegedly."
"It is absolutely a hundred thousand percent easier... it is so easy to pretend that you have empathy in the real world."
"Acting like I don't care, but feeling down and out."
"Even if one of the problems of modern adult life is that we’re constantly pretending, pretending also seems to be the solution to holding on to our passion."
"Just pretend you know what you're doing and get started."
"It's hard to be what you pretend to be when what you are is really in the room."
"Pretending that you're okay when you're clearly not."
"Better to know you're bad for a season than pretend you're good for a lifetime."
"Before sex like everyone's putting on a front you know like putting on an act but after sex like that front goes away and that's when the real bonding begins."
"We talk as if we know exactly what we're doing, then we look it up."
"The world needs more wisdom... and if you cannot be wise pretend to be someone who is wise and then just behave like they would."
"Follow the science except when we want you to follow us and we're just going to pretend it's because we're talking science."
"It's all part of the show, it's like a palace guard if you want to pretend to be a king, you need a palace guard."
"We all pretend we don't love it and that it's not relevant."
"I know a girl that saves pictures from places she's flown, to post later and make it look like she's still on the go."
"Pretend that this is gonna work out confidently."
"It basically gives mean people a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue."
"Wokeness basically gives mean people a shield to be mean and cruel, armored in false virtue."
"Religion is all about pretending to know things you don't know."
"Make your money, but don't pretend to be disabled for cash; it will not end well for you."
"Oh, baby, you're gonna pretend that your ex-wife is dead? That's so sweet of you."
"We've all pretended to embrace ideas we didn't have or be someone we weren't for the sake of scoring social brownie points."
"Acting to me is the art of pretending... you don't know what you're going to say next when you do."
"It's interesting to see how many people call themselves experts without knowing anything."
"Seeing millionaires pretend to be workingclass when people can't pay their rent, it's going to upset people."
"People like to call it faking it to make it."
"Pretending to date you was a bit impossible, me dating a radiant girl like her."
"Respect is for the gods, not those who pretend to be them."
"Are you likely to do business with me if I pretend I get things I don't?"
"You know what I'm saying? Fake it till you make it."
"So look I guess this is better than them pretending that it was great."
"We're great at acting like we don't know what's going on."
"All of this is bravado, all of this is a mask, all of this being a player, messing people around, it just isn't their true self."
"Faith really is pretending you know what you don't know."
"They're pretending they don't care, but I wouldn't buy it for a minute."
"People aren't stupid, they just play dumb until something like this happens."
"Don't pretend to be independent when you're about to die on the inside."
"The left is being held together by people who are pretending."
"So for now we're going to pretend that I look like this."
"If we squander that opportunity on half measures just so some politicians can have their pictures taken in the newspaper pretending to do something about the issue, no that is not the reform South Carolina needs."
"Light feigns shock, but the two agree to go to a cafe together."
"Stop trying to pretend that we're trying to do something we're not."
"Literally everyone is just pretending to have it together. Human lives are held together with duct tape."
"There's nothing worse than pretending to be something that you're not."
"Our coterie are these creatures pretending to be human, fighting for some semblance of safety and security in a dark and mysterious night."
"Sooner or later, that hype and that façade is going to have to wear off, and then all you're left with is your reality."
"Scientists have already given the answer, so pretending to be another Einstein was a waste of time."
"He's inflating himself, trying to make himself look as big as possible."
"Your 30s are when you're sort of pretending to be a grown-up but you really don't have to."
"It's up to you, how long you going to keep pretending?"
"I might have pretended that I didn't care in the past, but truthfully, I do care."
"I pretend to be happy till I find that I am."
"It's acting. You do know you're allowed to pretend, right?"
"If they were going to pretend to be lovers, they should do it properly."
"You're just another nice guy masquerading as such."
"Why do you have to pretend? What are you doing?"
"You are pretending to be that, you are playing at that."
"Charade last season, you was pretending to date Bob. Like y'all don't even hold on to the fake story long enough to make this [__] believable."
"I’m tired of… smiling and pretending I’m something I’m not."
"I didn't know I was supposed to fake this."
"Ally is actually having genuine fun. I think she's laughing, but Melvin, he's just pretending."
"Once a person has started to awaken, you can no longer make believe you're asleep."
"I'm not going to sit up here and pretend like there's not going to be no drama."
"Why pretend? It is not who you are."
"The lack of money and the isolation is really, really bad, but the thing that drives you more mental than anything else is the fact that everybody is pretending it's still happening."
"Ultimately a lot of that self-love thing is about pretending."
"Intent has a smell. If you're pretending to be someone you're not, people can tell."
"I fake it better than anybody I know."
"Would you please marry me just for show?"
"Pretending that she was enjoying the food, she continued eating while faking a happy expression."
"They would pretend that nothing had happened."
"It's all pretend, it's like Kabuki theater."
"...we had to pretend but I didn't have a car, I didn't have a house, did I have any of those things where we have to project wow this image."
"Adult life is pretending you mean things that you do not mean."
"You guys are all pretending, you guys are pretending you're pretending not to talk to them, they're pretending not to feel, you guys are both pretending to walk away, and you guys, it's like, I don't know, what is this foreplay, what is this sick game?"
"The smile on Sydney's face was worth his pretend financial devastation."
"Tonight is all fun and games, at least with pretending to be a couple."
"I gather then, that would have been the result of this pretending, and acting, and dramatizing that people would have been carrying on around you."
"I only eat oysters on dates when I'm trying to pretend to be classy."
"This energy likes to pretend that they're not affected, but they truly are."
"Pretending to fail for you to take your place in the world."
"As long as I pretend to be pitiful, everyone will surely take my side."
"I didn't actually pop my pill. I'm pretending. In fact, mate, I could do with a few pointers on how to be a druggie."
"They just put on an act as if they are trained."
"Fuming with anger, Lu ultimately chooses to leave, pretending to be obedient."
"I will always pretend to in hopes that someone offers me something crazy."
"Hypocrisy is pretending to be what you are not."
"Why do people feel the need to pretend to be something that they're not?"
"It's like I'm GNA pretend to like something just because I know it pisses you off."
"Shallow people can't have deep conversations. The reason is it might unmask their pretense."
"Everybody is screwed up, yeah, just some of us are way better at pretending we're not."
"Art is political. Never more so than when pretending, it's not."
"Pretend tonight never happened," Charlie whispered to herself, stepping back. "Pretend tonight never happened." She'd been pretending since the beginning of the relationship, pretending that her past was in her past, and that she didn't care about the future.
"But if it was impossible for her to pretend all the time, the same was true for him."
"They feel a deep connection with you, even if they're pretending otherwise."
"Many people in today's world pretend to listen to what others have to say and I am one of them."
"...finding an escape and pretending like you're okay might work temporarily..."
"Pretending you do meditation so much that you talk calm. You're too calm."
"Lying about what you do or do not have, especially for attention, or just to feel as though you fit in, and stuff like that, it's hard to keep up that pretense."
"...everyone knows what the right decision is people pretend they don't know..."
"Everyone on this pretends to be someone they're not, even the rich and wealthy."
"Whatever you are, be that. Anything else is just an act."
"On the surface, he's the same. He's working hard as ever, putting on a good face, doing what needs to be done. But he's not really there. He's going through the motions."
"I just want this night to be over and stop pretending like I'm going to sleep tonight."
"I think I'm gonna end up agreeing with a lot of stuff and I just gotta pretend like I'm mad."
"It's the corporate view they teach people to be human beings but when you've been taught to be human what you actually are is pretending."
"if you're pretending you got to keep up that act and keep up that keeping up that act is right at the beginning when just meet each other"
"you know but you know what I'm saying I'm talking about pretending that you're someone that you're not"
"They're pretending like everything is okay, but they feel manipulated."
"It's so much easier to walk around life wearing masks and pretending to be who we're not."
"I think the people that want to look like they know it all but ultimately don't know it all tend to be uncovered or they tend to be undone by smaller details."
"This is not a man who's hiding in the Woodshed with an ax in his hand. This is a man who is pretending to be helpful and consoling and compassionate."
"It is easier to pretend to strong emotions where they do not exist than to pretend to less emotion than one truly feels," he knew it too well.
"It was nice to pretend that she was his fiancée."
"If you can pretend it well enough, you're actually doing it."
"Everyone is Faking it and I mean that in a lot of ways."
"And it's like, especially in high school because you're so insecure and you actually care what people think, exactly. If you want to pretend you don't, but right exactly, definitely."
"Men will attract what they are, women will attract what they are. Because we got some men that's some great pretenders, we got some great actors out here."
"Fake sleeping, I'm still waking up."
"He's a ninja, a grown man pretending to be a ninja."
"She pretended that she was not persecuting opinion. All she asked was external conformity for the sake of national unity."
"But what I'm really focused on is the fact that they tried to make it all seem deep."
"What is one lie everyone tells? 'Oh wow, yeah, I'll definitely have to watch that show you recommended. Thanks.'"
"That's when it starts to feel phony, all the extra [__] when like [__] you knew it wasn't working neither."
"I thought you were an old friend. You know what I receive for a Sunday afternoon in any Latin-American country? $10,000. Sometimes more."
"Is it possible for the pretension to work in the reverse order?"
"Hypocrites are actors under an assumed character. They're never who they claim to be."
"I always go by both, just pretend it's not with us."
"if you don't want to go through what I go through right now far as being the bad guy in the NBA and all that all this stuff be fake then basically that's all I'm telling you just be fake"
"...pretending you're ignorant about it is so stupid..."
"Pretending is never good, unless you're doing a celebrity impression that makes us all laugh."
"I wanted to pretend things were normal."
"It probably makes both parties happier... to not have one person pretending to be somebody that they're not."
"I pretended to be dead immediately."
"'I just want to pretend you're Hitler. If I'm friends with you, let's not pretend I'm Hitler.'"
"All the kids cool ninja turtles everything I had to pretend my way through Elementary School."
"They're just taking a picture in first class and then they're sitting in the back with the rest of us peasants."
"You ever get the feeling that some rich guys just fly you down to the Bahamas and pretend that they're gonna party?"
"Pretending is the exact opposite of believing."
"God can't bless who you're pretending to be. God can't bless you when you're fakin'. God can't bless you when you're pretending."
"I thought there was no point keeping up a pretense if it wasn't real anymore."
"It means we don't know what the hell we're doing and we're pretending that we do."
"Why do guys always try to act cool?"
"It's acting. It's literally playing pretend. It's false. So kudos to them."
"Let's just all pretend and have a good time, okay? Can we all just laugh for the sake of laughing on the internet?"
"It's almost like there was a front being put up about the relationship."
"It was one of those times when you have to pretend that you love your kid."
"Simulating is not pretending; it is feigning to have what one doesn't."
"Faking it will keep you from making it."
"I love it when someone knows there's a surprise party for them. They gotta pretend that they... 'Oh, my God, I can't believe it!'"
"Your ego is all the time pretending to be something higher and noble and driving your actions."
"Cordelia and James are about to be married in what they're calling a fake wedding, but in actuality, they both love each other."
"Ironically, she said she was just getting some fresh air."
"Pretend you're confident, pretend you know what you're doing because that'll help keep you safe."
"That's better, this is my living room where I keep all the books I pretend to have read."
"Sometimes in life, you just have to say that you're fine, and you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand."
"It was an act. It had to be. If I didn't, I'd be dead."
"I do it for real, there's no reason to pretend."
"I think anyone who doesn't swear when you know they absolutely do in their private life is just lying in a way."
"People can fake humility because they want something, but people cannot fake honor."
"Men pretend to be something different every day."
"God cannot bless the person you're pretending to be."
"The story of success is to not know where you're going but to pretend that you do."
"We're not doing ourselves any favors by pretending we're okay when we're not."
"I need you to play a role, to pretend to be someone you're not."
"If you're faking it, you're not gonna make it."
"We have to pretend we're lovers; it's part of the disguise."
"We can live in these worlds where we pretend something, but ultimately reality will hit you in the face."
"As long as you're here, we're going to pretend that you're a respectable woman. We're going to hold our heads up."
"Why don't we just play pretend, like we're not scared of what's coming next, or scared of having nothing left."
"They're trying to act like they don't care, but they do."
"That's facts, like to be like yeah, and a lot of people that you see now that are acting hard, they weren't there."
"If you've got a facade, be careful because if you can't maintain that facade, it's going to slip."
"You pretend to be poor and yet you measure your gold."
"All these people shadowing, hiding their problems, their insecurities, feigning this perfection."
"He knows nothing of loyalty, smells like new money, dresses like fake royalty."
"Live man, too much it takes to pretend you are something you're not."
"Never try to pretend to be someone else."
"Remember I was laughing in all the photos that you took, but now it looks like acting, like we were fiction in a book."
"I like to stand there and pretend that the water running down my cheeks are my own tears."
"People pretend they don't love people all the time."
"All my life, I've only been pretending."
"For you, I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt."
"None of us know what we're doing. You just have to pretend that you do."
"I can wake up somebody who's sleeping, but I cannot wake up somebody who's pretending to sleep."