
Delusion Quotes

There are 488 quotes

"Everything depends on sleight of hand, everything depends on pretending, on colluding in the narcissist's delusional fantasy."
"Adam was delusional, but that's exactly what you need to be to succeed."
"A lot of people are delusional. They're not even aware of what they're saying, but they get brainwashed."
"Any religion or spiritual teaching based on fear is a corruption, is a falsehood, is a delusion."
"How many examples do you want of something super well-funded not defeating the thing that was consumer-centric? Money is not scary, being delusional is."
"Hitler's cover story was that he wanted to make the Glorious Third Reich and elevate the Germans to the highest possible status for the longest possible period of time. But the outcome was that Hitler shot himself through the head after he married his wife who died from poison the same day in a bunker underneath Berlin while Europe was inflamed."
"We are all equal; we can all publish books; we are all Albert Einstein. This is a sick form of rebellion."
"The idea that one side has a picture-perfect view of reality and the other side is deluded, but in reality, we're probably all a little deluded."
"I love it every cult leader like gets to that point where they are Jesus themselves."
"When you are being delusional, you're not in an energy of wanting something; you're acting as if you already have that thing. And that is how it comes to you fastest."
"Believing in something when there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary is delusion."
"It affirms the wrong idea that someone has that they are the opposite sex and it gives them a very negative, uh, confidence to continue to affirm their own delusions."
"I just love that mentality. It's delusion, isn't it? Absolute delusion."
"Let's not forget as well that some of these Millennials who are dying on the hill that they all look younger than gen Z is just plain delusional."
"Mass psychosis occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality."
"The insight is psychotic because it is based on delusions."
"Every single time I look into the positions you guys hold, they're utter fantasy."
"It's almost like a self-deception that's propagating across the world."
"She really is the queen of delusion for thinking that she would make it full term with the fake pregnancy queen of delusion."
"Strong delusion that is promised for a final generation."
"One of the worst things that can happen to a person who's delusional is other people coming to believe in the delusion as well."
"So, yeah, he's self-aggrandizing, completely delusional about his own position."
"Deception is caused because we have wrong information... but delusion comes from God."
"According to his memoir, Slash once believed he was being hunted by an alien from the Predator film series."
"I'm not the prophet. I'm the avatar. I am the god, yes. Come in here. I'm sorry, Reiner, but my... oh yeah, I vaguely remember that. That was so inhuman."
"It's okay to be positive, to think positive, to be like, but if you're stuck only in that thought without seeing the reality... you're living in your own la la land."
"He's got this god complex, I am the withholder."
"We tell ourselves we, those loyal citizens of the holiest Imperium of Man, we know who the enemy is. A game, so we tell ourselves."
"The human person has an infinite capacity for self-delusion."
"The idea of these men being so deluded by their one-sided perspective of a love they never had is uncomfortable."
"Mr. Densio actually believed he was above the law and was the kind of guy that could make things happen his way."
"I'm sorry, little one, but it seems your father couldn't shake off the delirium of the flow."
"This is the kind of delusional propaganda that Russia was putting out."
"You empathize with what's being said, and you like it, you've got no evidence, and you're delusional if you think you do because you don't."
"Psychopaths live in a falsely constructed worldview in which they are both literally and figuratively god."
"You have to be almost delusional and obsessed about how good you are to go out there and perform."
"You better believe it mmm now look like I say it we also got motherfucker moon will be conducting Neptune so this is self illusions so he all might be in a self illusion or self delusion during this period of time."
"Many delusions prey not on dim minds but on bright ones."
"Never become so deluded and so committed to a political belief that you can't see what is in front of you."
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it is than to persist in delusion."
"Reality and facing reality which is very difficult thing to do when all the powers that be are trying to sell you a fantasy version of your life."
"He thinks he's preordained to be emperor of the world."
"It's far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
"Confidence in God's promise without commitment to his process is not dependence; it is delusion."
"He said the assailant had convinced himself he was saving the girls and delivering them to Jesus."
"And it's wrong, it's wrong to exploit what's clearly a delusion on that particular person's part."
"She stoned her two sons to death and then later she said that she knew that they were dead because a light flashed in the sky to signal to her that she had done well."
"I think they have been given a delusion by the almighty."
"The fact that the majority of what they were talking about is rooted in delusion and fiction rather than reality should tell you everything you need to know."
"If you don't come to terms with the changing nature of our life, that is called attachment, that's called delusion."
"Be delusional and remember that you are responsible for your own life."
"Live a life of making your delusions a reality."
"Delusion convinces them they're over it, but they're not."
"Even though it's kind of, but it is true, I'm agreeing. Ever since the new year, I was stuck in Dr. Maruki's false reality."
"Martyr mentality... that martyr mentality is a very big sign that the person you are following is operating under something that is of the flesh or much worse something that maybe eventually can become demonic."
"Delusion doesn't work. It leads to depression."
"The mind can invent terrible things to avoid painful realities, and Pyramid Head is a similar type of delusion."
"There's no amount of reading the Bible that's going to make a mind control Spirit go away."
"Anyone saying this is a mid card is delusional."
"Existential crisis is for the sake of busting through delusions at deeper and deeper levels."
"You can be fooled by being the best in your city."
"He said, 'I don't know of any Lord for you except myself.'"
"Being delusional is what got you through the competition and it keeps me going to this day."
"No one is perfect, but it is delusional to believe otherwise. We're creating a society of delusional people."
"They refused Jesus, therefore God sends them a strong delusion so that they may believe what is false."
"Pathological parasocial relationships occur when illusion becomes delusion."
"The government is not after you, none of you knickers. If you think what you're doing is putting a dent in the media of the government's agenda, you are highly delusional."
"Through this delusion, the Zodiac killer could defeat death by preparing for it and looking forward to it."
"Mass delusion is strictly worse than individual delusion."
"Faith which is not founded upon fact is not faith at all but delusion."
"The only real solution is to prevent those operating under such delusions or the politicians beholden to them from wielding power."
"Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion."
"Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind."
"Black men live in a realm of delusion... they are somehow being elevated by being with this woman whose status and value is stripped away from her based on being in association with him."
"This Karen is nuts, she really believes that the post office is technically her private residence."
"Do the other way and then like I'm there with you but when you don't do it it makes me feel like it's sort of delusional in a sense."
"The narcissist feels certain that he is the source, the prime mover and shaker, prima causa for all events around him."
"The delusion has been taken to a whole other level."
"God sends them a strong delusion so that they may believe what is false."
"If you believe in something despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, your belief is nothing more than delusion."
"If you think that this country is stronger today than it was 12 years ago you're as delusional as the President of the United States." - Bill O'Reilly
"If you're certain about something that is uncertain, you are hallucinating."
"Knowledge is seen as a threat to their delusions."
"Gazing down from their penthouses and private jets, the rich can sometimes fool themselves into believing they're untouchable."
"I honestly think it really goes to show just how delusional some people are."
"It's important to be delusional. It's just fun, and sometimes you end up being right."
"Clearing all of the mist and all of the delusions."
"He alone nurtures the delusion that somehow or other his shattered political career can be revived."
"It's fun to think that if you think that, then someone else is going to save you, you don't actually have to do anything."
"She called herself the number one Rising female entrepreneur in the world. What a delusional weirdo."
"I cannot understand how people follow that, but I understand they are bewitched."
"Chad called himself an apocalyptic writer and claimed he could see the future, hearing voices of the deceased giving prophecies meant only for him."
"The amount of narcissism and sociopathy that can go in somebody's mind to be convinced that they're Buddha and God is just something else."
"He thought the jury would nullify. Is that delusional? Yes."
"Harry is delusional, completely out of his mind. He believes there is now room for him as a working Royal in his family."
"When somebody told me I was delusional, I almost fell off my unicorn."
"Light sees himself as a god, judging the wicked and creating a perfect new world."
"The Imperial military was not built to fight the last war; it was built to fight an imaginary battle going on in the heads of mad men."
"Isn't everyone delusional? Does not everyone believe that they have some special talent or hidden recognition to get them through the day?"
"Truman syndrome is a symptom of psychosis, but many psychologists disagree on whether or not it's a result of the popularity of reality TV shows or something innate for people predisposed to psychosis or delusions."
"There's a sense of delusion that's also like beautiful in what he does."
"They're fighting a made-up battle, a made-up war. All of their motivations are made up and fake."
"This delusion of grandeur is really what separates your typical online troll from your mass murderer."
"They feel safer in solitude, not realizing it's pushing them to the edge of delusion."
"What we're living with is a human condition based on the delusion that we're not one when we are actually all just one."
"And that child will become king of the desert. Talk about delusion, this guy is on another level."
"I rushed to the bathroom and splashed some water over my face. I knew that I was just suffering from a delusion."
"People don't get it they call me crazy right they're like f you're delusional you're delusional right I go all right cool how come all all he does is make videos about Southsiders how come he don't make videos about northsiders right"
"Remember, it's not every day living a life of delusion. Keep your goals simple and realistic."
"You have to be a little narcissistic and delusional to actually think you're going to pull that off and then you actually do."
"A man's ego is so hungry and so big, dog, it'll make you delusional."
"High standards are great but is there a point where they become so high that they're actually kind of delusional?"
"Police theorized that Barker's mental state may have deteriorated to a point where he now believes that he himself is a master spy."
"There is an inherent hypocrisy and delusion built into entitlement."
"You have stories told through the narration of somebody who is delusional. Ah, I love that."
"We were a product of delusion but you know what that delusion has created? Confidence."
"The narcissist has a narrative about himself as superior, perfect, flawless, and god-like, and it doesn't bother to cross-check this narrative with reality via the ego. He adheres to the narrative."
"Braun is recognized as the champion but in Bray's mind, he's the universal champion."
"Delusion is the vibe this year and I'm here for it."
"I was the one true entity. I was God."
"Be delusional, baby. Tell yourself that it's happening, even if your 3D circumstance is not showing you that."
"Delusion is what gets you to where you need to go. I was totally delusional and I said I'm not working anymore, I'm going to get somebody to pay all these bills."
"Ideas without action lead to delusion."
"I hate when people call other people delusional because it's like even if you're going for a goal, you have to be delusional at first."
"The good news is even though delusion arises in very many moments, it's not inherent to consciousness."
"Being self-aware hurts, but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that it hurts less than operating in a state of consistent delusion."
"The first thing you gotta do is you have to understand the truth of them two things like I just said but y'all are too busy being in a reality of your own construction and you surround yourself in the Echo chamber of delusion which is what keep you in this foolishness."
"He was being delusional, unrealistic. The whole hero fantasy is not healthy."
"When you under captivity, something, when you got a yoke on you, you don't know what a yoke is, that's a stronghold. You're stronghold is so hard on you, you get delusional."
"There's a long distinction between morality and delusion."
"It's delusional to think that you're responsible or that you can save them. That's an inflated ego thought."
"I was becoming more delusional and really beyond reach. It took divine intervention."
"Chris and Herbert have never been a couple, obviously–but in Herbert’s sick, twisted mind, they’re star-crossed lovers; Chris just doesn’t know it yet."
"There's nothing called delusion, anybody having a delusion is their reality."
"Go in this thy might, go in your strength, use the things I gave you, and stop looking at other people and thinking I gave them something and gave you nothing, 'cause you are delusional."
"But they actually believe their delusions."
"They're going to use that to fuel their own false sense of self like see look how right I am I told you they were crazy."
"Magic is just a kind of genetic, psychological delusion caused by the ingestion of irradiated water."
"I could be delusionally, I could be a boxer."
"The narcissist believes his presence guarantees positive outcomes, regardless of his actual contributions."
"...the foundation and the backbone of the narcissist's shared fantasy."
"We should not let our wealth delude us."
"...desperation mixed with delusion is not typically a good combination."
"Even though Fly in delusional, he still got courage and he got balls."
"Princess Alexandra developed a delusion that she'd swallowed a grand piano made of glass."
"Being delusional is the key to living your dream life."
"The most high sent that strong delusion to that woman so she can believe exactly what she is believing."
"Drag delusion will take you far, honey, mark my words. But I would say, morphine, if there was one girl that had a fierce case of the drag delusions, it was my sweet, sweet sister, morphine."
"It's a delusion, and it's a very powerful, very real thing."
"I think a lot of The Queens this season are equally delusional. They're all very delusional and in their own little world maybe not all of them like at least half the cast you should get the vaccine."
"They're delusional, they just don't see the truth."
"It made him think he was the most desirable guy on Earth and that all the female employees must secretly want him."
"You got so used to being the best that you got delusional thinking you can save everyone at any time."
"Verily, the disbelievers are in nothing but delusion."
"He became increasingly egotistical and claimed to possess a deep enlightenment."
"God sends a powerful delusion on all those who refuse to love the truth and be saved so they may believe what is false and be condemned because they are delighted in unrighteousness."
"Unfortunately, she has never eased up. The sick part now is that she actually believes that my daughter has behavioral problems which is completely untrue."
"The delusion of runaway consumerism is based on one: lasting happiness that consumption of stuff gives you happiness."
"Sometimes being delusional is the solution... you kind of have to act like you're already the person who you want to be."
"To say that they will is living in a world that does not exist."
"He has certainly charmed himself into believing that he can't miss."
"Delusion is like on par with manifestation. If you manifest something, you're already putting it into words."
"I believe that I am the unconscious center of some monstrous conspiracy."
"The more you treat her like a queen while she thinks she doesn't deserve it, she will not magically start seeing herself through your eyes. Instead, she will resent you and hate you for being so delusional."
"I felt like I was a boy, and it became this delusion that I actually somehow was a boy despite being biologically female."
"The most delusional people get their own TV shows."
"It's not because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved. For this cause, God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie rather than the truth."
"Delusion is a good thing because that's how great ideas start."
"...what I saw as I sat there because as the visiting was over I would walk to the door with the psychiatrist and the psychiatrist would say your brother's pretty sick and I'd say well I can see that he's really holding strongly to his delusional system."
"Tom had some major main character syndrome... he thought that if he just kept trying he would eventually get Summer back or that she would reciprocate that's pure delusion my guy"
"The shared fantasy of the narcissist is a maternal delusion or a maternal wish fulfillment. It involves perfect love and acceptance."
"Delusion. This isn't confidence; this is just lying to yourself."
"To fail to see it is to shackle oneself to delusion."
"It was all leela, it was all lila and you'd be caught in that's the leela, the maya, the illusory quality and you get completely lost in it."
"I'm being optimistic here, just a delusion with him. I hope for the best in people."
"It is dangerous to take a tiger cub from its mother, and it is dangerous to take a delusion from a woman."
"Is optimism could you be too optimistic to where it turns into delusion?"
"She is one of the most entertaining characters I have ever read just the levels of delusion on offer here alone are fantastic to read."
"You really can't be that delusional to think that I would go through all that to stay with you."
"Delusion is the most detrimental. Delusion is the most."
"Your delusion can sometimes become reality."
"...if you're proceeding on the belief that, like, this is gonna fix me... that's the really alluring delusion."
"So when that attack came back, that boomerang attack came back, that return back to sender, they're like, so now guess what? They're delusional. They're seeing illusions. They think that you've done some type of black magic on them."
"Delusion is not a strategy. Diluting yourself to believe your company is worth 15 billion when it's really worth a billion is a bad strategy."
"That's what delusion is: knowing something is wrong or bad but still entertaining it for pleasure."
"Amy, I know you're sincere in thinking you met Jack at that conference and that he asked you to marry him, but well, it's got to be some sort of delusion."
"Successful people are delusional, and the more successful we become, the more delusional we get. And don't feel bad about being delusional; the most realistic people in the world are chronically depressed. Reality is grossly overrated. Delusional is okay."
"Why do delusions persist even in the face of apparently contradictory evidence?"
"He's delusional, I mean, do you just think it's kind of a cry for attention?"
"It's so important for me to believe this, don't interrupt my delusion."
"Believed he was made of glass and inserted iron rods into his clothing."
"Allowing people to accept the delusion and then they push, place it. They slowly ease in the AI. It's entertaining, that's like, 'Hey, slide in.' They slide in through entertainment first."
"You need delusion for any form of the arts."
"Extreme delusion now necessitates extreme truth."
"Being delusional is a great weapon when you're young."
"A delusion is caused by the disease—the person is not making this up, no matter how unreal it sounds to you."
"It was an incredibly delusional Endeavor not only because he thinks he can make enough content by himself to compete with the billion other streaming services out there but also because he thought he could do so for only around 250 000 no [ __ ] way"
"There's erotimania is what it's called, so it's like a delusion where you believe that somebody else is in love with you, even if they give you quite clear evidence that they're not."
"So if you're just intoxicated then that's not a defense, if you're just a bit high, but you have to be delusional and you have to be reacting directly to that delusion."
"He believes that he has acquired knowledge, whereas the truth is that every increase in such ‘knowledge’ draws him more and more away from real life."