
Brainwashing Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Many people, including me, all of us here, believe [Scientology] leads to brainwashing."
"Even though when they teach you math, it has to be propaganda. Everything has to lead to one thing; it's brainwashing us."
"A lot of people are delusional. They're not even aware of what they're saying, but they get brainwashed."
"The story of brainwashing is really the history of those individuals and the social forces they were caught up in."
"I guess by that point, I was fully brainwashed with the belief that my mother was being used by Satan and she was problematic."
"Adults can be brainwashed...especially in the name of religion, it can be very dangerous."
"People get brainwashed; it's a very real thing."
"One of the main plot lines of that movie was Cap believing in the inner goodness of Bucky and trying to save him from his brainwashing."
"Parental alienation is child abuse, plain and simple. It's brainwashing."
"The post-conventional mindset starts to realize that I am not immune to all of this brainwashing. I'm very much a part of it."
"It's absolutely terrifying how a person can get brainwashed by sticking with the wrong crowds."
"If everyone just believed it, then it would be as if you're almost brainwashed."
"TV is fucking terrible like I stay away from TV as much as I can that shit is a fucking waste of time dude it will actually rock your fuck it is brainwashing truth be told."
"Brainwashing develops psychological techniques to make outsiders think like us, unlocks transmissions and symptoms."
"The brainwash is beyond belief in North Korea."
"Their main objective was to create what they called hypno-program assassins, people who would kill on command."
"...medicine has somewhat brainwashed, especially in the last five or 10 years."
"It really is a... That's part of why I wanted to get this recent book out there because I want people to get the idea that they have been kind of brainwashed out of their own emotional self-protection and out of their instincts for their own self-care."
"Charles Manson's TV, used as a tool to brainwash and indoctrinate his followers with apocalyptic visions."
"We soldiers were brainwashed into thinking we were special because we were going to save America."
"We've all been brainwashed by a soft drink."
"They have brainwashed the masses... I don't understand how people see this as being a good thing."
"School is the tool to brainwash the youth and education is rebellion."
"Brainwashing is a crutch term as it doesn't actually invoke or explain the concept you're trying to portray beyond a vague sentiment."
"And I mean sure you can point out all you want how brainwashing everyone into hope isn't necessarily any better being that it still robs them of their free will and may even be similarly horrifying when you get down to it, but it still doesn't add up."
"I see Christianity as kind of like a cult low key and you guys are being brainwashed and I don't mean that in no disrespectful way"
"This is the worst kind of brainwashing that we were told it is, because you're basically self-brainwashing by studying Scientology in the way that they demand, and you completely lose yourself."
"What now? We're going to brainwash you and replace your know with completely useless information."
"You have the power to brainwash yourself. You can program yourself with whatever you want."
"Anything can be brainwashing ... but a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ with whether taught in a school or church or in family devotions is a very healthy thing and it sets people free in bondage."
"It's absurd to think the modern generation is more brainwashed; throughout history, authoritarianism prevailed."
"If you've ever been in a cult or been brainwashed...there is a way out."
"Brainwashing happens when someone is completely convinced that a lie is the truth, that something false is actually reality."
"Unless he's brainwashed again. Hopefully not. Hail Hydra."
"...you can brainwash children you can change their identities and this is what Russians are doing..."
"What if it's some kind of antidote to the brainwashing?"
"People can do that. You can be brainwashed and pull yourself out of it when data presents itself."
"It's scary to think that there really are individuals capable of brainwashing people to do the most insane kind of things."
"It's like they're brainwashed right after being turned, so Trebol is the one that Doflamingo said was brought here to do that."
"They're being brainwashed by a cult."
"Cults are kind of scary and intriguing at the same time, like how did they get you - how did they snag a person from their life and brainwash them?"
"People are being brainwashed into a world of total and utter control, full spectrum dominance from cradle to grave."
"Stockholm syndrome and brainwashing are much better understood psychologically now than they were in the 1970s."
"If a person has enough willpower, that brainwashing can be overcome."
"Sadly, some people were so brainwashed into thinking that their side was right, despite the fact that they couldn't defend their position, that they never thought to actually hold their beliefs up to logic to see if they held water."
"It's social media brainwashing that makes people think that they have to be 6 feet tall or have perfect eyes or perfect flawless face in order to attract people."
"If you're not an independent and analytical thinker, it's very easy for you to become brainwashed."
"I understand that she just wants to know the truth after being brainwashed your whole life, you know."
"It's a generation being brainwashed; it's a medical scandal."
"Effective abusers establish control over their targets by using brainwashing tactics similar to those used on prisoners of war, hostages, or members of a cult."