
Social Value Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"Food is so much more than ingredients; it has cultural and social value, as cooking and eating bring us together with our families, friends, and communities."
"The first thing people really want is dignity, a basic sense of respect, of being valued, of being seen."
"You can build a very tight-knit core community, and that carries a lot of value."
"Indeed one might argue that money itself is really just a generic, mobile, and liquid abstraction of things like influence, respect, trust, reputation, and prestige to begin with."
"The holidays are real even if they are also serving other economic purposes."
"Being real, being vulnerable, that's what people value and respect the most about you."
"The more lives you can change for the better, the more valuable you are to society."
"Men and women hit at about their value, but people don't think so because they're valued in different ways."
"We're promoting positivity today... it's very important because the world does not have enough positivity."
"A dead black person has more value than alive."
"A broke [ __ ] ain't worth anything to anybody."
"We need to place more value on the shit that our aunties and uncles have been doing to police ourselves."
"A woman like that is truly has value, but her value is directly tied to her man."
"Religion gives its adherents community, even more valuable than personal meaning."
"Being a good person to the people around you is deeply worthwhile."
"Single women are valued by others, but women who can hold stuff together are valued by all."
"You're clever, intelligent, you're funny, you're good to hang around with, and to be, you know, people love being part of your company."
"I think communities as a whole I think we very much feel is worth continuing to invest resources into."
"There's nothing better you could hope for or ask for in life is when, you know, you're down to like people who genuinely value you and like you, they give a damn about you."
"Community is the highest-ranked source of happiness."
"But what happens when those lives are not seen as lives worth saving?"
"A woman's value typically is determined by the caliber of man that she can attract."
"People see your light and your and you bring a lot of happiness and joy so it's like people want to have you around."
"The working people of this nation are the foundation of this economy."
"Prisoners want to be valued as contributors to our society."
"The opinion of others and feeling appreciated is very important too."
"Being part of a supportive community is priceless."
"That's a hell of a lot of community participation."
"Guys are doing a little things like people take granted for it."
"These children are not disposable, they're so valuable, they're so precious, they're so important."
"Teachers are so undervalued, so underappreciated, so underpaid."
"Getting together with some friends who will actually give a shit if you don't show up to something-- totally free."
"People will want to give you more because you give so much to everybody else."
"Guy friends are a precious public health commodity the single men have covered."
"Different forms of work that right now we don't recognize as a quote unquote job that to me really are some of the most important things that we do."
"The most generous people are often the ones who are most valued by the group and therefore most likely to survive."
"Social capital is more important than either of those other two."
"Everyone who comes into your life in any capacity is valuable."
"There's more to a person than just their salary or their job title."
"This human engagement level is what's so rich about being human."
"People notice genuineness, people love honesty."
"The simple joy of human contact, of people coming together in local communities, is incredibly precious."
"Sharing joy with others is more valuable than we remember."
"It just makes me realize how important this community is to me."
"Listen, I know how much everybody around me matters and I think a lot of people, you and I are lucky because we were gifted with DNA that allows us to communicate, motivate."
"Don't make fun of guys that work hard for a living because without us, you guys would be in big trouble."
"I like getting complimented, I like being praised."
"It's all about trust, we're only as good as the trust people have in us."
"Your purpose is gonna be a combination of something that makes you happy with something that adds a lot of value to other people's lives."
"A common good product measures what really counts."
"We are all made of matter, but to women, if you're not good looking, you don't matter."
"To me, there are four pillars of male low sensual market value."
"Chao believed you could measure the worth of a man by the number of people who attended his funeral."
"You just have to find small ways to add large value to other people's lives."
"The voices of the girls and women are valued and elevated."
"Having someone like that is just so important."
"The minimum wage needs to be higher." - "It's not about the value of humans or our worth, it's about the value of labor."
"Gaming provides a vital role in giving people entertainment that is needed now."
"In a society where youth is highly valued, what can you do as a seasoned gentleman?"
"At our core, we seek to promote a hot commodity: common sense."
"Community is king. That's the wonderful thing."
"When people don't value your life, they don't value your words."
"This looks like one of the houses were kept made up really nice renovated painted and turned into a community center."
"I want everybody to know that they're seen, you know, and that they matter."
"Multi-Man Melee: a nod to the past with a twist of innovation." - Sakurai's inspiration for Multi-Man Melee matches.
"No one gives a [ __ ] about you unless you're rich or an asset."
"People realize the value of creating relationships with other people."
"The most important part of the evening is the time we spend together with our friends."
"You actually help other people who are just never in an official club but more like gold in a general sense."
"I think the way you learn a lot is by listening, observing, and not hating. You don't want to hate anybody, especially people that have a lot of value."
"Knowing your limits is key. When you say no, people value you more."
"If we can leverage those relationships, there's so many things that come out of them."
"I'm not teasing you guys to have sex with women. I'm teaching you guys to get out there and get the highest value, hottest, coolest woman you can into your life."
"These girls, even the ones that are like 5s and 6s, their social value is chilled up here because you get a lot of guys even good-looking guys just trying to take them home, it's desperate."
"Having a thing that brings people together is important."
"Being forgiving, having empathy, being kind, others find that commodity very valuable."
"The work that homemakers do is so important now more than ever."
"Be a genuine person and people will want to keep you around."
"Being a strong self-loving man brings so much value to the world, you don't realize it."
"Do I provide a valuable service to society? If the answer is yes, it's a worthwhile job."
"How is this providing value to the community?"
"Friends are important, comedians are really good people."
"Diversity is never a bad thing, inclusivity is always good."
"When people ask me for help, it makes me feel valuable."
"This person is definitely somebody you can trust."
"Whiteness is currency, more valuable than any dollar amount."
"People recognize our work not only as, um, you know, groups that we work with, but also, you know, most of all, what I think is very important is the clients that really benefit from what we do."
"GDP counts things like wildfires and oil spills as good things, but misses unpaid care at home and trade-offs between labor and leisure."
"If you have worth based on what you're doing to help others, you're worth in the boardroom, the bedroom, the classroom."
"It's more of a benefit to have you around than not."
"Kindness costs nothing but it means everything."
"Your achievements become obsolete if nobody cares."
"Your societal value is not determined solely by your IQ score."
"Trust is a currency in a way, you know? It will pay off when you earn trust."
"I just love that I... I just remember... it is so easy to just give somebody the time of day and just validate them."
"It's the people always make a place interesting."
"The importance of community cannot be overstated."
"A high value man is whatever is contextually makes that guy a high value guy in whatever culture that he happens to be."
"Another thing, like I said, when you have a skincare routine, it's a huge DHV compared to other guys."
"The biggest commodity of anything is the people."
"If you want to have friends, if you want to have people like you, if you want to have people respect you, the primary way you earn that is by being productive and providing value to other people."
"The only thing that makes me not kill myself is knowing that I am socially valuable."
"SMV is about your value in short-term and long-term relationships."
"Movie theaters are like grandparents, you forget how much you love them until they're not there."
"I think having really good girl friendships is the most important thing and that's the most fun."
"People helping people is the biggest currency."
"If it brings people together, if it connects people a little bit more in this time of disconnection then that's the highest possible compliment."
"Respect is important to have a healthy relationship."
"It's about being seen, I want to make sure people are seen."
"The major form of labor and the most creation of real social value is the production of each other."
"There's value in connecting with your community."
"Being a real man means not making dumb decisions. It means not sacrificing your own social value for somebody who screwed theirs."
"I know a thing or two about the difference between cynical exploitation movies and movies that have social and artistic value."
"If we're gonna be of any social value here, I will share with you."
"You will always have higher social value than they do."
"Locating this Market at the edge would have had more social value."
"Women don't want to hook up with, date, or even associate with guys that are lower value than that."
"Social value might be created by taking normal products and providing them to a previously underserved market, like banking for the poor, which is essentially what microfinance does."
"Everybody respects you, and that's more important."
"You have to find a way for us as a society to value everyone including the mentally ill and in fact, the mentally ill perhaps more than anyone."
"People are going to appreciate you way more than you think for speaking their language."
"I care very much about what my friends and family think about me."
"For every one pound that is invested in community sport, there is a return of four pound of wider social and economic value."
"The important thing is that we all respect each other."
"Important in the future to do works that were not self-involved but that often had some kind of social value in them."
"Inclusion really addresses people with different identities feeling or being valued within a given setting."
"Other humans are the most important thing in the world."
"It's the humanity, it's the people."
"There's nothing better than community."
"If you believe that there's a value to social life, you create structures that allow social life to thrive."
"You're doing it right when the people in your neighborhood say, 'I don't believe what they believe, but if they ever left, I don't know what we'd do without them.'"
"You got the same respect you gave."
"There's a huge need for this kind of work. And it should be valued more."
"Just because somebody will always need help doesn't mean that they're not worth helping."
"Nothing beats that human connection, nothing beats actually meeting people in person."
"Community's always been important."
"It's just not true that it has no socially redeeming value because it funds business and companies and economies."
"The railway has to be seen in terms of a social and cultural necessity, perhaps more than in terms of an economic or financial success."
"I would rather be with a lot of you than the finest people in the world."
"Other people matter because we are better as a team."
"Time with friends is very important."
"Make sure you appreciate and understand the importance of your social relationships and the trust that is really implied in those."
"People love feeling useful and like other people need their help."
"No matter what your accomplishments are or what the records may say about you, if you can't be nice to others, then no one cares."
"Social currency is what's worth the most."
"It's a special thing to be something that people share with other people."
"Social Capital... describes the value of someone's networks."
"It certainly shines a light on human interaction and the importance of togetherness."
"People are where it's at, and it's people that I love."
"The purpose of University, I think, is to educate an understanding of social use of value craft society."
"Community spirit, that's what I'm looking for."
"The genuineness of person to person interaction is just so much more, it feels better."
"Other people are important, and you are important."
"That sense of anyone could be on the word for all kinds of reasons was really valuable."
"Tea is not the leading actor in this; people value the refreshments that go along with the tea better."
"Everyone likes to be appreciated."
"Relationship capital, as I call it, so important that you surround up with good people."
"Community is so important, community cannot be underestimated."
"We are at our most flourishing when we experience and feel we are cared about, wanted, and valued."
"We all should be big on fatherhood."
"In the U.S., one of the biggest barriers to winning policy change is that as a society, we don't value our mothers and all of the invisible work they're doing."
"My heart goes out to people who do not see and understand the worth that different human beings bring into people's lives."
"I strongly believe that the construction of Bolton Mall is a suitable suggestion for residents as they will achieve social, mental, and economical values."
"It's just the people that make the place."
"The evolution of the ability to help people in need when it doesn't cost you very much is very valuable."
"It's a man who gets respect from other men."
"There's value in having friends; both parties benefit from one another."
"Being able to be present... is really socially valuable."
"Honest conflict has more social value than dishonest harmony."
"Joe believes that honest conflict has more social value than dishonest harmony and that means that he's going to risk upsetting people, being yelled at, or being despised if telling the truth requires it."
"I believe a hundred percent in building relationships. I think relationships are the new currency."
"I feel like interaction with people goes a long way."
"It's not the building, it's not the area, it's the people."
"Community... matters a lot more than we even think it does."
"How important are people in our lives."
"Every 100 basis points of value we can add is medical research, scholarships, paying pensions."
"Finding so much value in connecting with people and the different connections that you have."
"People that are more stable and secure in your life and really understanding the value of having quality-like connections."