
Digital Footprint Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"I think that kids shouldn't be able to publish something that's eternally on the internet before they understand the concept of a digital footprint."
"Your birth is pretty much uploaded for 24 million people to watch; you don't even get a say in that."
"The Internet has a way of coming back to bite you."
"When you put something on the internet, it's there forever. Someone screenshotted it somewhere, right? Or archived it somewhere. So think about everything as being written in stone."
"Old posts could ruin your life, not to be dramatic."
"I have to change my relationship with technology and I guess my digital footprint."
"The main problem...society and civilization just isn't meant to have all of the things that we did or said like encased in stone and able to be re-accessed perfectly for the rest of time."
"It seems pretty scary that you can put stuff out there as a teenager that is pretty much always going to be tied to you."
"Couples have videos of them doing it, he doesn't know?"
"I did this publicly, that livestream is still up right now."
"Whatever you say and do online is going to be recorded."
"I got to adulthood without the internet so all the stupid [expletive] my kids are gonna do it's gonna be on the internet."
"If everything you ever did was online and out there, you never get a clean slate."
"Everybody's gonna have something that you can Google them for."
"You know you made it in life when a video of yours gets cited on a wiki page."
"Anything you put online will be there forever."
"On June 7th, 2021, the latest activity on the Murdoch's phone was at 6:52 PM."
"I'm deleting TikTok off my phone for sure, it's tracking your algorithm too crazy."
"Everything that you put on the internet stays there forever."
"I challenge you to look up stuff on yourself right now. See how much of your stuff is public."
"They were posting videos and photos everywhere on social media."
"As our online footprint increases, so does our need for proper security."
"When you mess up in 2021, it doesn't go away."
"He deleted all of his old videos because of his new outlook on life."
"I don't know, it kind of made me like a little bit cautious when using that because you just don't know what people can find out about you."
"Oftentimes these are mostly mundane, however, if you do a bit of digging, you'll find some that stand anomalous, abandoned, and forever embedded within the corner they carved online."
"We have to be conscious of social media now, everything is recorded, everything is recorded."
"I'm deleting my reviews of Cyberpunk 2077 both parts and yeah, I'm not looking back."
"Societal norms change, regimes come and go, but that data is forever."
"Privacy is non-existent on the internet... and what you buy and what you watch is being noted."
"We're moving into a world of permanent records."
"Evan had always disliked that on the internet everything felt permanent."
"Delete your tweets and unretweet stuff, and that's your basic guide."
"They collect everything so yeah what's horrible about this is that anything you do is to make a permanent indefinite record."
"Start with your own social media... What am I putting out into the world?"
"This is rented space; you are using these platforms so always having a way to connect with your crew in another way than just on Instagram or just on Facebook or just on YouTube."
"Just because you delete it doesn't mean it's gone."
"Would I want that kind of video of myself on the internet?"
"Your user profile is kind of like your own personal blog."
"If you're doing anything illegal, definitely don't do it on the phone and don't do anything on social media either."
"People grow up faster now, with everything recorded. There's a lot of regret on the internet."
"They have the capability now to reduce humanity to the sum total of the data collected on each human."
"It's a gentle reminder of the permanency of the internet and why we need to be prudent about what we Post online especially if we hold a lot of power and Cloud."
"Be careful what you do. Once it's on the internet, it's there forever and can't be erased."
"Online never forgets, so be mindful of what you post."
"Anything you put on the internet is a record for life."
"Legacy is greater than currency. What I mean specifically is everything you're gonna do on the internet, it's gonna stay there forever."
"It's not just a good idea; be careful what you post on the internet—it's going to live forever in the black box."
"The chat never forgets. The internet never forgets."
"Everything is video, everything that you say and do is on video."
"The evidence doesn't disappear; the internet never forgets. You can't undo this now."
"Anything that you put on the internet will stay there forever."
"Your body will become a currency, producing data and behavioral patterns, ultimately determining your worth."
"Your data isn't yours if you use loyalty programs, social media, e-commerce retail, and other solutions that base your business on selling your data."
"There is no privacy. There is no way to turn off their ability to extract information." - Q
"There is no privacy, there's no way to turn off, even through app deletion, their ability to distract info."
"Whatever you put on the internet will always stay on the internet."
"Credit cards leave a trail, Venmo leaves a trail, there's digital pixie dust on everything, but cash is still something that you can use so that nobody can track it."
"Fortunately for us and unfortunately for them, the internet never forgets."
"It's not just about living your life online, it's about the choices you make with that platform."
"Perhaps the main lesson to take away from this documentary is that nothing is ever truly deleted from the internet and it will most likely resurface if you are an influential person."
"It's often the case that when a criminal is caught their internet search history only further proves their guilt."
"I don't want my photos in a place that someone will hack into."
"Be mindful of the experience you create online."
"I'm in the process of getting rid of all my accounts but I'm kind of tying up some loose ends."
"As society progresses and our digital footprints literally become like cement, it'll bite... just feel assured that like it'll bite him in the ass regardless."
"Be mindful of your digital footprint. Everything we post online can be accessed and might cause boundary confusion or harm to clients."
"Almost everything you say, do, or see online... instantly ends up on a beach like this, crisscrossing the oceans through undersea cables."
"Everything on the internet is forever."
"The internet is forever, but what if it wasn't?"
"Our children are going to be able to scroll back and see our whole lives on there."
"A digital footprint is the personal information that someone leaves behind while they are using the Internet."
"I think the modern resume is clearly one's behavior on the internet."
"On average, Delete Me finds and removes over 2,000 pieces of personal and private information for a user in the first two years."
"This is a reminder that you need to be thinking about your privacy and all the personal information you have floating around online."
"I've got children and if something was to happen to me one day, there's hundreds and hundreds of hours of footage to watch through of me on YouTube."
"You're basically then stuck with a permanent internet identity and this is forced upon every young kid."
"Your online presence is your brand."
"Be responsible for whatever you're doing in the social media space."
"That data can follow you, and it can have an impact."
"The nice part about the internet is it keeps a log of all this, so you know what they said when they said it."
"The reason why we create content is because we have this moment which will be cool for the next hour or so whatever, and then it'll be done, but then it'll go online, and it'll be there, and it'll live for a while."
"Anything that goes up to the cloud is never fully gone."
"Your online presence and resume have to speak for themselves."
"Shodan exposes the true nature of the internet."
"Your internet profile lasts forever."
"We all have a huge digital footprint, and it's about managing that if we can, but also about bringing the perpetrators to book."
"The most important thing is that regimes change, norms change, but your data is forever."
"It's just leaving recordings on these platforms where people remember y'all for a lot more than you think, trust me."
"Meanwhile, technology is defining our identities and coding us as patterns, as traceable clicks."
"Every time you like something, every picture you take and share, every time you click through something, every movie you watch or pause or rewind, everything you purchase... is being recorded and tracked."
"I feel like I'm the only person on the internet who understands that the internet is forever."
"On the internet, everything is forever."
"You live and you learn, and one of the interesting things about doing that on a platform like YouTube is that that stuff lives forever."
"The nature of the internet means that our digital footprint is always out there; you can't erase it, you can't get rid of it."
"Your actions stick with you forever, especially on the internet."
"Every time you sign up to a website or subscribe to a newsletter, it often comes with a terms of service for you to accept."
"Anything you've ever done in your life is going to wind up on YouTube, so for God's sake, don't do dumb stupid things."
"Be careful what you put on the internet."
"We put way too much stuff on the internet. It does not need to be there."
"This is kind of a cool little way to share what you did and anchor it to your own website."
"Once it's out, it's out, you can't get it back."
"Once you put something out there, it's out there forever."
"The internet never forgets, so let's choose what to put on the internet."
"If for nothing else, the fact that this digital footprint will exist, I think that's really cool."
"Digital imprint is a short-term asset and a long-term burden."
"You got to know what you're putting out there because it's out there forever."
"Screenshots live forever, memories last a lifetime."
"Tech is the future of work. Everything that we do has some type of digital footprint."
"Names are fleeting, but the Internet is forever."
"This particular problem is called cross-device tracking and required to review the privacy problem not as a single device but including all the devices you own."
"Posting photos of your kids will create a digital footprint, a kind of electronic paper trail."
"You put something out there on the Internet, it's going to live there forever."
"Once you hit that send button, it's there forever and ever and ever."