
Diligence Quotes

There are 4820 quotes

"Once you take on the responsibility of safety for another person, you take on a responsibility of making sure that you do what's necessary, even if it's inconvenient, even if it's not in your best interest."
"You have to be more proactive. You don't have to be obsessive about it, but you better be prepared."
"Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men."
"You've been taking care of yourself and everyone around you flawlessly."
"Hello, my name is Samantha Smith. I am a very diligent and honest person. I also have a very outgoing and friendly personality."
"The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty."
"It's more important to do this right than to do it fast."
"Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance." - Colossians 3:23-24.
"Unlike the previous generations who had fought for changing the system, the Silent Generation was about working within the system, keeping their heads down, and working hard."
"The most important thing is to investigate and find out what's really going on."
"It's undeniable how much more difficult it has become and how much more diligence is required in order to set aside the phone and focus on the work that is actually going to move the needle."
"I think it's important to be self-critical, and people can criticize me, but I still try to do a good job."
"This business of human space flight is unforgiving. It's the vigilance from the teams that guarantee that continued safety."
"Fishermen work their asses off. They're diligent, they put in a hard day's work, and they do it again and again and again."
"You're not going to please everybody, but at least you've done your due diligence."
"Great people do little things with excellence."
"We are very diligent and extremely careful... the standards we are applied to are above any journalism standard in the history of the media."
"Shaun of the Dead is the kind of movie that rewards you for pausing and paying close attention on rewatches."
"Unless we all remain diligent in maintaining our new habits, new outbreaks can be sparked anywhere at any time."
"The Bereans were of noble character for they received the message with eagerness and examined the Scriptures daily."
"The Scripture says, 'God is the rewarder of those who diligently and hotly pursue him.'"
"Sometimes you gotta, as the Bible says, study to show yourself approved, rightly dividing the word of truth."
"The Christian armor is made to be worn, and there is no putting off our armor till we have done our warfare and finished our course."
"Success, honor, and influence always come to him who diligently attends to the business of his life."
"Though the Lantern Rite may be complicated, everything must be done properly."
"Being careful that we're not calling black journalists lazy... The issue is don't fall for clout culture but actually do your due diligence."
"Be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election, for if you do these things, you will never stumble."
"If you want to maximize performance, don't take shortcuts."
"You can't afford to get rusty even during seemingly peaceful times."
"Keep your heart with all diligence for out of it flows the springs of life."
"Seest thou a man who is diligent in his Works, he shall stand before Kings and not before mean men."
"I preach discipline, being diligent, and stoic. We're going to have a better society, not a worse society."
"Be proactive and not reactive... planning for all things and being diligent over a period of time."
"It's a yes, but be accountable. Yes, but be appreciative. Yes, but don't fall asleep on the job."
"Everyone here is working diligently around the clock to address the changing situation."
"Patience and diligence: Do you have the diligence to do your homework and go through all the charts to make sure you know what you want to be trading?"
"I have no doubt that you will continue with the same tenacity that you showed us, to do the hard work of getting to the bottom of stories and getting them right."
"While it's easy to assume fast food workers are lazy and unskilled, these people are hard-working members of society who usually perform to the best of their abilities in order to earn a reliable paycheck."
"Be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."
"Think for yourself, work hard, be strong, be diligent; don't be a pushover, stand up for yourself and your family."
"I almost feel like if you're not doing your due diligence, there's no way you'll ever get everything."
"You always got to look at the fine print and do your own due diligence."
"Destiny belongs to people who are not wasteful with days but who are diligent with days."
"There's no substitution when you're a lawyer for preparation."
"The most powerful, smartest, most incredible people I've met in those specific fields are the people who believe they're the worst, because they're the ones who've worked most at it."
"The queen has been diligent and done her best to do her duty."
"Show up every day as yourself. Show up and be a hard worker."
"Plug and holes is really, really, really important."
"Work diligently at whatever you do as though you were working for the Lord."
"He was ambitious, exceptionally diligent, and hard."
"All of the photos showed the crew working diligently away at excavating skewed and off-center grid squares."
"He mentions that Sasaki is diligent with this and Sasaki states that he needs to keep track of all the spells he has learned."
"Patience and diligence will help... there's no miracle anything, you know it really is patience and diligence that will help."
"It was their obligation as investigating officers to follow every lead and rule out other possibilities before narrowing in."
"So with that being said, employers and prospective students need to be adamant when verifying a university or education history."
"The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty." - Proverbs 21:5
"The Lord's blessing plus our diligence is true wealth and riches."
"Diligence and putting God first go hand in hand."
"Without faith it is impossible to please God...he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."
"Is it worth me going through a bunch of annual reports to find that one home run stock? Hell yeah."
"Always pay attention to detail. No little detail like that is a stupid thing."
"If it's within your ability, please do so. God is the rewarder of the diligently seeking."
"Be diligent. Think of it like this: it's not just about grades, it's about honoring God with your responsibility."
"We should be diligent about being precise and then holding to that because we are already in the age I believe of deception concerning Jesus Christ."
"Do the work, go through the process, build your business."
"We definitely need to investigate any and all fraud claims and litigate everything we can."
"Anything worth doing is worth doing right and if you want something done right and sometimes you just got to do it yourself."
"Be like Joseph; he always did more than was expected."
"The plans of the diligent lead to profit and surely as haste leads to poverty."
"Keep your eye on the details, do your due diligence."
"When you see the wave of verified comments inside a YouTuber's comment section, do the extra due diligence."
"Your job is to do your job to the best of your ability within the rules."
"If you're going to get into a sub, look carefully at the company that designed the sub, look at its certification and all of those things."
"Just because it's certified doesn't mean... you gotta do your due diligence."
"Despite this seemingly simple circumstances of her next case, Dr. G knows she must dig deeper to find the answers."
"I jumped right on in there... I did my QC thing because I want to make sure I didn't miss one step I want to saw from the bottom."
"Being diligent is not the same thing as being a hater."
"It's about being diligent. Diligence gives you results."
"Our thoroughness and our diligence is what keeps those teeth sharp."
"She had been saving every penny she could for months."
"you gotta work and you have to do the work people don't want to do the work"
"Now is not the time to be complacent, now is the time to really, really lock down and hone down on what we've been asked to do."
"Love watching them take time to repair the ship."
"There's only one thing you can do... and that is work."
"Keaney needed to take a close look at the suspects."
"You need to do the boring stuff as well as the non-boring stuff."
"Do the little things to the best of your ability."
"Showing your work makes you work through a problem, it makes you find out where you're making a mistake and it makes you be diligent."
"She rises while it is still night and provides food for her household."
"We need to collectively do our own due diligence."
"It's not like you just slept through it either, you were actively cleaning."
"One who rises early to seek wisdom will have no difficulty."
"Make sure that everything has been finished the way that it needs to be."
"Life is step by step. Do this, do that, and don't be lazy."
"They're always gone off to making sure that they could be as close to what they thought was the law as possible."
"He really did put in the work before delivering his thoughts to the world."
"The new tractor has to pass more than a hundred tests before it is allowed to leave the factory."
"Remember though, train hard, no one becomes a master swordsman overnight."
"You must look at the balance sheets of these companies every single quarter."
"It's about that CEO or that co-founder or founder doing his or her homework."
"Those who put their hands to the plow and look back are not fit for the kingdom of God."
"I'd rather do a little bit of research for my winners."
"Always stay on your toes and work hard to get better."
"You need to put in the work, you need to not get complacent."
"From October 2017 till now, I've been very diligent."
"Everything takes longer than we would like as well but we want to make sure we get it right."
"Don't just stop there, look at everything yourself."
"They do follow it step by step they go through everything and they don't quit they do keep going to show up every single day."
"I act with skill and grace, my effort is valuable. Daily improvement is my highest concern."
"Put in the hard work. Not just staring at charts. Go to your accountability partner, get coaching, work through it. Persistence, persistence, persistence."
"I was so impressed that these officers took 75 minutes, really wanted to do the right thing."
"True devotion lay in steady, earnest effort."
"Stan was always on the go to create new characters."
"We are still looking for all pieces of evidence."
"The humble Mouse pays attention to the smallest details."
"Due diligence is an incredibly important part of the process."
"Blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing."
"Put your head down and work hard and try to tune out all the noise."
"We're sort of re-entering the period where you really have to do your homework as an investor."
"I try to at least go the extra mile when it comes to research if I can."
"This is not a get-rich quick scheme overnight. This is diligence, being determined over a longer period of time."
"I'm gonna make sure I know everything there is to know about this company before I put my hard-earned money into it."
"The secret of supply is to realize unlimited abundance and live in the consciousness of it while working diligently."
"Work hard, be attentive, do your job, and put the team first."
"We made it spawn-proof. We went around to every snow block and added two snow layers on top."
"We are about to see a very studious and careful investigation."
"You gotta do the boring stuff...if you want to do it the right way."
"You are ultimately responsible for ensuring that your aircraft every time it leaves the ground returns safely."
"If the job is worth doing... it's worth doing properly."
"One of the best ways to cure that is by doing your homework."
"Nothing was beneath me or above me, whatever needed to be done, I did it."
"Knight of Pentacles is just like working, putting in the work, it's kind of like a card of slow movement but it is a part of success."
"What I am doing is very serious. It's very important work, and we're going to do our due diligence in making sure that we look at all aspects of the case." - Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis
"We gotta get smarter and we've got to get off our butts and do the research when someone makes a claim."
"There is no substitute for hard work, then there is no substitute for doing things the right way so it is doable."
"You can't afford to just take it easy, gotta be on it at all times, man."
"Don't be afraid to check and recheck... you want this to be perfect."
"Save diligently to achieve financial goals; even small amounts add up over time."
"I just put the work in. Not even the work, but do your work."
"The inquisitors: unyielding, incorruptible seekers of truth."
"One of the things Allah has put down for you as a test is, look, you gotta do your bit."
"If you're diligent diligency will get you there."
"We will not stop until every lead is investigated, every piece of evidence is analyzed, and until we understand how and why this horrible tragedy and crime occurred."
"Do your homework do your research just don't make rash decisions."
"Work hard. Stop avoiding hard work. Work smart too."
"Persistence is key and just going over areas multiple times because you need to be sure you're going over every last inch."
"This card is about hard work, a strong work ethic."
"It's a card of patience, it's a card of doing consistent work."
"Doing the little things right sometimes means walking through a bunch of rooms."
"You should spend a couple minutes looking up the company looking up the founders."
"Elizabeth was reserved, conscientious, and dutiful."
"We'll count every single piece of paper, every single ballot, every single lawfully cast legal ballot."
"If you're gonna do a job, you gotta do it right."
"Every single lawyer, myself included, will go through all of these documents with a fine-tooth comb."
"This is not like some vast conspiracy, this is just due diligence."
"Bowen is so keen on studying, he's gone to bed with the book."
"For all these videos I put an incredible amount of research into them before I actually record them."
"And getting things done only comes through hard work."
"Take the time to process it down nice and fine."
"Please be careful out there, do your own research and due diligence."
"It's about the doing five hundred or a thousand little things right."
"I cover everything. I leave no stone left unturned."
"He didn't suddenly turn into who he is three months ago, so that's why we're painstakingly going through his whereabouts, his relationships, his employment history, to figure out if, in fact, there are other victims."
"It's a great doc chronicling his diligence and dedication."
"If you're going to take the time to do something, then take the time to do it right."
"Focus on your work, be diligent, don't let up at all, and be distracted."
"If you're going to do something and take the time to do it, do it right."
"Celebrate victories but stay diligent, stay focused, and work hard to set yourself up."
"Do the small things and do them well, and it allows you a pathway to virtue."
"Generational wealth is really important, but you have to do your due diligence and understand what's going on in those areas."
"If you want excellence in life, diligence is the principle to put in place."
"You gotta vet very carefully and we say that every time, but even if you're the most careful vetter, people can change."
"Requirements include a focused and persistent effort to keep God’s laws."
"You've got to dive in and do the due diligence and the research."
"Work at it, if necessary, early and late, in season and out of season, not leaving a stone unturned, and never deferring for a single hour that which can be done just as well now." - P.T. Barnum
"If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing properly."
"Make sure you've done everything right by your families to the best of your abilities."
"See a man who is diligent and skilled in what he does, he will stand before kings, not before ordinary men."
"Study your spell constantly and practice your incantations and wand movements until everything becomes second nature."
"The people who do come, they just can't do enough and are careful with their."
"That's all do the hard work especially when you don't feel like it."
"The winners are always going to be the ones who are diligent and have plans."
"I don't just rely on one model or two, I'm looking at everything out there for you to keep you posted on what's coming next."
"Make sure the contract right before you sign it."
"As I work along, I continuously test different components like the building just to make sure I'm not making any big or obvious mistakes."
"Anything worth doing is worth doing right and it's worth taking the appropriate amount of time for."
"Just be strategic about the process. Look into your options. There are so many out there if you're willing to work hard and put your full self into it."
"Good thing I actually opened things and read it because I found it in English, thank you very much."
"God equips us with creativity and eloquence. He wants our diligence, he wants us to pursue excellence in everything we do."
"Patience and hard work have brought you to this moment."
"People need to be making sure that they're doing research about the platform that they're utilizing."
"The hard way is the easy way, do it the right way the first time, no shortcuts."
"The hard way is the one that works, follow the correct path."
"If you don't check your work, how do you know what's correct, right? And I find that putting that time in, investigating to what the problems could be constantly, that's the way you get through it."
"Through mindful, slow, steady, methodical work comes the abundance."
"She may be a monster, but you have to admire her due diligence."
"They have a purpose, a reason for working as hard as they do."
"I wanted to really make sure I tested builds as much as possible and made sure that I put the research in to make sure that it is the best possible build that I can make."
"It's a matter of you taking this and applying this mindset alongside thousands of other other mindsets in your own due diligence that is what makes a successful investor."
"When nobody's looking doing the hard work you're gonna love yourself more and it'll show everywhere you go."