
Plagiarism Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"What looks like plagiarism could also be a purposeful creative choice."
"Having standards is a good thing, having zero tolerance policies for plagiarism is a bad thing."
"The whole topic of plagiarism...was the main thing that actually started the snowball effect."
"By definition, if there was no plagiarism, then there was no copyright infringement."
"They took not only a lot of the plotline and the story concepts but they also took the music."
"He quit that race within a week okay one of the reasons that he quit the race is because he was accused of plagiarizing."
"Everybody steals your stuff and never gives you credit. It's just the way it works."
"He lazily didn't do his research and just used Chris's work without giving him credit."
"In this specific space, it's full of snake oil salesmen, scam artists, and plagiarizers."
"Plagiarism is to take someone else's idea as their own or to not credit The Source."
"Plagiarism in the production space is a career-ending allegation."
"Even if you write a thousand words and 900 of them are someone else's, it's still plagiarism."
"When that happens and you're running around stealing other people's work, nobody has your back."
"Nearly a third of her formal academic work contained some instances of alleged plagiarism."
"What you have demonstrated across almost everything you have ever published is a flagrant disregard for crediting the research of others while curiously refusing to almost ever co-author."
"Claud and gay didn't just plagiarize some papers or some books she plagiarized Dr Swain's and entire identity."
"Plagiarism is good again. Apparently, according to the New York Times, plagiarism is okay."
"This is plagiarism and it's not made any better by the fact the documentary is linked somewhere in a paste bin document."
"Plagiarism is one of the fastest ways to ruin your reputation."
"You broke the golden rule; you plagiarized, your legitimacy, your credibility just is non-existent at this point."
"Remember that word integrity: if you copy someone's idea, give credit where credit is due."
"There's one thing I hate more than all the cons on this reality TV show 90 Day Fiance, it is plagiarism."
"Plagiarism is you take somebody else's work without crediting them and then you attribute it to yourself."
"Plagiarism is not okay, unethical, immoral, and it's just gross on so many levels."
"This man is nothing more than a content thief and a plagiarist who has no business being an expert on anything."
"Plagiarism experts consulted by CNN considered the recent excerpts to be plagiarism, and I agree."
"Imagine having the audacity to simply start emailing professional news outlets and taking credit for other people’s work."
"It's practically the same exact thing. There's no way this is a coincidence." - Elvis the Alien
"It's a prime example of a bigger content creator stealing from a smaller content creator. That's not okay."
"You're stealing somebody's voice, you're stealing somebody's story."
"What's not normal is when you write sentences and a person literally copies and pastes those claiming that they're their own that's called plagiarism."
"It's very explicit in this regard, so when I hear somebody say, 'Oh, the Quran plagiarized,' I'm like, 'What are you talking about?'"
"Submitting another person's work as your own is very wrong."
"Joe Biden's campaign lifted language from other groups for its policy plans." - Sam Cedar
"Plagiarism under any circumstance is a high crime in writing and rightfully so."
"It's extremely disheartening to have put so much effort into something and see some [__] come around and immediately copy it." - Rory
"Confirmed plagiarist Philip Mucin is a liar and a thief and no one should ever forget that."
"Being plagiarized is the greatest compliment one can receive."
"Don't do that though, 'cause you get caught up plagiarizing, and that's how you get expelled from the school."
"Recently, Reebok did some unauthorized reproduction."
"Real plagiarists go until H bomber guy makes a video on that."
"I'm all for people being inspired by other brands, but when you literally steal the exact concept and photoshoot from an indie brand, how do you sleep at night?"
"James has made himself the personification of detaching the personal from the idea. No ideas are his. He's just kind of now famous for stealing other people's ideas."
"How can you just take someone's work because it's fan art of a character from the studio you're working for, pass it off as your own without giving the original artist any form of credit?"
"Copying can get to a point where it's really creepy."
"Coming out like, 'Can I copy your homework? Yeah, but just make it a little different.'"
"There's a big difference between stealing someone's ideas or stealing, you know, plagiarizing someone's words and stealing someone's structure or framework."
"The text was 100% rewritten, and if the thought crosses your mind that this is just repurposing someone else's work, you're not alone."
"When you borrow from one thing it's plagiarism when you borrow from many it's research."
"It takes nothing to steal another man's work. It takes everything."
"That song is from TikTok. They stole it from..."
"It's a shot for shot remake to me that is the most pointless thing you can possibly do it's literally filmmaking plagiarism."
"If you steal from one author it's plagiarism if you steal from many it's research."
"Some dude named H bomber guy he uploaded like a 3 to four hour video on YouTube basically snitching talking about YouTube and plagiarism and calling out people who have been making videos and literally just out here Wikipedia copying and pasting."
"H bomber guy uploaded his newest video and exposed James summerr st's years worth of plagiarized video essay."
"Stop copy paste, copy paste is one of the death notes."
"It's only wrong when you add nothing and try to pretend it was yours in the first place."
"Plagiarism is plagiarism and you are a plagiarist, but thank you for taking the time to respond, and good luck with all that other stuff."
"If you catch someone plagiarizing once, chances are they rolled those dice a few times before and hadn't been unlucky yet."
"He stole a bunch of words for literally no reason."
"You butchered my story. You stole it from Philip K. Dick."
"In 2014, Fox News ripped off BioShock Infinite's logo."
"Everyone is fully convinced that quoting a documentary for 30 minutes while pretending you're quoting someone else counts as plagiarism."
"uh this is a Mormon cookie company out of Utah that stole the recipe from another cookie company"
"Stop stealing other people's footage."
"You cannot say they hate me cuz I'm a woman if they didn't have any problem with you until you were literally stealing other people's jokes in your same field."
"This reminds me of when I was at CSM, and a lot of people whose designs got copied. The fashion system is broken."
"What effect do you think the AI has and will have on a person's craft? So, H, I am a forewarning not a fan of AI. Um, mostly because people are getting far too comfortable with stealing other people's work."
"You cannot use other people's photos. You cannot copy other people... I've seriously had people copy the exact way that my website has looked like, same theme."
"One huge problem that I see a lot of copywriters make... is that they just don't cite their sources."
"Plagiarism is not only morally wrong but also a violation of copyright law."
"Plagiarism is fraud... it's theft."
"I found out that someone with 100,000 subscribers has just plagiarized one of the hardest series I've ever produced, mincing it up and presenting said sick mockery as their own original work."
"Plagiarism is theft... it reveals a great disdain towards everything scal presents to her own audience as her original work."
"Our research on this channel has been plagiarized by another YouTuber."
"You stole this entire game show idea."
"She's copying your thumbnails, copying your videos."
"First he alleged that someone stole a card design from him and submitted it to the Power Rangers film from 2017."
"I couldn't allow people to get away with claiming my work is theirs."
"There is literally nothing more terrifying in my mind than being a student of some degree and getting accused of plagiarism."
"The old man apologizes to Sub and reveals the shocking truth: the real plagiarist was not Sub, but his daughter Joe 7 years ago."
"This is a clear case of plagiarism, and I do hope your school is merciful in this matter."
"Instead of going through the hard work of making a new system, let's just go and take stuff from someone else."
"The real danger for writers comes in the other direction... Sooner or later, there's going to be somebody who finds some local ambulance chaser and sues you because you stole it from him."
"They just kept stealing from Friday the 13th. They couldn't get their goddamn hands out of the cookie jar, guys."
"You mean to tell me that you ripped off my bottle, you ripped off my box, and then you made a better version of one of my best-selling fragrances? Thanks for nothing, a-hole."
"Rings of Power is not just fan fiction, it's stolen fan fiction."
"The internet has made the world really small, you can't get away with style stealing and copying from people."
"To copy and to plagiarise are two very different things."
"Anybody can steal anybody's song and get away with it because the only way to not get away with it is to have somebody come after you legally."
"Bob stole my work, put his name on it, and took credit."
"The left is really anti-plagiarism. It would be refreshing to have them on our side for once."
"Imitation without acknowledgement is stealing."
"Have you heard the students that just got that like this one student got like caught submitting a chat GPT essay into his class and the Professor was like this is written too well you use chat GPT didn't you."
"Don't copy verbatim. That's the big no-no."
"Stepping on dead people's copyright is genetic."
"...a staggering 73 percent of university students simply copied their answer from Wikipedia."
"You can steal work but give credit where it's due."
"Oh Gary's a bird at Sparrow in the bird. Look Kelly Sparrow in the Burj dude now I know where Kelly copied her album art, freakin plagiarize ur we see now Callie we see where you got your idea."
"People like to steal other people's stuff. I mean yeah, it's been around a long time. That's been with us from the beginning."
"Copying is visual theft and innovation is an act of altruism."
"Maybe Raspberry's right, maybe Orange did copy my sketch."
"Don't worry about people who may try and steal your work or your words, don't worry about people that try and switch your words and project onto you."
"God will let men plagiarize Him for a few moments, then steps up to show why He is."
"She stole this story from me, man. Bro, they didn't play, they took the story. Like I'm not, I didn't consult online, they took it."
"The ones that get ahead are plagiarists and the ones that don't get ahead are telling the truth."
"So just don't do it, okay? And there's a reason which is that the university is a place that's about helping you improve your skills, about teaching you, and we cannot teach you if we do not know how you write."
"If you steal from one person you're a plagiarist but if you steal from many people you're an artist."
"I posted a joke on Reddit and had a thousand people tell me hey loser you stole this from r slash white people Twitter I followed the link and it was a screenshot of my joke."
"Just cause you invent something and I take your thoughts and do the same thing, don't mean I stole it."
"Of course, the real victim of plagiarism in all this is the creator of the original Stairway to Heaven."
"To stop the harm of plagiarism, you have to address the socioeconomic system."
"The big core issue with this is all that art that was pumped into AI art early on and even to this day a lot of times it's just straight up stolen. What do I mean by stolen? Well, what happens is let's say I'm a fledgling artist."
"We should be continuing to pile on the pressure. No, no, no, you shouldn't be plagiarizing. She's illegitimate. Blah blah blah blah blah. Continue on."
"This is not an exaggeration, they stole music."
"Teemu steals exact photos, product descriptions, and even test certifications from Amazon sellers and lists them as their own."
"Brent has and continues to shamelessly steal content from other creators"
"the platform and following he has today wasn't built on his own skill or creativity but rather on the backs of the countless creators he has plagiarized"
"It becomes even more apparent that it is impossible that the infringent composition and sound recording were independently created."
"AI images victimize everyone; they deceive consumers, ruin the flow of information, and they steal from and set unfair expectations for artists."
"Wait a hot minute, people on the internet steal things. I feel sick. I feel betrayed."
"Don't lift content from another website, so that's plagiarism."
"You shouldn't copy someone's hard work, especially make it looking exactly the same."
"Be aware that there are people who will meticulously pick apart your art just to see if you traced it or heavily referenced it anywhere else."
"If you copy from many it's called research."
"If you're going to try to make educational content, even if it's unfortunately plagiarized, it needs to be correct and factual."
"Lawyers from New Line Cinema became extremely concerned that Favro had stolen too much material."
"There really hasn't been anything original at really at all in the past freaking like 10 years basically and that what I'm talking about is plagiarism in music plagiarism in movies plagiarism and TV um freaking YouTube Tick Tock everyone is copying everyone."
"...there is an entire article on Balkanist.net where they show many instances where Lady Gaga allegedly copied Jelena."
"Concealment is at the heart of plagiarism."
"They literally copied the mafia bar for bar."
"It's devastating to see these fashion companies rip off designs that have taken the blood sweat and tears of true designers."
"What is originality? Undetected plagiarism."
"It's a lot easier to plagiarize, but it is also extremely easy to get caught."
"Isn't it deeply unethical to take other people's work and then make tons of money from it?"
"Never just copy-paste an article, it's unethical, it's not right, you can't monetize stuff that other people have done."
"If you want to be successful in university or high school or college, you must learn about plagiarism, how to avoid it, and how to cite correctly."
"I don't care that this person stole my joke, but you should know that this person stole my joke."
"Don't present other people's work as if it's your own."
"Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement."
"If you're gonna steal from my show, steal from a good show like Lost or The Wire."
"I take plagiarism really seriously, so I am interested in an explanation."
"The biggest concern in AI ethics is plagiarism and stealing."
"Paraphrasing is the number one way to avoid plagiarism."
"Dorothy found out that Cavendish published Herman's work as his own."
"Imagine somebody taking your craft, what you put your all into, posting it as it was their work."
"What you actually have are three authors stealing from one another."
"If you take somebody's stuff and sell it, it's called plagiarism; if you take a bunch of people's stuff and write their names down and sell it, it's called research."
"Plagiarism is strictly prohibited here."
"Public Service message kids: don't do drugs, and don't copy your term papers off a Wikipedia page."
"To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research."
"In-text citation is how you avoid plagiarism because again, that's how you credit the author."
"L. Ron Hubbard was not a creative genius, he was a plagiarist and a liar."
"If all those who plagiarized others can enjoy fame and honor while the victims can only hide corners, I really don't understand what the value and meaning of putting in so much effort in designs are for."