
Ontology Quotes

There are 246 quotes

"Consciousness, or mind, is the best known, most immediately known, and probably ontologically prior to anything else." - Keith Ward
"Is there a difference between the thing and how the thing functions? Yes, there's certainly a difference."
"The uncaused cause must be spaceless, timeless, and immaterial."
"Definitions apply to objective facts, whether you know them or not. That's what ontology is. Epistemology is you try to make the best guess given limited information."
"Quantum mechanically, fields are everything."
"Consciousness is the ontological primitive; you can't get underneath it."
"God's being is ontologically necessary...cannot not be."
"If the universe-as-a-whole is fundamental, reality could be physicalism, dualism, or even idealism, where only the mental is real."
"I think ontology is excellent, highly undervalued at the moment."
"God must exist in reality because existing in reality is greater than just existing as an idea."
"Ontological warfare. That's how I see it. Ontology, nature of reality, nature of being."
"I think the best place to start with the ontological argument might genuinely be the SCP entry by Graham Oppy."
"Objects just are collections of actual and possible experiences."
"Everything that exists is either contingent or necessary."
"God is a word for the ground of being from which all of reality emanates."
"Consciousness is the only existent, with inherent properties."
"If there is some foundation to reality, then that foundation itself is also reality."
"Existence is a binary quality but that goes against the crude ontological."
"Everything that exists is included in this question: What is existence?"
"If you take quantum mechanics seriously, the universe is a wave function and the wave function has its own status, its own existence as a vector in some giant Hilbert space."
"We can't make it an algorithm. If we were looking for something algorithmic, we're fundamentally misapprehending the ontology that has to be at its basis."
"Relations have ontological priority over the relata."
"The world must have a beginning in time and must be spatially bounded."
"Object-oriented ontology is the idea that the natural world doesn't revolve around our sense of perception and things can't be explained because the universe doesn't conform to our understanding."
"Existence is a positive property."
"Consciousness is the one thing that we know exists. We project its properties onto the physical world."
"The only thing we have ontic grounds to carve out of the rest of nature are living beings."
"The being of beings reveals itself as the ground that gives itself ground and accounts for itself."
"Nothing is a thing, it's a process, it's happening through time as you look at it."
"The philosophical notions and questions raised by the idea of how fictional characters may have a reality unto themselves."
"Truth cannot be identified with logical necessity, for it is not logical necessity that makes the proposition true, but rather its being found to genuinely capture the constitution of the intelligible mode of being, all beings as they are in themselves."
"Existence by definition must necessarily exist and it cannot be otherwise."
"Being is being, it is the fundamental backdrop behind everything - you, the plants, the animals, and even concepts. Behind everything is simply being."
"The measuring entity has to be at a higher ontological level than the thing it measures."
"The grammar of knowing and the grammar of being have to fundamentally be the same grammar."
"The point is, beyond that very helpful description that you've given, is the metaphysical realm, which is another higher status, higher ontology level above even your intellect."
"The ontological subjectivity of a domain does not prevent us from having an epistemically objective science of that domain."
"Once we've got a firm grasp on the concept of divinity, we can move on to the ontological question of god's existence."
"Values are ontologically primitive."
"Ontology deals with being. What is that? It is an irreducible wholeness."
"The ontology of God is other-centered self-giving sacrificial love."
"Reality is the property of being real."
"One very important outcome... was that of positing a world which consists fundamentally of two different sorts of entity."
"Information isn't just something humans create... it's a part of the physical world itself."
"What we now know is that information can never be divorced from the physical world."
"Men and women are ontologically equal but different in function."
"I want my ultimate ontology at the end of the day to be a single point in the high dimensional space of all important... to be some equations. That's the world I want to live in."
"And our first look ever at the face of Juventud Guerrera, the man under the mask."
"The ontology of function utility signification and meaning was thrown into a minor crisis by rhythm."
"Accordingly then, neither can it be named nor be spoken of, nor be opined of, nor be the object of knowledge, nor do the real beings have a perception of self."
"My argument is the notion of transcendence in the pre-cartesian world there is psychological transformation there is psychological Improvement but there's also epistemological and ontological Improvement uh in a very real way."
"...is it real sort of the ontological question I think is for me at least an extremely interesting one perhaps the central question we all want to know the answer to Is it real"
"Candidates for self-existence include matter, energy, and space-time."
"Reality can be divided up into subsections each of which acts like a world comprised of stuff arranged in space."
"Being is the organizing principle of reality, of the universe."
"You're ultimately going to get back to an uncaused first cause."
"So a first answer to the question why is there something rather nothing is quite simple nothing is unstable."
"Being was both more and less than the soul."
"For Whitehead, the universe is an orchestra full of many different kinds of instruments."
"Whitehead's ontology is musical; the universe is an orchestra of many different kinds of instruments."
"Social constructivism refers just to an ontological position, and somebody who's a social constructivist believes that reality is constructed through social interactions."
"It's a fundamental distinction whether, when looking at the world, I start with my cognitive apparatus or with the nature of the world."
"If scientists fail to tell us the nature of consciousness, then we will have reason to believe the dualist ontology."
"Metaphysics is about describing what exists at the most general scales."
"Knowing itself means bringing into existence something, so existence and knowing are two faces of the same point."
"In the world of shadows, the circle is not the rectangle. They are distinct."
"Creative creator creativity... part of the ontology of God."
"Laws are very special descriptions of what happens but at some level amazing is there's no other junk in the world there's no other other than the ordinary facts right there's the facts and and that is what makes up the world and so that's the whole fact about the facts."
"Time might arise from some timeless substance that self-organizes."
"There is no write happening in the ontology layer that isn't going through the access control model."
"Particles would have definite positions and definite momentum that would be the ontology to real rock-bottom qualities of reality."
"Being and thing are not equivalent, but things have been standard types of beings in the history of metaphysics."
"So it does exist right now, that it's a being. Well, it must be comprised of being or it must be real, since it causally affects all other beings."
"The ontological argument here that I'm giving from the explanatory route would get us to the possibility of a perfect source of finite things."
"As we move into the future we'll have a legitimate science of Consciousness but it will not be based on a physicalist ontology."
"Latour's approach is that everything is real insofar as it has an effect."
"Hyper objects are non-local because no local manifestation of a hyper object fully does the job of telling us where it is."
"Ultimately, ontology invites us to contemplate the nature of existence itself and to reflect on the fundamental categories of being that underly our experience of the world."
"All multiplicities are flat in the sense that they fill or occupy all their dimensions."
"And the moment you rarify something in an affirmative sense, then inherent existence sneaks in from a back door."
"Media design, to use the language, ontological design is a really good word for it."
"I think the neoplatonist framework that preceded it with its leveled ontologies and the emanation and the emergence gave people a sense of a proper proportioning of their participation in reality rather than a continual Ascent to the top of the hierarchy."
"Live without why. Live without a lie. It's not proposing meaninglessness, it's proposing a non-teleological way of being, an ontological way of being."
"Objects might also come in medium size or large size and still be objects uh there's nothing privileged about the tiny layer of explanation there are objects of all sizes in the cosmos."
"Everything that is not many things is necessarily one thing in number, and consequently, a singular thing."
"Rather than participating as people had followed in both the Aristotelian and Platonic traditions, in universal categories, Occam here is arguing that qualities are themselves not universal."
"The prophet is also a marginal figure in the good sense, you know? It's like an ontological structure. It's a structure of reality. And that, like, the prophet is also a marginal figure in the good sense, you know?"
"What I mean by existence is the being of those beings who stand open for the openness of being in which they stand by standing it."
"Existence is not a predicate. No one has ever produced a defensible elucidation of the claim that existence is not a predicate."
"Existence is a great-making quality."
"Things that exist are greater than those that exist only in the mind."
"Monism: all of reality is fundamentally one thing."
"The necessary being always exists."
"There isn't just a 'to be,' that 'a' touches just about anything else, and it's living."
"Pure being and pure emptiness are obverse and reverse of the same coin."
"Consciousness is a primary entity in the universe, an ontological primitive."
"Ontology is about what the world is, the study of reality."
"Being could not be generated because it would have come from its opposite, non-being."
"Parmenides says, 'For it is not to be said or thought that it is not.'"
"Parmenides says, 'For the same thing is for thinking and for being.'"
"Parmenides concludes, 'Hence being is ungenerated, and the same thing may be held for becoming.'"
"Actuality and potentiality are different kinds of reality."
"You can't have becoming without being."
"Naturalism offers a simpler ontology that offers just as much explanatory power as theism."
"It fits perfectly with the new ontological argument from perfection."
"Metaphysics is about being, what it means for something to be."
"In materialism, it's matter and energy that are thought to be eternal and self-existent. In theism, theists affirm that God is the eternal, self-existent thing."
"Technology is ontology. Technology shapes the way we think about ourselves and our position within the world."
"For people who are committed to philosophical realism, the idea that universals are real, there are some serious ontological questions. In other words, questions about being or existence that have to be settled. Like, how do universals exist? Where do they exist?"
"Platonism is the view that mathematical entities exist, that mathematical entities and their properties are objective."
"Forms are perfect items, they are non-physical, non-spatial, non-temporal."
"Deleuze's ontology is a matter of relations without positive terms."
"Becoming is essential in Deleuze's ontology."
"The world consists of objects that are independent of our minds and fall into natural kinds."
"It seems to me that there's an important distinction between the greatness of the being and the greatness of the situation in which the being exists."
"The very fact that something exists, must be the same. It must be existence."
"The Son of God was identical to the Father by being God in terms of being, but he has a tendency to go to the Father in terms of his being."
"No object will ever fully grasp other objects. Objects are coming back in philosophy because they exist independently, hide from each other as well as from us."
"Poems are actually telling you something ontologically true about everything else."
"Objectivism holds an ontological view of logic. The laws of logic are facts of existence."
"An entity means a self-sufficient form of existence as against a quality and action or relationship etc."
"Existence existed does not mean there are two things; it is pure being."
"The necessary being that sustains all things, all matter, is the only possibility that is devoid of contradiction."
"The modern state cannot be construed on ethical grounds nor can it ontologically operate as a moral entity."
"Heidegger's central concern throughout Being in Time is the question of the meaning of being."
"The world has no reality apart from consciousness."
"The appearance of being... are only possible to categorize as a result of us seeing what is truly fundamental to Deleuze: the constant process of becoming."
"It's one thing to be a name and another to be the thing it names."
"Things have some fixed being or essence of their own; they are not in relation to us and are not made to fluctuate by how they appear to us."
"Existence and consciousness are not reducible to anything else."
"There is a fundamental ontological identity between essence and energies which it is absolutely necessary to know of if we want to avoid any separate ontologization of the latter."
"What are the basic kinds of things that the world contains?"
"There are three different kinds of existence - the normal physical existence, the mental existence, and the mathematical world."
"There is nothing in this universe that doesn't have at least one attribute."
"If something exists, something has the power of being in and of itself."
"A thing cannot not be and be at the same time and in the same respect."
"Operation follows upon being; the nature of the being determines what kinds of action it is able to perform."
"Phenomenology is the science of being of entities; it is ontology."
"We have to evaluate what it means to be a being that inquires after being."
"The task of ontology is ultimately to explain being itself and to make the being of entities stand out in full relief."
"Self-sufficient and non-self-sufficient objects... an abstract is a non-self-sufficient Essence; a concret is an absolutely self-sufficient Essence."
"Being and nothingness are one in the same thing in terms of our ability to understand them in and of themselves; they are unknowable."
"The greatest conceivable being exists."
"The essence is the fundamental and the properties are its consequences."
"Reality is just everything that exists. Whatever exists is real; whatever exists is part of reality."
"What is reality? It doesn't matter if it's physical or mental, because it is."
"The fact of existing, existence as opposed to non-existence."
"God is being itself, the ground of all being."
"The self or the mind seems to be a real ontological substance that can influence and change things on its own."
"...each level of development co-creates an ontologically different world."
"He is the only entity in existence, the reason for whose existence is in himself."
"There must be something which has intrinsic existence, and the only thing that can have intrinsic existence, logically speaking, is being itself, existence itself."
"Gene ontology is a formal system of describing knowledge and in this case, that knowledge is everything biology."
"Everything that exists, exists; everything."
"This philosophy is based on accepting that there's one ontological reality."
"Everything is made of consciousness."
"Goodness is ultimately the same as being."
"Our beliefs about what objects exist are a result of evolutionary and cultural influences."
"Christian faith has a robust epistemology and an equally strong and powerful ontology."
"The very nature of matter entails an exposure to the other; responsibility is not an obligation that the subject chooses, but rather an incarnate relation that precedes the intentionality of consciousness."
"God must be that which nothing greater can be conceived."
"Existence is certainly a positive characteristic and something which must be possessed by something which is greater than anything else that can be conceived."
"What do we mean when we say being? Do we understand what we're saying when we say it? Does it mean anything at all?"
"The average everydayness of Dasein is not just an aspect of Dasein; it is structural and a priori fundamental."
"The existential analytic of Dasein is ontological."
"All things ultimately do have a metaphysical and ontological connection to one another."
"If something cannot not exist, we call that thing a necessary being."
"A class is made up of a set of individuals like Beatles or John Lennon, and these can also be called instances or objects."
"There needs to be at least one thing that's necessary in all possible worlds."
"All things which are, by the very fact that they are, are good and come from good."
"Everything is of the nature of Consciousness."
"Ontology is a portable knowledge specification."
"The Semantic Web would be an internet but in which the way in which Internet content was captured was by using ontology."
"Consciousness is the ground of all being."
"For anything to exist, it has to be one and multiple at the same time."
"Ontology plus machine learning equals knowledge graph."
"Ontology is the specification of a conceptualization."
"We can do aggregations very easily with high precision using ontologies."
"Ontology and knowledge graph capabilities are ready for primetime."
"Everything has to be made out of something, but actually, it turns out maybe not; maybe there's a stopping point."
"The ontological Trinity deals with the essence of the trinitarian being being one simple thing, the Divine thing."
"Existence is not a predicate of objects."
"Consciousness must be existence, and existence must always be consciousness."
"Being in the world is an essential structure of Dasein."
"Everything will always be physicalism, even if it's not physical."
"The gene ontology is edited by a group of editors who use the gene ontology to tag literature and data about genes and proteins and diseases."
"There's value in taking advantage of both the taxonomic and ontological approaches."
"The main idea behind ontology is that we create common vocabularies which are logically well-defined, which can be used to tag data coming from different sources so that the data becomes integrated, the sources become interoperable."
"Ontology is not a mind; ontology is the study of what is."
"Knowledge of ontology is contingent on sound epistemology."
"When you are developing an ontology using the BFO approach, you're focusing always on what exists in reality."
"At the bottom of everything, in scientific terms, the ontological primitive of all reality, the root of all reality, is consciousness itself."
"The gene ontology is a way to capture biological knowledge in a written and computable form."
"What God did not create does not exist, and everything that does exist, exists as He created it."
"The great unmanifest very much is, and to call it the root of all being is a very good description."
"The fact that we have something means there has to be always something."
"Being cannot come from non-being."
"Why can't things be both one and many?"
"An ontology is a representation of the kinds or types or universals in reality."
"When we do ontology, we are describing reality."