
Crime Prevention Quotes

There are 693 quotes

"K5 is a robot that will patrol the Time Square subway station in the overnight hours, equipped with multiple cameras and two-way communication intended to deter crime."
"We've saved about 60,000 lives taking you off the street."
"I personally can't get over the thought that if Stella had just come home a few hours later, this 9-year-old little girl might have been spared from an absolutely horrific murder."
"Heavy police presence in high crime areas tends to prevent crime."
"Artificial intelligence, be using it to detect crimes before they happen, humanoid AI helpers... increasing efficiency in healthcare... increased personalization."
"Thanks to the efforts of the staff who managed to capture a photo of the car and its license plate, the police successfully apprehended the suspects."
"Anarchists believe that the preventative remedies for the causes of crime, being rectifying social and economic inequalities, can and would be funded and provided by self-managed communities a lot better than by the state's punitive police force."
"Over policing doesn't decrease the total amount of crime because it leads to the perpetuation of certain conditions that increase crime."
"The easy thing to say is just lock them up, let's arrest ourselves out of this, right? That plays to your emotion. But actually, it's my job to, in an unpatronizing way, try and educate you without excusing criminality but saying it's a bit more complex than that."
"Maybe making it harder to obtain a firearm in Indiana might decrease the amount of illegal guns acquired and killing people in Chicago."
"If someone comes at you with a weapon and tells you to go with them, do not. Never go to the second location."
"Dogs are the number one deterrent for home break-ins. Fact."
"$2 and 1/2 trillion a year of crime is done with cash. And cash is the ultimate bear instrument."
"The idea is that investing in criminalization and putting more money into under-resourced communities to police and incarcerate them doesn't actually address crime."
"State surveillance tends to do very little to prevent crime and actually tends to do a lot to prevent civil liberties."
"I did 13 years myself, so I know how that goes. It's about keeping them out of the streets, out of trouble."
"Our approach towards knife crime shouldn't be about law and order; it should be about love and hope."
"The function of law enforcement is the prevention of crime and the apprehension of criminals, not the manufacturing of crime."
"We want to make sure we rehabilitate so people don't reoffend and have more victims out there."
"It is my conviction that we will never put an end to the mounting problem of black on black crime until we stop coddling the hoodlums."
"Broken windows theory by James Q. Wilson, which suggested that policing of low-level crimes prevents the commission of larger level crimes, and that is true."
"San Francisco doesn't need Harvey Dent; it needs Batman."
"We can curb gun violence by creating a happy population. When people feel like they're happy and they have opportunity, they don't turn to violence and crime."
"Every life lost to murder is something inexcusable and preventable."
"20 million potential Boko Haram [members], potentially kidnappers, potential criminals."
"I don't believe we can arrest our way out of this."
"Every single analysis that is worth its salt looked at the impact of policing on crime... you get less crime when you increase policing."
"Prison is the least effective place to rehabilitate offenders."
"So ultimately, we get to the stupidest point that you could possibly make, which is how many officers do you need before crime is eliminated altogether."
"The most effective weapon against crime is cooperation."
"Mr. Speaker, instead of talking about punishment and vengeance, let us have the courage to talk about the real issue. How do we get to the root causes of crime? How do we stop crime, which is, in fact, a very, very serious problem in this country?"
"Surprisingly, numerous studies have shown that the Scared Straight method can actually do more harm than good."
"Once the criminals know that the cops are not on the streets and not responding to calls then see how it goes."
"LEAD participants have a 58% lower likelihood of being arrested than addicts outside of the program."
"We need to address the root causes of crime if we want to make communities safer."
"For me, first and foremost, I concentrate my energy to ensure that stealing is tough."
"If you plan to steal a cell phone from somebody don't choose a martial arts instructor."
"We had no crime in our neighborhoods we took care of the people."
"We're actually able to prevent crimes and we can get these people off the street."
"The cartels have to be defeated for the people of this country and for the people of Mexico and Venezuela."
"They gotta get rid of this mass crap too because people mob going into stores with masks on is no good."
"When people are gainfully employed, they will not transcend to criminality."
"The FBI is creating crime in order to stop crime."
"One of the greatest, most non-partisan solutions to mass shootings... just don't use the offender's face or the offender's name."
"You stop it by not defunding the police. Let them do their jobs and prosecute the criminals. It really isn't that complex."
"We know that education and economic viability lead to less crime."
"How difficult is it to not go to prison nine times? How difficult is it to not be high holding a counterfeit bill?"
"We can reduce violent crime without gun control laws."
"Police do stop some crimes while they're happening."
"Our country is not going to be stolen by bank robbers."
"The biggest deterrent of crime is the certainty of getting caught."
"Stay safe out there. Every year there are about two and a half million burglaries, that's one every 13 seconds."
"A child dying is not a lesson that needs to be learned, a child dying is a crime that should be prevented."
"Operation Legend is a new initiative designated to fight the surge of violent crime we've seen in Kansas City."
"Wouldn't preventing serial killers or domestic abuse be incredibly useful?"
"This is great though because what we're seeing as communities starting to stand up for themselves against this criminal element which is exactly what's needed."
"The government used informants and undercover agents to thwart the alleged plot." - Associated Press
"What we need to do is make sure that communities have the resources they need to prevent crime from happening."
"I want to see more headlines that read woman shoots would-be rapist than woman raped and left in a ditch."
"A new YouTube channel has caught robbers breaking into the blocksmart! We're heroes and YouTubers!"
"It was significant in taking people with bad motives off the street."
"By the numbers, the strategy of simply selling the criminals the surveillance devices that will be used to prosecute them appears to have been wildly successful."
"One being that they don't think that it stops other crimes from happening."
"Children need to know where their next check is coming from. If we can reduce poverty, we can reduce crime."
"As sad as it is and as discussing as these people are it is important that we know about these people so we know a little bit more about how they combat them and how to stop it before it gets too far."
"We can't arrest our way out of social problems."
"If someone holds you at gunpoint in a public area and they want you to go into a private area, do not do it."
"Crime and poverty are linked, so if you really want to lower the crime rate, we should probably do something to substantively address poverty."
"Efforts to combat crime, corruption, and implement economic reforms offer hope for Mexico's future."
"Security if your vehicle is stolen OnStar will work with local authorities to track it."
"Murder should never be the answer or the consequence."
"Crime tip: if you're going to do a crime don't text anyone about the crime that you're doing. Are you stupid? That will be used against you in the investigation."
"The gruesome events that transpired at the abandoned Ranch served as a stark reminder of the urgent need for collective efforts to combat drug-related violence."
"A smart move by store clerks and a quick response by this task force have turned a dangerous crime into a textbook takedown."
"You lessen crime by eliminating poverty... it's capitalism... it's the ability to live and work again."
"Fortunately, he's matured. He was able to handle the situation as a man."
"We do need to create new tools and new capabilities to eliminate the type of nefarious activity."
"Four out of five criminals use social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Google Maps to find their targets."
"Every single mile of new wall system that is put in, from every single mile, illegal entries in that particular area, drug smuggling in that particular area, border crime in that particular area, has decreased."
"Now, for 3 decades, we fought crime by building huge prisons."
"Just don't commit crimes. What kind of advice is that?"
"The school-to-prison pipeline? Just don't commit crimes. It's pretty easy."
"I think I'm more for chemical castration... take away the urge that would even get to that point."
"We need an all-out effort to defeat violent crime in America."
"It's tough to be a burglar now, with these cameras everywhere."
"The best way to prevent this crime and keep all women safe isn't by changing the behavior of women but by changing the behavior of men."
"Maybe we should be telling our boys not to rape them."
"I'm really sick of the black on black crime and I feel like as a people we just have to help ourselves, absolutely."
"Crime does not pay and perpetrators will be caught and dispatched to justice."
"My promise to you is this: I will fix our city's broken roads, improve our school test scores, and crack down on violent crime."
"The more you pull people out of poverty, the more you reduce criminality."
"Criminals fear Yogi's administration, 95% gangs neutralized."
"Mafia properties worth rupees 1500 crore has been confiscated."
"Black poverty is a billion-dollar industry. If you solve black-on-black crime, a lot of people will be out of work."
"Not one more American life should be lost to migrant crime."
"Most people wouldn't commit a crime if they just stopped for three minutes and thought about the consequences."
"My message to anybody that's out there who's either currently committing the fraud or you're thinking about it: I wouldn't follow you because we're going to get you one way or another..."
"Thanks to this footage, two of the three suspects are arrested in less than a week, testimony to the power of security cameras."
"Stopping it, stupid rapey kidnappy murder kidnapper guys, let's not meet again."
"Keeping people out of prison for low-level crimes is obviously ideal."
"Laziness has prevented more crimes than the police ever will."
"Let's eliminate the stuff that's already against the law... let's try to cut down on threats because those are already against the law."
"Our future is our children now. The first step in eradicating this crime is awareness."
"I really do love Acorn TV. I've talked about how much I love the BBC and I love British television far better than American television."
"She single-handedly, in a lot of ways, stopped this man from doing this again."
"It's time to have a much more systematic way of thinking about transnational crimes and how we react as a group of allies."
"By getting rid of the crimes of murder, robbery, and rape, you have not gotten rid of the actions."
"If someone wants to do something bad, they're gonna do it."
"So if you remember what happened at the time, no, we shouldn't if we want to prevent another murder from happening."
"You can't live your life that way, you can only check the precautions you can take and at the end of the day the person is responsible for the crime they've committed."
"The crime rate came down and down and down and the broken windows folks were right..."
"We need reform on a national scale both in policy and education to address these heinous crimes."
"Nobody is prevented from committing murder just because it's illegal. The laws against murder have almost no direct preventative effect because you could still just walk up to somebody and kill them if you want."
"But if you had the ability to stop a crime before it happened, would you do it even if the person that you were arresting hadn't actually done anything yet?"
"Our job is not to be law enforcement, it's to give great tools to law enforcement to do their job when crypto gets involved in crime."
"It's so bad here the county held a free vin etching event to help residents keep their cars from getting stolen."
"Well, when an adult male is chasing a female with intent to commit rape, I shoot the bastard. That's my policy."
"If you're coming in to cheat and to get what's not yours you're breaking the law."
"Drug dealers are in gangs. Let's bring on narcotics. Let's bring on the gang unit. Let's bring on the drug enforcement task force."
"The vast majority of black people believed the best way to reduce crime was to address social issues rather than to strongly punish criminals."
"Snitches get stitches, and by stitches I mean get to put away a dangerous predator."
"Are you aware that even something that little, $300 a month in gift cards, is like having a massive effect on crime? That's an indication right there."
"We need to invest in our children in jobs and education, not more jails and more incarceration."
"I don't want anyone to be the victim of crime because crime is a serious issue, I hate crime."
"It may be dubbed the cash for criminals in the media because they will pay certain people $300 a month to avoid gun incidents."
"We know how to decrease crime. We've done it recently and we've done it in multiple jurisdictions."
"Imagine if they put these guys away... maybe it would have changed things."
"Cracking down on gun traffickers, putting more cops on the beat, investing in community anti-crime programs."
"This year we will intensify our drive against these and other horrible crimes like sexual abuse and family violence." - Ronald Reagan
"It's not dangerous for Gabby and Evan, this parade is our chance to catch him."
"My statement on the sentencing of the Scientologist Danny Masterson."
"I woke up to a note that said, 'I was going to rob you and stab you in the throat but you just looked so peaceful.'"
"What are you doing to solve the crime issue in Indianapolis? I want to hear specifics."
"We have a vision of a balanced and just society, where we fight crime but demand justice for victims."
"We can't wait for the next unspeakable crime to happen before we act."
"If guns are banned, it's harder for criminals to get one."
"His arrest really underscores the importance of enforcing all levels of crimes."
"Don't let anyone ever tell you that drug trafficking is harmless."
"We're not going to allow kids to shoot up each other or shoot up neighborhoods. It's just not happening."
"Professionals had the knowledge, legal means, and opportunity to prevent the 2015 murder."
"We've got to identify and help those people well before they cross that criminal threshold."
"For every $15,000 that we spend intervening in the lives of economically and otherwise disadvantaged kids, we save $80,000 in crime-related costs down the road."
"A lot of satisfaction out of taking these people off the street, a lot."
"Detectives believe they stopped a serial killer in the making, a predator, and a danger to children that day." - Narrator
"The murder of Laken Riley was maybe the single most preventable crime... all the feds had to do was enforce the law."
"There's so many but the surge of gun violence since the start of this pandemic, I made it clear we should use these funds to combat violent crime as well," he said.
"For any particular victim, it only takes one."
"Crime cannot be a political football; the criminal must see that the politicians are united."
"Investing in our kids in jobs and good education rather than more jails and more incarceration."
"A Texas mother stops a carjacking and kidnapping of her children by shooting the robber in the face."
"We believe it's extremely important that we let the Tampa community know that the person responsible for this heinous crime is off the streets tonight."
"Take precautions to avoid potential package theft."
"11 very dangerous men were removed from the streets of Manchester."
"I think it's a very, very low possibility that this person is going to get away."
"You're not going to get a handle on the crime problem unless you get a handle on the drug problem."
"When it comes to dealing with crime, we're all in this together."
"Crime does not pay. Watch this movie and you'll know that this is not a lifestyle you'll ever want to live."
"Soft targets are pretty much always the chosen targets of these mass shooters."
"We all can do something a little bit about bike theft, and that is just don't buy stolen bike stuff."
"These headlines are starting to become daily. Guys, stay safe."
"Teach men not to rape only men can stop rape."
"Familicide is rare and difficult to prevent, but increasing knowledge about warning signs is important."
"Incarceration in the country's system lowers the probability an individual will reoffend within five years by 27%."
"Toy Story 2 brilliantly expands upon the original Toy Story adventure in just about every way. The story of Woody's abduction by a toy collector and the attempt by his pals to save him is truly exceptional stuff."
"If you've got a culture that refuses criminality and actively raises children to be decent and honest, then you get much lower criminality."
"You won't be broke if you were team vanilla, that's all I'm saying."
"Your solution for poverty: fathers, two-parent homes. Your solution for crime: fathers, two-parent homes."
"There's currently a $3,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest."
"Hopefully, the message will go out loud and clear to other people that the court system will not tolerate this type of crime."
"These policies were in fact effective through the 80s and through most of the 90s."
"The reality is that the answer to crime is investing in people's well-being."
"Literally, my best-case scenario right now: if they come over here, I'll just say take the TV, throw the TV at them."
"Nothing will stop me in my tracks against stopping crime and making the city a better place. Nothing will stop you, absolutely nothing."
"I think going cashless... would stop a lot of the nefarious stuff that goes on."
"If your son or daughter had sufficient evidence that they were talking about committing an act like this, a school shooting, would you be capable of taking them to law enforcement and getting them arrested or would you try?"
"Words of the wise, if you want to remain anonymous, don't commit crimes in your personalized sportswear."
"Criminals, take a break, okay? Stay home and don't commit any crimes. That way, you stay safe and out of jail, and police officers will stay safe and can go home to their families. Okay, so everybody chill, crooks."
"In less than 24 hours four black men were dead."
"Joseph Christopher would never be free to kill again."
"They needed to stop his murderous rampage before the killer ended another life."
"One of the things has always concerned me is, it's always been presented as a dichotomy which is, let's attack the root causes versus those who are actually committing crimes."
"Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants."
"Moral of the story is don't steal people's phones, you know? Just don't do it."
"Is anybody brave enough to stand against this hoard of thugs blatantly criming in broad daylight?"
"We're setting records on not allowing all of these I mean some really bad when you look at the traffickers they traffic in women and drugs and other things."
"In an Ideal World if you know that a crime has been committed inside of a house, do you prefer to seize that and prevent people from going into a scene right at the very get-go? Yes, why is that?"
"Lighting is so incredibly important; criminals hate the light."
"Crime rate dropped to near zero. The Night Haunter was a horror story you told the children."
"Don't follow, don't emulate, don't make the same mistake as me because there's only two things you know the number one deterrent for crime is age."
"If we are to go back to our question... this man would have kept killing women until he was caught."
"You can't look at what's going on in cities in terms of violent crime and then say, 'What we really should do is keep going down the road where we're taking more money from the force.' It's got to stop."
"If most of the gun crime is caused by gang members with illegally possessed weapons, why in the world wouldn't you start cracking down on the gangs?"
"They have so far prevented an estimated 136,000 knife crimes and other violent offenses since 2019..."
"These days, if you want to commit a murder, you're really going to struggle not to be caught on camera."
"If this crime was so preventable and obvious then who is at fault?"
"Hey, let's work together with this. The responses make it seem more interested in covering their ass than actually getting these criminals off the streets, or off the planet if I may be so bold."
"Hurt people hurt people, and then locking them up forever is not really the solution either."
"Having a system that actually functions to give people the support they need is a much more effective way of preventing crime."
"The best way to prevent this crime and keep all women safe wasn't by changing the behavior of women but by changing the behavior of men."
"More cameras, the better when it comes to true crime."