
Symmetry Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"There are plenty of non or at least non bilaterally symmetrical animals and plants as well."
"The amplituhedron... You capture these deeper symmetries that are not expressible in space-time. And the math becomes trivial."
"A symmetrical face indicates less developmental imperfection and is also a good indicator of health."
"The dominant theme in modern fundamental physics is symmetry."
"The universe is our guide. It has an unimaginable sort of beauty and grandeur that comes from symmetry, not chaos."
"The new Fire Emblem is going for a sense of symmetry that not only makes the choice tougher, but clearly shows that neither side is inherently evil."
"Maps Symmetry... it's a four-phase program. It's a long program because the type of results you get with a unilateral based symmetry based program, they last for a long time."
"Symmetry and balance, they are essential for a body that looks amazing and moves well."
"When your body and movement are symmetrical, risks of injury are lower, and your ability to build muscle, gain real-world strength, and boost metabolism is greatly improved."
"Symmetry is very important for athletic performance. So, when you're doing an explosive movement or running or twisting, and you have a discrepancy between one side or the other... it's connected to health and connected to performance."
"We were led to an almost unique theory... a fantastically wonderful theory with enormous amounts of symmetry."
"It's important to make sure you have a right and a left rather than two of the same."
"Symmetry, I like when things kind of work together, when they are the same."
"Typical S-Class design is here this window graphic and also that the end of the window graphic is here on the line with the center of the rear wheel very interesting."
"One of the last things you should be doing when you're sculpting faces that you want to be believable is to make them not symmetrical."
"It turns out that both the weak force AND electromagnetism come from the breaking of a larger symmetry group."
"Symmetry allows us to think of mathematical and physical problems in a completely different way."
"Change without change: the essence of symmetry in science."
"Symmetry: intellectually and artistically beautiful."
"So for the first time in years, it's not just about size, it's about symmetry and proportions and aesthetics."
"Symmetry mode means if you want to build a symmetrical ship..."
"We have lots of amazing coded information and symmetry... but there's a divine orchestration."
"By design, the opening image and the closing image are mirrors of each other."
"The fact that it's so symmetrical and matches so damn well."
"Common sense is the ability to fill in the blanks. So if I, you know, if you only see my left profile, you can tell where my right profile roughly looks like because most human faces are more or less symmetric."
"Fragmentation divides up an object, creating symmetry or adding another subject." - Ted Forbes
"The spiraling motion of column basalt structures mirrors galaxies."
"Sim's are always symmetrical, which is really rare."
"We do that at every single layer... if you replicate that round on all of the four sides you should get a very perfect looking cone shape."
"The story of Yusuf exhibits complete literary symmetry."
"So you can always recognize a 1s. You have this symmetrical thing."
"Symmetrical faces were judged most attractive."
"Make sure you practice with the right and the left because you guys know that you guys have a strong way but then you might feel the other legs a little weaker."
"All the same trim work is happening so there's a really great deal of balance."
"You can put this in a mirror and it's gonna look the same exact way."
"When it comes to doing stuff on asymmetry, make sure that the symmetry you do make sense."
"Chand Baori has a total of 3,500 narrow steps arranged in perfect symmetry."
"Their works of art are things of beauty and symmetry."
"If my palms are facing each other, I can line them up so the thumb and pinky meet, so they’re mirror images."
"The top to bottom cut allows for a perfect tessellation as the two sides mirror each other."
"You're looking for the aesthetics of the physique, the symmetry, the balance."
"Whenever you have two of anything in a build, you want it to be perfectly symmetrical because if it's not, it's very easy to detect with your eye."
"We want things to be as symmetrical as possible... the more symmetrical the spaces, the more accurate your left and right monitoring is going to be."
"He was all about symmetry. No steroids, no this, no that, no bulk. Symmetry."
"The more symmetrical a room or an area of a room is the cleaner it looks."
"If you wanted to create a perfect symmetrical shape, all you have to do is hold the shift key."
"They could have sharp features, but they are somehow proportionally harmonized."
"The ratio of the small to the large is exactly the same as the large to the whole."
"How great would it have been had she like burned the other side of her face so that when they look at each other the scarred faces match up and the good faces match up too? That would have been awesome."
"Your face is very symmetrical, which makes you very beautiful."
"Our human brain automatically connects asymmetry with developmental abnormalities. While symmetry is connected to health and goodness."
"I'm a big fan of using rotate on symmetric pieces like this."
"For something to look symmetrical... needs to be flat. Hold shift, okay? So it's nice and flat."
"Just with a few tweaks, it's not quite perfect yet, but I'm using my arrow key to move it around. It's way more symmetrical."
"Whatever we see in the macrocosm, we should also see in the microcosm. There's a beautiful symmetry and harmony in nature."
"If your problem doesn't have the exact symmetry then at least in the limit of having infinite data, building in equivariance is going to be harmful."
"It's better to learn the true structure of the data, this approximate symmetry which you should be able to pick up from the data alone."
"The symmetry can still be there in principle even if it's not there in practice in your dataset."
"Symmetry as wide or narrow as you may define its meaning is one idea by which man through the ages has tried to comprehend and create order, beauty, and perfection."
"Symmetry is a fundamental concept that underpins all modern physics as we know it."
"Symmetries are fundamentally important to physics and they're fundamentally important to how we encode physics into machine learning and discover physics with machine learning."
"Starfish or sea stars are special because they have this five-way Symmetry."
"Symmetry means that there's some operation... that brings the object into self-coincidence."
"Both men and women tend to prefer symmetry and youthfulness in faces."
"Brows are not twins, they are sisters."
"In art and architecture, there are two types of symmetries: static and dynamic."
"When we find a set that is symmetric under a certain kind of actions, we call it a group."
"How mind-blowing is it to realize that all of the properties of a force of nature are the consequence of a mathematical symmetry?"
"I think symmetry and balance are crucial."
"Symmetry is sort of mathematical study of beauty in some sense."
"If you're working on a part from a print and if it's symmetrical on multiple axes, it's quite common for the primary datum on the part to be in the center where often there's a hole."
"Beautiful overhead shots create interesting symmetry."
"Let's make the cape completely symmetrical."
"All the lines in this tattoo are super clean, everything is very symmetrical."
"It doesn't matter how clever your argument is. If you get out, you will either fail to get out in asymmetry at the end of the argument or you will have cheated somewhere and smuggled in the asymmetry."
"He is an orderly God; the symmetry and the mathematics of the universe are such that a Jew could find out that e = MC2 and that this applies to the whole universe."
"In contrast to the opulence and grandeur of Baroque, neoclassical artists prized simplicity and symmetry."
"There's nothing there's no cause and effect in physics as you know it because all the equations of physics are symmetrical in time."
"If the string reads the same way as it does when it is reversed, it is a palindrome."
"Symmetry is a really big deal when it comes to this shower."
"You never want to have an imbalance from left to right."
"Symmetry is very important, the middle of something, the end of something, always looks nice."
"For my OCD clients out there, for those that love symmetry, that are geometry Majors, the star is going to be one for you."
"There's so much symmetry there's so much resemblance and there's so much Beauty and Power in this."
"Symmetrical pattern of cell division means that the cells divide to give two more or less equal cells."
"only the best because it's like perfectly symmetrical you know what I mean and it's like that little Fountain right at the point as well it's quite cool bridges are nice yeah definitely."
"Symmetry is a great way to show beauty."
"Once I'm satisfied with the shape, I'll draw a matching panel on the other side."
"When you get one guard chamber, you get a matching one on the other side."
"To me, that was just the perfect symmetry."
"Odd numbers always are more pleasing to the eye."
"Words that can be read the same way backward as forward are called palindromes."
"Your curtains don't have to be symmetrical."
"Our Milky Way galaxy has had beautifully symmetrical spiral arms for the past ten billion years."
"Researchers have discovered that symmetry is one of the major factors in identifying attractiveness."
"A line of symmetry divides a shape into two equal parts that are mirror images."
"And because the story circle is symmetrical, the story will unfold in such a satisfying way."
"Super symmetry suggests each known particle has a partner with the opposite spin"
"The Quest for symmetry is a great mistake... there's no symmetry between Jesus and Mary... but there's a right ordering of a complimentary relationship."
"The highest point is the endpoint because in a perfect circle all points are equal distance from the center."
"Luck is fairly symmetric. You're never more prone to a really big stupid mistake than after you've had a big win."
"The deepest form of beauty or symmetry, if you wish, is precisely the symmetry between order and disorder."
"Symmetric quantization maps a symmetric input range into a symmetric output range, preserving zero mapping."
"Symmetry ensures balance and balance will keep you from falling over."
"The symmetry group of the Leech lattice in 24 dimensions was investigated by John Conway."
"Despite my affinity for symmetry, I love the dress Andrew picked. I felt like a model."
"I want to see a symmetrical response from the other side of the channel."
"The symmetry of it... left and right, it's the same power outlets."
"...so that's why you see two numbers sometimes on a symmetric layout."
"Symmetry is beauty, but you can't see it."
"In this room, I did what I loved to do. If you follow my videos or you're part of the design sessions, you know that I'm totally into symmetry and your first impression when you walk into a bedroom should be 'BAM!' Well, I think we did that here."
"For every front there's a back, for every left there's a right, and for every top there is a bottom."
"And the symmetry this group preserves is the invariance of dimension and parallel lines, meaning two-dimensional space stays two-dimensional, and any two parallel lines will stay parallel."
"Every horse has one side that they're softer on. They circle better."
"A palindrome is a word that can be spelled the same way forward as backwards."
"When you force yourself to breathe through your nose, it forces your face to have better structure. Breathing through your mouth is not going to make your facial symmetry. It's going to just make your jaw wider and wider and decrease your facial symmetry."
"And that's what it looks like if you want your binding to be symmetrical on both sides so you want to have this thread on this first signature as well then you would simply just go back outside."
"Anything that you do on the low E, you can also mirror and do on the high E as well."
"Every time you have a physical system and it has some sort of symmetry attached to it, then your equation must come with a conservation law."
"Every conservation law comes with a symmetry."
"...for whatever reason, uneven numbers of things look more natural than even numbers."
"Symmetry does not occur by randomness."
"Existence itself is a loop and a palindrome."
"Symmetry is what makes the world beautiful."
"You can't just walk into a bar and be like, 'Alright ladies, you know how this goes, every boob must be perfectly symmetrical with every other boob. Surrender your tits to the Symmetry exam!'"
"Symmetry is a good default and it's a problem that by playing symmetrical... it's just a little bit too easy."
"All the approaches we've seen were instances of a common blueprint of geometric deep learning where the architecture emerged from the assumptions on the domain underlying our data and its symmetry group."
"The attribute of symmetry in the beautiful object actually presses us towards justice."
"If you have a field that has that kind of invariance, that it is a complex number but it doesn't matter how we choose to define what is the real part and what is the imaginary part, then you have a symmetry."
"They're numbers that you can reverse upside down and they read the same in order."
"That's pretty much symmetrical now, so we've got good correction of that."
"Equality, which is a notion of logic, incorporates from the very start the notion of symmetry of mathematical objects."
"Equality, a notion of logic even in this logical system, incorporates from the very start the notion of symmetry of mathematical objects."
"Symmetry is important in mathematics."
"Beauty is almost always found in the symmetries and intriguing asymmetries seen out in creation."
"I love balance, I love symmetry, so rectangular nightstands definitely fit the bill."
"So this section we've got 24 inches, if I go over another 24 inches, this is exactly the same flowers in every position as what we've got over here."
"I like a square format for some reason, there's something perfect about a square."
"Eyebrows are the hardest part of makeup for me because there's two of them and you have to make them look almost identical every single day."
"For every symmetry there's a conserved quantity."
"Each leaf grows out at a different angle but always sort of tilting towards the top."
"If you have a continuous symmetry, that yields a conserved or invariant quantity."
"I like that stone in the middle because it's in the middle."
"When you do a glide bait from a one-piece rigid body, it tends to be really critical how symmetric it is along the length."
"Making the same predictions is a symmetric relation. If A makes the same predictions as B, you can't claim that as a reason to ignore A."
"Symmetry is a big thing for me...it just makes the space feel more cohesive. So pro tip there."
"Scientists have pretty much proven that when we see someone with a very symmetrical face, we decide they're good looking."
"There's a kind of symmetry between the possibility of a perfect being and a possibility of no perfect being. So the question is how can you break that symmetry? That's the challenge."
"The trick is to make it match on the other side."
"It's got to be the same on both sides. You got to keep that perfect."
"Threes are always pleasing to the eye."
"It's beautiful and does look the same on both sides."
"I love it when we draw symmetrical things."
"Brows are sisters not twins. They're not going to be perfectly symmetrical, so give yourself a little bit of grace."
"Desire, perception, symmetry is great, it's beautiful, it's virtuous, it's divine, it has lasted and it is still with us."
"We like symmetry; we find it appealing, we find it beautiful."
"What does it mean to say something is more symmetrical than something else?"
"Symmetry in molecules helps identify carbon environments."
"Why do we like symmetry as humans? Clearly, we do. We enjoy it, it pleases us."
"For pi molecular orbitals, the number of nodes alternates, leading to symmetric or anti-symmetric orbitals."
"...in design it is always really good to use symmetrical shapes because it is so pleasing to the human eye and in this you will see that the illustrations of the cocktail glasses are so symmetrical and it is just so pleasing to the eye to see such symmetrical shapes."
"Do I have this one extender all the way because it seems like one side's a little bit higher than the other?"
"...when I was younger I would have this thing where I would anything that would happen to one side of my body I would have to do to the other..."
"They're going to be on the same, but again look how beautiful that is."
"The symmetry of this is just breath-taking."
"Just like the pattern the leaves grow in it just looks like so organized and so beautiful."
"You might notice that one side is different from the other... maybe more tightness... on the side of your dominant hand... this is very normal."
"We created a beautiful symmetrical pattern."
"Every bit as attractive both ways."
"From the top as Gary was just saying when you look down you see all the the curves come out all the same symmetrical most of it from the top through here is still symmetrical you look through there you look through there from the back it's symmetrical."
"Discovering symmetries from data is the key."
"There's a symmetry to Chaco north-south axis from Pueblo Alto on the north mesa to Chetro Ketl on the south mesa."
"Once I place the hair down you know I'm just going to make sure the hair is nice and equal on both sides."
"I want to maintain that these spaces are equidistant."
"Always do a mirror image of your design when you're going from your pocket to your plug."
"Some guys you know just that are just strictly left-handed pullers that are... his right arm's not tiny, it's he's pretty symmetrical."
"This other kind of particle must have the same mass as an electron but it has the opposite charge."
"Moonshine: there's an object called the monster VOE and it is the object which connects these two kinds of symmetry."
"This is the cup that gives this room the symmetry, and I love that."
"You might as well go with symmetry rather than fighting against it."
"If you want a balanced physique, everything should be in proportion. Legs, back, shoulders, and yes, arms. It's all about symmetry."
"The final battle has some nice symmetry to it."
"Left and right are actually the exact same expressions."
"And it is odd, so this is actually really comforting because we know that the sine function, if I actually literally draw a sine of x, it is an odd function."
"It has a beautiful simplicity in its symmetry."
"I think there's a beautiful symmetry there, beautiful balance, that we see."
"If you find a conservation law, search for the symmetry underlying it."
"Next time geometry and symmetry are going to come together to tell us something about the fundamental laws of nature."
"There's amazing symmetry within the Surah."
"Symmetry is at the heart of a lot of modern physics."
"Symmetry is a way of saying that there's a transformation we can do to some object that leaves its essential features invariant."
"The sides were symmetrical, absolutely perfectly symmetrical."
"They're at least kind of symmetrical, that's the key."
"Even today, their elaborate shapes and symmetry are often reflected in architecture, fashion, instruments, and jewelry."
"I like character stuff and this is so simple and symmetrical."
"What is guiding us is the symmetry, the symmetry of the square."
"If I'm seeing it bilaterally and to the same degree on both sides, it's usually not something that I touch."
"We chose Hemlock siding and I actually designed it so that every window is Center on a board or on a gap so if you look at the front here it looks very symmetric because everything is lined up exactly even here on this side you could see that that window is lined up perfectly."
"You just want whatever the distance is from here to here to be the same on the other side."
"Optical isomers are molecules that are like mirror images of each other and non-superimposable, like our hands."