
Divine Authority Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Power does come from God, not from government."
"Every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God."
"The Lord hath established his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all."
"In the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue must confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."
"God's words are different than people's words. No person could say them. God's words have authority and power. Every day they become fulfilled."
"Our authority is God and He has spoken in one book, the Bible."
"I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you."
"God says I've given you mankind authority in this earth. You run the show here."
"Your word makes me understand that sickness is under the domain of God therefore it has no authority over us."
"Should you obey God or man? We ought to obey God rather than man."
"You carry the authority of Heaven. That Authority rests in you."
"The Bible proves that our God is the only true God and that the Bible is the inherent and inspired word of God."
"God made up all the rules; he's probably gonna have different rules."
"God will have the last word and it will be good."
"Thus says the Lord of hosts in the name above all names, Yeshua with Jesus Yeshua. Amen and Amen."
"Who in the world is this who speaks to the elements and they listen? Well, that would be God."
"My belief in Mary's assumption into heaven is based on a prior belief in the divine authority of Christ's Church."
"I see Jesus on a glory Throne clouds around him Seated on a throne as the King of Kings and the Lord of lords this was the most profound experience."
"So help me not to be afraid of the chaos and lawlessness of this world because I know that you have all authority."
"Remember, the most high is not the author of confusion."
"As long as you looking and you believe that a man is God you're gonna always be under the jurisdiction of what we call a ruler God that's not the Creator."
"Jesus Christ is Lord and one day your knee will bow."
"Every single knee of every single person on this planet will bow their knee before God."
"His word created all things... demanded it be so that everything had to obey what he said."
"Perspective is everything. Jesus says, 'I have the master key.' That must be your perspective."
"You exercise God's Authority in the sphere He's given you, you lay out the odds that are against you before Him based on the realities of your life, and then you lay claim to His victory and watch Him turn the numbers in your favor."
"It's God that determines whether we're male or female."
"It's good news that Christ is on his throne ruling the world and destroying the works of Satan."
"Call on the Lion of Judah, the Prince of Peace. Call on God Almighty, the one who is, who was, and who is to be. Call on the one who commands millions of angels, the one who speaks and creates. Call on the one who has the keys to life and death."
"There is no escape from this throne, this judge, and this judgment."
"You will see the son of man sitting at the right hand of the power and coming on the Clouds Of Heaven."
"No longer should you be fearful as a child of God; Jesus Christ has given us authority."
"Jesus Christ, The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David has conquered, he has mastered all things, he has won all battles, he is in command, he is Victorious and He Reigns."
"If we believe that God is the authority over all of it, then we have no other choice but to submit to him, submit to his definitions, and to submit to his standards."
"We got the power to shut the mouth of lions, and it's through the power that Yah has given us—spoken word."
"Yahweh has the final say, even over technology."
"We've got to understand that no matter what it looks like and no matter who they think is in charge, God says, 'I'm the one that sets it up and I'm the one that takes it down.'"
"I don't care what the people's opinion says, I do care what the Word of God says."
"We have been authorized by God Almighty to carry out his word."
"His word is established, magnified above his name."
"Saul of Tarsus... Jesus has spoken to me. I... to the Gentiles and their kings, and... to the people of Israel."
"Accept the Word of God to be the ruling authority in your life."
"All authority is given to me in heaven and on Earth, go therefore and make disciples of all nations."
"This is God's universe and God does things his way now you may have a better way but you don't have a universe."
"Thou couldest have no power at all against me except it were given thee from above." - Jesus
"I will not let My holy name be profaned anymore, the nations will know that I am the Lord."
"He will come again as a king, as a lord, as the glorified ruler, as a lion, as the living one, as the one with the keys to death and Hell."
"Nations have risen and fallen based on their adherence or denial of God's authority."
"Nobody would profess nothing that God did not profess and nobody would believe anything that God don't."
"These things saith he that holdeth the Seven Stars in his right hand now hold the messengers of God."
"Rebellion is obedience when you obey God rather than men."
"The only one worthy of our subordination and submission is the creator of the heavens and the Earth."
"Remember where God sits, he's on his throne."
"The battle doesn't belong to us, it belongs to the Lord."
"God's truth stands the test of time for eternity."
"There is a magnificent unbelievable Proclamation that God is on the throne and all of heaven recognizes his authority recognizes his power recognizes his salvation for a fallen humanity and it is being absolutely proclaimed in the heavens."
"God initiates the conversation in your life. Listen to Him when He speaks. He's the authority."
"God is our authority, and all we need to do is simply surrender everything to him."
"Your freedoms do not derive from government, they derive from the creator of the universe."
"God is the one who determines right from wrong, God determines truth, and He's given that to us in His word."
"The Bible is the Word of God right exactly right."
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder. His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." - Isaiah 9:6
"We declare that God is who he says he is, the Almighty God who exists before the very beginning."
"There is a God. He has spoken. Fallen man does not get to disagree with the God who has spoken."
"This is God's word it will not change it is inherent and it is infallible."
"Jesus is not only the creator of all things, he is going to stand in judgment of all things."
"He sits in the seat that only God can occupy."
"Daniel 7:13-14 - One like a son of man was coming with Dominion, glory, and a kingdom."
"Fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." - Matthew 10:28
"He is the Lord of the vineyard, and we are His servants."
"Even if there is a God and he knows everything or way more than I ever will, to say 'who is Matt to question God' is an incredibly awful thing to say."
"There's only one power that we all should submit to, and that's the power of God Himself."
"Humans are appointed as the Pinnacle of creation with Divine Authority and responsibility."
"You have the power, and God has given you authority."
"God is the only one that makes true prophets."
"It's the starting point, Jesus is the God over this world."
"He’s so good at telling this story that the track being 7 minutes long with no chorus and almost 0 drums on the instrumental isn’t an issue at all."
"God has a right to do what he wants with his creation."
"Empowered, your face shining with my authority."
"God wants to liberate you right now. Listen, Jesus Christ going to all shame. We have authority." - SL
"God is Sovereign... we his people need to submit to what God has said in his word."
"You have been given power by me to change situations."
"The one rules all, nothing has authority over it. It is the god, it is the father of everyone."
"If God is speaking, God is speaking, and God cannot speak less authoritatively on one occasion than he does on another."
"God keeps everything in place. I kill, I wound, and I heal. Neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand."
"God stands at the head of this work. It's not Joseph Smith, it's not Russell Nelson, it's the Savior Jesus Christ."
"The empty tomb says... there's a new story. The world doesn't get the last word. God gets the last word."
"Jesus comes as King of Kings, Jesus comes as Lord of Lords."
"If they would have gotten there and just rested they would have never realized that when an enemy comes that god had given them authority to go up against the enemy."
"All authority has been given to Jesus Christ. We need to remember that, and the Bible also says God will not be mocked."
"The Sabbath is a sign between God and His people, a symbol of His authority and sanctification."
"All power belongs to God, and no other power in heaven and on earth is more powerful than the name of God."
"I didn't think we were here to change God's word."
"Submission to God is yielding to His rule and authority."
"When God opens a door, no man can shut. When God closes a door, no man can open it."
"I listen to God God gave me Authority it's over for everybody bro."
"This is the authority and the might of God's words!"
"You're seated with him in the heavenly realms which is far above all rule and authority."
"Engage the laws of God, believe that he is God."
"Jesus answered, 'You would have no power over me if it had not been given to you from above.'"
"To submit to His authority is actually the safest place in the world." - Jackie Hill Perry
"Yes, God has the only authority over us to open and close doors. No one else can."
"We ought to obey God rather than men." - Acts 5:29
"They're not going to do anything against what God has already authorized them to do. If you do anything or give them commands to do anything contrary to what God has commanded them to do or what Jesus has told them, they won't do it."
"The miracle is the word. If I told you you can do it, everything in your atmosphere would obey you."
"My written word destroys the power of the wicked. It destroys their plans, their deception, their fear, doubt, depression, and their hold over you."
"When God says, 'Let there be,' they had to have been in place, now He's giving it permission to come."
"He's the author and the finisher of our faith."
"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it."
"Everything that God will bless resides within His word."
"I will mount to the heavens, I will sit in the Mount of assembly on the summit of zafon."
"The pharaohs believed that their power was coming directly from the gods."
"Truth is God's word. Every man is a liar."
"Like a soldier in the Army is the child of God to his command."
"The Seal of God represents Divine Authority and protection, while the mark of the beast signifies submission to worldly corrupt power."
"Who speaks from himself seeks his own Glory but he who speaks from the one that sent him, the same is a man of Truth."
"God's power and authority extend to all parts of the world."
"Nothing compares to the word of God."
"You no longer can swirl around causing havoc in the mighty name of Jesus and we push you off and we push you out and we say we displace displacement in the mighty name of Jesus."
"Everything in creation must obey when God speaks."
"Remember, God's word is perfect, true, infallible, and eternal."
"Every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."
"But it is also true that God has provided for us a mediator who is greater than Moses."
"Only those fortified by 'thus saith the Lord' will be victorious."
"If it's outside Redemption, it's not the word of the Lord."
"Man don't make you anointed. Man don't determine your destiny. God did that already."
"Only God has authority to give the forgiveness of sins to mankind."
"Scripture is of God. They bow to Scripture, not the other way around."
"He is reminding us today, I the Lord am still and forever in control."
"The government is given to us by God to be a servant of God."
"I believe the Word of God is the final authority in my life, in spite of my circumstances. I am what God says I am, I have what God says I have, I can do what God says I can do."
"What we have in this letter then is the word of God coming down from heaven."
"Sovereignty means God can do what he wants to do."
"Is it possible that Jesus can change the rules that he has made and is enforcing?"
"The last days shall see Jesus enthroned and all unrighteous potentates broken like potter's vessels before his potent scepter."
"Jesus is telling us, 'I am God because I'm going to judge mankind.' He declares divine authority."
"What God has said he has said, with nothing to be added."
"Let us be mindful of the truth that God is Sovereign over the entire universe, over every person, every family, every Church, and every nation."
"No matter what our governments say, God says something else."
"It is Allah that can tell me what to do. It is Allah that tells me what to do."
"The sovereignty of God means He is the supreme ruler over all creation."
"The resurrection of Jesus is God's Divine confirmation of Jesus' claims to have Divine Authority and to be the absolute revelation of God."
"God defines what is good and what is evil."
"We have one judge, it's our Father. He doesn't need our help. He's quite capable of taking care of business."
"The fear of God was on all the kingdoms."
"You can't go to any higher authority if God is the one that actually communicates it with you. That's the greatest evidence that you can receive."
"He commands even the winds and the sea."
"I saw in the night visions... one like a son of man... to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom that all the peoples, the nations, the languages should serve him."
"The only means of prohibiting violence by us is to insist that violence is only legitimate when it comes from God."
"...and the New Testament author says, 'God swore by himself, because there's nobody greater to swear by.'"
"God's laughter at the wicked highlights His supreme authority and the folly of human rebellion."
"The gospel is what it is because God has said so. It is not subject to human emendation, change, alteration, or replacement."
"Your Kingdom's boss, like, at this point, they're like, 'First of all, God is like, the time is now.'"
"Ministry is actually an extension of the government of God that Jesus began to institute when he hung on the cross."
"The chain begins with whom? With God."
"Jesus came on the scene with an unprecedented sense of divine authority."
"Revelation emphasizes God's judicial throne."
"He is the image of the invisible Elohim, the Prince of the kings of the earth."
"All hail the Lord of Heaven and Earth."
"He's offering God's forgiveness as if it's his to offer."
"As you have given him authority over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as you have given him."
"But when we say 'Tower of God,' who is the god?"
"He said, 'You could have no power at all against me, except it was given you from above.'"
"Jesus reminds the audience that all Authority has been given to him in heaven and on earth."
"The word of God is final authority in our lives."
"God will always have the last word after everybody has given their opinion."
"The Authority that comes from being in step with the spirit of God is incredible."
"Remember, only God will judge you."
"God's authority comes from God Himself."
"The higher the glory, the more powerful your words are. That's where the authority comes from."
"Holy, holy, holy is Adonai, master of Legions."
"The most important Authority anyone could have was the authority of the Holy Spirit."
"The Jewish scripture is trustworthy and therefore the power of the Jewish scriptures, the authentic scriptures, are from Hashem only."
"God placed all things under Jesus's feet and appointed him to be the head over all things for the church."
"Better it is to obey God than men."
"Do what God says, because God can back up what He said."
"No human being should be your final authority; your final authority is God the Father, bottom line."
"Man's rules are never greater than God's words."
"There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?"
"That which is in heaven, I can release upon the earth, and I can carry His glory wherever I go."
"I am a son of God and that which is in heaven I can release upon the earth."
"He is appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world."
"The tablets were inscribed with the Finger of God, emphasizing their divine origin and authority."
"No man can call Jesus Lord except by the Holy Spirit."
"And He had on His vesture and on His thigh a name written, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords."
"The goal is not to bring people under our authority, but to bring them under Christ's authority."
"Dominion and fear are with God; he makes peace in his high heaven."
"God's word must be recognized, it's above all human legislation. A thus saith the Lord is not to be set aside for a thus saith the church or a thus saith the state."
"This Bible is not our truth, it's God's truth."
"Behold, I give you authority over all of the power of the enemy."
"I confer on you a kingdom just as my father conferred one on me."
"Behold, I give you authority to trample upon the serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you."
"The word of God in your heart as inspired by the Holy Ghost gives you authority in heaven."
"None can stay His hand or say to Him, 'What have you done?'"
"God has authority; He is in control."
"With all of this Authority that God has given us, there's also a responsibility that goes with it."
"He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords, and there is no other king beside Him."
"No matter what situations look like, no matter what man tells you, God has the final say, period."
"No word from God is void of power."
"The only thing that matters is what God says."