
Industrial Revolution Quotes

There are 251 quotes

"If we simply reprioritize our investments, part of those funds each year go to each region, so that they can begin to build out and scale up a 3rd Industrial Revolution infrastructure."
"A new industrial revolution: every data center should be accelerated. A trillion dollars worth of installed data centers will become modernized over the next several years."
"The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for mankind."
"Over the course of the 20th century, it's been fascinating to see how different societies have reacted to the massive changes that have come from the Industrial Revolution and the pain of the world wars."
"The story of the Industrial Revolution is, from the point of view of family life, the story of work leaving the home."
"Global income inequality started doing something interesting for the first time since the start of the Industrial Revolution; it started going backwards."
"This is the fourth industrial revolution, the advent of machines powered by artificial intelligence which have the potential to make redundant hundreds of millions of workers across the planet."
"If you know anything about the history of railways, you've probably heard of the Rocket, the locomotive built by George and Robert Stevenson that won the Rainhill Trials and advanced the steam locomotive from a lumbering piece of industrial plant to the machine that would reshape the world."
"This is the greatest transformation in our economy in our history, what experts are calling the Fourth Industrial Revolution."
"This is the greatest economic transformation in the history of the country, what experts are calling the Fourth Industrial Revolution."
"We're into a paradigm shift, a big one, the biggest one that may have been around since the Industrial Revolution."
"Of course, there was an element of truth to his fears because some things went badly wrong during the Industrial Revolution."
"The Industrial Revolution changed everything. By everything, I mean everything."
"All our life expectancies are substantially more than double what they were before the Industrial Revolution."
"We are today in the midst of... a set of economic transformations which are comparable in their scale and their scope... to the Industrial Revolution."
"The effects of the Industrial Revolution have been dramatic, reshaping not only how we live but also our ideas about what to expect in the future."
"Now is arguably one of the best times ever to be starting a company. We're living in our version of the Industrial Revolution."
"Artificial intelligence will create a new world system, as fundamental as the industrial revolution."
"With the Industrial Revolution, we doomed ourselves."
"She can't have it both ways. Yes, we may have fired up the steam engines that blackened cities like Bradford with soot, but we also set in train a process of machine-driven evolution that gave us advanced healthcare, transportation, and communications."
"What was remarkable about the industrial revolution we gave to the world was how much it relied on what Britain was - a place of stability, of contracts and commerce, of parliamentary democracy, and freedom of conscience."
"Many likened it to the industrial revolution and how quickly the world developed after other advances in technology and science."
"The fourth industrial revolution is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, the digital, and the biological spheres."
"The problem is that since the Industrial Revolution the world's dominant economic system has been built on the core principles of extraction, accumulation, profit maximization, and endless growth."
"How did the industrial revolution happen and how did capitalism rise? That is probably the least understood and most perverted by Marxist period of history going."
"100 days survived in the industrial revolution."
"The world is changing; today we stand on the brink of a fourth Industrial Revolution."
"UBI is the promised conclusion of the Industrial Revolution, recognizing we have enough to give everybody to survive."
"Potatoes provided an easy-to-prepare, nutrient-dense food supply for the Industrial Revolution."
"The most powerful force, the most positive force we do have of the whole of human civilization is, since the Industrial Revolution we're able to do more and more and more with less and less and less."
"This could be the biggest thing that's happened in the economy since the Industrial Revolution."
"I think it's probably the biggest change we've faced since the Industrial Revolution."
"Smart cities are just full of all these sensors that constantly pull in more and more data...to advance what's often referred to as the fourth industrial revolution."
"The fourth industrial revolution gives an opportunity to democratize more technology for more people."
"Every country in the world started the industrial revolution with RMG."
"The fourth industrial revolution is the fusion of advances."
"The transformation that we're going through economically is genuinely the largest economic transition since the Industrial Revolution."
"We're in the middle of the fourth industrial revolution and the automation will take the jobs away faster than new jobs are created."
"We're in the midst of the greatest redistribution of power since the industrial revolution."
"Artificial intelligence will be at the core of the fourth industrial revolution... and will bring in the most important disruptive potential."
"Automation is going to be the next industrial revolution."
"Textiles were at the forefront of all of that."
"The invention of the factory and industrial capitalism were the most revolutionary transformations in the history of civilization."
"We have already tested the benefits to a great magnitude, all we need to do is make these tools of the industrial revolution work for us."
"If we were to eliminate from our industrial world the results of Tesla's work, the wheels of industry would cease to turn."
"By 1870, the economy was growing at 5% a year, while industrial output had boomed by 75%."
"Adam Smith realized there was more though, the advent of steam power and the popularization of industrial processes that was taking place during the inception of the Industrial Revolution."
"It's a city that's been done to death in open world games too, but the industrial revolution setting does a lot to make the city feel distinct."
"Her readers were mesmerized by the goings-on in the town being transformed by the Industrial Revolution."
"A strategy game about transportation, building factories, and mining in infinite voxel landscapes."
"Lead the Industrial Revolution where the path you choose will define your world."
"Joe says no matter what happens Andrew you and I need to sit down and talk about the fourth Industrial Revolution because I am terrified that we're going to gut the middle class."
"The UN development program's annual report highlights the challenges society faces in the fourth Industrial Revolution."
"The industrial revolution is all happening here. It's incredibly exciting."
"The exciting promise of this next industrial revolution."
"One of the major symbols of the industrial revolution is the railway."
"His breakthrough caused the explosion in iron production which kick-started the Industrial Revolution."
"Production costs will be slashed by taking the famed Toyota production system into a new era."
"The Napoleonic Wars occurred after the initial start of what we're told as the Industrial Revolution. It was also the first attempt at Nations to engage in Mass mobilization."
"You put this bill through and we instantly jump to the front of the line for the fourth industrial revolution hands down." - Brad Kimes
"America recognizes that they're not the leader in the fourth industrial revolution but they're gonna be that's what the executive order is basically saying."
"We're going into the fourth Industrial Revolution... blockchain is a technology empowering the fourth Industrial Revolution."
"She was deeply interested in the genius behind the punch cards and wanted to know how men were translating the complicated patterns into something simple the loom could understand."
"Henry Ford had this idea that everyone in America should be able to afford a car."
"The AI Revolution is similar to the Industrial Revolution that Britain had."
"The Victorian era saw Britain become the first global industrial power but also a dark and dirty place where supernatural tales were commonplace."
"The biggest change to this family dynamic was after the Industrial Revolution."
"Iron is a very abundant mineral, so that coupled with its great malleability and workability and toughness made it the super metal that would power us into the Industrial Age."
"AI is as significant as the Industrial Revolution."
"The Industrial Revolution spread across Europe and changed the economy forever."
"The Second Industrial Revolution brought technological, socioeconomic, and cultural changes."
"The reason for the 1,000% increase: the railways."
"The Industrial Revolution sparked a revolution that is still felt to this day."
"By the time of the Victorian era Manchester had grown rapidly as a center of manufacture and an important cotton processor."
"Brunel put beauty into the beast of the industrial revolution."
"In fact, Britain was producing two-thirds of the world's coal output, 1/2 of the iron production in the world, and something like 1/2 of the cotton textiles that were produced in factories."
"From its earliest forms to the state-of-the-art, the assembly line has evolved by constantly adjusting the relationship between people and machines."
"The industrial revolution made artillery deadlier than ever."
"The advances Richard Trevithick made in pumping engines and winding machinery definitely gave Cornwall an unbelievable prosperity in between about 1800 and 1870."
"Steam power played a very important part in the industrial revolution."
"Dickens was highly critical of the fact that the Industrial Revolution created an even worse social divide."
"There's a revolution happening right now, today. It's the fourth Industrial Revolution, and it's changing everything."
"My thesis in feminism against progress is that the women's movement is not evidence of ongoing moral improvement, it's an effect of the Industrial Revolution."
"Steam was the new source of power that came to symbolize the whole Industrial Revolution."
"The design of these Mills had a direct influence on the Industrial Revolution."
"...this level of efficiency saving is comparable to the introduction of the industrial Loom which helped Kickstart the entire Industrial Revolution."
"We've witnessed in our lifetimes the biggest and fastest industrial revolution of them all."
"Belfast is a huge cosmopolitan city that exploded into life during the industrial revolution."
"Now let the new industrial revolution begin."
"The handmade brass and steel machines of that era were more than just utilitarian tools as they combined functional design with beautiful artistry."
"Computational power rapidly accelerates the Industrial Revolution and starts the information age a century before its emergence in our timeline."
"But the vast majority stand mute, like stones in a scattered graveyard, to remind us of the England that was killed by the industrial revolution."
"Next time I'm going behind the scenes at Quarry Bank Mill in Cheshire to discover the harsh realities of the Industrial Revolution."
"The Industrial Revolution was here and it would change Britain forever."
"Even as axe production entered the Industrial Revolution, the simple methods used to make an axe changed little."
"Bradford, a city known internationally as the center of wool textile and a city of the Industrial Revolution, it has no business being among the worst places."
"The modern economic era began 200 years ago with the Industrial Revolution and with industrialization."
"The water wheel at Quarry Bank Mill is of the type known as a suspension wheel."
"The principal characteristic of the Industrial Revolution was the replacement of manual labor by water power."
"The Industrial Revolution is one of the greatest stories in our history. It Unleashed forces that changed the world forever. Nothing that we take for granted today would be possible without it."
"Presumably, this was the frame of mind that led people to think of these incredible achievements as being revolutionary."
"This argument for an industrial revolution has been profoundly challenged by world historians."
"For better or worse mills have shaped our world and the way we live as surely as any force in history."
"If you can imagine the difference between rowing when the wind died or sailing when the weather was reasonable, going to a gasoline engine that would take you through any weather, even wintertime, that was a huge change for that industry."
"Factory production and above all in the textile industry is the leading edge of the Industrial Revolution."
"The Millers become the social basis for what ultimately evolves into the industrial revolution."
"I'm starting to think that the entire Industrial Revolution, like everything, was a net negative for Humanity."
"There were four whole paper mills and they're all stacked right up next to one another on the waterfront feeding off this large Canal for water power."
"The invention of the assembly line was one of those advancements in technology that changed the world like computers, the internet, and smartphones."
"The technological developments of the Industrial Revolution helped create a global banana trade."
"At the heart of the Industrial Revolution was the alany ridge."
"Europeans ability to recast global networks was at the very core of the process of Industrial Revolution."
"Cole began to be mined on an industrial scale and For the First Time The Nation had a powerful portable energy for trains ships steam engines and factories oh my God the modern world was born."
"Forgivingness is why they started the industrial revolution."
"the consequences of the Industrial Revolution is taking full effect and is creating the most interesting individuals ever seen."
"At the turn of the century America was in the midst of an industrial revolution."
"An Industrial Revolution, that is a really profound technological shift which changes the way that people live, communicate, transport, produce things in the economy."
"It's the birth of the Industrial Revolution, it's also the birth of the problems we have now."
"Synthetic biology... your imagination is really the limit and it could be the next Industrial Revolution."
"The steam engine changed society forever, using high pressure steam to produce enormous amounts of power that could literally move mountains."
"The invention of the sewing machine was truly profound. It changed economies, industries, and women's roles."
"Henry Ford didn't say he was trying to save the world but he actually did."
"The Industrial Revolution was the great breakthrough that liberated man's mind from the weight of that ballast."
"Vulcanized rubber was discovered by Charles Goodyear."
"The greatest redistribution of power since the industrial revolution."
"London being one of the world's first cities to undergo the industrial revolution."
"We have to discuss what's the next industrial revolution that can take us out of fossil fuels to a post-carbon era."
"The Industrial Revolution was without a doubt a game changer that launched the UK into global dominance."
"A brief history of the miner safety lamp, a key innovation that helped spur on the industrial revolution."
"Another revolution, nonviolent for once, the Industrial Revolution would change eating habits."
"The industrial revolution is really the item that changes society so dramatically."
"The story of John Scott Harrison's body provides insights into the changing needs and struggles of a society as the industrial revolution, the flowering of science, and increased professionalism sought inroads into a nation that was already facing great change."
"That a weaver using a Jacquard Loom could out-perform a master weaver and an apprentice on a draw loom by over a magnitude in efficiency is just an amazing difference."
"As the Industrial Revolution changed the way the country worked, American attitudes towards foreign expansion shifted."
"By 1790, people came from all over the world to see the miracle that was England."
"It's only with the advent of the Industrial Revolution where you can have compounded growth if you trade with people instead of shooting them up."
"Their inventions and their will helped Britain to master the industrial revolution."
"James Watt played an enormous role in shaping the world we live in today."
"James Watt will become one of the Giants of the Industrial Revolution."
"The invention of the typewriter was so meaningful and significant to the foundation of the modern industrial world."
"These things are more than machines, they're what made our modern world possible."
"Speaking poetically, this is where about 200 years ago, the first rise of the machines began. Long before The Terminator. The first industrial revolution."
"1750 and 1900 was indeed revolutionary as political structures and production changed significantly."
"The Industrial Revolution is the change from making things with your hands to then making them with a machine."
"The first ever railway on the planet was in Manchester, which revolutionized the planet."
"Every Industrial Revolution, jobs were replaced but new jobs are created."
"Steam power effectively ended the age of sail."
"Ironbridge, the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution."
"The next wave of growth is going to be the industrial internet, which will drive efficiency and productivity."
"The fourth industrial revolution is a convergence of technologies."
"The industrial revolution was a paradigm shift that changed life forever."
"You know the Industrial Revolution is all happening here, it's incredibly exciting."
"He witnessed the boom of the industrial revolution unfold before his very eyes: the chimneys, the factories, the blood, sweat, and tears."
"The Industrial Revolution in the US began in 1760 and lasted all the way until 1840."
"The Bridgewater Canal... helped create the industrial revolution."
"Every industrial revolution, everyone rises on the... floats on the rising tide."
"Arguably it could be a Second Industrial Revolution, like that big of a productivity boost."
"Europe also had its transcontinental ambitions, trains journeyed from capital to capital, pulled by increasingly powerful locomotives spewing out great clouds of steam and smoke across the vast plains of the old continent."
"The first Industrial Revolution... was about the movement from family economy to a community economy."
"We're going to have to decide the transition out of the 1800s to early 1900s industrial era into the future."
"The first thing I saw was of course Newcomen's steam engine, and it had an effect on me."
"This lathe is a very tangible artifact that lit the fuse of probably the greatest boom in income and prosperity we've ever seen."
"It was environmentally friendly and this method of transportation kick-started the Industrial Revolution in England."
"Are we the start of a new Industrial Revolution?"
"Rolling bearings have revolutionized various industries, becoming an essential component in modern engineering machinery and equipment."
"Railways were changing the world."
"We are essentially entering a new industrial revolution."
"The triumph over plague first, and then smallpox, also played a role in the coming of the industrial revolution."
"Henry Ford's attitude towards labor changed society forever."
"This is where the industrial revolution began, all this modern industrial technology which has shaped the world to be what it is now started here."
"The industrial revolution was built on the back of Appalachians."
"The Industrial Revolution fundamentally changed the political, social, and economic fabric of Europe."
"The Industrial Revolution was not just a revolution in the way goods for sale were made, it also led to massive social changes."
"Ronald Richter promised to give Perón what he wanted: cheap, unlimited energy to power Argentina's industrial revolution."
"The painting 'Rain, Steam and Speed – The Great Western Railway' expressed an English artist's interest in the changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution."
"The historical aspect of capitalism is a bit less controversial, most people will associate the beginning of capitalism with the industrial revolution."
"The Industrial Revolution... becomes a necessity to have a populace that has a higher level of education."
"The transition of what we know today as the automotive industry happened right in these little shops."
"The advances in steelmaking triggered by Bessemer's initial discovery unlocked the full energies of the industrial revolution throughout the world."
"...it was the harnessing of the rotary power of steam engines like this that created a new type of City..."
"Nothing expanded the vista of Western Civilization wider and farther than the invention of the steam engine."
"For tens of thousands of years, the human population remained pretty much unchanged, totally stable, and then around the time of the Industrial Revolution, an explosion occurred."
"...it's this juxtaposition between the horrors of the Industrial Revolution and the beauty of nature that makes you realize the importance of preserving the beauty of Nature."
"It's difficult for us to appreciate how much things changed when steam power arrived."
"Rain, steam, and speed is of course Turner's hymn or statement on the subject of man and power and the industrial revolution."
"The Industrial Revolution was now finding its momentum in the west, ramping up production and transportation."
"We owe our modern eight-hour workday largely to Owen."
"It was amazing to see this giant piece of metal and machinery move without anything pulling it, belching smoke and steam and making a lot of noise."
"The whole thing is remarkable; it's initiating an Industrial Revolution in the US around clean energy."
"In 1769 the future of mankind is seemingly changed when James Watt manifests his ideas for the steam engine in Glasgow."
"The birth of banking brought about the birth of investment capitalism, which would in turn ultimately give rise to the Industrial Revolution."
"Without James Watt, the Industrial Revolution may never have happened."
"The Poldark books are set during the industrial revolution in Cornwall."
"The Midland was a solid railway which flourished by carrying coal and iron and by looking after its passengers."
"In the next Industrial Revolution now getting well underway we have abundant people and scarce nature, not the other way around."
"The Industrial Revolution changed the face of the modern novel forever."
"The coming of the mineral economy... freed industry from the necessity to be located by water."
"The industrial revolution offered a series of small incremental steps forward."
"Countries that were able to get the latest technology into the country with the least amount of barriers... got ahead during the industrial revolution in Europe."
"This is anthracite coal, the hardest coal, pure carbon; this was the fuel that energized the Industrial Revolution in America."