
Refreshment Quotes

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"What do you feel when you look at these images? Refreshed and rejuvenated like you're drinking a cold, crisp, and bubbly soda."
"I just want to say thank you so much. Unapologetic is like a breath of fresh air."
"That taco was delicious, so delicious that we're going to need a drink to wash it down."
"A man who's willing to be vulnerable is like a breath of fresh air for women."
"The presence of God... pours out the refreshing rain of God's love on the driest, deepest parts of our soul."
"What is important, very important, more important than when you wake up, is that you get a full night's rest, that you're refreshed."
"Your facts not [__] approach is refreshing at the very least, more like soul healing."
"It's good, it's very refreshing, very orangey."
"He who refreshes others, he himself will be refreshed."
"It feels so good to apply the product to my face and my skin feels really good and refreshed after."
"Elden Ring for me felt like it just did something really that felt refreshing."
"After a couple of years of doing the same thing, you're kind of like, 'I need a refresh.'"
"Iced tea is probably the best drink on the planet."
"It's that difference that sets it apart from others of that vein and made the series feel like a breath of fresh air."
"Sometimes taking a break is all you need to get your bessie refreshed, rejuvenated, rehydrated, and back in action."
"I love to wash my face with cold water; it's so refreshing."
"I tell you what, coming somewhere like this, it's like a massive breath of fresh air."
"Compared to the disparate progression through Platinum, Gen 5 is a breath of fresh air when it comes to pacing."
"This was refreshing and the passion fruit tempers that bite from the gin."
"Enjoy your next day by feeling refreshed and making the most out of it."
"Sufficiently hyped for Call of Duty over to boots on the ground. MP will be super refreshing and zombies horror sounds like a ton of fun. GG, @SledgehammerGames."
"It's refreshing because it's not something that I think a lot of developers get to do."
"Some people were kind of like yeah that's kind of refreshing because every you know every day some politician is extolling the endless virtues of a country."
"It's refreshing stuff right and I feel like that's that's really that's great you know and then always in the future some of the smaller nitpicks can be fixed."
"So football's nearly finished Liverpool or winning I'm not very hungry the boys aren't either really but I'm just gonna cut some watermelons refreshing beautiful hydration to end the day."
"I'm choosing lemonade, the all-time classic."
"This chapter was refreshing after the repetitive last chapter."
"Structuring your animated series like an actual animated series would feel so refreshing these days."
"It felt really refreshing for the franchise."
"Father refresh the soul of this woman of this man and make the miracle happen in the name of Jesus."
"Rule Britannia! Best served cold like an iced tea."
"It feels refreshing to see something new that actually looks good and doesn't feel out of place."
"This video might be a breath of fresh air for you amongst the current inundation of romance recommendations or it might just be a breath of fresh air for me to be able to vent about this in a public space."
"Melia makes something that has featured in hundreds of Platformers since the industry first began feel like a breath of fresh air."
"I've been carving out hours for personal writing, it's been refreshing."
"Switches up my content and it kind of gives me a break because they don't take me too long."
"Imagine waking up feeling not just refreshed but empowered spiritually, connected, and ready to Take On The World."
"Honestly, it's crisp, it hits my lips real nice."
"Does God have a plan to keep us refreshed? He does. It's called a Sabbath, one day a week."
"Breaks can be good, they give you a new vision of things."
"Sydney was a breath of fresh air, very loose and fun character amidst the suits."
"That water feels so refreshing, come on buddies, let's go up another slide!"
"Sometimes something different is refreshing."
"Cold watermelon cube on a hot day in the summer, change your life."
"Thank you guys so much for you know just the nice uh breath of fresh air and you know just like like a like a more enjoyable series."
"I don't even know how to explain it to you, it's refreshing. It's what? Five out of five. Delicious, unbelievable."
"You just have to make sure they constantly refresh their knowledge."
"Grab a drink where everybody knows your name."
"Wall-E, the film is truly a breath of fresh air."
"I got my little drink this is some mango sarak with minute maid a little bit of lemonade."
"It's sweet and bitter at the same time, but so gosh darn refreshing."
"Renegade lemonade, I love drinking lemonade."
"Absolutely full of sugar. Here's to a drama that's refreshing to watch where romance and comedy are mixed really well."
"Paradise is a location, a park as it were set aside for this period of refreshment."
"Liquid of the gods, that mango orange slushy from McDonald's."
"Watermelon having watermelon like at the beach or like at the pool, the watermelon tastes like 10 times better, let me just say. It's so good, like it's so refreshing, literally so good."
"Our finals are here, I love this! This is high pulp orange juice!"
"But getting to see a different side of Zavala, even a different side of the Cabal in Caiatl was really refreshing to see."
"Grab yourself an ice cold fizz and sit back while I take you through this audio visual journey."
"The difference in those two years... she refreshed herself mentally."
"Summertime fun, delicious, refreshing, and all that good stuff."
"The only reason we come... it's literally the most refreshing thing ever."
"It kind of felt like a nice palette cleanser... it had a lot of stuff to love, it had a lot of nice little details." - Sean Sullivan
"She's come through as a breath of fresh air."
"I need a beer so bad... that was better than sex."
"When you're so dehydrated, when you drink a beer, it's like this is literally a [ __ ] nectar."
"The Outer Worlds is the rare RPG that can work as a fun palette cleanser."
"Yeah, this is a refreshing drink that you just want to chug."
"I genuinely liked it because it does genuinely kind of give a new feel to the game."
"Cucumbers are my weakness, refreshing just like the views clip."
"It feels actually pretty cool and pretty refreshing as well."
"Please don't ever forget to tell those in your life how much you love them and how grateful you are for them."
"Troubleshooting happens and a breath of fresh air swoops in."
"This was a breath of fresh air here for me in the shooter genre."
"It kicks a lot of adventure back into it. It's gonna breathe some fresh air."
"First order of business: Doritos and a cup of coffee. AI, make it happen!"
"This is just so incredibly refreshing on a hot summer day, there's just nothing like it."
"It's light, refreshing, just sweet enough, sort of rich and decadent but not heavy."
"I love mint just tastes so refreshing to me."
"It's like fresh water in a drought of a lot of bad shows lately."
"Coming out here and doing something like this would be a great way to reset their minds."
"I feel like whatever Kanye West does, it's always refreshing because it's a new sound."
"We had a lovely little AC cool down lunch break."
"That is life-changing, so refreshing. It's so like everything from the sea."
"The soul that refreshes others himself will be refreshed."
"Honestly, it was so refreshing to use all these different decorations, furniture pieces, and wallpapers."
"There are two new slushies for the 50th at Cheshire Cafe in Fantasyland in Magic Kingdom."
"It's really refreshing to see content like this instead of the negative ones."
"That's just a solid lemonade. There's nothing wrong with that at all."
"Tick tock has been a breath of fresh air across the pandemic."
"This feels to me like you are in a process of refreshing the way that you see the world."
"Jack's flow feels like a breath of fresh air."
"It's so refreshing, I might be team citrus swirl over team classic pineapple Dole Whip."
"It's a really good palette cleanser that adds a much needed tone shift to the game."
"It's refreshing to see guns instead of swords."
"There is no serotonin like the first sip of an iced latte, especially when the sun is shining."
"Riley has woken up feeling refreshed, ready to take on the world."
"It's obvious that a lot of attention to detail goes into it."
"It's really refreshing and nice to just have it not be distracting."
"Wet towels, or 'oshibori,' are a uniquely Japanese custom, offering a refreshing start to a meal."
"There's nothing more refreshing than hitting the reset button once in a while."
"Honestly, we thought we were stopping for coffee and it just happened to be the beer tent."
"Surrender and allow God to surprise you with moments of refreshment and encouragement. Be a source of refreshment to others and give thanks for the blessings in your life."
"Frozen grapes are one of my favorite snacks; they are super yummy and refreshing and taste like nature's candy."
"If you're thirsty, what difference does it make if you're drinking Coke or coconut water? You're trying to cure your thirst, dawg. And if it takes Coke Zero to get it done when you're a dozen, you ain't got time for this."
"I'm going to be honest. We needed this breath of fresh air."
"You need to find a hobby or something that you can do that will refresh you if you're not doing anything to refresh you."
"I feel so refreshed and awake with all the energy in the world."
"It's just very entertaining, very nice and refreshing."
"I love how they serve the water in like a spray bottle well that's awesome it's like a pig sparkling water keg that is amazing."
"Comparing you to their past, you come out even better. You're a breath of fresh air."
"Jeffrey Wright brings something so refreshing to Gordon himself."
"It's basic, it's just pink lemonade, it's really good."
"It is delicious, filling, and super refreshing."
"Spending time with Him alone is the greatest soul refresher there is."
"It's healthy, it's refreshing to see." - Greg Swenson on resistance to government overreach.
"It's a reintroduction of things we've seen before but again like it just feels very fresh."
"There is something very original and very refreshing about Terranigma."
"I love lemon, I think it's like the perfect dessert flavor because it's not too sweet but very refreshing..."
"So good, so refreshing, exactly what I need this morning."
"It's definitely refreshing, it gives you kind of like a burst of energy."
"It really feels like you're drinking a glass of sweet water when eating one of these things."
"The new supers are breath of fresh air... anything to freshen up the game like that is more than welcome."
"Wow, nothing like a cold glass of water, I'm in."
"Let me tell you, nothing hits quite like a Dole Whip after a long day in a hot theme park. It is so refreshing, so good, it's tart."
"It's refreshing for the time being, for sure."
"This is amazing, you have no idea when you're up north how awesome it is to just swim in the ocean."
"Stephanie McMahon was on commentary, and she actually didn't keep hearkening on that fact." - "It was really refreshing to hear her not just speak about herself all the time."
"Wolf was like a breath of fresh air in Tyler's discography."
"Literally tastes like that, plus sugarcane juice, very refreshing."
"It's refreshing, right? It's not pop, it's sparkling water."
"There's nothing like a good Frozen slushy banana or grape... it's so good."
"Just doing something different... it's been refreshing."
"This is a refreshing summer surprise, that's what this is."
"It's very refreshing to hear people called out like this."
"I found watching two men being emotionally vulnerable with each other and talking about mental health really refreshing."
"Seriously, water is the most refreshing drink ever, it really is."
"This whole game is just a juice cleanse... we emptied out the system."
"That's the goal that sets us apart... it's so refreshing to see that go in."
"Thank you for what you've done for me I really appreciate it so refreshing."
"Grab yourself a nice refreshing cup of Yorkshire tea as we're about to destroy this game."
"There is nothing that feels better than when you get out of the shower and you have a cold glass of water waiting for you."
"I'm washed, I'm watered, I've changed out of my pyjamas."
"They just let these people talk and it was refreshing."
"You just drink some masala chai and everything's new."
"Get out of the house sometimes. Getting out of your house and getting some new scenery and just changing things up just a little bit is so refreshing and so rewarding."
"I'm enjoying this blue milk, it's very refreshing."
"well triple goober berry sunrise huh i guess i could use one of those now you're talking hey waiter we need another one over here."
"Going up somewhere for five days that doesn't have any internet, it's actually pretty refreshing."
"Victoria's Secret body wash in moonlight dream was a nice refreshing change from pure seduction."
"Take a little seat, take a little juice, take a little squeeze."
"This is a throwback mango smoothie, guys. I mean, come on, it's so refreshing!"
"I'll stop here and get some coffee. It can be energizing."
"Is there anything better than homemade grape juice over crushed ice? Not really."
"Repent then and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord."
"Church primarily is a place where weary soldiers come to be refreshed."
"Feel that refreshing bath was just what I needed."
"Doesn't it strike you as just deeply refreshing that not only is he willing to do these interviews but the way he answers the questions?"
"Gohin's philosophy is honestly such a refreshing perspective."
"Wow, how refreshing. Somebody with a real opinion and they're not scared of showing it."
"Hey, look! I get you! I'll let you listen to me a second, I'm gonna get this lemonade and I'll let you listen, I'm actually juicing over there, that's some fresh lemonade, nice."
"It's such a refreshing drink! It's so cleansing feeling because I feel like green tea, especially when consumed cold, it's just - It has this cleansing quality."
"Brockhampton is that drink of ice-cold water you get after working really hard on a summer day."
"Grab yourself a nice beverage or a refreshing popsicle and prepare for a brain freeze."
"It's really refreshing and it's a lot of learning."
"White makes small spaces look big and makes you feel refreshed."
"Connecting with the breath and movement of the body, this practice will leave you feeling refreshed, calm, and re-energized."
"Who doesn't love pairing an ice-cold soda with a fantastic meal?"
"Summer perfumes for me, they have to be interesting, they have to be refreshing, slightly cooling as well."
"I just wanted my orange cold, I didn't want to put it in the freezer 'cause I didn't want it to take so long, so I just put ice in there so it gets cold, and then one day I just added Sprite to it."
"There is nothing that gives me a better feeling than a jump in the water."
"It was delicious and I felt very refreshed."
"In this moment, I'm free to gently stretch and open my eyes, feeling refreshed."
"Hoppy is a potato-based beer-like beverage often mixed with sochu to make a very refreshing drink which I enjoy."
"It's really refreshing to see how many people have reached out."
"The American dream is very refreshing and cold, and despite all the sweet-sounding ingredients, it's not overwhelmingly sweet."
"Midnight Mass puts a really unique spin on a vampire story which is a breath of fresh air in the genre."
"All I want is an ice-cold Guinness."
"The pizza was outstanding, the beer was ice cold, and the company was awesome."
"It just dissolves on your tongue and it's cool, it's refreshing, the creaminess is unbelievable."
"I know that there are parts of this world that are still a little bit chilly, but I think that right now is the perfect time to get outside, get some fresh air."
"There's just something about a regular Coca-Cola that just touches your soul."
"I really appreciate it when the gin and tonic comes and it's in a giant glass."
"It's delightful, it's great, got our drinks."
"This would be a great opportunity for you to get up and have a stretch, get yourself a coffee or tea, and whenever you're ready, join me in part two."
"The cool night air met me with a refreshing gust of pine-scented wind."
"There is absolutely nothing more perfect than it being a hot day and you drinking a perfectly cold can of coke."
"It's been really refreshing to just be able to talk to people."
"Sit back, relax, get you a bucket of popcorn, something good to drink, maybe a Propel water."
"Welcome back to Deen and Chai, a casual space to talk about Deen over a cup of chai, coffee, any beverage you'd like."
"I want their attention so that they can feel healed and refreshed."
"This is the famous Night Blossom, a non-alcoholic slushy signature to Pandora."
"It's always refreshing when someone comes in here with a good attitude."
"They're a breath of fresh air sometimes, this was just what I needed at this moment."
"I just feel so amazing and good after showering it off like I feel reborn."
"Favorite summertime smoothie, I drink this every day during summer."
"It's so nice to be out here and have a nice cold drink."
"She could end her day feeling refreshed."
"watermelon with lime squeezed on top and then a little bit of salt"
"After drinking, it's so good, it's so good in general, but especially when you're dehydrated."