
Misdirection Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"There's no point climbing up a ladder if the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall."
"The greatest failure in life is being successful in the wrong assignment."
"This was not dropping the ball; this was picking up the ball and running in the opposite direction towards the opponent's end zone. You know, this is worse than a fumble."
"If you can convince someone in Sunderland that the problem is a nurse from Bangladesh and not the people who actually control the power and resources, even though the north of England has been poorer than the south for virtually all of recorded history."
"The issue is none of these things that they complain about...are not actual problems...these are deflections away from the actual problem."
"When a magician tells you something isn't important, it's usually very vital to the effect."
"Know the context and don't fall for the shocks which are meant to keep you both angry and ineffectively pointed in the wrong direction."
"I quite understand if you think you see some red flags and you want to you know focus on these parents I would just say I think you're focusing in the wrong place."
"They point the finger in every direction other than the direction where the culprit is actually standing."
"Doubt usually heads us in the wrong direction."
"You're an incredible warrior. If you weren't so misled by your anger, you would have been the perfect sparring partner."
"Dogs that bark don't bite. When it becomes quiet, watch out as it's getting ready to bite."
"First of all, if you notice the mysterious figure aka the other guy taps the victim... on the left shoulder and then the guy turns around and looks over his right shoulder."
"Office of Policy Coordination was a wonderfully benign name to throw people off the idea that really it was the department of dirty tricks."
"The method is covered up by the paparazzi photo flash. Flash photography, so any idea of 'oh strobe lights nah it's just a camera mate.'"
"Nolan misdirected it. At first, you were confused. Then, you thought you had it figured out. But then, you start to think about it and everything you thought you figured out, you're not confused about, you actually misunderstood."
"It wasn't a haunted house where the man's long-dead corpse hung from a set of gallows. It was a fun house."
"She was just chasing happiness on all the wrong roads."
"I think Jason Kidd is a smokescreen to be honest."
"We don't want you to focus on that. Look over here, don't look over here. That's pretty."
"Misdirection: everyone thought this would be a reset door, right? I mean, it is."
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers."
"I think focusing on things like dungeon dragons I mean that right I mean this was kind of the the deflection."
"This movie is kind of like the magic trick that Nolan attempted in the prestige he is very good at misdirecting the audience to pull out genuinely shocking twists."
"Good writing is all about misdirection like a magic trick."
"The signal is coming through loud and clear that we are on a wrong course."
"I think a lot of this is leading to people complaining about the wrong things."
"You can't solve a problem unless you know what the problem is, and for the last 50 years, we've been told the wrong thing."
"You're just bullet pointing but you're missing the target."
"Your intelligence allows you to move quickly, but if you're headed in the wrong direction, you're the dumbest person in the room."
"Most people are focused on things that aren't their real goal, their focus on things that have nothing to do with their passion."
"This is not the apocalypse you are looking for."
"A little misleading, but definitely a cool shot."
"I'm sorry, I mean, obviously, I choose the wrong direction. But I don't think anything can stop me currently."
"She keeps jamming the same misshaped Keys into non-existent keyholes - this is Justice Rook by the way."
"The culprit's left sleeve was dangling from the press, making us think he was the victim."
"The death spiral is an example of what happens when the swarm as a whole gets misdirected."
"One of the big secrets about Atlantis is the fact that our friend Dr. Beckett is not Scottish, he's Irish." - David Hewlett
"I want to have this discussion because it seems like everyone is just focused on all the wrong things."
"Strength came, it's a... that's why everybody destroys anybody's... they were about the wrong shit, bro."
"Approximately 25 million of them are misdirected or lost."
"I mean say what you will but it looks like somebody steered those poor cows wrong."
"She knows how to present herself. Pretty assistant is the most effective form of Misdirection."
"Lily really might have been a bank clerk absconding with millions for the fuss he made about it."
"He's meant to misguide the audience, a red herring to the true factors of the movie."
"This is not how to cook a brisket video."
"Finally, let’s look at Red Herrings. These are intentionally misleading clues to divert attention away from the real culprit."
"But to keep her as a plausible red herring they just they really kind of made her [ __ ] idiot."
"This is all just trying to give the impression that this is some kind of black cat."
"They deliberately told him drive through as fast as you can so right we'll be back we'll be back they'll never know when put this slaughter house on my list"
"But, as we learn in the finale, the show’s framing is a red herring, because this series isn’t actually about Tracy, the Mother of Ted’s kids who we learn passed away six years before Ted sat down to tell his kids this long-and-winding story."
"So it's like that game you know that game where you have three cups and there's a ball under one of them and you move the cups around really fast and you can never find the ball."
"The misdirect has to be at the end. Comedy fails if it isn't at the end."
"I'm just trying to throw them off the scent, throw them off the scent a little bit, you know?"
"These flash forwards are the perfect combination of suspense mystery hype and calculated misdirection."
"The true reason I was doing this right now was for our real objective: increase number of lighthouses."
"They're using Sentry as a bomb, not making him dance."
"Racism is a misdirection away from what it really is."
"The function of racism is to misdirect black people away from the concepts and the understanding of how civilizations and the world works."
"Racism in this country is a misdirection. It's always been a misdirection."
"The people are fighting over the wrong thing."
"A woman has been murdered, police are sure of that, but nothing else is what it appears to be."
"I was mad that you guessed it so fast. That lightsaber was just a decoy gift."
"'I'm just looking for a hat shop, is there a hat shop around here?' Um, he's just pulling around for a bunch of pile of oiled rags and he pulls up a looks like a small burlap sack that's torn."
"Misdirection is just one way in which motion benefits the run."
"Secrecy can be an obviousity. What The Magicians call misdirection. But people very obviously see what you want them to see then they'll never notice what is hidden."
"It turned out that he was just a red herring placed there to mislead the audience."
"This is not the kind of bike you're looking for."
"It's almost like a red herring that their religious sensibilities... have been about that."
"Like everything isn't red herring in this movie, you know?"
"this entire time the sequence of videos and vlogs has been not what we intended"
"this movie does kind of a good job of like misdirecting you of like because obviously the whole time you can just like feel the movie Trope like things are going too good something bad has to happen to even it out but yeah they did a good job of misdirecting"
"Ignore all of this don't look over here don't look over here such a little amount goes a long way because this is not a lot of batter."
"I like that little misdirect there"
"Red herrings are meant to misdirect the audience."
"It's amazing how far down the wrong path you can get."
"This man is a magician at showing you one thing, disguising it, and then bringing it from the other direction."
"Just to kind of generate that paranoia and that sense of isolationism, you know, and maybe a little bit of a red herring."
"No way, stop that! I thought it was gonna be a Russian, but it's Billy."
"There's red herrings all over the place and like disguising the voices, that's totally one of the ways that they're making us suspicious on purpose."
"They made him a red herring, an obstacle for the real big bad to overcome."
"The attraction is coming through super strong, but it's almost a red herring from the real intention."
"They have all this intense emotion in their heart and even if it wasn't meant for that person they will pour it out into that person."
"The editing will usually always give little hints or sometimes bigger hints that will support who the winner is going to be but will sometimes try to fake you out."
"He believed he was hunting his next victim, but in reality, they were the ones hunting him."
"If anyone watches Dylan is in Trouble, you will know the meaning of misdirection."
"Cold hard science and a little misdirection."
"Had you going there for a minute, didn't I?"
"I think the most important takeaway from the books and The Talented amateur I spoke with is this almost all magic up close or stage magic relies on misdirection."
"Anyone telling you that their business can't make it or they're going to have to fire people, that really is a misdirect."
"You're digging in the wrong place."
"Time is being brought as a witness to the tragedy of human life, the tragedy of the human being's aspirations headed in the wrong direction."
"I found this thing that I do called misdirection, which was phenomenal, and that changed everything."
"All they're trying to do is get to the light, not realizing that they have The Light Within them as well; they're just misguided."
"It was definitely me; a Reddit thread led me to the wrong place."
"It's the most gorgeous use of misdirection that I've ever seen on TV."
"It's a love story. No, it's not a love story, but it's a lot of fun."
"Nice touch, that was a master stroke of misdirection."
"These are not the drones you're looking for."
"I was just looking for love in all the wrong places."
"Just water," says the priest. "Then why do you smell like wine?" the cop replies.
"This painting is of a gray fox, and I just wanted to address the giraffe in the room."
"The tragedy of the human experience is that we're so successful at hitting the bull's eye of the wrong target."
"It's not a picture; it's a can of beans."
"Use some inspiring footage of a cat being returned to the wild. No, not that kind of cat."
"The real meltdown people is not where everyone's looking."
"Tom told his friend, 'My brother has a job with 10,000 people under him.' His friend replied, 'Wow, he must be the CEO of a corporation.' Tom said, 'No, he cuts the grass in a cemetery.'"
"Conspiracies misplace the anger which forces you to move the attention away from the real problems."
"Love the creative misdirect and the message."
"They'll never know where the coin went to. It's a great little advantage that's easy to do, it's got some heavy misdirection, it's one of my favorites."
"I laughed out loud like the misdirection... that was hilarious."
"You didn't call the police on your husband; you called the police to report that your car had been stolen."
"I do think that Gen Z is smart, I just think that we are misguided in a lot of ways."
"The kind of knowledge for which people often seek today will not lead to truth."
"Everybody wants Anand; they're looking for the right thing but looking for it in the wrong place."
"It's me and it wasn't, no, it wasn't, it was the boat."
"We've been trained to look for happiness in all the wrong places."
"Stage magicians use misdirection and other sorts of tricks on stage to make you think that you're seeing something that you're really not."
"They enjoyed the hike despite going up the wrong path and experiencing that strange encounter."
"Deception. A shinobi's most powerful tool meant for misdirection."
"I'm not the Droid you're looking for."
"In magic, what's important isn't the reveal, it's how you keep the audience from noticing all the misdirects you do along the way."
"I have a big heart and a lot to offer in it, and I guess I've just given it to the wrong people."
"The art of misdirection in warfare is one of the best strategies to employ."
"Tokyo Ghoul tricks you into thinking this is a story of the struggles of ghouls trying to find a way to exist in a world of humans."
"We're all just fighting the wrong people, bro."
"All this time I've been studying the wrong subject."
"Sending Einstein to Harvard to get an English degree just so he could do his math."
"It's all to do with misdirection; misdirection means making you look somewhere else."
"I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical illusion."
"No, I'm surprised. I don't know what the hell Henry told them, but he was trying to point them in any direction but towards himself."
"We spent entirely too much time putting flowers on the wrong men's statues because we're too busy to listen and because we're too weak to build our own heroes and stand up for what we think."
"That's not the moon, it's an angler fish, and that is the moon on his tip."
"This is not the rebel spy you're looking for."
"You're on the right track but the wrong train."
"You were showing love to the wrong people."
"No man ever fulfilled his genius till it misled him."
"More health care isn't the answer; more health care was the problem."
"We're using our strength in the wrong direction; we're using it to tear our man down, tear our nation down, instead of building it up."
"You're searching for all the right things in all the wrong places."
"These years of love and time have ultimately been paid in the wrong way."
"And whatever they were looking for, they're looking in the wrong place," Stanley gazed out across the lake.
"These are not the droids that you are looking for."
"These are not the droids we're looking for."
"Oh, these are not the droids you're looking for."
"Love is in the air... Nope, that's her bacon."
"They're trying to find happiness but in all the wrong places; they've already found it when they met you."
"Those aren't the droids you're looking for."
"Some of the greatest entrepreneurs are in the hood, bro, we just do it in the wrong way."
"If I give you a description of a person and it's not accurate, you're going to be looking in all the wrong directions."
"I am not the Jedi you're looking for."