
Trade-off Quotes

There are 263 quotes

"Basically, any time I find myself trading my time for money, I always think, okay, this is fine for the short term, but it's definitely not where I want to be in the long term."
"More security with less intrusion on people's civil liberties... that's the trade-off that you want."
"It really is a trade-off, the smaller gun that's easier and less of a hassle to carry, that is a definite strong point."
"Everything is a trade-off, everything is a compromise."
"You'll have access to amazing power but at the cost of being cursed with a fairly miserable existence."
"So it's one sacrifice for three chains...if there's a delay in pulse chain launch, you're gonna get all of those three chains."
"Less diverse content but hands-on controls make up for it."
"The more convenient something is, the less secure it is."
"People are willing to sacrifice some of their freedoms for safety and security."
"A small price to pay for what's otherwise been a favorable deal."
"We're willing to trade looks for a certain kind of morally casual attitude."
"It's a fair trade-off in that particular scenario."
"Devil fruits are mystical fruits that, once consumed, grant a superpower in exchange for the user being unable to swim."
"Give up a little bit of torque with our cam selection."
"It's crazy, so yeah, we lose space outside but we gained it inside where we are most of the time."
"We need strong consistency for booking tickets but at the same time, we want high availability for searching and viewing events."
"The trade-off for the low power figure is 33 miles per gallon combined."
"...adding weight and complexity to the vehicle would decrease reliability, decrease performance, and decrease fuel economy."
"There is a trade-off between security and freedom, but it just feels like there's a giant slippery slope on the sacrificing of freedom in the name of security."
"That's a satisfaction I wouldn't trade for anything."
"When you have a rotary, you gotta take the good with the bad."
"Unfortunately, you can't have both precision and recall high."
"The main trade-off in this world is convenience versus privacy and security, so you want to find a nice balance in between the two of those so you're not shooting yourself in the foot but you're still relatively secure and relatively private."
"You're trading space efficiency for compute efficiency."
"Knowledge doesn't come free, so be prepared for a trade-off."
"It was worth the convenience of not having to do that."
"There's a trade-off... trading off immediacy with depth of insight."
"Anything automotive, in my experience, is all about compromise."
"Most things come with downsides. The question is, does the downside also bring an upside that pays off?"
"This is still better than getting sun damage."
"But to be fair, it was totally worth, it was a great trade-off. We arrived with a car full of nasty sludgy mud, and we drove off with actually some pretty cool, usable things (at least for us in our circumstances)."
"Losing friends or finding peace, honestly, that sounds like a fair trade to me."
"Everything comes at a cost, but it also returns something to you."
"Everything that takes something away from you gives something back."
"There's a trade-off between large amounts of data and fewer assumptions. Large amounts of data do not require assumptions."
"But it also means there will be no stars in the picture."
"Optimize for the long term, values aren't values unless there's an actual trade-off."
"You can't be broke and busy. So it's either you have time and no money or you have money and no time but you can always trade one for the other."
"Opportunity cost and opportunity gain are factors to consider."
"You traded five minutes of your life for 20 years."
"But I like the fact that it's not losing anything because that's usually the trade-off that we associate with a cam swap."
"...I think the weight increase is definitely worth the trade-off of the performance that you're going to be able to get out of this machine."
"Whatever else it actually gave us more than wholeheartedly made up for it."
"There is a trade-off between fuel economy and wear protection."
"This sounds like an incredible trade-off. I refuse your ten cents, I'd rather pay you ten thousand freaking dollars instead. Guys, my mind is seriously blown."
"What in the world, my friends? This sounds like an incredible trade-off. I refuse your ten cents, I'd rather pay you ten thousand freaking dollars instead. Guys, my mind is seriously blown."
"Any decision you make comes with a win and a loss."
"Every decision you make, understand that there's a trade-off to that decision, the opportunity cost of what you're giving up in order to fulfill the thing that you're currently doing."
"When you actually move a ton of people on transit already you're more willing to face these trade-offs."
"If that's the situation, maybe it's like okay, Zoro has to give up Shu Sui in this arc but it's okay because any blade can become a black blade."
"All I had to give up was happiness and peace of mind."
"...we've traded a lot of our lifestyle from working life because we simply cannot afford the lifestyle that we had but what we've gained in return is lots of time and probably the choice and the freedom to do a little bit more as we please."
"So what I mean here is there is a trade-off between the lowest achievable temperature on the cold side and the amount of heat that can be removed by the patio cooler."
"It's better to get a shot that's noisy than one that's too dark to use."
"We often talk about the benefits of these big movements, but we really don't think about, hey, everything in life is a trade-off."
"There's some sacrifice, but there are some rewards."
"Every time you give something up, you get something, and vice versa."
"Everything is kind of a tradeoff."
"What you gain is more than what you give up."
"I'm simply saying that if you are willing to live a slightly less affluent lifestyle in one of the wealthiest countries on the planet for a short period of time, you could reduce your working years by 20, 30, 40 years. Seems like a reasonable trade-off, I don't know."
"At the end of the day, everything's a bit of a trade-off, isn't it?"
"There's a trade-off between energy and biochar for climate change mitigation."
"We need to recognize the trade-off between energy production and biochar production."
"If you are purchasing this machine, it is because you think that is a more than worthwhile trade-off for the technical capabilities."
"So, every time you do something, you don't do something else. The end result, hopefully, is health in our minds, but in natural selection's mind, it's reproductive success."
"The serotonin boost I get from the fast results outweighs maybe the fact that I can't eat chocolate chip cookies anymore."
"You can't have both growth and comfort. One is the price of the other."
"You know, sometimes, love, you have to make a trade-off, decide what you want, and to hell with pride."
"The perks aren't worth the shackle."
"Selling their birthright for a mess of porridge."
"Remember, performance and readability is a bit of a trade-off."
"Performance and cost are two things that are complementary. Sometimes they're opposite things."
"The problem with long fall dormancy scores is usually a trade-off in winter hardiness."
"You can have steering or ride quality, you can't have 'em both."
"I think it's pretty amazing that I'm the Heisman Trophy winner, but I'd trade them both in for a national championship."
"In life, there is always a trade-off."
"The convenience definitely outweighs the inconvenience."
"But the joy of that I wouldn't trade for the world."
"It's a trade-off, everything is a trade-off."
"Either you waste CPU time or you introduce lag."
"We prefer a different approach where we may be sacrifice some of the value but we will gain the robustness, stability, and this is the most important thing."
"If I tear all these shelves out I gain an inch and a half of walking space which is it's not worth the trade-off to not have the shelves."
"You can't do that with the modern ignition system. So it's a trade-off."
"I will gladly take the tradeoff of the much reduced weight and better handling of this motorcycle versus those other two bikes I mentioned."
"It's hard to measure how important that out-the-back play is. What do you trade off for that?"
"What's the trade-off? The goal is long-term growth and revenue."
"We sacrifice some of that interpretability but get a lot of performance gains."
"You want to maximize flow, which is at odds with maximizing cooling."
"you can have speed or you can have safety you can't have both."
"There's a trade-off between acuity and sensitivity in the primary visual cortex, leading to different levels of information processing."
"What we often saw is people just being resigned to 'this is the trade-off they have to make' if they want to enjoy the convenience that a smart speaker provides to them."
"You're paying for a convenience factor when you do it this way."
"Nothing good comes without sacrifice, really."
"So in restricting certain freedoms, you gain others."
"The outcome is the same: Most increases in security will also come with a decrease in convenience."
"Most increases in security will also come with a decrease in convenience."
"The goal is always to minimize this tradeoff using technology."
"...in the fight between privacy and anything else, privacy is always the thing that we trade away."
"The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either."
"It's about trade-off. Very simple. To gain something, you have to lose something."
"There's a trade-off between inaccuracy on the y-axis on one hand and complexity on the x-axis."
"Almost everything that builds value decreases comfort. Almost everything that builds comfort decreases value."
"It was written doesn't have an array of iconic producers its predecessor has but with that trade-off came Nas' most descriptive and in-depth storytelling."
"You have to lose something to gain something."
"In a syntropic farming environment, you need to grow some things that you don't really want in order to grow the things that you do want."
"There's always a trade-off. There's no free lunch."
"I had to trade my Charizard for this but it's worth it."
"You get slower speed but you get way more torque out of it."
"What are your thoughts here? Are you willing to make that trade-off to save the money?"
"This was not the best of both worlds."
"It's free popcorn refill, but you'd have to leave your seat."
"She gets a lot out of it because she's trading money for time."
"Sacrifice some power for a 250,000-mile warranty? Absolutely."
"The swing weight is high, but I also think that takes away from its specialness."
"Every decision that you make is a trade-off against something else."
"Freedom is no good to you if you don't have bread. As a matter of fact, people will, in fact, trade freedom for bread. In the end, they will lay their freedom at our feet and say to us, 'Enslave us, but feed us.'"
"The feeling of control and levelness that comes with medication has benefits, but there's a trade-off with manic creativity."
"Performance comes at some kind of a sacrifice, with this the only sacrifice is money."
"You're gonna have to give something up to get something."
"The trade-off though is the quality and in my opinion, it's worth it."
"We may be unhappy with civilization, but we've traded some of that unhappiness for a good measure of security."
"It's the trade-off of living on an island."
"There was a tradeoff; there were huge, self-evident, devastating economic and societal consequences from the lockdown decisions."
"For your wish to come true, you have to give up something really important."
"There is a risk-return trade-off."
"The trade-off is that you decide what is the level you will tolerate for your bias and what is the level you will tolerate for variance."
"My soul for the money wasn't the trade-off."
"Maybe you're gonna lose a few hundred bucks, but hey, you get to live. That's kind of a pretty good trade-off."
"For what we have here and what this thing can do, I can gladly deal with a little heavier of a device."
"You can have growth, or you can have control, but you cannot have both."
"The experience of life itself is the best trade."
"Adding the doculam does add a little bit of additional weight... but compared to the durability you get, it's well worth that small increase in weight."
"There's a fundamental trade-off in U.S policy right now between economic efficiency and National Security concerns."
"I'll trade the sore knees for this day anytime."
"Bulletproof reliability, and that's a fair trade-off in my opinion."
"We trade time for frequency information."
"It feels like you gave up little and you gained a lot."
"Time is money, so you can trade time for money or you can trade money for time."
"The conformity relates to giving up privacy in return for personal promotion."
"I've been losing friends to find peace, but honestly, that sounds like a fair trade to me."
"Performance gains are going to come at a price."
"It might be a little bit stiffer, but it's completely worth it."
"That's both good news and bad news. Bad news is it will cost you more to do it and the good news is it will be done a whole lot better."
"Every time I look at my phone, I have to ask myself, am I gaining something or giving something up?"
"I lost an eye but gained a dragon, and I counted a fair exchange."
"You're trading one to two months of a difficult post-operative course with a 20% improvement in overall survival."
"There is a trade-off, and if you understand the consequences, then go for it."
"Be aware of the time frequency trade-off when you're setting your time and frequency parameters."
"We've traded information and knowledge for wisdom."
"Ultimate security may come at the cost of convenience."
"Encyclopedia Britannica considers a Faustian bargain to be a pact whereby a person trades something of supreme moral or spiritual importance, such as personal values or the soul, for some worldly material benefits, such as knowledge, power, or riches."
"There's always going to be a trade-off between using HAL or bare metal implementations."
"We fundamentally face in economics this trade-off between efficiency and equity."
"It's meant to be an alternative for those willing to trade some power for portability."
"Everything you do to your bike that makes it better going uphill typically makes it worse going downhill and vice versa."
"The regularization hurts your training performance but it may increase your test performance."
"Every time they make some improvement with safety on the cars, it actually puts weight on the cars."
"It's all about making the perfect tradeoff to provide the best experience that you can."
"It's a trade-off you're making as to what you're going to get for what you're willing to pay."
"The exploration-exploitation trade-off is one of the key challenges in the game of reinforcement learning."
"Sometimes it's worth sacrificing a little bit of protection in order to gain greater mobility."
"It's all about sacrifice; you get one thing, and then you kind of lose another."
"That's a pretty good trade, airspeed for up Vector."
"You only trade a lesser good for a greater good."
"I traded disgust for Stitch. Look how cute he is. Look how happy he is. That was a good trade. Disgust for happiness, happiness Stitch. I'm happy."
"Preserving the telomere like anything in life is not a solution; it's a trade-off."
"I will definitely trade out a huge chunk of my edge retention for the composition to get some of those benefits."
"That's a pretty worthwhile trade."
"We give up a little bit more of our freedoms somewhere along the way in exchange for a little bit more convenience."
"There is a cost to this magic, and eventually, we all must pay. It is not a gift, it is a trade."
"This creature sacrificed defense for speed."
"There is a tradeoff in terms of the thickness of the crystal and the number of photons that are detected."
"We have a trade-off between making the line fit the point and making the feature small."
"Privacy comes at the cost of inconvenience."
"Reducing the muscle building signal a little bit naturally, with the trade-off of having lower systemic inflammation and lower rates of oxidative stress and damage, you're probably better off in the long term."
"The rate at which a consumer is willing to trade X for Y is called the marginal rate of substitution of X for Y."
"The trade-off is essentially how far out do we shift demand by creating a new product versus how much we restrict sales by pricing it above marginal cost."
"You get what you want, but you have to give up something more profound in order to get that."
"If you set the Delta entropy to zero, you can trade a temperature ratio for a pressure ratio."
"It's a really good tradeoff for it means we actually sail more."
"Tries are known to have a trade-off between time and space."
"One sells one's liberty when one accepts a kindness."
"We need to stop trading what is so precious for African-Americans: time. We have to stop trading our time for money."
"There's a trade-off between capability and usability."
"For path tracing, you might get a really nice realistic render, but that's going to be at the expense of higher render times."
"Any time you overspend time on one question, know that you're sacrificing another question and the marks that you can get from that."
"This is the kind of car that you would want to buy if you're willing to trade some of the practicality... for the extra style that we see in the Hyundai Veloster."
"Some people prefer to have more mobility at the cost of protection, and some people go full protection at the cost of mobility."
"The trade-off of being stronger is worth it."
"Finite difference stuff is much easier to implement, we lose some accuracy and even some efficiency."
"If ordinary people want to survive, they can only use their lifespan to buy professions in the mysterious store."
"Don't trade what's unique to you for something somebody else will do."
"If it has a value, it has a cost."
"Exit and voice are, to some extent, simpler to understand, in that there's something of a trade-off between them."
"Speed of development versus stability of the application: you cannot have both."
"That's the basic idea of the equity-efficiency tradeoff."
"Almost any spouse can get behind that if it just means giving up your Mercedes convertible or whatever; it's a really great trade."
"There's a cost to everything, right? There's a trade-off."
"The way we paid for our expensive brain is by reducing the gut."
"There's a trade-off between mobility and stability."