
Ancient Architecture Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Step into the heart of the Great Pyramid of Giza, and you'll find yourself in the Grand Gallery, an awe-inspiring testament to the ancient Egyptians' architectural genius."
"The golden ratio in particular is seen in the proportions of the Parthenon in Greece and the Great Pyramid of Giza, indicating that ancient architects might have employed these as sacred proportions to mirror the harmony found in nature."
"That pyramid never collapsed not because its engineers were such geniuses, though they probably were the best in the world at that time, but rather because it is almost entirely one big solid heap of stone that is wider at its base then at its peak."
"The city's population numbered around 28,000 with walls that contained some 79 hectares of land."
"Thanks to new research, it seems that the ancient humans who built Gobekli Tepe may have been inspired by geometry..."
"The pyramids look impressive enough today, but if you imagine that when they were first finished, they would've been coated from top to bottom in smooth white limestone, then the effect must have been truly dazzling."
"The Great Pyramid came first, perhaps it was renovated and reworked, but it truly is a structure unrivaled in the ancient world."
"The mysterious parallel lines at the top of the ancient structure."
"Petra had water fields and trees... There were private and public gardens as well as running water brought into the city through aqueducts and clay pipes."
"Some of the earliest houses invented by ancient peoples were portable tents."
"The construction of pyramids in Peru, Egypt, and Iraq at around the same time in human history suggests that peoples throughout the world independently developed the concept of building massive architectural structures."
"The ingenuity and engineering skills of ancient peoples can still be seen in the pyramid structures that have survived to this day."
"Not only are many of these ancient unexplainable structures built with the utilization of seemingly impossibly huge megalithic blocks but they also display masonry techniques and refined stone carving."
"A temple that ancients have carved out of a mountain rock."
"Athens is full of ancient monuments, temples, ruins, and churches."
"Persepolis is one of the great architectural achievements of the ancient world."
"I think it's very likely...that this structure was present in the ancient city Mr. Cabot was exploring."
"Stone Circles of Senegambia: incredible monuments built without modern tools."
"These make Chichen Itza one of the most awe-inspiring ancient wonders ever built."
"As long as people are sensible, and of course the vast majority of people are, we should be able to nip this in the bud."
"The pyramids themselves are said to be the representation of a vessel, a ship that will carry and protect the Pharaoh through space-time."
"It's ancient construction on an unimaginable scale."
"The Great Pyramid's construction challenges defy conventional explanations, suggesting lost ancient high civilization."
"The Great Pyramid is eight-sided, locked into the Giza Plateau, and likely part of an energetic system."
"What makes them especially fascinating is that they were built out of the solid rock of the gorge, guarding the pass. Nobody would have been able to move through the passage without walking past these imposing towers."
"This is actually a walkthrough of the incredible Assyrian Subterranean structure."
"This might be the oldest building in Egypt altogether."
"Strabo describes it as having a canal that connected it to the Nile."
"They went to extreme effort to make this a tightly fit Precision megalithic wall."
"While we can't say for sure if this thing ever functioned as a portal and allowed in otherworldly visitors, it's certainly one of the places on Earth that looks like it could have."
"It was equipped with a central hearthstone, built cupboards lining the wall, stairs leading to the upper floors, and a sunken water basin."
"More than 4 and a half thousand years later the structure still stands."
"The Great Pyramid is indeed a sermon in stone."
"These containers contain the timber from the only surviving wooden roof... remnants of those bright colors still exist."
"The Great Pyramid was a type of Time Capsule that protected and concealed an advanced yet original theology."
"A lost temple has recently been discovered in the Nacon Si Tamarat Province in Thailand. The astoundingly beautiful settlement was built directly in the stone and it's estimated to be thousands of years old."
"The Pyramids of Giza show the grandeur and ingenuity of ancient Egypt."
"Enormous random shaped Stones were apparently effortlessly stacked neatly together or one on top of another forming the amazing walls we see today."
"Ancient builders had a deep connection with the cosmos, linking Heaven and Earth through their constructions."
"Göbekli Tepe is a site that truly boggles the mind, taking us back over 11,000 years to a time when prehistoric peoples demonstrated remarkable capabilities that challenge our understanding of early human civilization."
"If Jesus isn't the Messiah, there isn't a messiah. Do you understand that?"
"Endings are not always bad, they're not always good, but if something is dismissed from your life, it was never meant to be in your life."
"Long considered the greatest of the so-called 'Seven Wonders of the Ancient World'."
"The Parthenon is proof of the superb building techniques of the ancient Greeks."
"The Hanging Gardens of Babylon: were they simply a myth or were they real and have just been lost to time?"
"The mausoleum at Halicarnassus was once one of the largest and most impressive tombs on the planet."
"The Caplicious is an ancient tomb located deep in the mountains... a hidden architectural wonder and a great puzzle."
"Experts now believe that Gobekli Tepe, the world's oldest known temple, was the handiwork of hunter-gatherers."
"In Orkney, archaeologists have found the well-preserved and almost complete remains of a rare building that likely dates back to the Bronze Age."
"The temple of the Egyptian goddess Hathor, Dendra, is one of the best-preserved ancient Egyptian temples."
"The mastaba itself is one of the largest in all of ancient Egypt, measuring around a hundred meters long."
"Men may fear time but time fears the pyramids."
"There's too much architecture not to mention the pyramids that are all over the world they served a purpose they weren't decoration they had pools of mercury in them."
"Clearly advanced levels of architecture specifically pertaining to its complex irrigation, sanitation, and drainage systems."
"The Musar temples are a group of 15 rock-cut temples that date all the way back to the 8th Century AD."
"Highly compelling: Nimrod Castle, an astonishing ancient fortress, undoubtedly older than predicted."
"Puma Punku: shaped with astonishing accuracy."
"His great pyramid practically defined the ancient era as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world."
"Many of the ancient structures found upon our planet defy belief or explanation."
"The ancient Architects really thought of everything, like putting holes in the walls to let out moisture and building drains to deal with the rain."
"Every winter solstice, the sun hits the small opening at just the right angle, allowing it to travel 59 feet into the tomb where it illuminates the main chamber."
"Stones can also be seen in a number of large impressive and strange-looking chamber tombs called dolmens."
"Could this be the largest pyramid in the world?"
"A true marvel of ancient engineering."
"The Coliseum is the largest ancient Amphitheater ever built. It was completed over two Millennia ago in ad 80."
"The heaviest stone block at Balbach is 1650 tons so that's gigantic beyond belief but there it stands."
"The layout of the three main pyramids mirrors Orion's Belt's positioning, a correlation highlighted by Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert's Orion Correlation Theory."
"A comparison between Baalbek, Lebanon and Jerusalem's Temple Mount reveals a striking resemblance between their massive stone platforms."
"The grand Gallery had its mysteries too, indeed it was among the most mysterious of all the internal features of the Great Pyramid."
"The sophistication of the buildings and monuments didn't appear anywhere else on Earth for another six millennia."
"There was nothing like the temple at Eridu... it was the religious hub center of all of Mesopotamia."
"The immense long time during which it must have remained standing... it was repaved occasionally over hundreds and hundreds of years."
"The Red Pyramid stands as one of the most prominent ancient Egyptian pyramids."
"So this oratory was built in the 7th or 8th century, and it is still in such good condition."
"It is so cool to be walking around things that are literally hundreds of years old."
"The chemites were builders of an incredible magnitude; they are known for the creation of the pyramids, grand burial structures for their pharaohs, and the Sphinx."
"You just get lost in a maze of these... some of these areas have been here for like 5, 600 years."
"The exact function and methods of construction remain shrouded in mystery."
"The oldest freestanding monumental building on the planet."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza was built 4,500 years ago; it was the tallest building in the world for approximately 3,871 years."
"It contains astonishing precise as yet unexplained architecture indicative of a lost knowledge thus lost civilization."
"Many different ancient cultures were aware of this large cycle of time and built monuments that aligned to specific star constellations that are kind of like markers in space as to where we are in this large cycle of time."
"Sacsayhuamán, otherwise known as the house of the Sun, is an ancient stone wall that confounded the Spanish conquerors."
"Quelap was built on a limestone ridge 900 feet above sea level; it overlooks a huge swath of the Utkubamba valley, which would have given the occupiers a major advantage for defense."
"This is the coolest part in the temples."
"The world's first skyscraper, the ancient Egyptians' engineering prowess was just astonishing."
"The Erbil Citadel, a 7,000-year-old fortress overlooking the entire city."
"The Longyou caves with their vast chambers and no historical records to explain their construction have sparked a plethora of theories."
"The Pyramid of the magician or sorcerer also called the Pyramid of the dwarf."
"The Temple of the lady of Byblos was the largest and most complex shrine in the Canaanite city during the early Bronze Age."