
Foundations Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"This person is wanting to build new foundations with you."
"Beautiful buildings are not secured by the beauty of the building; it's secured by the foundations."
"You're going to feel more stable than you've ever felt before because all of a sudden, you expand those foundations outside of a box; you have a bigger foundation now."
"Remember your roots: What do you want to build upon?"
"What are healthy relationships founded on? Respect, trust, communication, right? Love, right?"
"Marriage... should be the basis of what could become a fruitful marriage."
"Nothing good is built on a faulty foundation."
"Understanding scales and keys: the foundation of music theory."
"It's time to reserve your energy and lay a foundation."
"I think trust really all comes down in a relationship. There's got to be trust."
"Nothing good is done based on a huge foundation of lies."
"This is all about creating a new foundation, solid foundation with someone."
"Improvements, consistency, stability - these are the foundations of success."
"It's time to either create a solid foundation or break down the whole thing completely..."
"Every great building begins with a foundation."
"We must understand this at its roots, at its foundation."
"It's okay to be colorful, your dreads and all of that, but don't forget the foundation that was set for you to have the platform that you on today, which is lyricism and different things."
"Nothing can lastingly surpass the character of its foundation."
"Right speech, right action, and right livelihood constitute ethical conduct and is considered as the indispensable foundation for all higher spiritual attainments."
"You would never build a house and start with a second floor, you would start with a great solid foundation."
"We have to create a biological foundation for socialism."
"Beginnings of success, building solid foundations."
"Your foundation is just, it's your base, it's everything."
"Friendships are like sculptures, it helps to start with a good block of stone."
"If you want to have a good relationship, embed it in the truth."
"Sleep is the foundation for greatness. You cannot build a big or grandiose building without strong foundations."
"Having these 10 c's as a foundation gives you a good solid layer to build on top of."
"The best way to actually help beginners... teach them how to make their bed."
"They want to build this relationship on stable solid foundation."
"Recognize these foundations, agree upon them, and everything is not an existential crisis."
"No one can live without a foundation. You cannot hold spiritual things with carnal hands. It won't work."
"Build your foundation first, then reward yourself eventually."
"VR technology is like planting a tree... laying the foundations even if it didn't take root."
"We want to build castles on solid foundations."
"Even if it's just... kind of the foundation for it."
"The most important part of any relationship is more foundational than love, it's respect."
"All great relationships have a foundation of friendship."
"The foundation in life is everything. Whatever you build on top of that foundation is at the mercy of that foundation."
"When challenges come, only the house that's built on the rock will stand. All other foundations are shifting sand."
"Culture is the foundation that breeds success."
"Take the time to build a foundation because you won't struggle when you really learn to walk."
"Support things don't grow without a foundation."
"We didn't build on the rock, we didn't even really get to know each other."
"Glute activation laid the foundation for better glute training."
"This new connection that's coming into your life is built on a very solid foundation. This is the stone... there is a very steady solid foundation that will exist beneath this connection."
"Start asking them to demonstrate their foundations before you start accepting them and allowing them to just run roughshod."
"It's never what you see on top of the ground, it's what's underneath it."
"Believe in the impossible, laying down a much more solid foundation than you have had before."
"Most people define love with the foundation of trust."
"Faulty foundation... established on lies, manipulation, deceit, corruption."
"Patience and planning ahead are keys to building strong foundations in your life."
"Foundations of our new digital civilization."
"Roots placed and foundation laid from the very beginning of my life."
"It's about building a foundation and then solving more complex problems."
"Sleep, diet, and exercise are really the big pillars."
"You cannot have a great house unless you have a fantastic foundation."
"You're working hard towards building a foundation."
"The higher you want to go, the deeper and stronger your foundation needs to be."
"Cryptocurrencies have very strong foundations that aren't easily shaken."
"I say Judeo-Christian, the Mosaic laws, Ten Commandments, and the teachings of Jesus Christ. That's what our founding documents are based upon."
"You cannot build your house on a false foundation. It will crash."
"Your motivations are the foundation for what you want to manifest in life."
"Getting clear about what you need when it comes to the foundation of your life."
"Once you've got your foundations and you're doing what's obliged of you as a Muslim, something happens spiritually."
"If you want to get the rewards, you have to build on the right foundation."
"Waiting can be very beneficial in that you get to work on your foundation."
"Implementing new structures that will form strong foundations is incredibly important right now."
"There are three standard pillars in any relationship: Communication, Commitment, and Trust."
"Deep foundations are essential when the soil conditions at a construction site cannot bear the loads imposed by the structure."
"Functional programming is basically entirely founded on category theory."
"A man will and can wait if his queen, his woman, his future wife says she's not ready for that bedroom because she wants to build on a real foundation."
"Think of starting a garden like building a house; a good foundation is key to long-term success and stability."
"You're setting foundations... You're understanding yourself a little bit better and being brave and courageous."
"Identify the building blocks of healthy, loving, and long-lasting relationships."
"Even experienced options traders will learn something about the foundations and basics of options trading that encourage and enhance their ability to understand more advanced strategies."
"You can speak of the ethical foundations of science but you cannot speak of the scientific foundations of ethics."
"I think it's always nice when you find good foundations and I also find that it wears very beautifully as well which is always key for me with foundations."
"It doesn't matter how much limbic brain emotional warm feelings you have to a person if you don't have these building blocks, those feelings will never create a healthy relationship. The relationship will eventually self-destruct."
"The foundations of knowledge are not absolutely certain."
"Even the most sophisticated systems can have simple foundations."
"We really want to get those foundations right the first time."
"Once the foundations of a building are undermined, anything built on them collapses of its own accord."
"Start with God, with truth, with foundations."
"The foundations of our faith are essential. We've got to not just know about them, we have to understand them and assimilate them into our practice."
"If you don't get the foundations right, if you don't define your project properly right from the start, then you have nothing to build on."
"foundations and think tanks like this bring us together to share these ideas"
"Humanity, like a house, was built up from the bottom up. The answers that you seek lie at the bottom of the world."
"The US left is heavily shaped by foundations, dominated by nonprofits, and heavily dependent on foundations and they receive much of their culture and instructions from these foundations."
"I know that doing all this technical prep was definitely making my foundations in computer science stronger."
"If you want to build a different sort of society, we need to build on these foundations."
"The kind of deep difficult profound thinking about the foundations of cognition."
"There's a reason you cannot find a wealthy family that does not have a foundation. It's one of the few tools out there where you can actually do social change."
"'You'll definitely hear a lot about the building of foundations of Jewish life in America.'"
"If you can answer those three questions, you have the foundations of getting retirement right."
"The foundations of concurrency have remained the same and stable."
"...things get different and we challenge ourselves in various ways with various exercises and flows, their grounding principles and foundations are the same, the breath, the center, the alignment, it all connects."
"It's super important to go back to basics sometimes and look at foundations."
"Science as a practice is predicated on religious axioms."
"We're going to cover topics such as Vector embeddings, Vector search, and databases – the foundation of AI."
"You've got to go back to that foundation point. I think that's a very, that foundation stone is very, very important."
"The foundation is the most important thing, it's like when you're building a house."
"Set those pillars with that foundation down for the longevity and health of your union."
"It's not by concentrating on the fruit, it's by concentrating on the tree and the roots."
"You start with Hilbert space with as little structure as you can and get everything else out of it."
"I think relationships work best than when you start off as friends."
"We need to rebuild it from scratch, strive to build solid foundations for the establishment of the rule of law, transparency, accountability, justice."
"Relationships are all about trust."
"Every Bible story... the foundation in which that story is built on are the laws of God."
"Practice and reinforce the foundations of yoga."
"Prince2 talks about establishing solid foundations for the project in order to proceed."
"Upon what particular foundations did the big ideas of Eastern civilization stand as they answered the pressing questions facing their own societies?"
"God is stepping in and already tearing the foundation up."
"We're only as good as the foundations that we sit on."
"The important thing is to make sure you lay the foundations."
"There's no real method to the madness as long as you know the four foundations."
"A tree can't grow without super strong foundations, and your roots are really just the basics."
"Our job is to educate you on the foundations."
"It's all about laying down those foundations and getting things right in the first place."
"What are the seven foundational things that you need to have in place when you are starting a new business."
"If you start from great foundations, you can't lose."
"When you're building a house, it's the foundation before the roof."
"One of the main goals of mathematical logic is to develop the foundations for all of mathematics."
"In practice, it's very hard to write a proof in a formal system, but it's good to know the foundations are there."
"It's time to go back to the foundation of it."
"You want to get the foundations right and you want to get your form perfect."
"I think it's important to understand our cultural foundations."
"You can do anything you want, but you have to lay those foundations from the very beginning."
"Now we have laid the foundations for the future."
"Let's do some foundations and we'll see how to build digital signatures from lattices."
"All of geometry and even all of mathematics are constructed on solid foundations with the rules of inference of logic."
"What happens when a law of physics is not correct and we have built all the modern physics upon it? That's a problem."
"The Sun, the moon, and the stars, that's the foundation of Earth culture."
"You are building really solid foundations for your future."
"There are four foundations of mindfulness: mindfulness of the body, feelings, consciousness, and mental objects."
"Definitions are the foundations of math."
"Foundations of American government... the ground level that we build upon."
"The life pillars that you've established as the cornerstones."
"You are setting seeds for much healthier relationships, friendships, and foundations."
"There are legitimate foundations for wanting to be skeptical."
"It's about creating those foundations for you, so that you can actually go into your own wardrobes and develop your own sense of style."
"The building of trust and the building of solid foundations."
"Freedom, democracy, and affluence are paper houses built on the conservative rocks of military might, shared liberal values, and institutions that preserve our liberty."
"When your foundations are strong, then you can open up to creative flow."
"I will pour down its stones into the valley, and I will uncover the foundations of it."
"The five pillars of Islam are necessary for a person to be a Muslim."
"Build the foundation and that's what's gonna get you the results."
"Gotta start with the foundation before you can build the house."
"A relationship is built on foundation, so you build a house with no foundation, the house falls down."
"If you have no way of grounding or rationally defending some of the commitments that we all have, then your worldview will come tumbling down."
"Everything that we believe rests on a foundation... a network of beliefs that are unwarranted."
"The foundation of any relationship is knowing exactly what you want."
"These strong foundations of love, trust, and understanding are what really matter and are going to make you feel fulfilled and happy."
"You don't build a tower from the top, you build foundations."
"The seven Ray energies correspond to many Septenaries which provide the basic building blocks of occultism."
"It all starts with the solid foundation."
"Success begins with a proper foundation."
"I have like really strong foundations that I've kind of built myself off of."
"Build solid foundations within your business, identify what the ideal client actually looks like."
"Physicists who work in the foundations of physics mean something very specific by a theory of everything."
"You can't destroy the foundations and expect peace."
"Our society was built on moral and just foundations."
"You want to build a good foundation; know the basics of algebra, combinatorics, geometry, number theory."
"An advanced practice is the humility to go back to the basic poses."
"The kingdom of God is a realm of spirit, and for us to interact with that and live in that, there are certain foundations that must be laid in our lives."
"A whole generation needs to be grounded in these foundations so that they can mature quickly and move on in God."
"Islam had been established and founded on five main pillars."
"Even the world of science is founded on concepts which are invisible."
"We're actually both arguing from a place of faith in our foundations."
"Delivering on great foundations is the most important thing we do to help entrepreneurs architect exactly what they want."
"You got to have a solid foundation before you can start anything."
"I like to think that I have really strong foundations that I've kind of built myself off of."
"He was looking for a city that has foundations, whose builder and maker is God."
"The doctrine of baptisms is one of the foundations of the faith."
"We move through the foundational elements of ancient astrology."
"The Quran contains the foundations that the World Civilization is based on."
"Physics is very interconnected and layered... that's why it's very important to build strong foundations before you move on to the next subject."
"Living healthy and long requires the foundations which is healthy eating, exercise, sleep, stress management."
"So straight off the bat, we're going to be starting with our foundations."
"It was always better to establish a solid foundation before one begins to take on more complicated and crowded tasks."
"Our ancestors knew this all before the first stone of the old world was set in place."
"It is much better to start off with a really, really strong foundation, having little turnout at the beginning and slowly working on that rotational strength."
"Starting from the right foundations can save a lot of time and maximize efficiency of invested efforts."
"Let us now look to the horizon of the future; we must continue to build on solid foundations."
"The tallest buildings have the deepest foundations."
"How can we get the fruit without the roots?"
"This is how you create those cornerstones."
"April is a wonderful month for building solid foundations."
"Managing an engineering team... you need to focus on making sure that the engineering foundations, particularly build processes, build tools, are well designed, well engineered, well taken care of."
"Arab physicians of the 8th to the 11th centuries were laying the foundation of the institutions and science of modern medicine."
"Aristotle works systematically and builds these foundations for thinking."
"The ways we do things change but the foundations stay the same."
"Communicating sequential processes really set the ground for all of this work."
"We're going to learn the foundations of the software."
"British football is built on the grassroots."
"If you focus on the roots, you'll always have a great supply of fruit."
"The world is built on three pillars: the Torah, the Divine service of God, and acts of kindness."
"It's all about foundation, Bernie, isn't it?"
"Think about one thing you can do to establish a new foundation and starting a new cycle."
"You should always have three layers: your spiritual foundation, your family foundation, and then your business foundation."
"Laying a good foundation between human relations and management will be fundamental building blocks on the path to success."