
Reality Manipulation Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Reality itself has a god mode in this god mode you can literally design entire planets from scratch using your will, and they instantly magically appear because there's absolutely no limits of consciousness."
"I create conscious thoughts that travel into the future and alter future realities in the third dimension."
"By knowing how to change your thoughts and channel energy through your mind, you can actually influence reality."
"Wanda can reshape reality at will; she can create living beings out of thin air."
"Scarlet Witch has literally used her powers to change all of reality."
"It's manipulating reality at a very fundamental level."
"Wanda Maximoff has the ability to completely rewrite reality."
"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words."
"You don't have the power to manipulate reality like you have the power to bring about reality in some sense because you confront potential and through your actions and your communicative intent, you turn potential into reality."
"Our thoughts have the power to influence reality through the technique of patterning."
"Free runners have this ability to take the unimaginable and make it into reality."
"Matthew Malloy's power set was reality warping based."
"Magic is very real indeed and all of us are capable of altering the material world."
"When you can warp reality itself, it lets you change the rules of the game."
"She's a practically unstoppable monster that can change all of reality with just a couple of words."
"These powers are like yin yang to each other."
"I think they're both at the level where they can just rewrite reality in whatever the hell they want."
"She can just tell you that you could say like the phoenix has that connection because she can also affect change on such a massive level."
"Morgans isn't telling a fictional story; he's manipulating reality, casting living people in the roles that he selects for them."
"Morgans essentially has the ability to write reality."
"The Spectre can manipulate reality itself and passes judgment on those who inhabit his universe."
"Old Mixie can rewrite matter and reality to suit his needs."
"At 8 years old, this kid's ability to alter and control reality is on such a level."
"Scarlet Witch, to put it simply, she has hex powers but said powers give her the ability to manipulate reality on a cosmic scale."
"The ultimate aim of the Vex is nothing less than the total conversion of reality into their image."
"Scarlet Witch's reality resetting powers are going to reset reality in a way where mutants will now be amongst us."
"That's one of mag's whole things in moving this Overton window is to turn any semblance of reality into a debate."
"The great darkness sits above it all alongside the presence and the empty hand is capable of destroying entire realities and even whole multiverses."
"Human intention can significantly influence properties of materials and the nature of reality."
"Franklin can warp reality and make any thought or desire come to fruition, even up to a cosmic scale."
"You can code your brain to produce the reality you want."
"Change the idea of a thing and you change the thing. It's that simple."
"High value is determined by what you're capable of and the ability to change reality to fit your goals."
"Such an impression is a clue... a variable was changed, reprogrammed as it were."
"We've conjectured the possibility...to manipulate the morphogenetic strata of reality."
"Ada's charm ability actually goes beyond that... she also has the ability to control reality."
"Sorcery involved developing magic powers, manipulating reality, and divination."
"If you can make reality, you can break reality."
"The one thing I do know is the fact that the universe is filled with very intelligent life, and that reality can be altered along with yourself as well by conscious intent." - Military Aerospace Source
"Reality becomes more malleable the better you feel."
"Xemnas bends reality itself in a way that even dementia couldn't dream up."
"The main idea of trans surfing is based on the existence of the alternative space which stores the scripts of all possible events."
"If the world over Heaven were to touch something with its fist, Dio has the ability to override its reality."
"The Phoenix Force has the ability to bend reality to her will."
"...powers in the game can be used in real life."
"It still happened because reality bent to your will."
"Now imagine, if you can, an entity to which the very fabric of reality is like clay, able to be shaped and molded at will."
"You can't help but influence your reality in ways that will get you mindblowing results."
"It's hard to answer this because even if it is only in your imagination, you can still produce physical sensations and manipulate your reality just from your imagination."
"Ben can manipulate reality in any way he wants with no potential limits as Alien X."
"I hate this and he's like, how about this, I'll change reality itself so that people just accept mutants for what they are, and he's like, what? This is... No."
"The suit let me know this wasn't evolution, but his power was shaping reality around him passively."
"If you played the right combination of colors sound sound or frequential harmonies frequencies that you could actually tap into the Matrix of reality."
"The precursors were also credited with constructing massive Labs which were said to be composed of quote crystallized reality."
"Wanda rewrote all of reality, creating a new universe where life was just how she wanted it, no matter whose life she had to change."
"With her magic, Zatanna has bent the laws of reality to her whims."
"Reality warp­ing... the things he does is crazy, right?"
"By tapping into an inconceivable and unknowable pool of energy known as the life force, Wanda rewrote all of reality."
"I just love a person that can manipulate reality with magical means, dude, I just love wizards."
"This world has been chosen for a very important reason, the emerald has the power to turn thoughts into reality."
"Wanda evolved again, gaining the ability to manipulate and rewrite reality itself."
"Unknowingly able to change, manifest, and generally screw around with reality depending on her wishes, the often obnoxious yet eternally entertaining Haruhi becomes a focal point for every kind of sentient life in the universe."
"Franklin Richards is an Omega Level mutant who has depicted vast reality manipulation abilities."
"Franklin was believed to be a mutant with the power to warp reality."
"Lucid dreaming is a place where you can learn to shift in and out of realities and to manipulate reality because reality is just another form of dream."
"Prismo can remix reality, basically giving him powers to travel through time."
"Scarlet Witch is just insanely powerful; she can manipulate and warp reality and is able to cast very powerful spells."
"Franklin Richards is a mutant who can literally warp reality as well as control the fundamental forces of the universe."
"Now Wanda is capable of rewriting reality itself."
"He used his powers of reality warping to help fix the multiverse."