
Rivalry Quotes

There are 4599 quotes

"Do you want sick highlights? Insane rivalry? Then this is the place for you."
"A good well-founded rivalry can be something beautiful and does not need to be taken all too seriously at all."
"Would my clone and I try to take over? Against myself, it would be a battle for supremacy. Matthew vs. Matthew."
"Let me show you what I learned away from you, Kakarot."
"It's just so obvious. Ronaldo again, it's Messi. That'll get people interested in the Champions League."
"Many people point at Blue as the ideal rival, one we want to defeat and who can give us a good challenge."
"Every Batman needs a Joker, and I'm the Joker."
"Girls can actually run shit, but they're too busy fighting each other."
"It's been a long time coming, and now, finally tonight, the feud gets settled once and for all."
"It sparked a lot of creativity, rivalry, and it just made it to where their passion for their series grew exponentially."
"What better rivalry to base this weird series on than that of Mario and Donkey Kong, the original Nintendo 1v1."
"These two teams are looking better than ever. Make no mistake, Texas fans, you have a proper rivalry here brewing."
"You'll try," Vegeta laughs, after Goku warns him not to try anything.
"You're just jealous that I'm popular and talented, and that you're a nobody."
"You were a rock star out there, facial hair bro. I still hate you."
"The Divide will come to you, and the Mojave. That'll be my message to you, like a courier."
"A little rivalry adds to the intensity, it makes us more competitive."
"The entire movie is about the boss baby trying to stop puppies from becoming cuter, for the benefit of babies."
"The reason the two of them have managed to popularize YouTube boxing to that extent is because what they sold wasn't the event itself, it was their beef that they were having at the time."
"The Internet's biggest celebrities, KSI and Logan Paul, attempted to settle their beef."
"I wanted to see you so badly because I wanted to beat you. What you always were to me, my hero. I'm so sorry."
"I could never become you. I'll prove it by taking you down right now."
"Taking pleasure in someone else's pain, that's a great rivalry."
"It is the hardest hitting, most bloodthirsty rivalry in the NFL right now."
"This rivalry didn't place in our number one spot, but for its realistic representation of ideologies clashing, Alexander and Alucard will go down as one of the greatest rivals in anime."
"Competition is built on rivalry. The best stories in esports are about two great players vying for glory, constantly outdoing the other in pursuit of victory."
"The NFL Network ranked it as the greatest NFL rivalry of all time."
"Yet despite both sides now being just a page in history, the legacy of their rivalry would reform the world."
"This was one of the WWF's best feuds at the time and it's a rivalry that I had a whole lot of fun revisiting for this video."
"It takes a lot to make a rivalry happen, but when it does, it can be magical."
"It is the oldest and most storied rivalry in sports."
"This is going to be a legendary rivalry here in the CDL."
"High intensity, bad blood, passionate fan bases are the lifeblood of NFL rivalries."
"A friendly rival is when the rivalry is more good-hearted and there's no actual bad blood or malice, and the rivalry is just basic competition between the two characters."
"This is gonna be a new rivalry. Thanks. This is just what I needed to get back in the game."
"Finally, The Rock has rid the WWE of the cancer that was Roman Reigns."
"I love the Martian Man Hunter. I like his rivalry with the White Martians."
"Put very very simply The Prestige is the story of two famous 19th century stage magicians locked in a lifelong feud and rivalry."
"Rivalry aside for a second, this is such a cool thing and it makes me love these two companies even more."
"Celtic and Liverpool fans may start a riot over who can sing You'll Never Walk Alone."
"Out of all these villains, there's no greater Dynamic than Batman and the Joker."
"Unfortunately the rivalry would end in its prime honda shocked the motorcycling world by announcing they were suspending their racing program in less than a decade they had conquered motorcycle racing and made their bikes the world standard."
"Ghetto: the dark mirror to Gojo's brilliance."
"History is littered with professional rivalries."
"The matchup of the season is happening, Bodhi and Skill Specs versus Ditter Bitter and Torvesta."
"Our remaining two combatants tonight have enough personal animosity political fury and overall insanity to keep all of us entertained."
"Salieri declares him his enemy, an enemy who unjustly endowed a lesser man with the talents that he believed that he deserved."
"I'm gonna surpass you one day and become the king of pirates." - Luffy
"That's his drive. And by the way, we can say this about a lot of names at the top. They chose their enemies wisely."
"So much history between those two. Sting separates them."
"I can't allow CM Punk to have a world championship because you can't have something that you don't respect."
"They feel like they're in competition with you."
"Paul is definitely one of the more interesting ones Ash has ever had."
"You don't get it, this cat and dog war has been going on for ages. We were tired of being pranked and tormented by the cats."
"He didn't care about none of that and he dropped 47 and sent their ass right home."
"Sanji and Zorro hate each other from the jump because they both think only one of them can take the top spot as Luffy's one true Shonen rival."
"The victory at Dervenakia was a triumph for the Hellenic cause, but it cast a long shadow, as thinly veiled rivalries began to boil to the surface."
"The foil Theory - harbinger's constellations set opposite the harbinger they have beef with."
"Every fighter has one of these fights, one of The Grudge Match that really brings the best out of them."
"They just don't like each other, and you've got to like that when that is the main event." - Sean Wheelock
"Hashirama and Madara: a lifelong friendship and rivalry."
"It was a good day. Brad finally got what was coming to him. I finally defeated nemesis and best of all, I completed the knife only challenge."
"I'll get you for this, Pan, if it's the last thing I do." - Captain Hook, Peter Pan franchise.
"Ultimately, you're our biggest rival, we're your biggest rival, and deep down they're loving it really."
"Fox seemed happy about that. I just love political scalps. Don't you love when one side just takes a scalp?"
"The rivalry has begun, the gauntlet has been thrown down."
"This fight was super important to him, not only proving that he could beat Sasuke but also saving Sasuke."
"Rivals take time to cultivate, like a chia pet."
"Spend the time to build up the rivalry, and the payoff can be spectacular."
"Isn't it fitting that this matchup would go five once again? Now four straight times that has happened in this series."
"This battle had everything: amazing visuals, thematic depth, and a satisfying expansion of the series' biggest rivalry."
"He was given the title of the great king, now he is a great foil to Kageyama who's just known as the king."
"Who am I competing against? Me, the final round will be Rebecca versus Nick."
"Maria Licciardi, a force to be reckoned with amidst the violent feuds of the organized criminal Clans."
"Jane's conduct in this instance was straight out of Anne Boleyn’s playbook, and shows that Jane herself followed a very similar strategy."
"I am going to destroy CM Punk in the most anticipated event of the year. Champions game time."
"Your enemy will not get to your helper before you."
"The battle of wits between Light Yagami as the serial killer Kira and L is legendary."
"I think it's a fantastic move to put a Star Trek, yet why? Because there's this make-believe thing of Trekkies versus Star Wars fans."
"One of the fiercest rivalries in the fast food industry is between Wawa and Sheetz."
"This is a Revenge job... we owe Brentford one."
"This is one of the most heated rivalries not just in the women's division here in all elite wrestling, but in the entire promotion."
"I don't know if there's any story better than the teammates turned rivals."
"The Knights of Zamor, better rivals of the Giants."
"Before being rivals, we're gonna shake hands."
"But against G2, they show the same confidence that G2 tried to demonstrate."
"It's not only because we got to playoffs, but we beat G2."
"Rivalries are not built overnight, and these two have a long storyline."
"Their rivalry adds spice to the straw hat group dynamic."
"Like the Yugi and Kaiba relationship, they hate each other on the surface but are besties behind the scenes."
"Blisk: 'You kill me, you're better. I kill you, I'm better.'"
"Vince McMahon would go out of his way to prove the WWF was superior to WCW and ECW through a series of questionable booking decisions."
"Harness the awesome power of Godzilla's thunderous roar and devastating tail swipe as the king of the monsters battles Kong to settle an ancient rivalry."
"It's personal. You can tell. Honestly, we just dislike each other."
"Why would I not want that? Like the madness, it was the other way around, there's not a City fan in the country that wouldn't want Manchester United to be guilty and be in trouble."
"Respect your haters, they're the only ones who think you're better than them."
"My last words need to be better than his because he's my competition."
"Kenichi has a chance of being happy and I [ __ ] hate Shinichi."
"My desire to succeed now was far greater than your desire to want me to fail."
"Tony Stark's character has gone throughout all of this. Tony Stark versus his enemy, Thanos, is the culmination of his character arc."
"You haven't seen the last of me, Maverick. I'll be back, I'll be ready."
"Probably hold off on then till we arrive, they will be a mistake to deal with but I'll text you if they start acting up and we can zap them."
"The only way to end a rivalry is for someone to rise above it. You have to be the bigger man."
"This is a massive game for Arsenal, it's a massive game for Spurs."
"Time is your greatest friend until it becomes your fiercest enemy."
"Trump is reflecting this wake-up that's occurring about the fact that, lo and behold, there is a country that's emerged, and it is rivaling us in many dimensions, and its behavior is unacceptable."
"I look better than you, I rap better than you, I get more money than you. I'm just a legend compared to you, kid."
"Yugi, trusting in kyber, adds this card to his deck following this we get the best pre-dool cut banter I have seen in the entire Yu-Gi-Oh franchise."
"Who stole whose personality? Come on, you try to be like daddy."
"Sometimes your enemies make you a worthy opponent."
"Mike Pence proved once again that he is the most dangerous person in the world for Donald Trump."
"If it's me against you, it's me always. Us never them."
"All I see is a shell of a man, an old shell of a man. On November 24th, the millions will be able to watch the steam out of your face as I bury you."
"I don't feel like I have to wipe out everybody out of time just my enemies."
"Two guys under 30, undefeated, don't like each other, they willed this fight into existence."
"What more can you say? Two guys under 30, undefeated, don't like each other, they willed this fight into existence."
"They've got some sort of a grudge to settle here, maybe I'm gonna call that in America we call it beef."
"Ali and Frazier put forth magnificent efforts in their rivalry defining encounter, and each man utilized every fiber of his being in a desire to win."
"Competition breeds greatness. Iron sharpens iron. Like, you need that rivalry."
"The other one is Sebastian obviously maybe we didn't have the same package to compete with."
"Their pride won't let them admit out loud that you surpassed them."
"Naruto fought Sasuke for the final time, marking the end of an era."
"The more angry Sean got, the more driven I became. I would have probably worked with every one of his competitors for free just to bury him."
"The idea that he got Rollins back for what he did to him, it was his chance to finally do it after all these years and that cost him the match."
"I lost, but I'd expect nothing less from my rival."
"The stakes that our rival team brings aren't as life or death or world-ending as others but conversely they are way more grounded, more realistic."
"A rival is an incredibly effective way to facilitate change and a character Arc for your PCs."
"The rivalry needs to be there, but we're rivals not enemies."
"Fairchild's two young spin-offs, Intel and AMD, would go on to have one of the most intense rivalries."
"Goku realizes Vegeta has finally surpassed him. While it's not a crazy gap in power, it's still considerable. And he commends Vegeta for it. It seems Goku really will have to step up his training if he wants to catch up."
"Matt Hardy returns to the company attacking Edge in a wild scene on Raw."
"Go ahead and beat the living hell out of each other for 60 minutes."
"Laughing at our rivals for losing a cup or going out of Champions League feels empty when you're not winning anything."
"You trying to eat with [ __ ], not compete with [ __ ]."
"It's only gonna feel that much better when we send your asses home to your moms crying like little bitches."
"Sasuke being a cool genius was Kishimoto's way of creating an ideal rivalry against Naruto."
"This is why this is the Derby, this is what rivalries are made of."
"Diana needs this armor when facing her frenemy Camilla."
"I've done everything in my power to make sure I do the worst thing to this man this weekend."
"The battle for Undisputed, the one we've all been waiting for."
"I will do to you what I did to WCW, what I did to ECW, I will break you down and then I will buy you out." - Vince McMahon
"This is not the last time that the Dancing Dolls will see LCDC. You're going to go home dreaming about us."
"She should have been Shuichi's rival, not Kokichi."
"It's a perfect storm... Israel Adesanya and Sean Strickland as perfect foils."
"That's their biggest rival if they can if those two can actually figure out how to coexist in the same building it'd be hard."
"When you reach the top, it seems like you have more enemies and more people against you."
"Goku vs Vegeta is that rivalry. It's that yin yang. It is that duo."
"You know who's better than Luffy and Zoro? Who's better than Naruto and Sasuke? It's usually Goku and Vegeta."
"Jericho's feud with Shawn Michaels is considered one of the best feuds in WWE history."
"I'll get you back by destroying lots of enemies and making you look bad."
"You're nobody in eSports until someone wants to kill you."
"It's a derby form goes out the window we know that."
"My name is in his mouth, but I'm just gonna say, the numbers that Jake is doing, they're all smoke and mirrors."
"Chelsea did football society a favor by winning today, they made sure that Tottenham continued to have that trophy drought."
"I'm not a beta to the white man's Alpha I'm the alpha to his Alpha I'm Alpha squared Alpha plus."
"Isn't it amazing how we turned Formula One into just a battle between two guys? It always happens, you know, the rest are just make weights now, aren't they, they're just people."
"There was a legitimate hatred between these two men."
"Finally, we see the only real rivals in this movie sequel beat the hell out of each other."
"I mean that's the NA rivalry right... that is TSM, C9, and CLG sometimes sliding in there."
"I don't know if it's like the AFTV thing and over the years about how cocky their fans are and just... I just can't put it into words how much I hate them."
"And I think it'll be a rivalry that the sport remembers forever."
"It just irked me a little bit that he's like, 'oh these guys [] greasing.' It's like I broke your foot just to [] live with it after seeing this."
"It is absolutely dog eat dog. There is no love lost."
"By the time Starship makes it to orbit, Blue Origin will have done more promotion for it than SpaceX."
"I just have one request: beat them twice a year."
"We are off to Korea for the finals Invictus gaming vs. Fnatic you could say east versus west or you could say EU versus LPL"
"From the first time Sonic entered our eyepieces a war has raged between Mario and Sonic...between Nintendo and Sega. But the question remains, who is better?"
"Behind every multimedia trans species corporate feud there's a simple truth. This just happens to be the truth of Mario vs. Sonic, the Real Truth!"
"Frieza's ego is still unwilling to accept that he lost to a filthy monkey."
"Shawn Evans doesn't know it yet, but he's met his true match in science."
"The rivalry system in SSX Tricky makes these races more interesting by making them more personal. Every single character has a different relationship with each of the other characters in the game."
"We were the best and everyone likes attacking United. Let's shut them up."
"A very legitimate and strong rivalry has definitely brewed up between Spears and Sky without a doubt."
"The rivalry with Rashad Evans may not have been as vicious, but it may be one of the most important moments in Jon Jones's career."
"Edge and Undertaker clashed in a Hell in a Cell match."
"It's our opinionated neighbors so we never want to lose to them ever."
"I believe now we are playing for higher stakes. I'm at 19 wins to your 21, so you might be fighting for your life out here, buddy."
"Well, buddy, I believe now we are playing for higher stakes. I'm at 19 wins to your 21, so you might be fighting for your life out here, buddy."
"I want the east coast to present in a good light, especially compared to the west coast."
"Having wiped the smile from the faces of the British crowd, could Vettel now wipe that smile onto the German fans?"
"The back and forth between Moist Critical and SNEO could qualify as one of the biggest beefs in YouTube history."
"The Lakers' fans are right up there with the Knicks and the Celtics for thinking they'll get every single player."
"My goal is to not die and my second goal is to make sure that the people who want me to die do die."
"I'm over the Drake beef but was one record away from destroying Drake's whole career."
"That team would have beaten the Lakers in the conference finals. He knows it. You know it. LeBron knows it. Everybody knows it."
"It's gonna be standing room only in that match, healthy rivalry, a lot of pride riding on it."
"One of the biggest rivalries in Rocket League history."
"Champa reveals that he wants to challenge Beerus from Universe 7 to a tournament."
"A Valentina Shevchenko Amanda Nunes kind of situation... their legacies mean that they're gonna meet again."
"I've been wanting to battle him... he's been consistent year after year."
"I'm here to win. If I have to take Kenny out on the way, then you ain't taking nothing out, mate."
"Eventually I want to get to Jake, that's the main plan."
"Is it because they really believe he's racist or they believe that he's getting the views and the clicks that they used to got so they want to take him out?"
"You don't get rich without enemies. You need enemies. They fuel the fire, they keep people talking about you. They work for you, they don't even know it."
"Losing twice to Arsenal in a season hurts more than dreadful performances." - Rivalry and the emotional impact of football matches.
"What's the point of friends if not to mentally destroy them?"
"The positive forces make Barry their Avatar so Barry and Thon have their final classic Speedster battle."
"Donald Trump sees Ron DeSantis as potentially his most powerful challenger in the 2024 Republican primary."
"Camp rivalry, that's fine too. Yeah, camp rivalry is the best part of camp because you have to hate someone."
"Series 4 really is an amazing piece of micro engineering and design."