
Gun Violence Quotes

There are 218 quotes

"The satirical website The Onion follows a ritual running this headline: 'No way to prevent this,' says only nation where this regularly happens."
"An all-American event, right, a Super Bowl parade that now has been struck by some kind of gun violence."
"We bring guns in places they don't belong and use violence to solve our problems or to express our frustrations."
"You're tweaking 'cause you just heard some gunshots. Where do you live, not America?"
"We have had too many moments of silence and too many expressions of sympathy. Too many families are grieving the loss of a loved one. Expanding background checks is overwhelmingly supported by the American public because they know that it will make a meaningful difference in reducing gun violence and saving lives."
"Our Administration remains fully committed to reducing gun violence and to advancing safety, inclusion, and belonging for all."
"More than 44,000 people died because of guns in the U.S last year, that's the size of a small city wiped out."
"We need Congress to act to protect our communities and children from gun violence."
"We are living during an epidemic of gun violence and mass shootings."
"Gun violence continues to take the lives of more than 100 Americans every day."
"Gun violence is a public health emergency, and common-sense regulations are a necessity."
"It's not fatherless homes. There are fatherless homes in Canada, in the United Kingdom. Why aren't they killing as many people with guns?"
"Some of the countries that have the highest rate of gun violence have the highest level of gun control. There's just no correlation anyone's ever been able to find."
"Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe claimed at a press conference that gun violence kills 93 million Americans per day. Yes, really."
"Gun violence in America is a seemingly intractable issue with a complex history and tragic real-life stakes."
"We can curb gun violence by creating a happy population. When people feel like they're happy and they have opportunity, they don't turn to violence and crime."
"Families of those poor 20 children... were gunned to pieces by a lunatic with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle. They were already grief-stricken beyond belief."
"Despite the title of the hearing today, there hasn't been an honest engagement in search for bipartisan solutions to gun violence."
"In the face of such loss, in the face of something that is man-made and therefore could be man-solved, you are hearing that the root cause of massacres across this country is evil, it's mental illness."
"They're going out there and blaming gay people instead of the guns that are actually killing people."
"We recognize their lives today, and those lost affected by gun violence this weekend in Houston, in Southern California, Milwaukee, and communities across the country, and we honor the bravery of those in law enforcement."
"Problems with gun violence very quickly solve themselves when the playing field is leveled."
"In other countries there's extreme rhetoric just like this but they don't have mass shootings."
"I run a YouTube channel, STB Philly, I talk about the massive gun violence problem."
"Gun violence in the black community, I don't think that's spoken about highly enough."
"If it's a black shooter, the media never covers it. That's just how it is."
"Guns are now the leading cause of death for children and young adults in these United States."
"They want to control the past, they want to control history, they want to control which history they want to control what is considered the truth."
"We're marching to try and stop gun violence, to stop people from being murdered en masse."
"I'm from New Orleans, I've lost cousins to gun violence."
"Don't let a scammer enjoy your retirement. Check who you're dealing with."
"How is this still happening how are our children still dying and why are we failing them gun violence is the number one killer of children and teens."
"We're America. Just remember that. What do you mean 25k? What the [ __ ] guys? There have been 131 mass shootings with four or more people wounded or killed so far in 2023 as well."
"Let's start by making the loss of these lives matter."
"America has too many mass shootings. It's really messed up."
"Gun violence is an epidemic that's taking the lives of too many people, including the brightest hope for the future of America, our kids."
"I'm tired of people getting shot and it isn't just mass shootings people are getting shot every single day."
"As horrific as mass shootings are, they are the tip of the iceberg of gun violence in America." - Dr. Alan Lichtman
"The Centers for Disease Control and prevention has identified gun violence as the leading cause of death for children in America today." - Congressman Brian Higgins
"If you have no guns, you have no gun violence. Same goes for housing."
"Sandy Hook was supposed to be the last time this ever happened."
"The tragedy that befell the victim Shawn Jackson should never have occurred."
"The tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the urgent need for action to address the root causes of gun violence."
"It's clearly attempted murder. In no universe does trespassing allow you to shoot someone. It was just an attempt to lynch a man in broad daylight."
"Our kids, families, and communities deserve to live without the worry of gun violence."
"The Louisville shooter who murdered five people bought his AR-15 legally, police say."
"When you perpetrate such fictions or when you believe such fictions, you are slowing down the process of solving this problem. More shootings are going to occur, and some of that blood is on your hands."
"I would like to see less guns and less violence."
"When a kid goes to school, he shouldn't have to fear... getting shot by guns."
"Her shocking murder brought further attention to the issue of gun violence in America."
"We need to stop gun violence. Kids are dying, kids are dying."
"The number one killer of young people are the guns."
"The tragic shooting... sparked conversations about gun violence, mental health, and Public Safety."
"We have a responsibility to act... to put an end to the horror and bloodshed that gun violence inflicts every day in America." - Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
"Gun violence is the number one killer of children and teens."
"This happens nowhere other than in the United States."
"More mass shootings have happened in this country than there have been days in this year so far."
"Nineteen children are dead. So to my Republican colleagues, I ask, who are you here for?" - Congressman Eric Swalwell
"The heart of the issue: Why is America the only country that faces this kind of mass shooting?"
"Bowling for Columbine raises a number of difficult questions surrounding gun violence."
"No one in our community, not a mother, not a nine-year-old, certainly not news professionals, should become the victim of gun violence."
"The cause of mass shootings is not guns but the culture of death."
"There's just thousands of people being shot in this country every single year fatally shot and the question is how we normalize that."
"Analyzing the root causes of mass shootings."
"Mass shootings and school shootings are about one percent of the gun violence in this country."
"I'm sick, sick, sick of opening up Twitter or watching the news to learn there's been yet another mass shooting in America."
"Barack Obama did authorize the CDC to do the largest uddiyan to gun violence beware of the statistics that came out of that study."
"Each one representing more than 150 people killed by gun violence since Parkland."
"There's so many but the surge of gun violence since the start of this pandemic, I made it clear we should use these funds to combat violent crime as well," he said.
"I'm tired, aren't you tired? Aren't we tired of these useless deaths?"
"Nobody thinks that we're in a good place with gun violence in this country."
"Two-thirds of all gun fatalities in the United States are suicides."
"The well-researched connection between a history of domestic violence and gun violence combined with expanded background checks could've prevented much of the gun violence we experienced in this country."
"Gun violence in this country is an epidemic."
"The underlying epidemic of gun violence has stayed with us for decades and is going to continue to grow unfestered unless we do something about it."
"After Columbine we were shocked, after Sandy Hook we said no more, after Parkland we were outraged, but after you've all day nothing has happened."
"My one and only child who fought through open heart surgery at four months is gone due to senseless gun violence."
"It's miraculous that you survived 3 gunshot wounds to the head."
"104 people were shot, 13 were killed, five of them were children, one was only three years old."
"There's no single reason gun violence happens because of an intersection of multiple things."
"Why are you guys content with school children getting slaughtered while hiding behind well thoughts and prayers?"
"We currently have more shootings in the United States this year than we have days. That's right, more mass shootings."
"Gun violence is prominent in Chicago... all they know, that's all they've seen all their life."
"I don't know a single person in Chicago who has not been affected by gun violence."
"We have failed as a culture and a country to address a true danger among us every single day: guns."
"Tonight another deadly mass shooting in America... The horror unfolding as the store was filled with holiday shoppers."
"There have been 130 mass shootings in the United States essentially in the first quarter of 2023."
"We've had 164 days in the year 2023 and we've had 291 mass shootings."
"Black brothers need sons and not children that's been killed by guns."
"We have got to do everything that we possibly can to combat gun violence in America."
"The vast majority agree: all the gunshots they heard came from the same location."
"This is America in 2023: 36 mass shootings just three weeks into the year."
"How do you go after gun violence without actually targeting people?"
"President Biden believes that the surge in gun violence that has affected communities across the country over the last year and a half is unacceptable."
"This is the reason why we have more gun crime than any other developed country it's because we have more gangs to people than any other developed country in the world and it's not even close."
"Gun violence is now the leading cause of death among children in America."
"We are suffering from an epidemic of gun violence in this country, both in mass shootings and in daily gun violence."
"Gun violence is not a tragedy like a natural disaster; it's preventable."
"Living free from gun violence should be a right."
"Curbing gun violence is a key to tampering down the staggering surge of crimes across the U.S."
"Violence here is a real problem. Gun violence."
"But I'll tell you what, I don't personally want attention, what I want is attention on the issue of gun violence."
"We expect platitudes, but there's no change on the horizon on this issue of gun violence."
"That, of course, is why those people are coming to the United States, to escape a level of gun violence that ought to make us welcome them seeking safety, but of course, you know what we do instead."
"Chicago's gun violence has nothing to do with Indiana's gun laws or Illinois gun laws or any gun control measure that you could propose. Chicago is kind of the perfect example of strict gun control not working."
"Guns, as we know, is the leading cause of killing our kids."
"I want to reduce gun violence in the United States by all means possible."
"A lot of folks tell me gunshots here in this neighborhood are pretty common. They say the first round they thought, okay, this is normal, right? And then the second round, the third round, that's when they got concerned."
"This movie does one thing that I haven't seen movies do in a long time, and that's making gun violence terrifying. Gun violence is not portrayed as scary as it should be sometimes in films, and this movie does it."
"It wasn't necessarily about a gang it's about gun violence because uh we should be able to talk to one another man we shouldn't have to run to a gun to resolve a conflict."
"We gotta put the guns down, young people. We gotta put the guns down."
"Gun violence is not normal it's not okay and the majority of Americans feel that way and want something to be done with regulations yet nothing is being done about it nothing."
"The United States of America is unique among nations. There is no other country where the number one cause of death among children and teenagers is guns."
"Gun violence is a public health epidemic plain and simple."
"...there are about as many guns in this country as our people and these things happen a few times here whatever it's very tragic that's actually mathematically very low."
"we're going to make sure that we do something about gun violence in this country yes the idea that we allow salt weapons to be so with magazines with 100 rounds it's just bizarre."
"People say there's just more guns on the streets in Amarillo these days."
"This was a very deadly shooting that occurred at a church. This was within the last four months. Steven Willerford, who I interviewed on our show, he's the man who stopped the active shooter with an AR-15."
"The number of mass shootings went down from 1994 until 2004 and sharply increased after 2004."
"Our company's whole mission is to reduce gun violence and we're going to do it when these deranged individuals show their gun really early, which is again and again and again, and we're not going to stop doing it."
"Don't let the gun violence tear y'all apart, all right? Y'all get there."
"The only way to combat gun violence is with more gun violence, but like in the right direction."
"Guns were being used to kill and terrorize our community."
"It's like hardly metaphoric at all when you consider like how much actual gun violence is going on in America."
"Guns don't kill people, this guy does... with guns. Lots of guns."
"Mass shootings have increased exponentially in our public spaces."
"We're confronted with the carnage that is inflicted on the human body when these weapons of war are used."
"Assault weapons are often a firearm choice for perpetrators who commit startling public acts of mass murder."
"I am tired of seeing parents bury their children."
"In a world where guns exist, the threat of gun violence will also exist."
"We need to acknowledge what it means to be an American...being afraid to drop off your child at an elementary school or always wondering when and where the next shooting will happen."
"We didn't have to worry about seeing the sort of violence that we see every week in the United States."
"Stephanie Robinson prior to the incident they'd been arguing before Robinson pulled out a gun and fired."
"I just turned around to leave and I walked probably 10 feet and then I could see her the gun come up she had a gun in her hand and uh then she just pulled the trigger."
"It will go on happening in this country so long as men carry pistols in their pockets and hot blood in their veins."
"I've seen the pain they've gone through... for those who have survived gun violence and have injuries, there is tremendous impact on them."
"It's like the world is going crazy, seems like a school shooting happens almost daily."
"People don't have guns and they don't shoot children at their school, it was a balloon. A balloon popped. Screw you, America."
"The Killing highlighted the dire need for more support and resources for families who are affected by gun violence."
"Shootings in this city have got to stop. Having six young people shot at one time in one incident is sickening, it's disgusting."
"Gun violence has become normal in Durham, North Carolina, and people are fed up. It's horrible."
"In a country where over 10,000 Americans are murdered by guns every year, it's all too easy to go numb to the violence we see dominating our nightly news. It can seem like too big a problem for anyone to do anything about, but there is a way forward."
"Exactly but it's literally like every other day at this point there's some [__] mass shooting."
"Last weekend, 17 people got shot in Chicago. 16 was black. 11 was under the age of 18. We're killing each other over nothing."
"yeah mass shootings of all kinds are actually a pithy tiny portion of gun homicide uh crime in America"
"He's got the gun to his head, puts it over his pillow. He's crying, 'Please, please, please, please, please.'"
"Two-thirds of gun deaths in the United States every year are suicides."
"I just want to remind you all that your work is not in vain. St Louis and I are here today to talk about accountability for gun violence for this epidemic that continues to ravage our communities and our country."
"There's an epidemic of mass shootings in our country, school shootings in particular have devastated our communities."
"Solutions around gun violence will require addressing the ease with which our youth access and turn to firearms to solve their conflicts."
"I lost a couple of my friends with gun violence in the city."
"We must keep working to stop gun violence."
"We lose thirty thousand or more people a year to gun violence."
"We should all hope that gun violence comes to an end in the new year and the years that follow."
"I investigate gun violence crimes, so crimes related to firearms and assaults that deal with firearms."
"Gun violence is the number one cause of death for children in this country and it is a Public Health crisis."
"It terrifies me that I have to worry about my kids sitting in the school room potentially getting shot up."
"Since 9/11, over 400,000 Americans, almost 27,000 per year or 73 per day, have died by gunfire in the United States."
"Gun violence brings pain to the entire community, and by extension, to the whole of society."
"It's a complicated issue, there's no doubt, but for those who say after every shooting, 'Oh, it's too soon,' no, it's too soon really? We're not safe at school, we're not safe in church, we're not safe at concerts."
"He was charged with attempted murder, assault, and several gun-related crimes."
"Gun violence is a public health crisis."
"We can rally around the united cause of eliminating gun violence."
"I'll remember that because so many people receive that telephone call about people that they love who are victims of gun violence."
"People with guns kill more people than people without guns."
"Each person who is a victim of gun violence has a family."
"Gun violence is a public health and a human rights issue."
"It's time something is done about gun violence in America. How many more innocent people have to die to incite change?"
"She's looking at these sort of social topics like gun violence, there's a massive focus on this in domestic violence."
"There's too many kids dying from the gun violence."
"It's not an easy movie to watch, it's about gun violence, but it is incredibly effective."
"We agree that in a civil society, the people must be able to shop in a grocery store, walk down the street, or sit peacefully in a classroom and be safe from gun violence."