
Confidentiality Quotes

There are 591 quotes

"Attorney-client privilege is among the most sacred of all legally recognized privileges."
"For some reason, people tell me things they probably shouldn't."
"I do character design, prop design. I also did some other stuff for season two, but I can't really talk about it."
"Journalists' promises of confidentiality are vital to reporting the news."
"Every person I speak to about their involvement in their group is given respect, space to tell their story, and freedom to stay off the record."
"I'm only able to be this honest with you because I know Andrew has shared with you some of the background details no one has heard before."
"The presumption people can have when a journalist promises confidentiality is that she'll keep her word."
"President Trump is very upset with members of his own administration who keep leaking on him, so he's taking stuff and putting stuff basically in a secret vault."
"Since the earliest days of human communication, we quickly learn the importance of confidentiality."
"What stays in here in house is in house well that's not no that's no longer you know."
"She's literally the secret keeper... this feeling that people will just tell you their secrets and you didn't even ask them to."
"One big one is discretion. It means that it's not going to come out except except for, except for here it is."
"Rudy surrendering new files to Jack Smith that Donald Trump never wanted to see the light of day."
"That's my medical privacy and I would like for you very much not to disclose my medical information."
"When it's really real, you keep it in-house."
"The fact that you can keep a secret is your biggest secret."
"This is definitely a secret which I don't want you to know."
"There have been circumstances it's rare where I've known things about very big cultural stories but for safety reasons I can't talk about it and so that's a reality."
"Among other things, the agreement requires that any and all disputes, claims, or controversies of any kind or nature whatsoever between Miss Herman and Mr. Woods are to be resolved by confidential binding arbitration."
"If we're not going to stand up and reject the silencing, refuse to be gagged, refuse to accept that the confidentiality clause applies to you but not to the people who are leaking..."
"The big giveaway that this is a confidential development build of Windows and not Windows 7 can be seen in the 'Let's not leak our hard work' desktop wallpaper."
"Ordinarily, to maintain the integrity of a criminal investigation, you wouldn't want it to be confidential."
"He's dressed to handle your darkest secrets, your deepest stain, your sweat."
"Please do not leak this contract, its settlement, and its termination to the third party like these facts."
"Responses are 100 percent confidential and can't be shared with your landlord, law enforcement, or any government agency."
"Judges only two people who have seen this report and that's me and you."
"When this kind of stuff leaks, it erodes the confidence, and that, my friends, is the only thing that's really holding this farce together."
"The FBI had a special tool for communicating with Twitter and providing secret instructions."
"Don't have to share any information, including your email with them."
"It's a little alarming that they're offering services in which some of them still have top secret security clearance within our government."
"It's a testament to character for someone if they tell you something in confidence."
"Elon Musk is threatening to sue Twitter employees who leak confidential information to the Press he's asking staffers to sign a pledge indicating they've understood the letter."
"There's a push for disclosure and there's a push for non-disclosure happening right now."
"For the moment, I ask that you keep all that's happened this evening between you and me."
"You need to have certain people behind closed doors that you trust 100%."
"Isn't that crazy? I've never told anybody that."
"Every word she utters is with this secret smile and conspiratorial, 'I'm letting you in, telling you I'm confessing. It's so embarrassing, guys.'"
"If you cannot offer a source a promise of confidentiality as a journalist, your toolbox is empty."
"It's not one item, it's not two items. It is, according to the material on your screen, newly released and unsealed—a sweeping list of government property, national security information, and some of it top secret..."
"I think that in a romantic relationship, most people have a reasonable expectation that what they share with their partner is going to stay just between the two of them."
"He's got a lot to hide, so I could see why he drafts it. But essentially, he wants to keep you from saying bad things about him even after you leave the employment of the campaign. But that's not going to be enforceable."
"I don't want to put this out there on the internet but it has been floated to me by Executives..."
"NDAs are basically like, 'look you can't say nothing about everything that went down.'"
"I'm not going to talk about it too much because right now Linus Tech tips is doing a third party investigation."
"Joe Biden's involvement was not to be mentioned in writing, only face to face."
"Simon allowed Lisa to continue her session alone, and it wasn't long before she confided in her new life coach." - The beginning of Lisa's plan to escape.
"Welcome to the Thursday conference! Unfortunately, due to our new embargo agreements, none of you will be allowed to talk about it until a week after this is finished to ensure that everybody experiences it together."
"Michael Arteta said today in his press conference that him and Lacazette have sorted out what's going to happen with his future behind closed doors." - Host
"I'm not allowed to know how the other participants rank."
"Keep that information to yourself because it's your own intellectual property."
"Ah, well, I'd love to tell you, but I have signed many non-disclosure agreements."
"A secret doesn't mean no one can know, it means only those who appreciate what a secret is may be informed."
"If this were just about archived records and nothing was classified then I'd be pretty much in agreement."
"Narendra Modi has adopted the policy of confidentiality, trust, and likeness."
"That's what's nice about being in the media, you can keep people protected to a certain level without divulging your sources."
"Stop snitching to your boss, mind your own business."
"What you mean by amendments? She had changed a lot of information on his file. I'm not allowed to know the exact extent, but she had access to everything HR would."
"Gentlemen don't deal with a woman who cannot keep her mouth closed or keep your confidences."
"He never confides in anyone but he's trusted me since the day we met."
"It was the worst year ever for me... some of the reasons that made it the worst year I cannot publicly disclose yet."
"I promise the person who shared this with me I will not tell what you told me."
"The percentage of people that will confess their kind of situations and just confide in barbers before they confide in therapists, friends, this, that, the other."
"Nobody should be speaking to anybody who remotely CL or closely heard anything or knows anything about this case."
"They shouldn't be published, they shouldn't be spread around, and there will be consequences, including a criminal investigation."
"I wish I could speak about them, but I can't because I signed an NDA."
"Whatever you tell me in the privacy of my office is in the strictest of confidence."
"Confide in only a select few about your private life."
"Some secrets are not meant to be exposed."
"Hey, it's okay. Your secret is safe with me."
"The lawsuit was officially settled out of court on July 22nd with both Rina and WWE agreeing to not discuss the matter in public nor disclose the terms of the settlement."
"WWE assured her that what happened in the past would stay in the past."
"Your data is confidential; nobody else can see your data."
"We always feel like people's affairs should be private."
"This is the safe zone, a safe place, a safe haven where everything that we speak about is confidential."
"I've had a lot of secrets in my hand, doesn't matter who I associate with, I don't talk about those secrets."
"Never say anything you've heard today until you're older."
"Confidentiality is about preventing unauthorized disclosure of information."
"Forced them to sign a heavy NDA and forbade them from copying the script or taking it back in any fashion."
"You must not discuss this case with anyone until you retire to deliberate. This includes family, friends, and even your fellow jurors."
"He knew he could confide in me and I wouldn't crap on him."
"Thank you for trusting me with your messages."
"Everything a client tells you is confidential, unless there's imminent danger of hurting themselves or somebody else."
"You never talk about someone and expose them or tell other people if you heard about them, if it's for the purpose of marriage, it must remain between you and it never goes out to anyone else."
"People feel comfortable to tell you things that they haven't told other people."
"I think, except for sealing off the area, we should do the exact opposite. Everybody here, at E Lab, knows exactly what happened. Certainly whoever took the bugs know. But nobody outside knows anything yet. Keep it that way. Leave it wide open."
"Thanks for trusting me with your secret."
"Confidentiality is often protected through encryption both at rest and in transport."
"Discretion is rule number two in the personal assistant handbook."
"She was on the campus of Griffith college, she has not breached the masquerade."
"We are basically juggling along this triangle where we want to keep the security in such a way where the data is confidential, it's trustworthy, and at the same time, it is highly available to all the authorized users as and when they want it."
"There is secret keeping woven into the culture of media."
"The reason for their breakup was not revealed by both parties."
"Nobody knows about it, it's like the best kept secret."
"We do all have a right to privacy."
"Any information sent to the Process Assistance Center is confidential."
"The identity of the whistleblower is kept confidential for as long as possible."
"Imagine that, you know, you're gonna tell anybody about this one."
"Things that need to remain confidential should remain confidential."
"Their unflinching commitment to client confidentiality drew an eclectic clientele."
"What happened to Ian wasn't publicly disclosed."
"You have all these records of information that you would not want to get out."
"If gotten out... could really... impede the security... of our nation... and other nations as well."
"Secrets are for keeping, you know."
"Be careful who you talk to and who you talk with. Some things only God should know."
"This past season, 27 players were caught by producers reading this book while they were shooting, and the producers disappeared it from all common knowledge."
"Be extremely picky about who you talk about your marriage with."
"A secret between just the two of them."
"I know how to keep a secret. Compared to a clam, I am an oyster."
"This stays between us, you know what I'm saying?"
"Prioritize friendship and keep secrets. Friendships can never truly be a safe space if everyone feels like everything will be spilled when the friendship ends."
"I want to keep us between me and you only."
"Keep it on the download. Nobody has to know."
"I've told secrets that I'll never even talk about again."
"Providing more details that do not compromise the ongoing investigation."
"...that's even off the Record Man I mean I've said that to you many times."
"That's how tightly held that secret was."
"I'm being so vague and I'm so sorry but this is just another one of those things where I kind of don't want to share publicly until I know what's going on because I nothing is finalized right now."
"If you have a problem, then how could you tell somebody else?"
"No research is ever done under an NDA a new drug application or a bla a biological license application research is done under the indd."
"We talk about everything in there, and it's honestly the secret sauce, like, it's the juice."
"No one should have their secret told if they don't want to share it."
"They trust you with their secrets."
"One way we can be safe is by keeping other people's names safe, by keeping their stories safe."
"No one else, like not a single human being, knows this about me, except for you guys now."
"Secure Printing prevents inadvertent sharing of sensitive information."
"I'm not allowed like by law I'm not allowed to talk about it. No, you signed a contract for that. It's like contracts for it, but it's very exciting. It's a dream of mine that's coming true."
"Confidentiality, integrity, and availability."
"Some things are private and cannot be discussed because they could turn a person's world upside down."
"Secrets are created every day in Washington DC when the Pentagon makes troop movements, when the CIA talks to their spies, when the NSA creates codes or decodes the secrets from other sovereigns, when the FBI conducts investigations."
"... these stories were confidential but often featured members of parliament, celebrities, and even royal family members."
"Dude, that's awesome! It's like, can you [ __ ] believe it, mate? He's [ __ ] idiot, he told me about that too, of the hour ad break. It's supposed to be [ __ ] confidential."
"Your mosy secret travels safely with us."
"The principality became synonymous with a high level of confidentiality and privacy thanks in part to its stringent banking secrecy laws."
"What happens at Coachella stays at Coachella."
"Nobody knew about it but the two of us."
"Secrets have a way of getting out, sometimes accidental, sometimes deliberate."
"We know that only our pivot box has access to these internal machines."
"York is smart, negotiating all her terms and conditions before spilling the beans."
"As an attorney, you cannot use information that you gained from a former client and share that information with the opposing side of that former client. That's a conflict, and there you have the potential of breaking attorney-client privilege."
"Don't put secrets actually in your code itself."
"You don't even know, and if you do, don't tell nobody. Secret."
"That's what a confidant is, you know, and I ain't going to call the man's name right now cuz he going through some stuff."
"It's a weird position to be in to know so many things. My conditioning is, you take these things to your grave."
"You have to respect people's confidence."
"...Taylor asked me not to tell anyone ever."
"Everything that goes on inside this facility is to remain hidden from the outside world. You are not to breathe a single word about this place to anyone."
"I'm gonna let you guys know right now before anybody else knows, the only other person who knows is my husband."
"Any agency personnel below level 5 clearance caught with this filed in the possession without explicit and signed permission from authorized personnel will be terminated without hesitation."
"What happens in the chair, it doesn't leave the chair."
"It was as I said before, or as it's been recorded, it was carried on behind closed doors."
"I've been told not to tell anyone, but I'm going to tell you."
"Yeah, I can't disclose it. I need the cameras. Can we?"
"Personal health information or PHI."
"Please keep my information confidential."
"The confidentiality principle ensures that data is protected from an authorized access and disclosure."
"But I am under NDA so I can't mention these people."
"Anything that you tell me, I will not disclose."
"But we're gonna go ahead, get back to our undisclosed location."
"I kept it a secret in order to protect her."
"Just so you know, you don't have to tell anyone anything."
"All will be packaged and sent discreetly for free."
"There are some points in this commentary where there are just big gaps because somebody contacted us and asked us to remove a couple of things related to stuff that isn't necessarily public knowledge."
"Q knows who you are and about your identity and role."
"Their unflinching commitment to Excellence and confidentiality allows the prince to focus on his responsibilities and enjoy a seamless lifestyle."
"He can't talk about it with anyone else."
"Remember not to include anything confidential in your portfolio."
"Trust, confidentiality, and privacy concerns are prevalent today, particularly when dealing with a health topic."
"The difference is the secret never leaves my laptop."
"You're good at handling secrets, so of course people divulge more things to you."
"As soon as anybody affiliated with the firm knows, we're under contract."
"It's one of the best kept secrets exact is not meant to be out there as public knowledge."
"The code of Silence is a key key aspect of this."
"I hate telling people about stuff I got going on. We could tell until I signed the dotted line. I even wait till it comes out, I'll be like let me just make sure I'm still in it."
"He was a respectable elderly gentleman. The polite agent was afraid he could say no more as the affairs of his clients were not matters which he could discuss."
"I know my [__], we might be beefing right now, I'ma say that [__] to the grave. I've been, I ain't gonna be like, 'Oh, he told me this' or 'Oh, okay, I'ma go do this,' nah, [__], I'ma be mad at you."
"Information is released only with a signed release of information or is required by law."
"We've decided to try our best to keep the whole situation private and out of as many ears as possible."
"This is just going to between me and you and you're not going to share this with anyone, right?"
"Actually, if it's okay with you, I'd like to talk to you in private."
"He might need me to keep things quiet a few more times in his life."
"...once we were in Buffalo we wanted to keep Mogilny's whereabouts quiet..."
"It was a place you could tell your deepest and darkest because what happened and what was said there stayed there."
"You know what I mean? Like, if someone has a house, I'm not going to say any names. No, it's okay. You don't have to tell me. It's all right. We'll talk off-camera. You know, I'll get the real scoop off-camera and I won't mention it again."
"Don't tell anyone, let's be our little secret, okay?"
"This is top secret, this can't get out, we need to keep it between us, please Noah just don't leak this."
"What happens in this classroom doesn't leave out this classroom, okay?"
"Confidentiality ensures that information is protected from unauthorized disclosure and is only accessible to those with proper authorization."
"Nobody in the federal government takes better care of their sources than we do. Nobody."
"You keep, don't put this on the air okay."
"The single best thing necessary to stay Anonymous would be to tell no one...your lips should be sealed tighter than a vault."
"Everything we talk about in this room stays between us too."
"Yo, what up, bro? Let me talk to you in a private place. I'll be right back, okay?"
"We avoid having secrets in code, we try and avoid having secrets in the first place."
"Well, I'll tell you but mind it must be strictly confidential. No other person knows about it."
"Let's keep it between ourselves for now."
"And no matter what happens, it stays in the family."
"The issue of safety and confidentiality is very, very important."
"Be the Fortress of Silence about it."
"The use of proper countermeasures provides confidentiality, integrity, availability, and authentication for transmissions over private and public communication networks."
"You cannot go around just showcasing people's private messages."