
Practical Wisdom Quotes

There are 260 quotes

"It's a well-known principle that if you keep steel in one drawer and Flint in the other, you're not going to get much of a fire."
"Stoicism, the philosophy, is popular with Marcus Aurelius, the emperor of Rome, Cato, one of the great Senators of Rome, Epictetus, a slave. It's a philosophy for doers in a world that is chaotic and unfair and unpredictable, and they're trying to get the best out of themselves and the world around them."
"If you know these things, happy are you if you do them."
"Moses went up and had this experience, but what actually is most valuable is that he came back down."
"Our business here is not to know all things, but those which concern our conduct."
"You never want to own a boat. What you really want to do is rent a boat."
"The fundamental problem of being human is that everything within you is designed for survival; it's not designed for contentment or happiness."
"The Bible instructs in Titus 3:9, 'Avoid foolish questions and genealogies and contentions and strivings about the law for they are unprofitable and vain.'"
"Knowledge by itself is absolutely worthless. Knowledge is not power; the application of knowledge is power."
"Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit and wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad."
"Never wrestle with a pig, you end up dirty and the pig likes it."
"Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it."
"You know, the golden rule is not a bad idea. I mean, Jesus said 'test all things and hold fast that which is good.' That's not a bad idea."
"One of the most valuable skills you can have is knowing when to give up."
"Don't force it, if it doesn't fit, it doesn't work."
"Either you can do something about the problem right now, or you can't. Worry doesn't add anything to your capacity to do anything."
"The solution is getting people out of debt and getting people's minds lined up with reality."
"Sometimes the simplest answer is most often the right one."
"What intuition tempts us to believe: 'When there's a problem, government should act.' What reality taught me: 'Individuals should act, not government.'"
"Do what the smart people do, not what they say."
"If something's not broke don't try to fix it."
"Common sense is common sense. At the end of the day, it's really not that hard to understand how things are supposed to work."
"It's not the size of the tool, it's how it's used."
"We rather have it not need it than need it and not have it."
"Stop trying to win arguments, start trying to solve problems."
"Don't underestimate the value of a good sound worldly education."
"Hank's common sense is valuable in this crazy world."
"You don't have to be a boomer to know all of this."
"Common sense makes you win, stupid sense makes you lose. That's it. You're either on your game or off your game."
"People always underestimate the impact of a really good stick, you know."
"It's the most important thing is to go get treated, go get help as soon as possible."
"We can't prevent every problem. The enemy of good is perfect in medicine."
"I'm a big believer that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."
"Give up perfectionism; done is better than perfect."
"Don't hit anything harder than it needs to be hit. That's a good rule of thumb."
"I always say it's better to have a skill and don't need it than to need a skill and don't have it."
"All of your successes in life will come from avoiding being stupid rather than trying to be super super smart."
"Wisdom takes what knowledge you do have and makes it happen."
"Pursue what is meaningful and not what is expedient."
"Actions speak louder than words, so it's like you can have all the keys, you can talk about how great everything is."
"Sometimes you gotta pick the lesser of two evils."
"If it's not broken, there's no need to fix it."
"It's better to learn from other people's mistakes than to make them yourself."
"Better to have a relief and not need it than to need it and not have it."
"An ounce of prevention is better than 10 times as much cure."
"Talk is impotent if it isn't coupled with action."
"It is wisdom to leave that which has not arrived and to attend to that which is."
"If you want out of prison, you really must pick up some degree of common sense."
"One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions." - Grace Hopper
"If you can make your job easier, you make it easier. That's just the way it is."
"Put that money over there, looked great. It ain't always that shiny object over there."
"We can't throw out the baby with the bath water."
"Do what you can, where you are, with what you have."
"The greatest enemy of a good plan is a dream of a perfect plan."
"Sharpen your skills you get it going don't shoot with a dull axe I thought that was cool I heard that from Jim fan."
"Power is really nothing if you can't harness it and make it accurate for you."
"Prudence in foreseeing and preparing is vital."
"The proof will be in the pudding as Floyd always says."
"Money is a tool, nothing more, nothing less."
"You never overlook any opportunity. If you see a heads up penny or heads-up nickel or dime on the ground you pick it up because um you know that's opportunity waiting for you."
"Even though they make complete sense when you hear them, they're not practiced as much."
"Your mind is like a parachute. Doesn't work if it's not open right."
"You can't think that you know better than somebody else, especially if you win. If it works, it works, doesn't it?"
"Knowledge only becomes power when you actually apply it."
"You're not going to get what you want in life, you're going to get what you negotiate for."
"Life lessons from Luke: You gotta not care about what other people think of you."
"It's super helpful to think about your life in the context of practical wisdom and in the context of the virtue of prudence so that you can grow ever more perfectly to the image and likeness of God."
"You shall know a tree by its fruits... I know the fruits that have evolved my traits dramatically."
"Common sense is as important as these other things and perhaps even more so."
"I rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it."
"Outcomes and not intentions that matter most."
"You know what I always say, buy it nice or buy twice."
"Never discuss your problem with a person that cannot solve it."
"If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid."
"It's the old adage: the squeaky wheel gets the oil."
"You can't wait until it happens. Best to have and not need than needing to not have."
"Wisdom is about being able to think, act, and speak with clear and profound insights."
"Being positive, it's the basic and common sense in every action."
"Common Sense always wins and Common Sense prevails."
"Talk is cheap, ammunition is what expensive."
"And that's the secret: being ready to sacrifice something to make fire."
"The cure can never be worse than the problem itself."
"The person who navigates in reality will always outperform the one acting on wishful thinking."
"Your car is worth 20 grand and you put it up for sale at 20 grand, and the biggest offer you get is 12 Grand then the market is telling you your car is worth 12 Grand."
"Anything under the Sun could be used the wrong way."
"You have to know the big ideas and all the disciplines to be safe if you have a life lived outside a cave."
"It's just good business acumen, that's all it is."
"You gotta crack some eggs to make an omelette."
"It's not what you think or what you know, it's what you can prove."
"The purpose of a present is to be meaningful to the recipient, not the giver. This is sort of elementary logic, right?"
"The reality is, the principles you need to understand are clearly understood with good old-fashioned sense of common sense."
"But there is actually a wisdom to the play. And it's one that I first came across when I was learning how to juggle."
"Don't just clean the cobwebs, kill the spider." - Pastor Paul's father
"Even if you have good intentions, that doesn't mean it's a great idea."
"Nobody's perfect, perfection is the enemy of good."
"Money is not this easy to come by, work hard, don't be a dipshit."
"If I've learned one thing, as a history nerd, is that it's usually a good idea to listen to strategies that have been employed for thousands of years because if they stayed around that long, there's probably something to them."
"The reasonable thing to do is not always the right thing."
"It's better to have and not need than need and not have."
"I believe Dillian Whyte should be getting a shot in the time period that has been promised by the WBC."
"Wisdom is the use of knowledge in the right kind of way."
"Don't become a Zen devil and also don't dismiss the value of common sense and goodness."
"If it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make money."
"You can't die on every hill you come to; sometimes you have to pick your battles in life."
"If you want to catch the pig, you have to become the pig."
"You don't have to have a PhD in economics, this is just common sense."
"Your best bet is to align yourself with reality in a truthful manner."
"Perfection can't be the enemy of the good enough."
"Sometimes patience is all you need to get through a little problem."
"Say if it ain't broke don't fix it, especially if it's a villain song."
"The opportunity to simultaneously develop the technology and create the wisdom to use it."
"Prudence is like the efficient cause right, prudence is actually what pushes you to make a decision."
"You want to be right or you want to be smart?"
"All models are wrong, a few are helpful. Have a plan, be patient." - Jordan
"Use what you have, don't dream of what you don't."
"Facts and realities will help you get what you want in life."
"If more information were the answer, we'd all be billionaires with six-pack abs."
"Telling half the story is as useful as having a bucket with a hole in it."
"It's better well done than well said; prove it, don't just say it."
"Knowledge is not power, it's potential power. Applying it makes it powerful."
"I just think that you bring such a positive energy, but also like that's a little gem that I'm gonna use from now on."
"And if there's any takeaways from this, it's probably that when your co-counsel warns you not to shoot yourself, you should probably take that advice."
"Why reinvent the wheel if someone took the plane? You can learn so much from them."
"It's not about the flashiest strategies, but about making the most out of what you have."
"Don't underestimate the utility of getting your life together."
"Doing something right means doing it the way it works."
"Yeah, if you tripped on a rock, well, now you know there's rocks, so don't trip on a rock anymore, right? Keep an eye out for those rocks." - Stan
"Sometimes maybe you don't need the humble pie but it works yeah make all these choices that actually make sense and that's what's already interesting."
"God can't bless stupidity, God can't bless ignorance."
"If you look at your closet in your driveway and you see more money than in your bank account, you're a damn fool."
"When you have a dispute with somebody, do your best to try to work it out in a way that does not make you both look stupid and does not cause you both to lose."
"We need to practice common sense, that's the solution, man."
"Having it's done it's better to have it not need it than need it not have it."
"I think the general rule is like five years like if it's under five years don't even touch it."
"Comfort is everything. Life's too short to wear uncomfortable clothes."
"Jack of all trades, master of none" - often times better than a master of one.
"When not everybody plays by the rules, playing by the rules is stupid."
"If you don't need it, it's better to have it and not need it than the other way around."
"Diplomas won't get you anywhere; financial statements show how smart you are with your money." - Robert Kiyosaki
"Being streetwise and spiritual at the same time."
"Supportive is just as good as being clever...sometimes."
"It's a way to park money off the table that still holds value. It's insurance. Common sense, eh?"
"If you can't do anything about it, why get angry? If you can do something about it, why get angry?"
"It's not broke, don't fix it." - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
"Life is about inclusivity, but beggars can't be choosers."
"I'm not a prepper because my goal has been to be prepared by storing wisdom."
"You can often fix something that's been broken but you can't fix something that never worked in the first place."
"There is no pathway to a happy life peeing into the wind."
"It's just a balancing act like everything else in life."
"It's just like in real life you don't reinvent the wheel each time."
"It's better to have something and not need it than to need something but not have it."
"Good enough is as good as a feast, Mary Poppins style."
"Don't change something if it's not broken, don't fix it, don't change it."
"Remember, your home is not a store; you don't need to save everything just in case."
"If something can't go on forever, it will stop."
"We're not inventing hot water, it's just doing the right things."
"Perfection is the enemy of the good, especially in relationships."
"I believe one of the greatest human failings is to prefer to be right than to be effective."
"Kindness, love, and forgiveness are not always going to work. It's not the magic solution to every problem despite it being the right thing."
"Take what the day gives you. Even if that means you have to take a little bit lighter numbers when you plan, we have to repeat something because of a technicality, it's fine. Life will go on. You'll live to lift another day."
"It's better to have money and not need it than not having it."
"Most of this stuff is just plain horse sense anyway."
"No plan survives first contact with implementation."
"I actually have a motto where if you do something enough times, you will naturally find the most optimal way to complete the task."
"The proof of the pudding is in the eating." - President Biden
"If you want to get something for nothing, you almost always end up getting nothing for something."
"It's like the most common idiom: never follow a right to a second location."
"This isn't witchcraft, this is just understanding humanity in a way that you can help them."
"Why learn from your own mistakes when you can learn from someone else's?"
"If something ain't broke, don't try fixing it."
"Knowledge is not power, only the application of knowledge is power."
"The simplest answer is usually the right one."
"You don't need to build a fifty thousand dollar Barn to house a fifty dollar bale of hay."
"Just because something is bigger does not always mean it's better."
"It's easier to put on slippers than to carpet the entire world."
"Pay no attention to those who chase after fool's gold."
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler."
"Wisdom is the experiential application of what you know. Understanding a thing and not applying it until it produces results is still nonsense."
"Just because it's tempting to try something new doesn't mean we always need it – if it's not broken, don't fix it."
"You just get over it because you're like, yeah, it's a human thing, right?"
"It's just like they say in school, you can be book smart but not street smart."
"You got to break some eggs in order to make an omelet, I think is the saying."
"So you go into the wound and you start looking at the wound head-on and once you allow yourself to feel the wound the magic's already happening."
"You just take it a little bit at a time. You do not need to. Rome wasn't built in a day, right?"
"It's extremely preferable to take wisdom's word for it than to learn the hard way."
"Options are good. It doesn't mean we have to use them, but options are good."
"The lesson is do not underestimate the physical world."
"It's better to have a little something than nothing."
"It's important to not get caught up in fighting for things over ego...especially when it doesn't even make any sense."
"Your life is way more important than being a hero."
"I'm sure most of you are familiar with the old saying that there are only two things you can be certain of in life: death and taxes."
"The best savings account in the world is a full pantry."
"I think the pictures to me is like window shopping right yeah yeah you still have to try try it on the suit try on the tie make sure it fits you to have somebody to talk to right with some reasonable intelligence."
"Sometimes you realize something's not broken so don't fix it."
"Good intentions will never substitute for good information."
"I mean, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? Wait till there's a new chapter."
"Start with what you have, where you are. It is by far one of the most freeing pieces of advice I have ever heard."
"Work smarter not harder, cabs are heavy."
"Common sense is better than book smarts."