
Opposites Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"Everything is about to balance of opposites."
"If we do succeed in reconciling these opposites, that will be the crowning achievement of physics."
"We seem to live in a world of opposites, a world of dualism. Whenever we have positive numbers, we have negative numbers. We have yin and yang, good and evil, angels and demons."
"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites."
"What is the opposite of fear? The answer is love."
"The opposite of Donald Trump is an Asian guy who likes numbers."
"We use these two symbols to illustrate the law of opposites."
"Fear is the exact opposite vibration of love. Fear is to push away from oneself, its exact opposite, to separate from something."
"Joining subtle polarities into deeply complementary opposites."
"You and this person, you're total opposites but you're the perfect complement."
"Even though we’re polar opposites, nobody gets along better than us."
"What could be better and more appropriate than Luffy's polar opposite?"
"Sometimes Opposites Attract, and there are a few places where this has been proven more than in the Wacky World of professional wrestling."
"When you're on the border between two opposites, that's when your sense of intrinsic meaning is most heightened."
"They're complete polar opposites, but they'd be doing the universe a favor."
"Their kiss lived up to the age-old notion that opposites attract."
"Opposites attract, so having oppositions in compatibility can create a harmonious energy."
"Opposites attract and that's a law in nature. Positive and negative, black and white, yin and yang, caramel and salt, sweet and sour."
"That is quite literally night and day."
"Opposites Attract but then opposites attack."
"Opposites in which Jung said in a 1925 seminar are a pair that need each other."
"Even not in the position of the constellations, they are separately, but all the opposites are connected with them."
"We're like Fire and Ice, you know, complete opposites sisters."
"Opposites attract, bro. I think you always find someone that's not like you."
"Those two things are really the opposite sides of the same coin."
"That's what they love about it. We're complete opposites, but we work."
"I feel attracted to someone that is the opposite of myself."
"The beauty always exists in its proximity to opposites."
"Some of the most important binaries for us are like up and down left and right like these are and same male and female these are very important."
"The only thing more ironic than the fact that it's two complete opposite."
"There's just two things that aren't each other, and that's what light and dark are, that's pretty much it."
"I don't think that's how opposites work, they're the same breed of dog."
"Courage and fear come under the same rule the pairs of opposites exist everywhere where you find one thing you find its opposite."
"Love and hate are mutually transmutable so are fear and courage."
"You can't have something without nothing."
"There can be a shift of perception, when it's seen there are no opposites."
"We have sufficiently established that all things come to be in this way," he said. "Opposites from opposites."
"The coming together of opposites is an extraordinarily important element in the existence of things."
"Opposites attract, and they bond together."
"Opposites attract, total opposites, 100."
"The opposite of squaring something is to take the square root."
"Likes repel and opposites attract."
"This is the almost Divine Harmony of opposites proclaimed by Heraclitus."
"Strategists join subtle polarities into deeply complementary opposites."
"Opposites attract and then attack."
"For every booba, there's an equal and opposite kiki."
"Mutual opposites make us humble, they facilitate life."
"Up is down everything has an opposite of balance."
"We do a lot of that, the synthesis of opposites."
"These blocks are always opposite and we've got them turned."
"Opposites were definitely attracted, and the attraction was intense."
"They’re a mismatched odd couple, with Patrick presenting a conservative rejoinder to David’s neurotic quirks."
"Love really is blind because if I knew these two people, I'd never would have pegged him like Lauren. Definition of opposites attract."
"...this representation of both the straight and the curved, you know the direct and the indirect, these two opposite joined together into one glory."
"The oroboros is a dramatic symbol for the integration and assimilation of the opposite."
"We're naturally attracted to what we aren't."
"We're total opposites, but it works."
"The natural enemy, the Sun versus Darkness, the Cat vs the snake, a truly checkered fate."
"They were at the very least a good example of opposites attract."
"There's something really special about that person... they're the exact opposite of you."
"When it comes to magnets, opposites attract."
"The opposite of wasps are happiness."
"We're the complete opposite, I don't know how we're compatible, well we just are somehow."
"There's a very cool dynamic of two very opposite people... just clicking mentally."
"We're very much like opposites attract, but we have a lot of common ground."
"Opposites attract... choosing opposites is instant impact."
"Thesis and antithesis are identical in nature but different in degree; opposites are the same, differing only in degree."
"Opposites are prone to attract, and with it comes creation."
"Opposites attract, that's a true statement."
"The opposite of sound is silence."
"Wow, that was so fun, I love learning about opposites with you."
"When you have two opposites that approach in a healthy manner, you have the combination for a super couple."
"Complementary colors are direct opposites of one another on the color wheel, but hey, opposites attract."
"It's about people who are polar opposites learning to form a life together."
"We were opposite poles of the same magnet."
"I am an angel and I am a fallen angel, so we're kind of like opposites here."
"We do make each other better people, and I feel like we're a great example of how opposites can attract."
"The basic idea is that opposites attract."
"The arms and legs are going to be opposites."
"The self is a union of opposites par excellence, and this is where it differs essentially from the Christ symbol."
"The opposite of diminished would be augmented; the opposite of minor is major."
"Opposites attract, they kind of balance each other."
"Raven and Beast Boy make a great duo because they are complete opposites of each other."
"Everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites, identical in nature, but different in degree."
"Fire and Water were totally opposite, but discovered something common in them."
"We are complete opposites, and that's why we work so well together."
"Man's values and even his body do tend to change into their opposites."
"We live in a dualistic world, and the unresolved opposites within us is a prime reason why we reincarnate."
"Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has a pair of opposites. Like and unlike are the same."
"No two snowflakes are alike, and yet there is a feeling of the perfect match of complete opposites."
"Opposites attract, that's why you and I are such best friends."
"We're very yin and yang; we're total opposites."
"You never know what hot is unless you know there's cold; you never know light unless there's darkness."
"Firefighters fight fire, and lifeguards fight water - yin and yang, my friend."
"Big and small, hot and cold, high and low, these are some words and their opposites."
"On the surface we are real opposites, but what do you know, we attract."
"However, they do say opposites attract."
"The Law of Polarity states that there is an opposite to everything that exists."
"They're polar opposites pretty much in every way, and they come from completely different worlds and they find common ground despite that."
"When you have a positive number and a negative number, they're like matter and antimatter; they try to kill each other."
"One cannot exist without the other; there would be no day without night, no summer without winter."
"You have to know the opposites; addition and subtraction are going to be opposites of one another."
"Complementary event is exactly opposite."
"I had heard before that opposites attracted, and it couldn't be truer."
"The green side is always opposite the blue side, the yellow side is always opposite the white side, and the orange side is always opposite the red side."
"We come together 'cause opposites attract."
"The opposite of addition is subtraction; the opposite of multiplication is division."
"You're the coolest, smartest friend who knows what's the opposite of down."
"The opposite of what you hate is what you love."
"We go together like fire and water."
"We are fire and ice, but I still think that we can work well with each other."
"The place between rage and stillness, the place between consciousness and the opposites."
"We're polar opposite, no pun intended, but we're like brothers."
"Light and dark are opposites and cannot exist without each other."
"We've been bombarded with misconceptions... encouraged us to seek opposites in life instead of finding equals."
"I just realized that firefly is the opposite of waterfall."
"It is these opposites operating together that give rise to all things."
"Opposites attract, and that attraction equals stability."
"You guys are not meant two opposites brought together, it's about merging yin and yang, balance."
"The two boys are total opposites but together they might just be able to create something amazing."
"Opposites attract and likenesses tend to repel."
"Integration is all about the blending of seeming opposites."
"Maybe it's opposites attract, I don't know, but I really hate to think of us ever not being friends."
"We are complete opposites... I'm very organized, I know what's happening in a week, in a day, in six months, and 10 years."