
Maya Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Maya has two aspects: vidya maya and avidya maya... Vidya maya takes you to enlightenment, frees you from samsara."
"Learn to work the machine (maya), it will set you free."
"If everything is Maya, then what about evolution? If the real world is unreal, just a projection of Maya in our mind and consciousness, then how come we all experience the same world?"
"Maya is the principle which does not make the one into the many but makes the one appear as the many."
"So to say that the world is Maya is also equivalent to saying that the world is Brahman."
"God is most present in you. So most present in you, most present now, most present here, this is what Maya actually means."
"These artifacts collectively provide a remarkable window into the ancient Maya civilization."
"But it wasn't all math. The Maya also had what's considered to be one of the most sophisticated writing systems in all of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica."
"One of the religious texts, the Popol Vuh, chronicles many Maya religious stories, including a creation myth."
"Existence, awareness, meaning, and value come from Brahman."
"Kalakmul was the Undisputed Master of the Maya lowlands."
"Now let's start the modeling process in Maya."
"These are pretty cool... Handmade by the local Maya people."
"We're going to do that by setting up undos, auto save, and also incremental saving."
"In Maya, there are lots of different ways to do everything."
"You should rename everything as soon as you create it in Maya."
"The play of five elements then third stage, it is nothing but all of it is nothing but Maya."
"Experts now believe that some Maya warriors were women."
"...the Maya were one of the ancient world's most advanced civilizations."
"The language used to record the Maya World reveals a culturally Rich storied civilization that placed a significant value on preserving its history for future Generations."
"...Maya requires additional spans as your curve becomes more complex to draw out that curvature..."
"The Mayas hold the world record for continued peace they flourished as a great powerful Nation for 500 years without war with other tribes or internal strife."
"Everybody's heard about the Aztecs. Everybody's heard about the Maya."
"Maya is free to all students and it's not some limited educational license...it's full Maya."
"Maya, in this context, means a creative power or capacity that enables nondual brahman to give existence to a world of duality."
"Maya was extremely healthy and active."
"I absolutely love Maya. I want more Maya."
"The Maya are taking back over their heritage."
"Maya civilization of what's now Guatemala collapsed within a century."
"So that's how I did my Maya what's it called flash cards and also I did so for me I did have kind of based off me I'm like how I feel in how I am the pharmacy."
"Like most cultures all over the world the Maya divided their Universe both vertically and horizontally."
"You are beyond Maya, the ultimate reality."
"Master said too, that maya, the delusive aspect of duality and relativity, holds no absolutes."
"The difference between witness consciousness and the body-mind complex is obscured by Maya within ourselves."
"Maya veils the reality within ourselves and outside ourselves also."
"The Maya built their cities of stone and brick and are known for the soaring steppe pyramid temples."
"The Maya reached their cultural height and perfected mathematics, astronomy, architecture, and visual arts, and their calendar."
"The Maya calendar isn't actually one calendar but two, which work together simultaneously."
"The Maya built soaring pyramidal structures all across Mesoamerica."
"The civilization did not end, however, and the claim that the Maya mysteriously disappeared is unfounded."
"The ancient Maya developed probably the world's most elaborate astronomical and calendrical system."
"These trees were believed to be located at the center of the Maya universe."
"This tree then connects the three layers of the Maya universe, the vertical layers that is."
"These buildings were sort of living entities, you know, to the Maya."
"The Maya recorded their information on foldable books called codices."
"The written history of the Maya suggests that the city was founded in the year 500."
"They found sacrificial altars, Maya skeletons with jade relics and pottery."
"All of the Maya architecture... it's unbelievable."
"Pakal, he's the greatest Maya king of Palenque, maybe the greatest Maya King ever."
"Maize is the heart and soul of the Maya civilization."
"This is the oldest surviving Maya book and for that reason needs to be kept around for research."
"Tomb of the Maya Queen... the tomb of a great Maya warrior queen was discovered in Guatemala."
"Finding it here shows us how skilled the Maya were at building."
"It's exciting because it gives us a glimpse into how the Maya constructed their cities."
"It's as if the elusive white jaguar, signifying Sac Balam, had finally made its presence known."
"The Maya are deeply rooted in the country, and this discovery demonstrates that their legacy will survive."
"This discovery demonstrates the Maya people's resiliency."
"The Maya are reclaiming their 3,000-year-old heritage."
"One of the highlights of life among the Maya was the proclamation of a new king, an event accompanied by great ritual and ceremony."
"The story of what happened to the Maya holds all those three factors together."
"Give up the Maya, the illusion that you are aloof and you are different from the rest of the cosmos."
"The ancient Maya created one of the most fascinating civilizations of pre-Columbian America."
"Pervading everything by its own nature, the self is ever free. How can it be bound by Maya? So do not give way to despair."
"Much like the ancient Egyptians, the Maya were renowned for their deep understanding of the stars, incredible architectural feats, and detailed writing systems."
"Deep within this underground maze, there's a secret chamber known as the cemetery of the ancients, where it's said that both relics and spirits of the Maya remain."
"Actun Tunichil Muknal... a sacred site for the ancient Maya who believed it to be a gateway to the underworld."
"We know nothing and can do nothing with our own prowess to break through this Maya."
"All our ignorances taken together, you can call it Maya. It's the same thing."
"Birth, conception, death are natural processes for external Maya; they are only spiritual processes for one who can see where spiritual reality intervenes in these natural processes."
"Kollek wool is the largest Maya archaeological site in Mesoamerica."
"This scene graph tree pane is very similar to the outliner that you would find in Maya."
"We can transcend from the three worlds of Maya into the fourth state."