
Power Abuse Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"Those who had violently broken their oaths to the Constitution couldn't be trusted to hold power again because they could dismantle our constitutional democracy from within."
"Judgment is reserved only for the offense of an abuse of power, and the more innocent the victim, the more egregious the sin."
"He's a gross representation of what terrible things a terrible man can do when he has access to immense power and wealth."
"It's a stunning example of how easy it is to abuse police powers."
"Trying to use your position of power or your family member's position of power in order to influence how the police officer behaves is always problematic and sometimes can be illegal."
"The moral that can be learned from this film is that greed and abuse of power will bring nothing but greater suffering and loss."
"Powerful people and their attorneys routinely use NDAs to silence victims in order to remain powerful."
"He has abused his power and put the loyalty to himself before loyalty to the Constitution."
"Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty."
"When you are a person of power or prominence and you're using your position to disseminate the ugliest, the stupidest, the most idiotic lies... those people are revolting."
"Political evil is using political power to deliberately and needlessly inflict great suffering on a large scale."
"I understand this anger over tyranny and abuse of power."
"This is what will happen if you go against us. We will take away every single right you have, we will destroy you."
"When you gain power in the wrong way, it messes with your discernment because you have to block out what you did."
"There's abuses of power; we need better whistleblower protections."
"Creating censorship regimes can lead to abuse by powerful entities."
"You have to make an example out of those who abuse their power or fail to fulfill their most basic obligations."
"The greater good cannot excuse abuse of power."
"Abuse of Justice and weaponizing it to go after your political opponents is an abuse of power, I think it's an abuse of power."
"If a government is looking for a reason to screw you over, they will always find a reason to screw you over."
"The biggest danger to society is a weak man in a position of power."
"It's a total abuse of power, I just feel like this type of manipulation should be unacceptable."
"The case of Jeffrey Epstein served as a wakeup call exposing the dark underbelly of power, influence, and exploitation."
"You exploit your power over others, you play God."
"Those who've abused their power are being taken down and those who have been abused are being lifted up."
"The only sin there is the abuse of power, if we eradicate it, we'd have no problems."
"We're at a crossroads, did assar learn his lesson or is he going to abuse that power?"
"The Roy family is a group of out-of-touch billionaires who use their enormous wealth and power to make the world their playground."
"Censorship: that's what the powerful do when their arguments cannot stand up to competition in a marketplace of ideas."
"I am muzzling those who have abused their powers and platforms, as I tore the kingdom away from Saul."
"The story is abused power is bad the ability to control others is bad you know that was always and always and always that was always the message that came out time and time again."
"Cult leaders are power hungry individuals who are typically narcissists who believe that the world revolves around them."
"Do you want any police force, any intelligence agency now having the kind of power where they report?"
"The biggest abuse of power in American political history."
"Kleptocracy spreads like a virus and it starts to change how people treat power."
"If you want to see what it's like when people are weak and insecure, horrible, obsessed with power and ambition, then Eric Kripke should really just be looking at himself."
"We will always fight against abuses of power from any source."
"Unfortunately, our country has a problem with high-status people getting drunk on power."
"One can only imagine what would happen if this power is allowed to grow unabated and how it could be subsequently abused."
"Janis’ story reminds us how easy it is to fall back on self-serving ideas and justify your behavior when you get a taste of power."
"This is a very not okay situation and not unheard of for people in positions of power to abuse their positions of power even unintentionally or intentionally especially when it comes to people who are underage."
"It's as clear as day what Donald Trump did. He incited that violent mob to rush onto the Capitol to try to stop the peaceful transfer of Presidential Power."
"Our fellow citizens are not our enemy, greed is our enemy, abusive power is our enemy, injustice is our enemy."
"Every single day around the world you see abuse of power... This has to be checked."
"It is only the government that has had that power has abused it and it turns into piles and piles and piles of dead human beings."
"We can't trust lawmakers in positions of power to not also abuse those positions to massively enrich themselves."
"The essence of the story we're covering today: the abuse of power."
"Ubisoft's entire corporate culture is built to protect powerful men who use that power to exploit, terrorize, and rape people."
"Enough of these small-time politicians using this pandemic to flex their pathetic muscles."
"We can't let bad people get that much power again."
"Experience has shown that even under the best forms of government, those entrusted with power have, in time and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson
"Why are some of the most powerful people in the world still trying to protect the world's foremost predator of children?"
"Powerful people with powerful allies can commit serious crimes in high office without consequence."
"Corruption of the powerful destroys a country, not the corruption of the weak."
"The regime is cracking down literally on political opponents and dissidents while they are ensconced in their power centers."
"These people are cruel, they are cruel, cruel people, and they will do anything for their own political power."
"This was an egregious abuse of power and I've never seen anything like it in my 20 years in the swamp."
"Zimbabwe's rapid disintegration underscores a fundamental truth: a leader with too much power can be as damaging as any outside enemy."
"What we need to fear most is not what artificial intelligence will do to us on its own, but how the people in power will use artificial intelligence to control us and to manipulate us in novel, sometimes hidden, subtle and unexpected ways."
"Individuals who claim to uphold free market economics are using all their power to crush it and destroy it."
"All these various dropped charges are about fear—fear of a man with money and without scruples, and fear tainting by continued focus on abuse of power."
"Greed deception abuse of power that's no plan."
"They want only one thing: to remain in power forever, to live in pompous tasteless palaces... enjoying unlimited power and complete impunity." - Boris Bondarev
"Enough is enough of them tormenting, torturing, enslaving, oppressing people all over the world for more power and money."
"Power without responsibility is tyranny. We can't give the police these weapons and allow them to be able to shoot at you if they feel scared."
"I don't like bullies, particularly when cloaked with awesome power."
"Rich and powerful people very often get away with a lot. They use their power and influence to get off the hook for all manner of things all the time."
"If they could do it to very powerful people, they could do it to you and I."
"The law don't mean nothing when power decides."
"MKUltra will forever be etched as a dark chapter, a lesson about the potential pitfalls of unchecked power."
"The real way that we prevent this from happening again is to create an environment where no single person has that power."
"No matter how rich or powerful you may be, no matter how arrogant and narcissistic you may be, no matter how much you think you can get anything you want... You are not going to destroy it."
"He forced him to kneel on the ground before he proceeded to bludgeon the disabled son to death."
"For some reason these influencers out here, these celebrities out here who constantly abuse their power don't want to do that."
"The less we pay attention to people in power who abuse that power, and the more we put our focus into the things that actually matter."
"Harvey Weinstein is the Oscar and Tony winning producer behind works like Pulp Fiction Goodwill Hunting and Shakespeare in Love however behind the scenes he used his power and influence to sexually harass and assault women."
"This is fundamental to the nature of government when you take away the accountability, when you allow them to wield all the force in society and to have that monopoly and to write their own checks and to steal from us in taxation."
"When power of control is given to a few, chances are this power will be abused."
"Misuse of power... that's what makes him evil."
"Absolutely disgusting honestly... gaining political power... absolutely disgusting."
"If the FBI can do this to Trump, they could do it to anyone."
"Every time it uses safety as his excuse for taking some new kind of power, I officially don't believe it."
"Stepping into power as a teacher, sharing wisdom."
"Twitter has a person with complete power over the platform actively promoting all the worst information."
"Dictators and tyrants never willingly relinquish power because they don't see themselves as dictators."
"Gerrymandering is pure self-bias, redrawing district lines to favor those in power."
"They're corrupt. They're trading an increased amount of political power for themselves for their own person instead of fighting for the masses."
"I'm concerned about others in a position of power who are exploiting this public health crisis as an excuse to push a regressive, oppressive, and suppressive political agenda." - Tish James
"Two main things: the abuse of their power and discard wounds."
"We have the capability of doing this and resolving it overnight... we will stop abusing human beings for power."
"If you're really a [ __ ], you can really take hostage everyone else."
"Mitch McConnell is exhibit A for the principle that absolute power corrupts absolutely."
"What turned Joseph Stalin from an idealistic youth wanting to make his country a better place for the working poor into a murderous autocrat?"
"On its face, it is insulting, an abuse of power, and a punch in the nose of all Americans who've obeyed COVID-19 lockdown restrictions."
"The corrupting influence of power also makes you impervious to the plight of others."
"Once you allow this kind of extreme power to take hold, you have no idea who they will come for next."
"What's happened is they've the military courts have distorted the rules to really mean if you offend powerful people we're going to call that a clear and present danger to national security."
"He is defiantly saying you can't touch me... it's his own employees that are whistleblowing on his abuse of power."
"The awesome power to prosecute ought never to be manipulated for personal or political profit."
"The only people who lose the humanity are those who believe they have the right to render another human being powerless."
"People are viewing this as an abuse of power quid pro quo extortion bribery whatever you want to call it."
"He created this world around him where he was in total control, not just talking about the sex trafficking, but everything."
"His absolute abuse for executive power is going to have the longest term consequences."
"This was the government acting outside of its power."
"Abusive of power, the President abusing his office for his own personal gain."
"When you abuse your authority, when you abuse your legitimacy, you wreck your own power and the people don't take kindly to that no matter what situation or society you're in."
"The best defense is to prevent the bad people from Ever Getting into power."
"How do you resist that level of power? How do you resist that level of power? How do you have a nuke like that, a social media nuke like that at your disposal and resist the urge to click the button?"
"These are examples of the power grabs that we've seen again and again since COVID, always with some altruistic justification but never an authentic one."
"Isn't there an obvious danger in wielding power over the speech and thought of others?"
"If Donald Trump can get away with this, he could get away with anything."
"One of the foundations of my work as a lawyer but especially as a journalist is that any kind of power in the hands of authorities will be abused."
"He is now someone who leverages extraordinary wealth and connection and power to basically absolve himself from any responsibility."
"Presumed authority turns into unbridled power if you don't put it in check."
"When the tyrant starts to execute the court jester, that's when you know he's really crossed the line."
"If you cannot bring the powerful under the rule of law, if the powerful are above law, that's how a country becomes eventually a Banana Republic."
"The story I have for you today starts an arrogant man-child who thinks that he can abuse his godlike powers as a DM to create a level 80 DMPC."
"This is a case about an abuse of an incredible power, about the abuse of the incredible trust that we all put we have to put in law enforcement in a society."
"Anytime you have characters that suddenly acquire these supernatural mystical powers or whatever there's a tendency to abuse them and things go haywire."
"Nobody should have that much control for that period of time."
"These terrible things are happening because we have people in power who care more about themselves and their power than they do about the people."
"People in power can get away with anything it seems."
"He cried like a baby—such an extraordinary illustration of how unconstrained power degenerates the human personality."
"The lesson learned is to respect and treat everyone equally, avoiding the abuse of power to coerce others."
"This is evil, definitionally evil, this is a God complex."
"It's gone beyond someone making a mistake and a political enemy capitalizing on it. This has gone to the most powerful wings of government."
"The CIA and the intelligence apparatus are drunk on their own power."
"Countries around the globe have rejected Putin's Grim vision of a world where big powers can trample borders by force."
"It's almost like a power trip to them or some sort of grim trophy."
"Censorship, the appetite of the censor knows no limits. If you give them the power to censor, they'll take more and more and more."
"It's scary that people in power thought they could do that, that they were so anti-democratic or brazen that they thought they should do that."
"The power that a tiny few people have in controlling the information that people receive or don't receive is being used ever more blatantly to censor challenging narratives."
"When left to their own devices, people in positions of power will try to use that power to gain loot."
"Humans make mistakes, humans abuse their own power."
"Utilizing the government's monopoly on force to siphon public funds into the coffers of a select few." - The insidious manipulations of the ruling elite.
"Ignorance allied with power is the most ferocious enemy justice can have."
"There are people in very top positions in this country who are able to act as if they're above the law and get away with it time and time again."
"Horsepower sells computers but torque wins races."
"It all comes down to money and power... Influencers can just commit serious crimes and continue to get away with it."
"Packing the court is wrong... it is an abuse of power."
"Evil man will burn down his own Nation to rule over the ashes on the ground."
"When people in power want to shut down the discussion... if you're not hiding something, why do you need to kick me off Twitter?"
"Most kind people would feel sympathetic for financial situation. Dan used it as a tactic to try to get me to do something extremely inappropriate."
"...he looked me straight in the face and said, 'We have millions of dollars set aside. We're going to bankrupt people and bleed them dry in court if anyone ever crosses me.'"
"I shall fight against all those who abuse their power."
"The tribunal findings showed the reality: somebody in a position of power who was deliberately misusing that power to enrich himself."
"It's about an individual, but a visual side, somebody in power that abuses that power."
"You can't get greedy, but people get on power trips. They get greedy. It's a shameful thing that's happening across our country."
"...the stories that I've reported on about sexual violence are not about sex, they're about the abuse of power."
"MK Ultra stands as a dark testament to the lengths that institutions will go in pursuit of power and control, often at the expense of ethical considerations and human well-being."
"You take that position of power to help people and use it for your private gain."
"Every dictator deludes himself into thinking that his abuse of power is for the national good."
"Bullying at any age, at any time, in any way is an abuse of power."
"...the powerful manipulating the powerless using them as pawns... the most powerful abusing their power at the cost of innocent lives."
"I hate it when people in a position of power abuse it."
"Bullies use their power to hurt or control others, and they might make you feel unsafe in places where you should feel protected."
"When powerful people abuse their power, instead of holding the power accountable, the government accuses the victims of misconduct."
"There were several corrupt beings who took it upon themselves to plunge this world into darkness."
"We live with these systems that not only allow these men to take advantage of their positions but protect them when anyone tries to speak out."
"The case of Thomas Capano offers yet another example of the dangers of allowing a narcissist to gain wealth, influence, or any type of power."
"We limit government because we think, in this important sense, we're all equal; all of us, given power, will be liable to abuse it."
"Reform of how the rich and powerful are able to toy with the market based on specialized knowledge that they receive from their job is of paramount importance."
"If there's something I really despise, it's people who take advantage of their power."
"His once glittering career serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of abusing power and the enduring impact of public perception."
"If someone has the power to create and control the money, this power will be abused always."
"You have men in Hollywood... using power to make you compromise your dignity."
"Evil is about power, and it's about the abuse of power to intentionally harm people."
"The so-called drug problem, redefined as an abuse of power problem, dictates a very different set of solutions."