
Enemies Quotes

There are 625 quotes

"You have no enemies; it's such a powerful philosophy."
"This life is not an easy one. I've made enemies, powerful enemies, put those I love in danger."
"The Lord will cause my enemies, those who rise against me, to be defeated before my face; they shall come against me one way and flee before me seven ways."
"Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies."
"I'm telling you to love your enemies. Let them bring out the best of you, not the worst."
"You can tell how based or cringe a man is by his enemies." - Sun Tzu
"Time would conquer all my enemies if only I could master it."
"By the way, the key word is 'choose your enemies wisely.' It's not 'have an enemy.'"
"The name of their game is 'brutality'. They viciously slaughter their enemies."
"It's the rebellion that is the true enemies of the galaxy, the true enemies of order and justice."
"Experienced unconditional love, unconditional pain, and choosing your enemies wisely."
"The camera is much better in Sekiro for giant enemies."
"Love your enemies, let them bring out the best in you and not the worst."
"Be careful, there are so many weird mobs here."
"Aggressively, yeah. They're called in United States as our enemy, and that's the only problem here, really."
"Be kinder even to your enemies, and understand that everyone has a weakness."
"You cannot effectively combat an enemy whose existence you refuse to acknowledge."
"Fascism is about reducing complex systems to clear, understandable enemies."
"They're so similar, who in law is supposed to be a colonial swarm of insectoid monsters that mimic whatever the dominant life-form of the area is."
"Choose your enemies wisely and if I've chosen the right enemies it's brought out the best in me if I choose the wrong enemies it's brought out the worst in me."
"Welcome to Mojo Plays, and today we're looking at regular video game enemies that are tough to put down, whether it be due to their durability or combat tactics."
"Let me elaborate. Let me be touchin' my enemies."
"I always ask myself, what are our enemies thinking about this right now? I know we're giving them so much fodder. If I was a real enemy of America, I'd say, 'Let's not plot against them because they seem to be imploding.'"
"When I turn my enemy into a friend, I've defeated him as an enemy, he's no longer an enemy."
"Love your enemies, bless them, do good to them, pray for them."
"The enemy that you see today, you shall see no more."
"Outside of getting footage for this video, I mean you can use them to knock down groups of enemies swooping down to take one out."
"If something is not from God, then rest assured it's from the enemy's camp."
"Our greatest enemies play a role in our greatest liberation."
"I have delivered your enemies into your hand."
"Loving your enemies: find out they weren't your enemies after all."
"I don't hate my enemies, I pity them because what they have done is so fundamentally evil."
"God will use your enemies to pay you for what you would have did for free."
"You have a few trustworthy friends and one unexpected enemy. Be mindful of manipulative and envious individuals."
"Let us not be deceived. We are today in the midst of a Cold War. Our enemies are to be found abroad and at home. Let us never forget this: Our unrest is the heart of their success."
"Our enemies are to be found abroad and at home."
"Our fellow citizens are not our enemy, greed is our enemy, abusive power is our enemy, injustice is our enemy."
"Don't be sad, just get revenge on your enemies by killing them."
"The biggest diamonds were for when I prayed for my enemies."
"This enemy is... I mean if we look at this dude razor sharp teeth punkin red nose right there we got a clown level."
"We must see them as the enemies of decency that they are and deal with them unsparingly. They deserve neither respect nor compromise."
"The nemesis system created the most deliciously annoying enemies in all of gaming."
"The green tide threatens to engulf the galaxy, the Imperium is vulnerable, beset by countless enemies on every front."
"The surest way to destroy our enemies is to make them friends."
"The best way to destroy your enemies is to make them your friends."
"And I wonder, listener, what do you think would happen to you if your enemies had the chance to wish upon a jar?"
"There are some new enemies that appear in the dungeon after defeating Plantera."
"The open world is fun to explore and there are plenty of different enemy types to kill."
"While I do think that there is something to be said for getting rid of your enemy to make sure that he can never strike you again, in the game I think the merciful ending is the best one because it heals the most people."
"If you honor God and you obey his Commandments and you do what he tells you to do then even your enemies have to bend the knee."
"They need to defeat the Fire Lord and freaking Azula now"
"Here's an enemy camp full of bad people... probably."
"The enemies are all deadly in their own ways, the variety is interesting, its arenas are fun and well designed."
"Invisible mobs: very unique and it's very cool."
"Here's to friends I wish I was with, the enemies I am with now."
"A brand new enemy class from another dimension that our current weapons can't do anything to, not because our weapons are too weak, but because they just aren't effective, you know?"
"Ultimately comes down to Batman actually making friends with the various members of its rogues gallery."
"If you don't have enemies and you are not attracting enemies, you are not making progress."
"Respond to evil with that which is better and you will find that even your enemies will become your protective allies."
"Bullet bills, you gotta watch out for the bullet bills."
"I have learned more from my enemies than my friends."
"Knowing your enemy is far more important than turning them into a caricature."
"Once you realize that, you'll suddenly find yourself with many more allies and many less enemies."
"There's an enemy right there that drops some hearts."
"Enemies are a part of life, but we are called to love and forgive like Jesus did. Repay no one with evil, but overcome evil with good."
"The sliders are easily the worst enemies to fight in the entire game."
"It's easier to be terrified by an enemy you admire." - Narrator
"Sometimes the enemy of your enemy is actually a friend."
"Your enemies can spread your name 20 times faster than your friends."
"When two enemies come together and find their common ground, there is nothing more beautiful."
"Jesus said it is normal if you hate your enemy, but I tell you now love your enemy."
"Enemies might carry a grudge, they remember, and then the next time you see them they'll call back to that."
"Your enemies are about to see how the tables have turned."
"Sometimes our enemies help us more than our friends to get to our calling."
"The fact that they are in league with Hell makes them the doom Slayer's enemy."
"Enemies once thought vanquished may yet have a role to play, because no one’s ever really gone..."
"Dead Eye mode: Not only fun, but one of the best ways to deal with multiple enemies."
"Okay, another Lynel, can't get enough of them."
"Isolation is dangerous. The world is dangerous and enemies are everywhere."
"Who would you say your number one enemy is today? Great question. Satan."
"The small crit soldiers... consistently some of the most dangerous robots in the game."
"The FBI raid legitimized us to a certain extent... you could tell a man's virtues by his enemies."
"He just respected his enemy because they had the courage to stand there and fight."
"Politics begins not with any kind of mutual recognition but with the choice of an enemy."
"It's time to exterminate your enemy once and for all."
"Hell Divers 2 is an action-packed title and much of your time will be spent engaging with the game's insect and robotic foes."
"The banished are fantastically fun enemies to fight."
"The game throws you into some tough situations... each level is fun to play and there are many types of enemies in each stage."
"All your enemies are confused man, they don't know what to do, they confused."
"Stalkers are the best enemy in a survival horror game, absolutely terrifying."
"Honestly, the best way, and I know it's a hard thing to do, but the best way to get rid of your enemies is to bless them."
"Do we believe that we should love our enemies?"
"A man representing Jesus's enemies gets his body."
"He's giving you a warning? That's pretty thoughtful for an enemy."
"I rather like it. It invigorates me to find a good hater."
"I trust my enemies a lot because I know my enemies have a very honest outcome."
"Everybody got enemies, everybody got enemies. Just because they don't announce that they are your enemy, don't mean that you don't have enemies."
"Super Mario Maker 2 features many new enemies, including the Angry Sun."
"It's impressive how quickly an antagonistic force becomes a strong ally."
"The enemies are the most random chaotic things I've ever seen in the game."
"Bitter enemies that respect each other because of the shit they're willing to do."
"I do like the idea of monsters banding together against the Doctor."
"The weapon was formed by the hand of my enemy."
"There was no greater natural advantage in life than having an enemy overestimate your faults."
"Deathclaws: arguably Fallout's most iconic enemy, agile, deadly monsters that can slay even the most experienced post-apocalyptic adventurers."
"God sits in heaven and laughs at his enemies."
"Let's get into this, last advice, stay alive, remember who the real enemy is."
"One of the best ways to hurt your enemy is to use loved ones and turn them against their parent."
"One great thing about staying young and living longer is that you outlive your enemies and it makes life a lot easier for me."
"Try to love your enemy, try to love the people who are driving you crazy."
"Pray for your enemies, bless those who persecute you."
"Better than vanquishing your foes is to have your foes add to your strength by becoming allies."
"To appear slow and deliberate, even a little foolish, will lull your enemies, infecting them with a sleepy attitude."
"Love your enemies, just be gone like that, no pain, just gone."
"Your enemies are literally about to have a reality check."
"I have lived most of my life surrounded by my enemies. I will be grateful to die among my friends."
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
"Jesus teaches us to love our enemies."
"They battled many creatures and foes before defeating their arch enemy, the Shredder."
"Imagine this: You've just been brain-swapped into the dying body of your arch-enemy."
"I'm rather glad that I didn't really make any enemies."
"So let all thine enemies perish, O Lord: but let them that love him be as the sun when he goeth forth in his might."
"God is putting you in a place where your enemies not even their bad negative thoughts can reach you."
"There is no beauty in this realm or any other, save that of seeing your enemies weep."
"I want your last breath not to be 'let me kill my enemies' but 'let me bless my family'."
"Arise, Lord! Deliver me, my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked."
"The inscription on the pillar reads: 'The residue of the king's effort, a burning splendor which utterly destroyed his enemies, leaves not the Earth even now.'"
"Remember when we thought the enemies were the Titans? Now we just know it's anyone that you don't understand."
"May God arise, may his enemies be scattered."
"The enemies of our enemies were friends."
"He made every enemy in the world."
"Your enemies may be talking about you, but they're also dreaming about you."
"Doctor Strange has faced some of the wildest enemies of any Marvel hero."
"Thank you Simco who says just realized it's actually Al shift X can't believe you're cheating on shwifty with these mortal enemy gliders."
"Superman learns that his true enemies are Dr farm and graft who are on a mission of revenge against Lex Luther."
"Success awakens evil enemies that you didn't even know existed in your life."
"Spouse will be taking care of your enemies, Spouse will take on the responsibility of all your enemies, enemy shows up, she's the one or he's the One's gonna open the door first."
"You're not my greatest enemy, Joker. Okay, then send me to the Phantom Zone. I will, and prove I'm your greatest enemy."
"The bigger you grow the more enemies you create even your friends and family sometime become enemies right"
"If you're not inflicting psychic damage on my enemies your film is a failure."
"They are part of a vicious and malicious conspiracy which has been going on for about 10 years against Nygard by his enemies."
"A wise man gets more use from his enemies than a fool from his friends."
"Even in the presence of enemies, you set a table before us."
"Enemies, their blades and stuff that you leave on the ground, it stays there."
"Sometimes, the most dangerous enemies are the ones we trust."
"Germany had made itself a lot of enemies."
"Every proclamation guarantees free ammunition for your enemies."
"It's okay to have enemies as long as they're more powerful than you."
"Foolish Decepticons! Can't you see that I'm... invincible!"
"Love your enemies. I wish that you, my disciples, should love even your enemies."
"Enemies are very useful, they're actually good for your reputation because it means you've stood up for something in your goddamn life. You know who said that? Winston Churchill."
"If you can love your enemies because they can be your stepping stone tomorrow."
"The favor for my patron could easily be tied into whatever dungeons were in the dale, and there was potential for enemies in the form of other cultists looking to get out of the deal or bounty hunters sent by my family to take me home."
"Between chaos, destruction, madness, tyranny, cruelty, and evil, demons and devils cover all the bases and both make for excellent and intriguing enemies of the forces of good."
"You have to believe that our enemies mean us harm."
"Sometimes when you can sympathize with the enemies it makes a better story."
"Uniting the Aiel and bringing them to the Westlands made Rand a powerful player in the political arena, but this did not make him fewer enemies."
"The enemy of my enemy eats excessive cherry pies, led to the death of my brother, and is in general just a little bit of a dick."
"Enemies of the Dark One and everything they associated with him, the Children of the Light were the true power in Amadicia..."
"Never be afraid to make enemies. Never."
"I hate my enemies too. I hated when they have a good day, when they simply sigh. I am filled with hatred."
"By the time I'm a hundred years old, all my enemies will be buried."
"If you have enemies that are less powerful than you, then you're just bullying."
"May our enemies never be as happy as we are at this moment."
"We create enemies, both real ones and made up ones in our heads."
"Your success is gonna reach to a point where not even your biggest enemies will be able to reach it."
"They love the world, they love their enemies, they love love."
"We have to face the fact that his supreme enemies will be who? The followers of the true Messiah. It’ll be true against false."
Number one, because Jesus commanded it. Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, "Love your enemies."
"God helps even His enemies, reaching out even to us."
"Love your enemies love is not a suggestion love is a command"
"We're quick to talk [ __ ] about each other, we're quick to fight each other. What about all the other stuff that's been done to us? Why don't you really go fight the real enemy?"
"Love your enemies so that you will be like your father in Heaven who brings the sun and the rain on the good and the bad alike."
"God has never set a table in the absence of your enemies. You need enemies to have a table."
"America hates nothing more than an enemy that is also incompetent."
"The book enemies in Castlevania were written by other chaos beings and they were written with the fates of their enemies in them."
"These corrupted former humans are the rank and file of the invading Army, transformed by bioengineered weapons."
"The possessor of a pure heart knows who his enemies are."
"I don't have too many enemies. I really don't. If you like me, you like me; if not, then stay away from me."
"A lot of enemies have been made, but there's definitely a big three."
"Our MO is basically going to be cast Spike growth to make our enemies lives miserable."
"The great thing about having enemies is that you can pretend that all the Badness in the whole world is in your enemies and all the goodness in the whole world is in you attractive isn't it."
"It just shows that it doesn't matter how many fans you have, all you need is just one enemy."
"A friend is one who has the same enemies as you have." - Abraham Lincoln
"Humanity has many enemies converging against them."
"I do not need enemies. I have plenty. I actually do not need any more."
"The wise learn many things from their enemies."
"Honestly, I had thought I could get a little more use out of him. Incompetent allies are more trouble than enemies, wouldn't you agree with me, new ruler of the Oriana Kingdom?"
"Enemies, you don't have to listen to what the others tell you. But you are telling him what to do inadvertently."
"Halloween parties, because one, you can't see your enemies wearing a scream mask or not, you know what I mean?"
"The greatest enemy has to be defined by the thing that blocks you and stops you more than anything else from achieving what you want to achieve."
"Like I said last time, keep your enemies close and your enemies closer."
"My enemies just help me to find out who ought to be in my space and who ought to be eliminated from my space."
"After 33 years in political life most men acquire enemies as ships accumulate Barnacles."
"The truest friends start out as the worst of enemies."
"The deepest of our enemies can become the closest to our hearts."
"Low, irreplaceable manpower, no official support, and an isolated, hard-to-reach location. These are very bad prospects, but if there's no enemies around, what do you have to worry about? Oh wait, there are enemies. Orcs. Lots of them."
"You could have all the friends in the world but it only took one enemy to make your life miserable or worse end it."
"Your enemies are those who actively work against your success or undermine your progress."
"There has been stability removed from your enemies and now they are freaking mortified."