
Exponential Growth Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"The exponential age is this combination of technologies that are all reaching adoption phase at the same time."
"Everything is about to go exponential. I don't even think society can deal with this."
"Results do not come linearly; there's an exponential growth curve for results in whatever you're doing."
"Our intuition about the future is linear, but the reality of information technology is exponential."
"Incremental progress is massively effective because it bears exponential fruit."
"Exponential growth is surprisingly unintuitive and it does, even though that might sound like a trick question, have real consequences."
"There's actually one thing about the future that's remarkably predictable: the price performance and capacity of every information technology follows a very predictable path, and that path is exponential, not linear."
"We're seeing more and more convergence between and among the technologies. One S curve feeding into and accelerating another S curve upon another S curve."
"The rate of advancement today is no longer linear; it's exponential."
"After five years of just tiny little 1% gains aggregated and compounded, how much better are you? You're 76 million times better."
"Doubling, doubling, doubling year after year; exponential growth is the pathway to becoming one of the biggest companies in the world."
"When people come together, it isn't additive, it is exponential... the cumulative energy multiplies exponentially in a much greater way than we could expect from simply adding one plus one equals two."
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." - Al Bartlett
"You can't have exponential growth as an employee; you need to incorporate and build a business."
"Anything measured improves, anything measured and reported improves exponentially."
"One percent better every day means 37 times better in a year."
"There can't be any exception because any exception would multiply through von Neumann probes."
"The number of video games will go up by 10x or 100x or a thousand X."
"We have exponential growth in the UK and this is a big problem."
"He is a virus that grows exponentially, gorging on violence, mayhem, and suffering."
"There is no better time to be alive especially if you're a Christian because this is our opportunity to stand up for the truth."
"We need to understand exponential. We need to understand how high we can go."
"The increasing number of cases is quite exponential."
"Getting multiple copies of this can get out of control in no time."
"Tesla is at the beginning of an exponential growth curve."
"I'm gonna turn this dollar into a trillion dollars."
"These are overlapping waves of exponentials that cause tsunamis."
"It's exponential growth, it's network effect is what creates the paradigm in crypto."
"If I take 30 steps linearly, I get to 30. If I take 30 steps exponentially, I get to a billion." - Ray Kurzweil
"This is the thing about exponential growth, it really is counterintuitive."
"Our growth has not been linear; our growth is often exponential."
"AI is getting smarter faster than Moore's law."
"We need to consider if this is... it's still going exponential... the buy side is not stopping..."
"It started off with a hundred thousand or whatever and then it grew exponentially every week."
"We are nothing much appears to happen for a very long time before suddenly reaching a critical point of explosive growth which overtakes both linear growth and after overtakes both powers away at a dramatic rate."
"If you invested $100 in Safe Moon on March 1st, that would be worth about $8 million today."
"In an exponential world, risk doesn't equal reward, reward massively outsizes risk as long as you're not stupid about how you invest."
"Wealth grows more like a virus, exponentially."
"The positive energy that you put out into the universe is working exponentially."
"There's a lot of room for 100Xs and 200Xs on the road to 516X."
"Human consciousness is expanding exponentially."
"The number 64 doesn't sound that big but two to the 64 is an enormous number."
"The rate of improvement in AI is exponential. It's capable of vastly more than almost anyone knows."
"The pace of improvement with AI is exponential."
"Back in 1965, Gordon Moore, the co-founder of Intel, said that the number of transistors in a CPU would double every year."
"When you get to a certain point with cars, you start making a ridiculously exponential amount of money."
"The world's technology will be 32 times more advanced than it is today."
"Inflation is also exponential. It starts slow, then perception causes it to explode."
"The crazier it gets, the crazier it gets after that - an exponential gain."
"Moore's Law estimated that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would double every year."
"People, those are your coins from 10 to 1,000x."
"This is why exponential growth is really, really exciting and the rate of exponential growth matters a lot."
"We won't reach all of our targets... if we don't have exponential growth."
"When you're expecting exponential growth, even a small increase in your starting point can pay huge dividends down the line."
"All exponentials come to an end. It's just a question of when."
"Always remember Goku got officially 7,000 times stronger."
"The big message today is about exponentiality and we are facing a reality that the human race has never experienced in its life and you're here to be part of it."
"We are on an exponential; this is why things can go so fast."
"Exponential growth requires instances of self-recreation, of evolution."
"These systems are growing in power and capabilities at an astonishing rate. The growth is exponential, not linear."
"So in the context of AI, there is a more extreme Trend than that, right? Which is that, as I mentioned earlier, this 10x increase in the amount of compute used to train the cutting-edge AI models per year."
"So instead of doubling per year, which is the MS law Trend, we're increasing the amount of compute by 10 times per year because in this case, we don't need the compute to be smaller."
"The artificial intelligence compute coming online appears to be increasing by a factor of 10 every 6 months."
"It's just evolving even more exponentially than UFC did, you know what I mean?"
"We’re living in the exponential era."
"Supercomputers are a thousand times more powerful than those in 2023."
"The power of compound interest... your money grows at an exponential rate the longer you keep it invested."
"We're witnessing technology continue to evolve at an exponential rate."
"30 steps linearly gets you to 30. 30 steps exponentially gets you to a billion."
"When you measure the number of bits that are supposedly transmitted through the world's communication networks, that number grows exponentially."
"By the 51st domino you can knock down something that's the size of mount everest."
"Exponential growth: A piece of paper folded in half repeatedly would be a little over 60 million miles thick after 50 folds."
"This pandemic will scare people because it will multiply exponentially."
"Einstein called compounding the eighth wonder of the world, and these newsletters are surely making it easy to understand why."
"Composability is to software as compounding interest is to finance. It's sort of this magical thing where if you get it going, it has a sort of exponential hockey stick."
"It's the first book that I've ever read that really properly understands what exponential growth feels like."
"Technology is developing exponentially fast, faster than perhaps our brains, our societies, our institutions can absorb safely."
"It's fun to think about, doubling every five years, then over 50 years, that's 1000x which is just mind-blowing."
"This is not 10x, this is actually a 100x."
"Technological progress is exponential, things are happening at a much faster pace."
"What we're dealing with here now is an increase in knowledge that's no longer a progressive thing. Knowledge is increasing exponentially."
"When momentum is working in your favor, you will now grow this business exponentially faster than you ever did in the beginning."
"There's a concept called the rule of 72 guys look this up online it is a phenomenal rule."
"It just means you scale Layer One, and then that compounds exponentially for scaling Layer Two."
"One company can be worth more than all the other car companies on Earth combined. How is that possible? Well, these are exponential times."
"An EXO is focused on delivering minimum 10x better, faster, and cheaper than your more linear peers."
"Compound interest is not only important in the financial world of investing and Building Wealth but what we're talking about here is something called an exponential function and this is really important in all areas of Science and Mathematics."
"Compound interest is so important that even Albert Einstein I think he called it uh the most powerful force one of the most powerful forces in the universe."
"Take a penny and double it every day. In 30 days, you're a millionaire."
"Given enough time and planting enough seeds, the benefit you can reap multiplies and multiplies and multiplies exponentially."
"The degree of complexity has now increased exponentially because of the way these models work."
"Compounding is the key to extreme results."
"Financial independence is not linear, it's exponential."
"Exponential compute, exponential connectivity, exponential energy, exponential research, exponential genomics, exponential AI models, even exponential space exploration."
"The more you can tap that crowd and community, the more exponential you can be as an organization."
"If that was your amount on day one that kept doubling by day 30, you would have over five million pounds."
"...we're on the path for exponential growth in the AI field."
"If you are consistent, the results will be exponential because it compounds."
"Success is exponential, it's not linear."
"Would you take a million dollars today or would you take a penny and double it every day for 30 days?"
"The power of compounding is incredible, is incredible."
"The scale factor increases exponentially. The distance between pairs of points increases exponentially."
"There is a new concept of exponential organizations where companies like Uber or Airbnb are scaling as fast as technology can scale."
"It is from that fulfillment that you realize that you can help others in the process of doing that also, and the rewards just keep growing exponentially."
"We instinctively are unable to appreciate what happens with exponential growth and how much it dramatically changes the future."
"This is called the exponential growth bias, and essentially, people just really struggle to visualize how big exponential growth can become and how quickly it reaches huge numbers."
"Biological populations, be it human, animal, bacterial, or plant, increase in size exponentially in time in the absence of constraints."
"My prize is for you to give me one grain of wheat for the first square of the chessboard, two grains for the second square, four for the third square, and so on."
"When you go from ground zero to ten thousand dollars a year or ten thousand dollars a month, you're growing exponentially by definition because you're starting from zero."
"If it's doubling every day, it takes only one more day to cover the entire lake."
"The beauty of compounding is actually what happens when that curve goes like that; we have that curve going upwards."
"We're going from a linear to an exponential world."
"The disconnect between linear and exponential is really extraordinary."
"That's what's possible today if you can have the mentality and the structure to build an exponential organization."
"AI alone is Reed's law, which is Metcalfe's law squared."
"When you have a bacteria that is multiplying in a human body or in a laboratory, it's following what we call exponential growth."
"The computational power that you need to solve a problem grows exponentially with the problem dimension."
"This is a great example of how humans fail to grasp exponential progress."
"E is the limit of the numbers 1 plus 1 over n to the n as n increases indefinitely."
"We are here, we're now at a pace where technology is simply at this exponential rate growing faster than the average human being and society can adapt."
"For the first time in our entire evolutionary history... we were able to express our full potential for exponential growth."
"Exponential functions will always beat polynomials."
"The value of the network goes up exponentially with the adoption of the network."
"People tend to think linearly, but technological innovation isn't linear. It's getting faster and faster."
"A function that can be used to model the ant population P after T days is... 200 times 2 to the T."
"The default state of the greater universe – or multiverse - is to expand exponentially."
"Every time X increases by one, you multiply by your growth rate one more time than before."
"The report points towards the rise in artificial intelligence, computing power and the technologies that are coming in the pipeline that happen so quickly, but they're not gradual shifts, they are exponential."
"As you go back in time, your number of ancestors increases exponentially."
"Continuously compounded interest is natural uninhibited growth."
"As 'n' gets larger and larger... this part of your compound interest formula becomes 'e'."
"The cumulative impact of every single day prospecting is exponential."
"An exponential relationship is like a geometric sequence."
"My philosophy for the last decade has been to try to hit an exponential path for the impact and the success I have."
"The future value at the end of three years is equal to 50,000 multiplied by e, to the power of rN."
"There is a concept called exponentiality."
"This limit is a known limit from calculus, and in fact, it has a simple answer. It's just e to the RT."
"If you know the interest rate R and you want to know how much you're going to have at any given T, just do e to the RT and that'll be your answer."
"The fact that furry conventions are growing at this exponential of a rate is really insane."
"The nature of exponential growth is that at the very end, things are so dramatically fast that they outgrow everything that has happened up until then."
"Our powers won't just be added together; they'll multiply exponentially."
"Our intuition is linear, but the nature of these trends is not just linear, it's exponential."
"Boom, know that exponential growth formula, my friends."
"This is exponential growth, so compound interest works in this way."
"It's an exponential ability he's got."
"Although these models start off looking like an exponential, they don't forever live as an exponential."
"The variable of X represents the number of times a is going to have been increased or decreased by our growth or Decay factor."
"The maximal complexity of a system of n qubits is exponential in n."
"Information technology progresses exponentially, not linearly."
"Health and medicine is an information technology; it's going to progress exponentially."
"Exponential growth means we have an exponent as the factor."
"Technology is advancing at an exponential rate."
"Imagine that we have a chessboard... I would like one grain of rice placed on the first square, two grains on the second, four on the third, eight on the fourth, and just keep doubling the number of grains until you finish the entire board."
"Exponential growth is something that looks like this graphically speaking, it kind of starts off... slowly but over time it starts picking up momentum."
"Small changes add up in an exponential way."
"The difference between exponential growth and linear growth is like the difference between 30 steps getting you to 30 or a billion."
"The exponential model is sometimes called the Malthusian model."
"Do you understand that even though this says proportional, when I take my integrals, I'm going to get an exponential based on the fact that if that's the first power, I'm always going to get an Ln, and solving that, you're always going to get an e raised to some power?"
"The tradition of baron is thriving, in fact growing exponentially."
"Your answer should be A of T equals the principal times 1 plus the rate raised to the T power."
"If a piece of paper were folded in half 42 times, it would reach to the Moon."
"The true solution would grow by e to the a delta T over one step."
"An exponential growth would show an increase from left to right."
"As I go over one, I increase by one but every time that is gonna double."
"Change is everywhere, and in a modern society where things are exponentially growing faster... change has never been more pertinent at any time in human history than it is right now."
"Any function of the form P equals a e to the KT is a solution of D P DT equals K P."
"This is not a linear deal. This is geometric."
"Exponential growth is not linear. You count to 30 and how many steps linear growth takes 30 steps, but if you count 30 steps exponentially, guess where you're at at step 30? One billion."
"People just don't understand how quickly you move from very small numbers to very large numbers."
"In general, in a recurrence equation, if this number is going down by one and there's some multiplicative factor here, your solution is going to be exponential."
"Ecology has been following an exponential growth curve and there's a lot more awareness of ecology because of environmental problems that we face."
"Population growth is something that we very often model with exponential phenomenon because often it grows exponentially."
"I think it's crucial that we understand where technology is going because it is changing. It is moving at an exponential rate."