
Stakeholder Engagement Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Effective communication both within the project team and with external stakeholders is crucial for project success."
"The current trajectory is unsustainable, so the future has to be about conscious capitalism, multi-stakeholder firms that are providing for the well-being and care of others."
"In any relationship, whether it is business or personal, in order for somebody to fully commit, they have to have skin in the game."
"Although I did not plan to return to Starbucks, I know the company must transform once again to meet a new and exciting future where all of our stakeholders mutually flourish."
"The MDN team is committed to collaborating with partners and stakeholders, including civil society groups, researchers, and government officials."
"We are all stakeholders in this international system and it calls upon all of us to invest in the success of institutions to which we belong."
"A move towards multi-stakeholder model of global governance."
"It was great they were all on board because they wanted to use the product."
"Establish a vision developed collaboratively with stakeholders."
"XRP holders respectfully request that their motion to intervene be granted."
"For the first time in at least four years, you now have a federal government that's willing to hold stakeholders accountable."
"The stakeholder engagement assessment Matrix allows visualizing the current and desired states of a stakeholder's involvement in the project."
"Stakeholder buy-in is the process of involving these people in decision-making to hopefully reach a broader consensus on the organization's future."
"The sprint review meeting ends with a shared understanding between the stakeholders about the accomplishments of the work so far."
"Positively engage stakeholders throughout your project's lifecycle and get their feedback continuously."
"Constant stakeholder engagement is a vital part of that project heartbeat."
"My goal was not to automate his team out of a job but to improve the efficiency and free up his team's time for more complex and value-added tasks."
"Stakeholder engagement is one of the most important parts of a project."
"Engage with stakeholders to find out what their needs are, what their desires are, what their expectations are."
"Successful project development requires that you engage with your stakeholders and decision makers early in your process."
"Start building in feedback loops with your stakeholders."
"It enhances the reputation, it focuses on wider stakeholders."
"Engaging stakeholders includes identifying, understanding, analyzing, prioritizing, engaging, and monitoring your stakeholders."
"Responsible companies that pay attention to their stakeholders have more stable, more long-term stakeholder relationships."
"Interactive communication: a type of communication in which information is exchanged among stakeholders, including meetings, video conferencing, phone calls, etc."
"As a project manager, from being assigned to a project to setting the priorities, aligning goals, and managing your resources, you're always trying to communicate the results to the internal and external stakeholders."
"Developing approaches to involve the stakeholders based on their needs, expectations, interest, and impact."
"Requirement elicitation is a technique to gather information from stakeholders and users."
"Everybody needs to be around the table, and we need empathy to understand what are their requirements."
"Authenticity is crucial, as a leader you need to authentically connect with your organization, your customers, every stakeholder."
"TSA employees must be able to communicate effectively with passengers, colleagues, and their stakeholders."
"Rationale is important because it's going to help you get more buy-in and convince your stakeholders of the direction you want to move forward with."
"...engaging stakeholders in the process of developing the logic model and the evaluation encourages the support and buy-in and increases the authenticity of the evaluation..."
"We'll try to focus on understanding market conditions, some of the key drivers, learn about wind resources, resource mapping and assessments, tools that available, look at some of the land acquisition strategies, and also the importance of stakeholder engagement."
"It's all about the information, the 'I' in BIM, and how that's used by the different stakeholders."
"Benefits realization, risk optimization, and optimizing our resources are the basic elements of creating stakeholder value."
"Invite your stakeholders to your Sprint reviews so they can see a working feature in practice."
"An organization should seek to understand the concerns of stakeholders in order to identify and assess its impacts accurately."
"Great forecasting can drive stakeholders across your organization to think, plan, and act effectively."
"Engaging with local government leaders and community stakeholders is a key part of the process."
"As an introvert, it may be uncomfortable, but for you to do the job well, you have to reach out to your stakeholders."
"You have a much more effective collaboration if you're using the API builder with all of your stakeholders in a single place."
"Without exception, every single time I've been involved in working on a benefit map, it's always resulted in the identification of benefits that the people and the key stakeholders involved hadn't thought about originally."
"First as a project manager, you review the stakeholder engagement plan and the communication management plan before taking an action."
"The UPR requires that countries engage in consultation with all the relevant stakeholders."
"Scrum teams do get to explain to the producers, managers, executives, and outside forces just how much they think they can achieve in a given time."
"Requirements elicitation and analysis is the act of getting the requirements out of the stakeholders."
"Interact with stakeholders, developers, architects, and product managers."
"Jira Product Discovery also makes it possible for product managers to clearly and continuously communicate to stakeholders the context behind their decisions."
"Direct communication with the sponsor to express concerns and seek engagement is essential for maintaining project progress."
"Engaging with a newly identified stakeholder group is essential to understand their concerns, assess the project's potential impacts, and explore options for mitigation or engagement."
"Engaging with stakeholders to understand the implications of the changed business strategy ensures that the project remains aligned with organizational goals."
"One of the keys to a useful and valuable assessment is to involve the community, staff, and key stakeholders."
"This is an opportunity for admins to demonstrate their overwhelming value by educating stakeholders on the features and benefits not currently in use."
"Going out and talking to people in your community will be invaluable, providing you with first-hand information from a wide variety of stakeholders."
"Indicate how findings of your risk assessment will be communicated to the concerned."