
Disconnect Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"I think what's going on in society right now is that there's a disconnect between parents and their children."
"On Sabbath, everything shuts off and so that's a kind of wonderful way to reconnect with family and a way to reconnect with religion."
"The Oscars have been kind of out of touch with what the American people are actually interested in paying money to see at the theaters for a long time."
"There's a massive issue and there's a disconnect... you have the people that are coming in with the money and the branding power and they actually don't understand the industry."
"I will never understand the disconnect that the internet provides for certain people."
"The elites have no regard for what their audience or their fans or supporters feel and believe."
"...put the phone down. Let it wait. It'll still be there..."
"We have this annoying disconnect post pattern room now that this collection is not military per se."
"Leave your phone at home, go out in the field, enjoy your day, do what you want to do."
"Disconnect and take a break. You need to disconnect from technology, from the hustle and the bustle, from your friends, from your family, from things that are stressing you out."
"Sometimes it's good to turn off the Twitter, turn off the social media, and go enjoy the real world."
"There's a disconnect between you and the news."
"The media is broadly out of touch with the core concerns of working class Americans."
"Modern cars bear no resemblance to the streetcar, so you don't feel the connection."
"There's such a disconnect between our politicians and this issue of climate change."
"People pushing laws but they're not even in touch with reality."
"There is this massive disconnect between the voters and your leaders."
"It was the best time because I wasn't constantly on my phone, checking my email, looking at texts."
"You don't resonate with them anymore. A completely different song."
"I think it's important to disconnect from distractions and get back in touch with nature."
"Retreat, it is time to disconnect from the world."
"Every communication line connecting any person listening today to any false prophecy over their life be severed."
"There's a huge disconnect between the reality of the past and my present."
"People are very divorced from nature now."
"It's an agonizing place to be, historically, to be a prophet, because you are howling about that disconnect, about the disconnect from the dead, a disconnect from place, disconnect from the deeper levels of reality."
"That communicated to me that there was a disconnect and a distance."
"Billionaires are so out of touch."
"Maybe you're waiting for a message, waiting for communication. Some of you could have had a falling out with this person, like there could be a disconnect, an argument, a fight."
"One day, one of my dreams is I want to just take like a year off, totally disconnect from everything and just go and travel the world."
"The rise of convenience technology has contributed to this sense of disconnection."
"Disconnect from your electronics every once in a while, you know, get out, go camping, be out in nature, enjoy it while you can."
"There's a certain sector of our society that has just lost total touch with everything and it just it amazes me every day."
"The act of creating civilization, stone edifices and things that were not necessarily based on living in forests, was the beginning of disconnecting from nature."
"If the first thing you do when you wake up is look at your phone, it's time to disconnect."
"It leads me to believe like I'm wondering if maybe the writers are a little bit out of touch."
"I like that open concept. I like the freedom and, you know, now in this day and age, the no phones, the disconnect from people for a while."
"The Game Awards as a whole is... so disconnected from players."
"My brain would not be able to compute my body doing."
"I'm just being an out of touch YouTuber who has way too much Tech on his hands and needs to touch grass way more often."
"It's hard to get into that mindset, but when I'm here and I'm filming it's a nice disconnect where I can just feel like I'm being with you guys."
"It was tough to feel that disconnect and because it wasn't working very well. And it wasn't what you're saying, it's not it wasn't like a fun part of our marriage."
"We may not be arguing or fighting, but I feel like there is a little bit of disconnection between him and I in our relationship because it really has felt like him and I have been roommates more than a couple."
"I love when people have parties and make you leave your phone at the door."
"For me, these micro houses act as switches. They enable us to connect to the urban energy and at the same time to disconnect from it when it becomes too intense for us."
"The spectacle tends to disconnect people from time and create something called pseudo-cyclical time."
"No offense but you guys are so out of touch in regards to the actual health of the economy the normal American is struggling and they go on to talk about the struggle I'm sorry but we're having."
"Disconnect to reconnect with self."
"That's the problem though when you start having like some friends, they've become such a disconnect in what you want to do for fun."
"This is the most out of touch product that Apple has ever released."
"So when I'm online saying whatever the people up here y'all ain't paying me no mind so what I say don't affect y'all so down here the last time I remember that's what you think."
"I was just in shock I had to be so disconnected from my emotional body"
"People are completely cut off from that part of themselves... which is dangerous for a number of different reasons."
"Some of our favorite travel memories ever happen when we don't have our phones, no Wi-Fi, you just get out there hang with locals."
"It always amazes me how there's a disconnect between social media platforms."
"There's something really special about getting to spend such a long period of time... with no phone or anything like that... that doesn't happen in real life."
"I think the need of the hour more than ever is to put our phone away to log off to say no to slow down and to start to practice the way of Jesus."
"We just need a little reminder every once in a while to just put the phone down, put the phone down, turn the screens off, and go exist, go touch grass as they say, go outside, and feel yourself exist in the physical real world."
"There's a need to claw at this disconnect that we have that is supposed to be a means of control to protect ourselves."
"A chill ran down my spine. I left the Zoom call and immediately closed my laptop."
"The political Elite in this country got way too far out of touch and frankly had been credentialed to a point where they were no longer responsive or in touch with the priorities of the people."
"Talking to a brick wall, what used to be this feeling of love and bliss is no longer."
"It's kind of like, for that period, all my skills and abilities just go missing. They actually vanish, disappear. It's like a disconnect."
"The amount that the machine requires you to pay attention to it and engage with it is often where a disconnect happens in the world of motorcycling."
"When you disconnect from the world, how great you actually feel."
"That kind of alienation from actually knowing what's going on or just thinking of the countryside as a place to visit, rather than as a place to live and work and to live alongside other organisms, I don't think ultimately that's going to go anywhere good."
"The little cogs of your mind are spinning, spinning, but they do not connect."
"Young people are disconnected from politicians... they view them as corrupt and self-serving, as deceitful..."
"I think this would be very alienating."
"People are becoming more and more aware of how important that is but you know sometimes I'm baffled at the disconnect."
"He disconnects from the game and thinks that he hasn't had this much fun for a long time."
"She's out of touch with reality and she wants to make all her viewers be out of touch with reality."
"Let's go where there's no reception, see if we can make it on our own."
"All I want is for you to put down the phone for five minutes."
"If you ever have a chance to come here you need to. It is so far disconnected from anything I've ever experienced in my life and it's just, it's a it's really a treat."
"In today's fast modern society, we no longer have such close daily contact with nature."
"Shut off all the lights, shut off the phone, and just experience the film."
"I don't carry my phone anywhere when I'm in nature... I want to be present in the moment."
"I think it's just really good to get away from the city and the buzz and all the noise and lights and internet."
"I switched off my phone and enjoyed this day to my heart's content."
"There's a disconnect with what we think is happening and what's really happening."
"Go for a walk today and leave your phone at home."
"It's a great place to disconnect from the world, put the cell phone aside, and get back in touch with nature."
"I want to be able to just disconnect, sit down, and have a good time."
"There's this disconnect between who we are and who we think we are, and that's the problem."
"Make sure you unplug and do something legendary and stay safe out there."
"Turn your phone off, turn your TV off, and just go outside. The world's beautiful."
"Turn off the email, turn off the smartphone, and go deep."
"There's definitely a massive disconnect these days from nature and animals."
"We just kind of unplugged and everyone put their phones down for a minute."
"I like to get lost out in places that don't have cell phone service."
"Disconnect from social media, go outside, pick up a new hobby, and hang in there. You've got this."
"Shabbos is this opportunity... to disconnect from everything and be so present."
"I think there's a disconnect between the words that we use and the meaning behind those words."
"Just put your phones down every once in a while, right? Don't read the news, don't watch the nonsense going on."
"We love bonfires, sunrises, sunsets, disconnecting from society, being in the middle of nowhere, and just hanging out with each other."
"We are in the great outdoors in Yosemite Valley, seven hours north of Los Angeles, for all intents and purposes, off the grid."
"I'm going on a camping trip, so if you guys don't hear from me for like four days... chances are it's because I'm in the middle of nowhere."
"Turn off your computer, go outside, go touch some grass."
"It was really good to be really disconnected with the internet and Instagram."
"Go for a walk around a nice peaceful place that's quiet, nice breeze, no cell phone."
"It's just gonna be us disconnecting for a few days and enjoying and loving on each other."
"I like to go out into the desert and the mountains and shoot on that and just not have my phone on."
"Now it's time to turn that damn computer and phone off, get out your shop, start building something better than that, do it with some friends; that's what really makes it special."
"I think there's a disconnect with our youth and I don't think people really understand the plight of being a 14 or 15 or 16 year old in 2023."
"Unplug... so that you are plugged into spirit as well."
"Get off your ass, get out of fresh air, switch off your phone, connect, and you will gradually start feeling better."
"Sometimes it's just good to disconnect from those type of things."
"No more TV, no more phone, let's go read."
"Take cues from your energy level and intuition. It is just as important to know when to disconnect for your own well-being."
"It's really good to just unplug and do something together."
"I actually disconnected. I spent time with my son and my husband, and I colored."