
Alchemy Quotes

There are 709 quotes

"Spirit is saying that you need to awaken the inner witch, which means that you guys need to use alchemy to use that pain to channel towards your art."
"We can take energy and transmute it into doing something...we can turn a thought into a physical thing. That is alchemy. That is being the alchemist of your life."
"Magic comes from the Persian language, where 'Magus' means 'the chemical,' relating to chemistry, and in Arabic, the one that makes chemistry is 'alchemist'."
"There's some sort of magic that's occurring, you know, there's some sort of like alchemy going on."
"Alchemy, while ancient, is full of endless possibilities and discoveries waiting to be uncovered."
"Alchemy is the process of transforming the common into the precious."
"The Law of Equivalent Exchange is basically a roundabout reference to the laws of thermodynamics."
"Alchemy is the perfect blend of chemistry and metaphysical mysticism."
"Alchemy... it's a combination of Science and mysticism."
"According to alchemy, when you align all five alchemical planets along with the Sun and soul and the moon and spirit within a hermaphroditic body, you create perfect Azoth."
"The goal of the alchemist is to ultimately purify their own soul to become a shining, radiant being symbolized by gold."
"Father had perfect control over alchemy, and he is a living philosopher's stone. He is immortal, ungodly strong, fast, smart—the dude could just about do everything."
"Alchemy is most famous for the transmutation of metal into gold, but there's a deeper, more profound truth to Alchemy."
"Alchemy: the alchemic chemistry set allows you to brew potions, a fun and interesting aspect of the mod."
"The goal of internal alchemy as opposed to the physical practice of turning lead into gold is the development of spiritual gold which is the soul."
"Fear Inoculum is constructed by Tool to be a literal work of alchemy."
"That's alchemy right there... that's plain magic."
"The Gunpowder will change basically any potion into a splash potion."
"Ed's alchemy becomes something that can inspire others to be better and do the right thing."
"Alchemy: a fantastic and intriguing endeavor."
"Alchemy is a science through which the secrets of all things will one day be understood."
"Some are riffs on things previously done in the series, but others feel like genuinely novel ways to mix spells, alchemy, and weapons."
"The ultimate goal of alchemy was twofold: first, it was to convert light into gold, and secondly, the most prevalent one is the ultimate power over Assaf, leading to immortality."
"Some alchemists believed that if they were to master the Assaf, they would become even more powerful than God."
"Survival is the only way, Ed. Live on, learn more about alchemy. You could find a way to get our bodies back and help people like Nina. You can't do that by dying. I won't allow you to abandon the possibility of hope and choose a meaningless death."
"The Emerald Tablet is believed to be the main inspiration for Western alchemy."
"But basically is just amounted to her being, you know, a healer and an alchemist."
"I'm advocating even communities like this should get involved... in dealing with transmutation in this way."
"Alchemy is not only the mother of chemistry but is also the forerunner of our modern psychology of the unconscious."
"You might not know a thing about mixing up chemicals, but you know how to turn yourself from lead to gold mentally and spiritually."
"You are literally becoming an alchemist of your life, turning base motives into golden wisdom."
"Alchemy levels up by crafting potions and poisons. The higher value the potion, the more experience you'll gain."
"Imagine that you have the power to alchemically create something to change something in your life."
"The Ripley Scrolls show in a cryptic series of pictures how to create the fabled Philosopher's Stone for those who have not already learned at Alchemy or who haven't read the Harry Potter books."
"The secret of alchemy is making the best out of the worst."
"You're capable of creating alchemy, taking negative situations and making them learning experiences."
"I love creating a positive community. The Law Nerds are the greatest community on the internet."
"You're like alchemists. Everything about you is so amazing to them."
"You're going from lead to gold, which is awesome."
"From dark to light, black to white, lead to gold."
"Why have one mysterious alchemical system of symbols when you can have two?"
"The legend of Flamel the alchemist rocketed into popularity."
"Flamel's legacy survived and thrived in popular culture."
"The merge between these rays creates the divine marriage or the alchemical merge."
"Angel of alchemy I am the angel of alchemy and I can show you how to change your current experience of physicality."
"You are powerful alchemists and no one can stop you."
"I've done what every alchemist has wanted to do for centuries and now it's worse, it's useless and worthless."
"You have the power to turn anything into gold."
"Realize every single day you can turn lead to gold."
"This person is literally an alchemist. They've transformed themselves."
"I revealed the secrets of alchemy, how to transform your physical body into pure plasma."
"Each one of us has the potential to access the ancient knowledge that allows the true alchemist to perform the miracles of transmutation."
"I think it's pretty cool like I wanted to see what we could get out of the power of alchemy muck and I think we got a little little bit of a good look right there."
"The alchemist's journey is known as the great work and is broken down into several chemical, psychological, physiological, societal, and planetary levels."
"Jordison transformed drumming in metal music, inspiring countless others."
"Master distiller allows you to turn most of your skills into concoction-like effects."
"I do think we should just make a philosopher's stone personally."
"The Philosopher's Stone is truly the stuff of Legend."
"Welcome to that kind of stuff with the process of transmutation already encoded."
"If you've ever enjoyed a spirit like brandy or whiskey, you need to thank an alchemist."
"That which is below is like that which is above, and that which is above is like that which is below."
"This hacks absolutely crazy. It's going to turn this block of copper into a block of gold."
"His mentor used a style which blended together with Alchemy and Magic."
"Alchemy turns burdens into treasures, revealing what makes us authentically wealthy."
"This life journey is meant to change your soul via the real meaning of alchemy."
"Are we more obsessed in understanding alchemy and understanding the true source of divination?"
"Master alchemist feat allows you to identify any potion you pick up and makes it so you only need half the normal time to craft a potion."
"You are becoming The Alchemist of your life."
"Transmutation is the ultimate act of communion, not just consumption."
"God, I love the satisfying effects of the alchemy machine."
"Mercury is a neutral planet, Mercury is hermetic alchemy, and the understanding of understanding both sides of situations without getting emotionally involved."
"The key to defeating satanic evil and creating a utopian Millennium lies in the wisdom of prophecy and the art of alchemy."
"John sees the process of transmutation occurring in seven stages, with an eighth chapter dealing with the construction of an alchemical furnace."
"The highest form of alchemy is the transmutation of the soul into oneness with the greater."
"Gold also symbolizes immortality in alchemy."
"Unlocking the secret potential of Skyrim's plants and materials for her potions and poisons."
"Alchemy dealt with the mineral part... directly related to the original great work."
"Turning silver into gold, which is really powerful."
"Perhaps the greatest alchemist and alchemical innovator in the history of Europe was Paracelsus."
"Paracelsus dramatically shaped the direction of European alchemy, chemistry, medicine, and hermetic philosophy."
"You can create your reality. You are an alchemist."
"Don't be afraid to make psychic changes this week, it's like changing the Alchemy, it could be manifesting, it could just be changing your thoughts."
"Gold in alchemy is something that's created and I feel like you're being alchemized into gold."
"Alchemy is because it works with divine law, universal law, and it is not a religion; it is a way of thinking, free-thinking outside the box."
"Everything negative can be transformed into positive; transmutation becomes Divine Alchemy."
"Your hands have the power to make gold. You create universal elixir. Have faith in your ability to perform transmutation."
"The alchemist was concerned with the advancement of his own inner life."
"The alchemist must put his own house in order."
"Alchemy is no longer little materials in bottles. It is vast concepts experienced within the unfolding massiveness of human projection."
"Alchemy is a spiritual art, a divine secret science."
"Alchemy is nothing more or less than a dedicated effort to find out where we came from, why we're here, and where we're going."
"Every individual in his own personal life can be an alchemist, he can be a worker with the Divine chemistries of living."
"Temperance is all about alchemy and balance."
"His goal was to become a full-fledged Alchemist."
"The sun is the alchemical gold; we have spiritual experience."
"The Law of Equivalent Exchange states that in order to obtain something, an equal value must be lost."
"The philosopher stone is a universal medicine that can cure any disease."
"The Philosopher's Stone... was believed to be able to turn base metals into gold and has the power to grant eternal life."
"This is alchemy, you know. This is personal alchemy, spiritual alchemy, mental alchemy, emotional alchemy."
"The Tabula Smaragdina, known more popularly as the Emerald Tablet, a Hermetic text that formed the basis of medieval alchemy, was translated from Arabic into Latin several times in the 12th and 13th centuries."
"Alchemy is not just about turning lead into gold, it's literally taking all of these emotions, taking all the things that hurt and going, 'I'm going to pour so much love into them, I'm going to alchemize that.'"
"He's even more intelligent than her despite Mariela being an alchemist."
"Are you a ghost? No, I'm alive, but I'm an alchemist and therefore immortal."
"In alchemy, he found images and thoughts that were uniquely fitted to his perceptions of psychological life."
"The six inner powers achieved, that you will attain from practicing the yin and yang methods of inner alchemy, are the hidden knowledge for you to retrieve from within this Book of the Three Sovereigns."
"We are Alchemists; we transform fear into love and shadow into light."
"In order to use alchemy, the characters must make sacrifices; this alchemic rule is known as equivalent exchange and means that nothing comes without a cost."
"That which is above corresponds to that which is below, and that which is below corresponds to that which is above, to accomplish the miracle of the one thing."
"The Alchemists weren't just about the physical turn led into gold; it was a spiritual practice for them as how do they turn themselves into gold as well."
"The part of being an alchemist is knowing thyself, knowing what you are capable of even if it hasn't been proven yet."
"Your energy is one that created a sense of alchemy. You changed this person, but they also know."
"Alchemy is taking lead and turning it into gold, or a bad situation and turning it into a good or profitable situation."
"Alchemy originated from ancient Egypt, known as Kemit, meaning the black land."
"You're an alchemist, you know how to transform any situation into something better."
"You are literally becoming the alchemist of your life."
"You are an alchemist, someone who transmutes things, someone who transforms things."
"You're magical, you could be a magician, you may use alchemy. You have alchemy within you."
"Alchemy as an entire field of study, the point of it is to make the Philosopher's Stone which by all accounts had already been done like 500 years ago by Nicholas Flamel."
"So if nothing is ever destroyed but what you can do and this is the cool thing is you can transform it you can alchemize it you can change the frequency through thought through words."
"Alchemy was meant to be used to help people, so why is it being used to kill them instead? Because that's the job we State Alchemists have been given."
"I need you to tell me all you can about alchemy."
"Even if he mastered all the elements, he was still an imperfect Alchemist."
"I believe in my brother and I believe in alchemy. I will not lose faith. I want to believe. Oh, do you?"
"To materialize spirit and to spiritualize matter is what alchemy is at the end of the day."
"Some sort of thunderous alchemical process is what I want to say."
"You have the sauce, you're able to create something out of alchemy."
"The body as a lab is responsible for the alchemical process."
"Knowing is their calling, not knowing is their job description. No matter how far the Alchemists take their studies, they come to the ultimate conclusion that facts slip toward mystery, and soon the mystery results in facts."
"The alchemical mystery has to do with the universal agent of light."
"You belong to those realms where you're like 'I want this' boom and it happens because it's energy and it's alchemy."
"The ancient alchemists really knew what they were talking about."
"Saturn is the perfect planet to start working with because it's an alchemy it represents first matter and it's a symbol for the beginning as well as the end."
"Alchemists recognized that this Spirit wasn't being separated from the salt but that the spirit actually was the SALT."
"It's the best attempt I've ever taken part in to turn base metals into gold."
"If you live by universal law but you live in suffering, you are not living by universal law, not at all. If you call yourself an Alchemist, a spiritualist, or a witch, and you choose to live in suffering, then you truly don't understand how magic works."
"Take this chaos and use it for your benefit. Alchemize it into something you want."
"Alchemy is a way of understanding nature and working with nature to craft medicine that is healing on all levels of being."
"The whole orientation of alchemical medicine heals the whole person with the whole plant."
"That's just what I want, bro. Katrina and I just want Katrina to alchemy like these [ __ ] just need to lace [ __ ] with the good [ __ ] and give it to the [ __ ] that can control it."
"The frequency of alchemy activates our magical ability and remembrance of the magic that we all hold inside."
"You have such a vibrant, childlike, high vibrational mind where you can bring all of this in. You're true alchemist."
"If it turns dross into gold, shouldn't it be called The Magician's Stone?"
"Literally moving on is what is going to bring in so much alchemy for you, but not only that, it's going to bring in a sense of stability as well, it's celebration."
"The true Philosopher's Stone is the cosmic Alchemy turning lead within you into gold and that's the whole biodynamic way of thinking."
"Each page is a portal to the ancient wisdom of herbalism and Alchemy."
"Cooking as a sacred Alchemy, the sacred and alchemical character of cooking is woven into the very fabric of Humanity's principal wisdom, philosophical and religious Traditions."
"Sanji, through cooking, has always been an alchemist."
"You gather all the energy around them, channel it, alchemize it, and then pop up in a higher frequency."
"All things are made from one, and in the end, all things return to one. That's the truth. All is ultimately of the one. So if all is not included in the one, then all is nothing. You have passed. You are now an alchemist, Hohenheim."
"Alchemy, like all knowledge, is accessible to all and allows its user, named alchemist, to use it to make it his profession, to help him in his daily tasks or to help his neighbour."
"The world of alchemy is governed by a law that every alchemist knows because it is, by the nature of things, obliged to submit to it, that of equivalent exchange."
"Human transmutation is a type of alchemy that acts, as its name suggests, on the human body but also on the soul associated with it."
"But in exchange for what they sacrificed, all of them acquired such a profound knowledge of alchemy that it becomes innate in them, enabling them to transmute without a circle."
"However, the combination of Hohenheim and basically every other alchemist in the entirety of Amestria eventually was too much for even Father."
"The Philosopher's Stone was a perfect union of three compounds: sulfur, salt, and Mercury."
"Alchemy is part of that flow, and the flow is life itself."
"Cooking is alchemy. You take a product and you create something into something else. It's [ __ ] magic. It's sorcery to me."
"Sometimes you just gotta force it to turn into gold."
"The truth behind Alchemy is not just a matter of manipulating physical matter."
"It's impossible to create something out of nothing. If one wishes to obtain something, something of equal value must be given. This is the Law of Equivalent Exchange, the basis of all Alchemy."
"You are here to bring about new energy onto this planet, to take the old energy of this world and alchemize it into something brand new."
"Alchemy may be said to be a governing system of symbols that tend to orchestrate our experiences and our perceptions and our ways of understanding things."
"In the study of mercury, we also go into our hermetic analogy and we come upon the sovereign symbol of mercury."
"He claimed himself to be an alchemist that could conjure demons and he also took part in those same atrocities."
"Newton's beliefs extended to the notion that Metals could vegetate and that the entire Cosmos or Mata was alive and connected to the world Soul or anima Mundi."
"You could be an alchemist and, you know, people will gift you things, you can trade."
"...super metaphors that big metal it's alchemy hit you more who's the King style off the balcony."
"The process of enlightenment is known as alchemy, which is why in alchemy the final stage is gold. From lead to gold, and that gold, what it really means is enlightenment."
"You're a really powerful soul, an old soul, an alchemist, a magician, a spiritualist. It's like as within, so without."
"Every step has to be followed exactly as it was followed by the Masters. The purification of the metals led to a purification of themselves."
"Alchemy could be learned in one's daily life."
"The most important text in the literature of alchemy contained only a few lines and had been inscribed on the surface of an emerald. So why do we need all these books? So that we can understand those few lines."
"The ace of ones, you are an alchemist. You know how to transcend the physical body."
"Temperance is also a card of alchemy, of combining forces."
"Symbols in alchemy kind of pull you in, they have a special attachment to them."
"Nothing has ever arisen that I couldn't alchemize by assuming this is a neglected part of me, a rising symbolically that has a lesson for me."
"All great alchemists, magicians, and people who study the higher knowledge, they go into a period of seclusion and they try to work on themselves first and foremost."
"Alchemy teaches you to play chess not checkers."
"Alchemy is self-actualization, realizing your divine."
"Alchemy teaches patience and the ability to create from nothing."
"That's alchemy. That's right, because we don't allow ourselves to go all the way."
"The RB's dual nature is illustrated in two phrases known by all Alchemists: 'As above so below' and 'solve et coagula.'"
"This was an alchemist's journal, could it possibly be real?"
"The half moon mark on the palm may be interpreted as a symbol of transformation, indicating that the individual is undergoing a process of inner Alchemy and spiritual awakening."
"Water in its most mystical and esoteric form is known as the Prima materia in alchemy."
"...a positively beautiful conception of the nature and role of alchemy..."
"Alchemy's first law: 'Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return.'"
"The exchange was far from equivalent, which is why human transmutation is taboo."
"It changes the energy of everything else, that's alchemy, twin flame alchemy."
"This is true spiritual alchemy, this is one plus one equals 10 billion, and that is the power of bringing your inner femininity with your inner masculinity into perfect alignment and perfect balance."
"Lately, however, this tendency toward reflexive dismissal has been curtailed as the wider community of medievalists, early modernists, and historians of science began trying to understand alchemy on its own terms."
"What I hope to demonstrate is that what today we label broadly as ‘alchemy’ actually comprised of many different pursuits to many different people at many different junctures in history."
"For a radical Franciscan friar like John of Rupescissa, alchemy was simultaneously a pharmaceutical (iatrochemical) and natural philosophical pursuit for the quinta essentia/aqua ardens."
"atomic physics and radiochemistry were being frequently referred to as "modern alchemy" in the press."
"There was no clean break between ‘alchemy’ and ‘chemistry,’ and therefore how alchemy was both a legitimate science and a 'pseudo-science' depending on who we ask."
"Base metals can be transmuted to gold by the powers that the processes that power stars and by intelligent beings who understand those processes and by nothing else in the universe."
"From this perspective, alchemical pursuits like the transmutation of base metals into gold, or the fabled search for the Elixir of Immortality were indeed the daily strivings of ‘normal science’ not vain expressions of ‘pseudo-science.’"
"Christian themes in European alchemy, for example, rendered chemical processes meaningful and thus more intelligible to a wider audience."
"'Everybody's always like, 'Wow, you did alchemy without using a summoning circle?' Does that mean most people need a summoning circle to do alchemy?'"
"Non-alchemists may fail to see the inherent truth of that statement, but we understand, don't we, Scar?"